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2 days
Test Coverage
package de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.tutorial;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.Field;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.Game;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.Player;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.UnitType;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.BasePhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.DraftPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateBasePhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateCodeExecPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateCombatPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateDeployPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateDraftPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateEndPhase;
import de.oglimmer.ggo.logic.phase.TutorialDelegateTextPhase;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;

public class TutorialStepFactory {

    public TutorialDelegateBasePhase build(Game game) {

        return new Builder(game)

                /* Some texts at the beginning */

                .setTitle("Welcome commander! This is the tutorial for Grid Game One. It will show you how to "
                        + "play this game."
                        + " Keep in mind that a summary of the rules are always available from the 'Instructions' "
                        + "link on the top right. Now click the 'Done' button at the bottom.")

                .setTitle("The goal of the game is to score the most points in 5 turns, where each turn has 3 phases:"
                        + " Draft, Deploy and Combat/Move. Let's start with the first phase in the first turn: Draft units. "
                        + "Click the done button.")

                /* Draft */

                .setTitle("For each turn you get plus " + DraftPhase.CREDITS_PER_TURN
                        + " credits. You can spend or save them. Let's start with drafting an infantery unit for "
                        + UnitType.INFANTERY.getCost() + " credits by clicking on the icon at the bottom.")

                .setTitle("You got 1 infantry unit into your hand. Now let's buy a tank unit. Tank units are very "
                        + "similar to infantries, but stronger in strength. We'll talk about strength later."
                        + " Click on the tank icon and buy a tank unit for " + UnitType.TANK.getCost() + " credits.")

                .setTitle("Now buy a helicopter unit. Helicopters have a strength of 1, but can also bombard "
                        + "enemy units within the range of 1 field.")

                .setTitle("Finally buy an artillery unit. They have a strength of 0, but can bombard enemy units "
                        + "within a range of 2 fields.")

                .newPhase(TextBuilder.class).setTitle("You don't have enough credits left to buy another unit."
                        + " Press done to complete your draft phase.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "buy" + UnitType.INFANTERY);
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "buy" + UnitType.TANK);
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "buy" + UnitType.HELICOPTER);

                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "doneButton");

                /* Deploy */

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectHandCard", opponent.getUnitInHand().get(0).getId());
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectTargetField", "5:5");

                .setTitle("The deploy phase was started by your opponent, who put an infantry on the board. "
                        + "While the draft phase was played in parallel by both players, in the deploy phase every "
                        + "player deploys one unit at a time. So it is your turn now. Deploy the "
                        + "infantry! Click on the unit.")

                .setTitle("You can deploy a unit to all fields on your side of the board. For this tutorial deploy the"
                        + " infantry on the one highlighted field to oppose the enemy infantry.")

                .setTitle("Now the enemy player deploys a second unit. Press done to see what the opponent does.").end()

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectHandCard", opponent.getUnitInHand().get(0).getId());
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectTargetField", "5:4");

                .setTitle("The opponent deployed a tank next to his infantry. "
                        + "It's time for you to deploy your second unit. Click on the tank.")

                .newPhase(DeployBuilder.class).setTitle("Deploy your tank to the highlighted field.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectHandCard", opponent.getUnitInHand().get(0).getId());
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(opponent, "selectTargetField", "5:3");

                .newPhase(DeployBuilder.class).setTitle("Click on the helicopter.").setUnitType(UnitType.HELICOPTER)

                .newPhase(DeployBuilder.class).setTitle("Deploy this helicopter to the highlighted field.")

                        "The opponent didn't buy a 4th unit. So you can deploy your last unit right away. Click on the artillary.")

                .newPhase(DeployBuilder.class).setTitle("Deploy this artillary to the highlighted field.")

                /* Combat */

                /* --round:1 */

                .setTitle("After the last unit is deployed the game proceeds to the combat/move phase. "
                        + "This phase is devided into 3 turns. Each turn has a command and a view part."
                        + "In the command part you can give each unit one of up to 4 commands: fortify, move/attack, support or bombarb."
                        + "While every unit has fortify and move, not every unit has attack, support or bombarb. "
                        + "Let's start with giving a command to the infatry unit. Click the infantry unit.")

                .setTitle("To command the infantry 'move into the left field' -"
                        + " where the enemy infantry is currently located - click on that highlighted field.")

                .setTitle("The red arrow indicates that a unit will move to another field."
                        + " A battle will take place on that target field if it has two opposing "
                        + "units after the movements are done. So no battle occur if the enemy player moves his unit away."
                        + " All units showing an 'F' will fortify. That means they will get +1 strength. "
                        + "Press the done button to finish your command round.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "selectUnit", game.getBoard().getField("5:5").getUnit().getId());
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "selectTargetField", "4:5");

                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "doneButton");

                .setTitle("After both players finsihed their command round, you will see your and the"
                        + " opponents commands. In this game the opponent only commanded his infantry to move towards your infantry."
                        + " This leads to the only situation where to units battle each other while not ending up on the same field."
                        + " That means crossing an enemy unit will also let those units battle each other. As both units have a strength"
                        + " of 1, they both get killed and thus removed from play. Press the done button to proceed to combat round 2.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "doneButton");

                /* --round:2 */

                .setTitle("Before we give our commands for the second round, let's have a look at the score resulting "
                        + "round 1. You can see that both players scored 10 points. A player scores 10 points when"
                        + "a unit moves to another field and kills an enemy unit. A player socres 5 points for "
                        + "each bombardment. A player scores 25 points for occupying a city at the end of a turn. "
                        + "In the second round we will use the bombard ability from the artillery to destroy the "
                        + "enemy tank. Click the artillery unit.")

                .setTitle("Bombardments will always destroy the enemy unit. Select the enemy tank as the destination.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(game.getPlayers().get(0), "button", "doneButton");
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(game.getPlayers().get(1), "button", "doneButton");

                .setTitle("The opponent didn't give any command to an emeny unit. As a result"
                        + " of this round only the enemy tank got destroyed.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "doneButton");

                /* --round:3 */

                .setTitle("Round 3 of the combat phase. Let's have a look at the last command: "
                        + "support. All units except for the artillery can support another unit. Supporting another "
                        + "unit will give the supported unit +1 strength. Let's try that. Click the tank.")

                .setTitle("Now click the helicopter to support it. As a helicopter has a strength of 1"
                        + ", with the support from the tank and its own fortify command, the helicopter has a total strength of 3.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "selectUnit", game.getBoard().getField("5:3").getUnit().getId());
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "selectTargetField", "4:3");
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "selectModalDialog", "BOMBARD");

                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(game.getPlayers().get(0), "button", "doneButton");
                    game.getCurrentPhase().execCmd(game.getPlayers().get(1), "button", "doneButton");

                .setTitle("The opponent commanded his helicopter to bombard your helicopter. As a bombard "
                        + "always results in defeading a unit, your helicopter is lost. Maybe it would have been wiser"
                        + " to give your helicopter also a bombard command to the enemy helicopter.")

                .newPhase(CodeExecBuilder.class).exec(() -> {
                    Player opponent = game.getPlayers().get(1);
                    BasePhase currentPhase = game.getCurrentPhase();
                    currentPhase.execCmd(opponent, "button", "doneButton");

                /* Draft */

                .setTitle("At this point the second turn has started. Once again you"
                        + " get additional 1000 credits to draft new units, which you will deploy on the board, which"
                        + " will end up moving/supporting/bombarding/fortifying. Before you close this and create a real game"
                        + " against a human opponent, keep in mind that the instructions are always available via the top right"
                        + " link 'instructions'. Also remember that you win a game by scoring more points than your opponent -"
                        + " not having more units or surviving longer.")

                .newPhase(EndBuilder.class).setTitle("NEVER REACHABLE.").end()



abstract class BaseBuilder<T extends BaseBuilder<?>> {

    private Builder build;

    private String title;

    public T setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;
        return (T) this;

    public Builder end() {
        return endIntern();

    abstract protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern();

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern(Class<M> clazz, Consumer<M> cons) {
        M tutorialPhase = clazz.getConstructor(Game.class).newInstance(build.getGame());

        if (build.getFirst() == null) {
        if (build.getLast() != null) {


        if (cons != null) {

        return build;


class TextBuilder extends BaseBuilder<TextBuilder> {

    private boolean hideScore;
    private boolean hideInfo;

    public TextBuilder(Builder build) {

    public TextBuilder setHideScore(boolean hideScore) {
        this.hideScore = hideScore;
        return this;

    public TextBuilder setHideInfo(boolean hideInfo) {
        this.hideInfo = hideInfo;
        return this;

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateTextPhase.class, p -> {


class DraftBuilder extends BaseBuilder<DraftBuilder> {

    private UnitType unitType;

    public DraftBuilder(Builder build) {

    public DraftBuilder setUnitType(UnitType unitType) {
        this.unitType = unitType;
        return this;

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateDraftPhase.class, p -> {


class DeployBuilder extends BaseBuilder<DeployBuilder> {

    private UnitType unitType;
    private Field field;

    public DeployBuilder(Builder build) {

    public DeployBuilder setField(Field field) {
        this.field = field;
        return this;

    public DeployBuilder setUnitType(UnitType unitType) {
        this.unitType = unitType;
        return this;

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateDeployPhase.class, p -> {


class CombatBuilder extends BaseBuilder<CombatBuilder> {

    private Field unit;
    private Field field;

    public CombatBuilder(Builder build) {

    public CombatBuilder setField(Field field) {
        this.field = field;
        return this;

    public CombatBuilder setUnit(Field unit) {
        this.unit = unit;
        return this;

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateCombatPhase.class, p -> {


class EndBuilder extends BaseBuilder<EndBuilder> {

    public EndBuilder(Builder build) {

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateEndPhase.class, null);


class CodeExecBuilder extends BaseBuilder<CodeExecBuilder> {

    private Runnable execCode;

    public CodeExecBuilder(Builder build) {

    public CodeExecBuilder exec(Runnable execCode) {
        this.execCode = execCode;
        return this;

    protected <M extends TutorialDelegateBasePhase> Builder endIntern() {
        return endIntern(TutorialDelegateCodeExecPhase.class, p -> {

class Builder {

    private Game game;

    private TutorialDelegateBasePhase first;

    private TutorialDelegateBasePhase last;

    public <T extends BaseBuilder<?>> T newPhase(Class<T> clazz) {
        try {
            return clazz.getConstructor(Builder.class).newInstance(this);
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException
                | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
