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# Podcast-human-syncer

Helps to sync "who is talking" and "who wants to talk next / now" for podcasts (without video).

# Install

1.) put 4 images for every participant into assets/images

* profile_$NAME.png => showing a simple profile picture 
* done_$NAME.png => the profile picture stroke through or greyed out or faded away otherwise
* next_$NAME.png => a picture with a simple raised hand (like 'I want to say something')
* urgent_$NAME.gif => an animated picture (therefore GIF) which express the urgent need of talking ;)

2.) npm i && npm run dev


## How to convert a movie into a gif?

[How do I convert a video to GIF using ffmpeg, with reasonable quality?](https://superuser.com/questions/556029/how-do-i-convert-a-video-to-gif-using-ffmpeg-with-reasonable-quality)

[How to Crop Video on Mac with iMovie](http://osxdaily.com/2016/08/21/crop-video-mac-imovie/)

## eslint

eslint works only in your editor (e.g. sublime) for now.