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package worldweather

import (

// ErrorDescription represents an error that returned by World Weather API.
// `{ "data": { "error": [ {"msg": "Unable to find any matching weather location to the query submitted!" } ] }}`
type ErrorDescription struct {
    Message string `json:"msg"`

// CommonData represents a common response fields returned as part of API response.
type CommonData struct {
    Error []*ErrorDescription `json:"error"`

// HasError tells if the response contains any error.
func (data *CommonData) HasError() bool {
    return len(data.Error) > 0

// LocalWeatherResponse represents local weather information.
// https://developer.worldweatheronline.com/api/docs/local-city-town-weather-api.aspx#data_element
type LocalWeatherResponse struct {
    Data *WeatherData `json:"data"`

// WeatherData represents a set of weather information.
type WeatherData struct {
    Request          []*Request          `json:"request"`
    CurrentCondition []*CurrentCondition `json:"current_condition"`
    Weather          []*Weather          `json:"weather"`

// Request represents a client's request.
type Request struct {
    Type  string `json:"type"`
    Query string `json:"query"`

// CurrentCondition represents the current weather condition returned by API.
type CurrentCondition struct {
    ObservationTime       string                `json:"observation_time"`
    Temperature           int                   `json:"temp_C,string"`
    FeelingTemperature    int                   `json:"FeelsLikeC,string"`
    WindSpeed             int                   `json:"windspeedKmph,string"`
    WindDirection         int                   `json:"winddirDegree,string"`
    WindDirectionCardinal string                `json:"winddir16Point"`
    WeatherCode           string                `json:"weatherCode"`
    WeatherIcon           []*WeatherIcon        `json:"weatherIconUrl"`
    Description           []*WeatherDescription `json:"weatherDesc"`
    Precipitation         float32               `json:"precpMM,string"`     // Precipitation in mm
    Humidity              int                   `json:"humidity,string"`    // Humidity in percentage
    Visibility            int                   `json:"visibility,string"`  // Visibility in kilometres
    Pressure              int                   `json:"pressure,string"`    // Atmospheric pressure in millibars
    CloudCover            int                   `json:"cloudcocver,string"` // Cloud cover amount in percentage (%)

// WeatherIcon is an icon url that represents corresponding weather.
type WeatherIcon struct {
    URL string `json:"value"`

// WeatherDescription represents a weather description.
type WeatherDescription struct {
    Content string `json:"value"`

// Weather represents a set of weather information.
type Weather struct {
    Astronomy []*Astronomy     `json:"astronomy"`
    Date      string           `json:"date"` // 2016-09-04
    MaxTempC  int              `json:"maxTempC,string"`
    MaxTempF  int              `json:"maxTempF,string"`
    MinTempC  int              `json:"minTempC,string"`
    MinTempF  int              `json:"minTempF,string"`
    UV        int              `json:"uvindex,string"`
    Hourly    []*HourlyWeather `json:"hourly"`

// HourlyWeather represents hourly weather information.
type HourlyWeather struct {
    Time                  HourlyForecastTime    `json:"time"`         // hhmm format
    Temperature           int                   `json:"tempC,string"` // not temp_C
    FeelingTemperature    int                   `json:"FeelsLikeC,string"`
    WindSpeed             int                   `json:"windspeedKmph,string"`
    WindDirection         int                   `json:"winddirDegree,string"`
    WindDirectionCardinal string                `json:"winddir16Point"`
    WeatherCode           string                `json:"weatherCode"`
    WeatherIcon           []*WeatherIcon        `json:"weatherIconUrl"`
    Description           []*WeatherDescription `json:"weatherDesc"`
    Precipitation         float32               `json:"precpMM,string"`     // Precipitation in mm
    Humidity              int                   `json:"humidity,string"`    // Humidity in percentage
    Visibility            int                   `json:"visibility,string"`  // Visibility in kilometres
    Pressure              int                   `json:"pressure,string"`    // Atmospheric pressure in millibars
    CloudCover            int                   `json:"cloudcocver,string"` // Cloud cover amount in percentage (%)

// HourlyForecastTime is a time representation for hourly forecast.
type HourlyForecastTime struct {
    OriginalValue string
    DisplayTime   string
    Hour          int

// UnmarshalText converts a time value returned by the API to a more convenient form.
func (t *HourlyForecastTime) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
    str := string(b)
    t.OriginalValue = str

    hhmm, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    hhmmStr := fmt.Sprintf("%04d", hhmm)
    t.DisplayTime = hhmmStr[:2] + ":" + hhmmStr[2:]
    t.Hour, _ = strconv.Atoi(hhmmStr[:2])

    return nil

// Astronomy represents astronomical information.
type Astronomy struct {
    Sunrise  string `json:"sunrise"`
    Sunset   string `json:"sunset"`
    MoonRise string `json:"moonrise"`
    MoonSet  string `json:"moonset"`