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Test Coverage
package gitter

import (

const (
    // GITTER is a dedicated sarah.BotType for Gitter integration.
    GITTER sarah.BotType = "gitter"

// AdapterOption defines a function's signature that Adapter's functional options must satisfy.
type AdapterOption func(adapter *Adapter)

// Adapter is a sarah.Adapter implementation for Gitter.
// This holds REST/Streaming API clients' instances.
type Adapter struct {
    config          *Config
    apiClient       APIClient
    streamingClient StreamingClient

var _ sarah.Adapter = (*Adapter)(nil)

// NewAdapter creates and returns a new Adapter instance.
func NewAdapter(config *Config, options ...AdapterOption) (*Adapter, error) {
    adapter := &Adapter{
        config:          config,
        apiClient:       NewRestAPIClient(config.Token),
        streamingClient: NewStreamingAPIClient(config.Token),

    for _, opt := range options {

    return adapter, nil

// BotType returns a designated BotType for Gitter integration.
func (adapter *Adapter) BotType() sarah.BotType {
    return GITTER

// Run fetches all belonging Room information and connects to them.
// New goroutines are activated for each Room to connect, and the interactions run in a concurrent manner.
func (adapter *Adapter) Run(ctx context.Context, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error, notifyErr func(error)) {
    // Get belonging rooms.
    var rooms *Rooms
    err := retry.WithPolicy(adapter.config.RetryPolicy, func() (e error) {
        rooms, e = adapter.apiClient.Rooms(ctx)
        return e
    if err != nil {

    // Connect to each room.
    for _, room := range *rooms {
        go adapter.runEachRoom(ctx, room, enqueueInput)

// SendMessage lets sarah.Bot send a message to Gitter.
func (adapter *Adapter) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, output sarah.Output) {
    switch content := output.Content().(type) {
    case string:
        room, ok := output.Destination().(*Room)
        if !ok {
            logger.Errorf("Destination is not instance of Room. %#v.", output.Destination())
        _, err := adapter.apiClient.PostMessage(ctx, room, content)
        logger.Errorf("Failed posting message to %s: %+v", room.ID, err)

        logger.Warnf("Unexpected output %#v", output)


func (adapter *Adapter) runEachRoom(ctx context.Context, room *Room, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():

            logger.Infof("Connecting to room: %s", room.ID)

            var conn Connection
            err := retry.WithPolicy(adapter.config.RetryPolicy, func() (e error) {
                conn, e = adapter.streamingClient.Connect(ctx, room)
                return e
            if err != nil {
                logger.Warnf("Could not connect to room: %s. Error: %+v", room.ID, err)

            connErr := receiveMessageRecursive(conn, enqueueInput)
            _ = conn.Close()

            // TODO: Intentional connection close such as context.cancel also comes here.
            // It would be nice if we could detect such an event to distinguish an intentional behaviour and an unintentional connection error.
            // But, the truth is, the given error is just a privately defined error instance given by http package:
            //   var errRequestCanceled = errors.New("net/http: request canceled")
            // For now, let an error log appear and proceed to the next loop, select case with ctx.Done() will eventually return.
            logger.Errorf("Disconnected from room %s: %+v", room.ID, connErr)


func receiveMessageRecursive(messageReceiver MessageReceiver, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error) error {
    logger.Infof("Start receiving message")
    for {
        message, err := messageReceiver.Receive()

        var malformedErr *MalformedPayloadError
        if errors.Is(err, ErrEmptyPayload) {
            // https://developer.gitter.im/docs/streaming-api
            // Parsers must be tolerant of extra newline characters occasionally placed in between messages.
            // These characters are sent as periodic "keep-alive" messages to tell clients and NAT firewalls
            // that the connection is still alive during low message volume periods.

        } else if errors.As(err, &malformedErr) {
            logger.Warnf("Skipping malformed input: %+v", err)

        } else if err != nil {
            // At this point, assume the connection is unstable or is closed.
            // Let the caller proceed to reconnect or quit.
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to receive input: %w", err)


        _ = enqueueInput(message)

// NewResponse creates *sarah.CommandResponse with the given arguments.
func NewResponse(content string, options ...RespOption) (*sarah.CommandResponse, error) {
    stash := &respOptions{
        userContext: nil,

    for _, opt := range options {

    return &sarah.CommandResponse{
        Content:     content,
        UserContext: stash.userContext,
    }, nil

// RespWithNext sets a given fnc as part of the response's *sarah.UserContext.
// The next input from the same user will be passed to this fnc.
// sarah.UserContextStorage must be configured or otherwise, the function will be ignored.
func RespWithNext(fnc sarah.ContextualFunc) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.userContext = &sarah.UserContext{
            Next: fnc,

// RespWithNextSerializable sets the given arg as part of the response's *sarah.UserContext.
// The next input from the same user will be passed to the function defined in the arg.
// sarah.UserContextStorage must be configured or otherwise, the function will be ignored.
func RespWithNextSerializable(arg *sarah.SerializableArgument) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.userContext = &sarah.UserContext{
            Serializable: arg,

// RespOption defines a function's signature that NewResponse's functional option must satisfy.
type RespOption func(*respOptions)

type respOptions struct {
    userContext *sarah.UserContext

// APIClient is an interface that a Rest API client must satisfy.
// This is mainly defined to ease tests.
type APIClient interface {
    // Rooms fetch the list of rooms the token's owner belongs.
    Rooms(context.Context) (*Rooms, error)

    // PostMessage sends message to a given Room.
    PostMessage(context.Context, *Room, string) (*Message, error)

// StreamingClient is an interface that an HTTP Streaming client must satisfy.
// This is mainly defined to ease tests.
type StreamingClient interface {
    Connect(context.Context, *Room) (Connection, error)