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Test Coverage
package sarah

import (

var options = &optionHolder{}

// Config is a serializable struct that contains some configuration variables.
type Config struct {
    // TimeZone tells the scheduler in what timezone the application runs.
    TimeZone string `json:"timezone" yaml:"timezone"`

// NewConfig creates and returns a new Config instance with default settings.
// Use json.Unmarshal, yaml.Unmarshal, or manual manipulation to override those default values.
func NewConfig() *Config {
    return &Config{
        TimeZone: time.Now().Location().String(),

// optionHolder is a struct that stashes and holds given options until Sarah boots up.
// Those options are applied to Sarah on Run execution to manipulate Sarah's behavior.
// This was formally called RunnerOptions and was provided publicly, but is now private in favor of https://github.com/oklahomer/go-sarah/issues/72 .
// Calls to its methods are thread-safe.
type optionHolder struct {
    mutex   sync.RWMutex
    stashed []func(*runner)

func (o *optionHolder) register(opt func(*runner)) {
    defer o.mutex.Unlock()

    o.stashed = append(o.stashed, opt)

func (o *optionHolder) apply(r *runner) {
    defer o.mutex.Unlock()

    for _, v := range o.stashed {

// RegisterAlerter registers a given Alerter implementation to Sarah.
// When Sarah's process or a registered Bot implementation encounters a critical state, Alerter.Alert is called to notify such state.
// A developer may call this method multiple times to register multiple Alerters.
func RegisterAlerter(alerter Alerter) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {

// RegisterBot registers a given Bot implementation to be run on Run call.
// This may be called multiple times to register as many bot instances as wanted.
func RegisterBot(bot Bot) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        r.bots = append(r.bots, bot)

// RegisterCommand registers a given Command implementation.
// On Run, each Command implementation is registered to the corresponding bot via Bot.AppendCommand.
// A Bot is considered to "correspond" when its BotType matches with the botType.
func RegisterCommand(botType BotType, command Command) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        commands, ok := r.commands[botType]
        if !ok {
            commands = []Command{}
        r.commands[botType] = append(commands, command)

// RegisterCommandProps registers a given CommandProps to build Command implementation on Run call.
// This instance is reused when a configuration is updated and the corresponding Command needs to be rebuilt to reflect the changes.
func RegisterCommandProps(props *CommandProps) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        stashed, ok := r.commandProps[props.botType]
        if !ok {
            stashed = []*CommandProps{}
        r.commandProps[props.botType] = append(stashed, props)

// RegisterScheduledTask registers a given ScheduledTask to Sarah.
// On Run, a schedule is set for this task.
func RegisterScheduledTask(botType BotType, task ScheduledTask) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        tasks, ok := r.scheduledTasks[botType]
        if !ok {
            tasks = []ScheduledTask{}
        r.scheduledTasks[botType] = append(tasks, task)

// RegisterScheduledTaskProps registers a given ScheduledTaskProps to build ScheduledTask on Run call.
// This instance is reused when a configuration file is updated and the corresponding ScheduledTask needs to be rebuilt.
func RegisterScheduledTaskProps(props *ScheduledTaskProps) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        stashed, ok := r.scheduledTaskProps[props.botType]
        if !ok {
            stashed = []*ScheduledTaskProps{}
        r.scheduledTaskProps[props.botType] = append(stashed, props)

// RegisterConfigWatcher registers a given ConfigWatcher implementation to Sarah.
// If a ConfigWatcher is registered, Sarah's process subscribes to the changes to Command or ScheduledTask's configuration.
// When a configuration is updated, ConfigWatcher reads the new configuration setting and reflects to the corresponding configuration instance
// so Sarah can rebuild the corresponding Command or ScheduledTask with the new setting.
func RegisterConfigWatcher(watcher ConfigWatcher) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        r.configWatcher = watcher

// RegisterWorker registers a given worker.Worker implementation to Sarah.
// When one is not registered, a worker instance with default setting is used.
func RegisterWorker(worker worker.Worker) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        r.worker = worker

// RegisterBotErrorSupervisor registers a given supervising function that is called when a Bot escalates an error.
// This function judges if the given error is worth being notified to administrators and if the Bot should stop.
// When an action is required, the function may return non-nil *SupervisionDirective to pass the order;
// Return nil when the escalated error can simply be ignored.
// Bot and Adapter can escalate an error via a function -- func(error) -- that is passed to Bot.Run as a third argument.
// When BotNonContinuableError is escalated, Sarah cancels the failing Bot's context, and thus the Bot and its related resources stop working.
// If one or more Alerter implementations are registered, such critical error is passed to those Alerters and administrators will be notified.
// When other types of error are escalated, the error is passed to the supervising function registered via RegisterBotErrorSupervisor.
// The function may return *SupervisionDirective to tell how Sarah should react.
// Bot and Adapter's implementation should be simple. It should not handle serious errors by itself.
// Instead, they should simply escalate an error every time when a noteworthy error occurs and let Sarah judge how to react.
// For example, if the bot should stop when three reconnection trial fails in ten seconds, the scenario could be somewhat like below:
//    1. Bot escalates reconnection error, FooReconnectionFailureError, each time it fails to reconnect
//    2. The supervising function counts the error and ignores the first two occurrence
//     3. When the third error comes within ten seconds from the initial error escalation, return *SupervisionDirective with StopBot value of true
// Similarly, if there should be a rate limiter to limit the calls to Alerters, the supervising function should take care of this instead of the failing Bot.
// Each Bot or Adapter's implementation can be kept simple in this way; Sarah should always supervise and control its belonging Bots.
func RegisterBotErrorSupervisor(fnc func(BotType, error) *SupervisionDirective) {
    options.register(func(r *runner) {
        r.superviseError = fnc

// Run sets up all required resources and initiates Sarah.
// Workers, schedulers, and other required resources for a bot interaction start running on this function call.
// This returns an error when bot interaction cannot start; No error is returned when the process starts successfully.
// Call ctx.Done or CurrentStatus to reference current running status.
// To control its lifecycle, a developer may cancel ctx and stop Sarah at any moment.
// When bot interaction stops unintentionally without such context cancellation,
// the critical state is notified to administrators via registered Alerter.
// Registering multiple Alerter implementations to ensure successful notification is recommended.
func Run(ctx context.Context, config *Config) error {
    err := runnerStatus.start()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to start bot process: %w", err)

    runner, err := newRunner(ctx, config)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to start bot process: %w", err)
    go runner.run(ctx)

    return nil

func newRunner(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*runner, error) {
    loc, err := time.LoadLocation(config.TimeZone)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(`given timezone "%s" cannot be converted to time.Location: %w`, config.TimeZone, err)

    r := &runner{
        config:             config,
        bots:               []Bot{},
        worker:             nil,
        configWatcher:      &nullConfigWatcher{},
        commands:           make(map[BotType][]Command),
        commandProps:       make(map[BotType][]*CommandProps),
        scheduledTasks:     make(map[BotType][]ScheduledTask),
        scheduledTaskProps: make(map[BotType][]*ScheduledTaskProps),
        alerters:           &alerters{},
        scheduler:          runScheduler(ctx, loc),
        superviseError:     nil,


    if r.worker == nil {
        // When the jobs are CPU-intensive, the number of workers can be equal to the number of CPUs.
        // However, in general, bot interaction involves more IO-intensive jobs such as calling external Weather APIs
        // on behalf of the user. This setting expects up to a hundred jobs can work in a concurrent manner based on such premise.
        // The queue size is set to ten, which is relatively small.
        // Instead of allowing larger latency with a bigger queue size, messages will soon be ignored when the worker is busy and the queue is full.
        // Users usually do not expect to have belated responses.
        // Provide a worker.Worker implementation via RegisterWorker to customize the setting.
        workerConfig := worker.NewConfig()
        workerConfig.WorkerNum = 100
        workerConfig.QueueSize = 10
        r.worker = worker.Run(ctx, worker.NewConfig())

    return r, nil

type runner struct {
    config             *Config
    bots               []Bot
    worker             worker.Worker
    configWatcher      ConfigWatcher
    commands           map[BotType][]Command
    commandProps       map[BotType][]*CommandProps
    scheduledTasks     map[BotType][]ScheduledTask
    scheduledTaskProps map[BotType][]*ScheduledTaskProps
    alerters           *alerters
    scheduler          scheduler
    superviseError     func(BotType, error) *SupervisionDirective

// SupervisionDirective tells Sarah how to react to Bot's escalating error.
// A designated supervisor function judges if the error represents a critical state when a bot escalates an error.
// When the bot is in a critical state, the function can return non-nil *SupervisionDirective to tell Sarah how to treat the current state.
// A customized supervisor function can be defined and registered via RegisterBotErrorSupervisor.
type SupervisionDirective struct {
    // StopBot tells if Sarah needs to stop the failing bot and cleanup related resources.
    // When two or more bots are registered and at least one bot is to stay running after the failing bot stops,
    // internal workers and a scheduler keep running.
    // When all bots stop, then Sarah stops all resources.
    StopBot bool

    // AlertingErr is sent registered alerters and administrators will be notified.
    // Set nil when such alert notification is not required.
    AlertingErr error

func (r *runner) botCommands(botType BotType) []Command {
    if commands, ok := r.commands[botType]; ok {
        return commands
    return []Command{}

func (r *runner) botCommandProps(botType BotType) []*CommandProps {
    if props, ok := r.commandProps[botType]; ok {
        return props
    return []*CommandProps{}

func (r *runner) botScheduledTaskProps(botType BotType) []*ScheduledTaskProps {
    if props, ok := r.scheduledTaskProps[botType]; ok {
        return props
    return []*ScheduledTaskProps{}

func (r *runner) botScheduledTasks(botType BotType) []ScheduledTask {
    if tasks, ok := r.scheduledTasks[botType]; ok {
        return tasks
    return []ScheduledTask{}

func (r *runner) run(ctx context.Context) {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, bot := range r.bots {

        go func(b Bot) {
            defer func() {

            r.runBot(ctx, b)


func unsubscribeConfigWatcher(watcher ConfigWatcher, botType BotType) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to unsubscribe ConfigWatcher for %s: %+v", botType, r)
    err := watcher.Unwatch(botType)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("Failed to unsubscribe ConfigWatcher for %s: %+v", botType, err)

// runBot initiates the given Bot implementation and blocks until the bot stops.
func (r *runner) runBot(runnerCtx context.Context, bot Bot) {
    logger.Infof("Starting %s", bot.BotType())
    botCtx, errNotifier := r.superviseBot(runnerCtx, bot.BotType())

    // Build commands with stashed CommandProps.
    r.registerCommands(botCtx, bot)

    // Register scheduled tasks.
    r.registerScheduledTasks(botCtx, bot)

    inputReceiver := setupInputReceiver(botCtx, bot, r.worker)

    // Run the bot in a panic-proof manner.
    func() {
        defer func() {
            // When the bot panics, recover and tell as much detailed information as possible via the error notification channel.
            // The channel receiver sends an alert to the administrator.
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                stack := []string{fmt.Sprintf("panic in bot: %s. %#v.", bot.BotType(), r)}

                // Inform stack trace
                for depth := 0; ; depth++ {
                    _, src, line, ok := runtime.Caller(depth)
                    if !ok {
                    stack = append(stack, fmt.Sprintf(" -> depth:%d. file:%s. line:%d.", depth, src, line))

                errNotifier(NewBotNonContinuableError(strings.Join(stack, "\n")))

            // Bot.Run may return without internally sending an error to errNotifier.
            // To ensure the bot's context is canceled by Sarah and administrators are notified, explicitly send *BotNonContinuableError in this defer statement.
            // An error being sent here is simply ignored if the bot context is already canceled by a previous error notification.
            errNotifier(NewBotNonContinuableError(fmt.Sprintf("shutdown bot: %s", bot.BotType())))

        bot.Run(botCtx, inputReceiver, errNotifier) // Blocks til interaction ends
        unsubscribeConfigWatcher(r.configWatcher, bot.BotType())

func (r *runner) superviseBot(runnerCtx context.Context, botType BotType) (context.Context, func(error)) {
    botCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(runnerCtx)

    sendAlert := func(err error) {
        e := r.alerters.alertAll(runnerCtx, botType, err)
        if e != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to send alert for %s: %+v", botType, e)

    stopBot := func() {
        logger.Infof("Stop supervising bot's critical error due to its context cancellation: %s.", botType)

    // A function that receives an escalated error from the bot.
    // If a critical error is sent, this cancels the bot's context to finish its lifecycle.
    // The bot MUST NOT kill itself, but Sarah does. Beware that Sarah takes care of all related components' lifecycle.
    handleError := func(err error) {
        switch err.(type) {
        case *BotNonContinuableError:
            logger.Errorf("Stop unrecoverable bot. BotType: %s. Error: %+v", botType, err)


            go sendAlert(err)

            if r.superviseError != nil {
                directive := r.superviseError(botType, err)
                if directive == nil {

                if directive.StopBot {
                    logger.Errorf("Stop bot due to given directive. BotType: %s. Reason: %+v", botType, err)

                if directive.AlertingErr != nil {
                    go sendAlert(directive.AlertingErr)


    // A function to be exposed to Bot/Adapter developers.
    // When Bot implementation faces a critical state, the failing bot can call this function to let Sarah judge the severity and stop the bot if necessary.
    errNotifier := func(err error) {
        select {
        case <-botCtx.Done():
            // Bot context is already canceled by the preceding error notification. Do nothing.


    return botCtx, errNotifier

func (r *runner) registerCommands(botCtx context.Context, bot Bot) {
    props := r.botCommandProps(bot.BotType())

    reg := func(p *CommandProps) {
        command, err := buildCommand(botCtx, p, r.configWatcher)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to build command %#v: %+v", p, err)

    callback := func(p *CommandProps) func() {
        return func() {
            logger.Infof("Updating command: %s", p.identifier)

    for _, p := range props {
        err := r.configWatcher.Watch(botCtx, bot.BotType(), p.identifier, callback(p))
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to subscribe configuration for command %s: %+v", p.identifier, err)

    for _, command := range r.botCommands(bot.BotType()) {

func (r *runner) registerScheduledTasks(botCtx context.Context, bot Bot) {
    reg := func(p *ScheduledTaskProps) {
        r.scheduler.remove(bot.BotType(), p.identifier)

        task, err := buildScheduledTask(botCtx, p, r.configWatcher)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to build scheduled task %s: %+v", p.identifier, err)

        err = r.scheduler.update(bot.BotType(), task, func() {
            executeScheduledTask(botCtx, bot, task)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to schedule a task. ID: %s: %+v", task.Identifier(), err)

    callback := func(p *ScheduledTaskProps) func() {
        return func() {
            logger.Infof("Updating scheduled task: %s", p.identifier)

    for _, p := range r.botScheduledTaskProps(bot.BotType()) {
        err := r.configWatcher.Watch(botCtx, bot.BotType(), p.identifier, callback(p))
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to subscribe configuration for scheduled task %s: %+v", p.identifier, err)

    for _, task := range r.botScheduledTasks(bot.BotType()) {
        if task.Schedule() == "" {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to schedule a task. ID: %s. Reason: %s.", task.Identifier(), "No schedule given.")

        err := r.scheduler.update(bot.BotType(), task, func() {
            executeScheduledTask(botCtx, bot, task)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to schedule a task. id: %s: %+v", task.Identifier(), err)

func executeScheduledTask(ctx context.Context, bot Bot, task ScheduledTask) {
    results, err := task.Execute(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("Error on scheduled task: %s", task.Identifier())
    } else if results == nil {

    for _, res := range results {
        // The destination returned by task execution has higher priority.
        // e.g. RSS Reader's task searches for stored feed/destination set, and returns which destination to send.
        dest := res.Destination
        if dest == nil {
            // If no destination is given, see if default destination exists.
            // Useful when destination can be preset.
            // e.g. Weather forecast task always sends weather information to #goodmorning room.
            presetDest := task.DefaultDestination()
            if presetDest == nil {
                logger.Errorf("Task was completed, but destination was not set: %s.", task.Identifier())
            dest = presetDest

        message := NewOutputMessage(dest, res.Content)
        bot.SendMessage(ctx, message)

func setupInputReceiver(botCtx context.Context, bot Bot, wkr worker.Worker) func(Input) error {
    continuousEnqueueErrCnt := 0
    return func(input Input) error {
        err := wkr.Enqueue(func() {
            err := bot.Respond(botCtx, input)
            if err != nil {
                logger.Errorf("Error on message handling. Input: %#v. Error: %+v", input, err)

        if err == nil {
            continuousEnqueueErrCnt = 0
            return nil


        // Could not send because probably the workers are too busy or the runner context is already canceled.
        return NewBlockedInputError(continuousEnqueueErrCnt)