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# Translation of OpenERP Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
#     * hr_attendance_analysis
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-23 10:03+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-22 17:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lorenzo Battistini - Agile BG <lorenzo.battistini@agilebg."
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-06-28 06:02+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17077)\n"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "12"
msgstr "12"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "15"
msgstr "15"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "20"
msgstr "20"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "30"
msgstr "30"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: selection:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
#: selection:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "60"
msgstr "60"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_attendance_computation.model_hr_attendance
msgid "Attendance"
msgstr "Presenze"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attendance analysis"
msgstr "Analisi presenze"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:hr.attendance,duration:0
msgid "Attendance duration"
msgstr "Durata presenza"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
msgid "Attendance rounding"
msgstr "Arrotondamento presenza"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_attendance_computation.open_view_attendance
msgid "Attendances analysis"
msgstr "Analisi presenze"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_calendar
msgid "Calendar View"
msgstr "Vista calendario"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_attendance_computation.model_res_company
msgid "Companies"
msgstr "Aziende"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Configurazione"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
#: field:hr.attendance,day:0
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Giorno"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:hr.attendance,inside_calendar_duration:0
msgid "Duration within working schedule"
msgstr "Durata all'interno del calendario lavorativo"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Dipendente"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_analysis
msgid "Employee attendances analysis"
msgstr "Analisi presenze dipendente"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:hr.attendance,end_datetime:0
msgid "End date time"
msgstr "Data e ora di fine"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar,attendance_rounding:0
msgid ""
"For instance, using rounding = 15 minutes, every sign in will be rounded to "
"the following quarter hour and every sign out to the previous quarter hour"
msgstr ""
"Per esempio, utilizzando un arrotondamento = 15 minuti, ogni entrata verrà "
"arrotondata al quarto d'ora successivo ed ogni uscita al quarto d'ora "

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
msgid "Group By..."
msgstr "Raggruppa per..."

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
msgid "Hr Attendance Search"
msgstr "HR cerca presenza"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
msgid "Leave rounding"
msgstr "Arrotonamento assenza"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar,leave_rounding:0
msgid ""
"On the contrary of overtime rounding, using rounding = 15 minutes, a leave "
"of 1 minute will be considered as 15 minutes, 16 minutes as 30 minutes and "
"so on"
msgstr ""
"Al contrario dell'arrotondamento straordinari, utilizzando un arrotondamento "
"= 15 minuti, un'assenza di 1 minuto verrà considerata come di 15 minuti, 16 "
"minuti come 30 minuti e così via"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_analysis
#: field:hr.attendance,outside_calendar_duration:0
msgid "Overtime"
msgstr "Straordinario"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding_tolerance:0
msgid ""
"Overtime can be rounded using a tolerance. Using tolerance = 3 minutes and "
"rounding = 15 minutes, if employee does overtime of 12 minutes, it will be "
"considered as 15 minutes."
msgstr ""
"Lo straordinario può essere arrotondato usando una tolleranza. Con una "
"tolleranza = 3 minuti e arrotondamento = 15 minuti, se il dipendente fa uno "
"straordinario di 12 minuti, sarà considerato come 15 minuti."

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid "Overtime rounding"
msgstr "Arrotondamento straordinario"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding_tolerance:0
msgid "Overtime rounding tolerance"
msgstr "Tolleranza arrotondamento straordinari"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_attendance_computation.model_resource_calendar
msgid "Resource Calendar"
msgstr "Calendario risorse"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:resource.calendar:hr_attendance_computation.resource_calendar_form
msgid "Roundings"
msgstr "Arrotondamenti"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar,overtime_rounding:0
msgid ""
"Setting rounding = 30 minutes, an overtime of 29 minutes will be considered "
"as 0 minutes, 31 minutes as 30 minutes, 61 minutes as 1 hour and so on"
msgstr ""
"Impostando un arrotondamento = 30 minuti, uno straordinario di 29 minuti "
"sarà considerato come 0 minuti, 31 minuti come 30 minuti, 61 minuti come "
"un'ora e così via"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar.attendance,tolerance_to:0
msgid ""
"Sign in done in the interval \"Work from + Tolerance to\" will be considered "
"done at \"Work from\""
msgstr ""
"Le entrate effettuate nell'intervallo \"Lavoro da + Tolleranza a\" saranno "
"considerate come fatte in \"Lavoro da\""

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: help:resource.calendar.attendance,tolerance_from:0
msgid ""
"Sign out done in the interval \"Work to - Tolerance from\" will be "
"considered done at \"Work to\""
msgstr ""
"Le uscite effettuate nell'intervallo \"Lavoro a - Tolleranza da\" saranno "
"considerate come fatte in \"Lavoro a\""

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_analysis
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
msgid "Start date time"
msgstr "Data e ora di inizio"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The precision used to analyse working times over working schedule (hh:mm)"
msgstr ""
"La precisione utilizzata per analizzare le ore lavorative rispetto al "
"calendario di lavoro"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
msgid "This will update all the attendance data and may take a while"
msgstr ""

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_hr_attendance_filter
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Oggi"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar.attendance,tolerance_from:0
msgid "Tolerance from"
msgstr "Tolleranza da"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:resource.calendar.attendance,tolerance_to:0
msgid "Tolerance to"
msgstr "Tolleranza a"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_analysis
msgid "Total hours"
msgstr "Ore totali"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: field:hr.attendance,triggering_attendance_id:0
#, fuzzy
msgid "Triggering Attendance"
msgstr "Presenze"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
msgid "Update all the attendance data"
msgstr ""

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_form
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update attendance analysis"
msgstr "Analisi presenze dipendente"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: view:hr.attendance:hr_attendance_computation.view_attendance_analysis
msgid "Within working schedule"
msgstr "All'interno del calendario di lavoro"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_attendance_computation.model_resource_calendar_attendance
msgid "Work Detail"
msgstr "Dettagli del lavoro"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#, fuzzy
msgid "Working Time"
msgstr "Precisione orario lavorativo"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
msgid "Working time precision"
msgstr "Precisione orario lavorativo"

#. module: hr_attendance_computation
#: code:addons/hr_attendance_computation/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Wrongly configured working schedule with id %s"
msgstr "Calendario lavorativo con id %s configurato in modo scorretto"

#~ msgid "Error"
#~ msgstr "Errore"

#~ msgid "Sunday"
#~ msgstr "Domenica"

#~ msgid "Friday"
#~ msgstr "Venerdì"

#~ msgid "attendance_analysis.wizard.calendar_report"
#~ msgstr "attendance_analysis.wizard.calendar_report"

#~ msgid "8"
#~ msgstr "8"

#~ msgid "Leave"
#~ msgstr "Assenza"

#~ msgid "Limit"
#~ msgstr "Limite"

#~ msgid "Totals"
#~ msgstr "Totali"

#~ msgid "From date"
#~ msgstr "Dalla data"

#~ msgid "Too many active contracts for employee %s"
#~ msgstr "Troppi contratti attivi per il dipendente %s"

#~ msgid "Third Sign In"
#~ msgstr "Terza entrata"

#~ msgid "Error! You can not create recursive companies."
#~ msgstr "Errore! Non è possibile creare aziende ricorsive."

#~ msgid "Negative"
#~ msgstr "Negativo"

#~ msgid "Type"
#~ msgstr "Tipo"

#~ msgid "3"
#~ msgstr "3"

#~ msgid "Error: Sign in (resp. Sign out) must follow Sign out (resp. Sign in)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Errore: una operazione di Entrata (Uscita) deve essere seguito da una "
#~ "Uscita (Entrata)"

#~ msgid "From date must be < to date"
#~ msgstr "\"Dalla data\" deve essere < di \"alla data\""

#~ msgid "Attendances Analysis"
#~ msgstr "Analisi presenze"

#~ msgid "Overtime type"
#~ msgstr "Tipo di straordinario"

#~ msgid "Calendar"
#~ msgstr "Calendario"

#~ msgid "Due"
#~ msgstr "Dovuto"

#~ msgid "Attendances Analysis Calendar"
#~ msgstr "Calendario di analisi presenze"

#~ msgid "Overtime types"
#~ msgstr "Tipi di straordinario"

#~ msgid "Monday"
#~ msgstr "Lunedì"

#~ msgid "unknown"
#~ msgstr "sconosciuto"

#~ msgid "First Sign Out"
#~ msgstr "Prima uscita"

#~ msgid "Day of week"
#~ msgstr "Giorno della settimana"

#~ msgid "Fourth Sign In"
#~ msgstr "Quarta entrata"

#~ msgid "%s: 'Work to' is < 'Work from'"
#~ msgstr "%s: 'Lavoro a' è < 'Lavoro da'"

#~ msgid "2"
#~ msgstr "2"

#~ msgid "Employee: "
#~ msgstr "Dipendente: "

#~ msgid "6"
#~ msgstr "6"

#~ msgid "Date"
#~ msgstr "Data"

#~ msgid "HR - Attendance Analysis"
#~ msgstr "HR - Analisi presenze"

#~ msgid "Wednesday"
#~ msgstr "Mercoledì"

#~ msgid "Type Description"
#~ msgstr "Descrizione tipo"

#~ msgid "First Sign In"
#~ msgstr "Prima entrata"

#~ msgid "Fourth Sign Out"
#~ msgstr "Quarta uscita"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Dynamic reports based on employee's attendances and contract's calendar.\n"
#~ "Among other things, it lets you see the amount of working hours outside "
#~ "and inside the contract's working schedule (overtime).\n"
#~ "It also provides a daily based report, showing the detailed and total "
#~ "hours compared to calendar hours.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Dynamic reports based on employee's attendances and contract's calendar.\n"
#~ "Among other things, it lets you see the amount of working hours outside "
#~ "and inside the contract's working schedule (overtime).\n"
#~ "It also provides a daily based report, showing the detailed and total "
#~ "hours compared to calendar hours.\n"

#~ msgid "Second Sign Out"
#~ msgstr "Seconda uscita"

#~ msgid "Second Sign In"
#~ msgstr "Seconda entrata"

#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Annulla"

#~ msgid "Tuesday"
#~ msgstr "Martedì"

#~ msgid "Thursday"
#~ msgstr "Giovedì"

#~ msgid "Print"
#~ msgstr "Stampa"

#~ msgid "1"
#~ msgstr "1"

#~ msgid "To date"
#~ msgstr "Alla data"

#~ msgid "5"
#~ msgstr "5"

#~ msgid "Working Hours"
#~ msgstr "Ore lavorative"

#~ msgid "Types"
#~ msgstr "Tipi"

#~ msgid "Employees"
#~ msgstr "Dipendenti"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Limit, in hours, of overtime that can be imputed to this type of overtime "
#~ "in a day. The surplus is imputed to the subsequent type"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Limite, in ore, dello straordinario che può essere attribuito a questo "
#~ "tipo di straordinario in un giorno. L'eccedenza è attribuita al tipo "
#~ "successivo."

#~ msgid "Third Sign Out"
#~ msgstr "Terza uscita"

#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Sequenza"

#~ msgid "Total"
#~ msgstr "Totale"

#~ msgid "Saturday"
#~ msgstr "Sabato"