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 * Copyright (c) 2014
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
 * or later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

(function() {

    var TEMPLATE_ADDBUTTON = '<a href="#" class="button new">' +
        '<span class="icon {{iconClass}}"></span>' +
        '<span class="hidden-visually">{{addText}}</span>' +

     * @class OCA.Files.FileList
     * @classdesc
     * The FileList class manages a file list view.
     * A file list view consists of a controls bar and
     * a file list table.
     * @param $el container element with existing markup for the #controls
     * and a table
     * @param {Object} [options] map of options, see other parameters
     * @param {Object} [options.scrollContainer] scrollable container, defaults to $(window)
     * @param {Object} [options.dragOptions] drag options, disabled by default
     * @param {Object} [options.folderDropOptions] folder drop options, disabled by default
     * @param {boolean} [options.detailsViewEnabled=true] whether to enable details view
     * @param {boolean} [options.enableUpload=false] whether to enable uploader
     * @param {OC.Files.Client} [options.filesClient] files client to use
    var FileList = function($el, options) {
        this.initialize($el, options);
     * @memberof OCA.Files
    FileList.prototype = {
        SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-n',
        SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-s',

        id: 'files',
        appName: t('files', 'Files'),
        isEmpty: true,

         * Top-level container with controls and file list
        $el: null,

         * Files table
        $table: null,

         * List of rows (table tbody)
        $fileList: null,

         * @type OCA.Files.BreadCrumb
        breadcrumb: null,

         * @type OCA.Files.FileSummary
        fileSummary: null,

         * @type OCA.Files.DetailsView
        _detailsView: null,

         * Files client instance
         * @type OC.Files.Client
        filesClient: null,

         * Whether the file list was initialized already.
         * @type boolean
        initialized: false,

         * Last clicked row
        $currentRow: null,

         * Number of files per page
         * @return {int} page size
        pageSize: function() {
            return Math.ceil(this.$container.height() / 50);

         * Array of files in the current folder.
         * The entries are of file data.
         * @type Array.<OC.Files.FileInfo>
        files: [],

         * Current directory entry
         * @type OC.Files.FileInfo
        dirInfo: null,

         * File actions handler, defaults to OCA.Files.FileActions
         * @type OCA.Files.FileActions
        fileActions: null,

         * Whether selection is allowed, checkboxes and selection overlay will
         * be rendered
        _allowSelection: true,

         * Map of file id to file data
         * @type Object.<int, Object>
        _selectedFiles: {},

         * Summary of selected files.
         * @type OCA.Files.FileSummary
        _selectionSummary: null,

         * If not empty, only files containing this string will be shown
         * @type String
        _filter: '',

         * @type Backbone.Model
        _filesConfig: undefined,

         * Sort attribute
         * @type String
        _sort: 'name',

         * Sort direction: 'asc' or 'desc'
         * @type String
        _sortDirection: 'asc',

         * Sort comparator function for the current sort
         * @type Function
        _sortComparator: null,

         * Stores shareTree items and infos
         * @type Array
        _shareTreeCache: {},

         * Whether to do a client side sort.
         * When false, clicking on a table header will call reload().
         * When true, clicking on a table header will simply resort the list.
        _clientSideSort: true,

         * Current directory
         * @type String
        _currentDirectory: null,

        _dragOptions: null,
        _folderDropOptions: null,

         * @type OC.Uploader
        _uploader: null,

         * Initialize the file list and its components
         * @param $el container element with existing markup for the #controls
         * and a table
         * @param options map of options, see other parameters
         * @param options.scrollContainer scrollable container, defaults to $(window)
         * @param options.dragOptions drag options, disabled by default
         * @param options.folderDropOptions folder drop options, disabled by default
         * @param options.scrollTo name of file to scroll to after the first load
         * @param {OC.Files.Client} [options.filesClient] files API client
         * @param {OC.Backbone.Model} [options.filesConfig] files app configuration
         * @private
        initialize: function($el, options) {
            var self = this;
            options = options || {};
            if (this.initialized) {

            if (options.config) {
                this._filesConfig = options.config;
            } else if (!_.isUndefined(OCA.Files) && !_.isUndefined(OCA.Files.App)) {
                this._filesConfig = OCA.Files.App.getFilesConfig();
            } else {
                this._filesConfig = new OC.Backbone.Model({
                    'showhidden': false

            if (options.dragOptions) {
                this._dragOptions = options.dragOptions;
            if (options.folderDropOptions) {
                this._folderDropOptions = options.folderDropOptions;
            if (options.filesClient) {
                this.filesClient = options.filesClient;
            } else {
                // default client if not specified
                this.filesClient = OC.Files.getClient();

            this.$el = $el;
            if (options.id) {
                this.id = options.id;
            this.$container = options.scrollContainer || $(window);
            this.$table = $el.find('table:first');
            this.$fileList = $el.find('#fileList');

            if (!_.isUndefined(this._filesConfig)) {
                this._filesConfig.on('change:showhidden', function() {
                    var showHidden = this.get('showhidden');
                    self.$el.toggleClass('hide-hidden-files', !showHidden);

                    if (!showHidden) {
                        // hiding files could make the page too small, need to try rendering next page

                this.$el.toggleClass('hide-hidden-files', !this._filesConfig.get('showhidden'));

            if (_.isUndefined(options.detailsViewEnabled) || options.detailsViewEnabled) {
                this._detailsView = new OCA.Files.DetailsView();


            if (this._detailsView) {
                this._detailsView.addDetailView(new OCA.Files.MainFileInfoDetailView({fileList: this, fileActions: this.fileActions}));

            this.files = [];
            this._selectedFiles = {};
            this._selectionSummary = new OCA.Files.FileSummary(undefined, {config: this._filesConfig});
            // dummy root dir info
            this.dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({});

            this.fileSummary = this._createSummary();

            if (options.sorting) {
                this.setSort(options.sorting.mode, options.sorting.direction, false, false);
            } else {
                this.setSort('name', 'asc', false, false);

            var breadcrumbOptions = {
                onClick: _.bind(this._onClickBreadCrumb, this),
                getCrumbUrl: function(part) {
                    return self.linkTo(part.dir);
                rootName: this.appName === t('files', 'Files') ? t('files', 'All files') : this.appName,
                rootIconClass: 'nav-icon-' + this.id,
            // if dropping on folders is allowed, then also allow on breadcrumbs
            if (this._folderDropOptions) {
                breadcrumbOptions.onDrop = _.bind(this._onDropOnBreadCrumb, this);
                breadcrumbOptions.onOver = function() {
                breadcrumbOptions.onOut = function() {
            this.breadcrumb = new OCA.Files.BreadCrumb(breadcrumbOptions);

            var $controls = this.$el.find('#controls');
            if ($controls.length > 0) {


            this.$el.find('thead th .columntitle').click(_.bind(this._onClickHeader, this));

            this._onResize = _.debounce(_.bind(this._onResize, this), 100);
            $('#app-content').on('appresized', this._onResize);

            this.$el.on('show', this._onResize);


            this.$fileList.on('click','td.filename>a.name, td.filesize, td.date', _.bind(this._onClickFile, this));

            this.$fileList.on('change', 'td.filename>.selectCheckBox', _.bind(this._onClickFileCheckbox, this));
            // use namespaced event because "bind" will get in the way to remove the event later
            // note that the jquery element won't be removed, so it's possible to register
            // the same listener twice or more. We'll remove the listener in the destroy method.
            this.$el.on('urlChanged.filelistbound', _.bind(this._onUrlChanged, this));
            this.$el.find('.select-all').click(_.bind(this._onClickSelectAll, this));
            this.$el.find('.download').click(_.bind(this._onClickDownloadSelected, this));
            this.$el.find('.delete-selected').click(_.bind(this._onClickDeleteSelected, this));

            this.$el.find('.selectedActions a').tooltip({placement:'top'});

            // namespaced event based on this jquery element, to be removed when is destroyed
            // note that the listener is attached to the container, not to the element
            this.$container.on('scroll.' + this.$el.attr('id'), _.bind(this._onScroll, this));

            if (options.scrollTo) {
                this.$fileList.one('updated', function() {
                    self.scrollTo(options.scrollTo, options.detailTabId);

            if (options.enableUpload) {
                // TODO: auto-create this element
                var $uploadEl = this.$el.find('#file_upload_start');
                if ($uploadEl.exists()) {
                    this._uploader = new OC.Uploader($uploadEl, {
                        fileList: this,
                        filesClient: this.filesClient,
                        dropZone: $('#content'),
                        maxChunkSize: options.maxChunkSize,
                        uploadStallTimeout: options.uploadStallTimeout,
                        uploadStallRetries: options.uploadStallRetries


            OC.Plugins.attach('OCA.Files.FileList', this);

         * Destroy / uninitialize this instance.
        destroy: function() {
            if (this._newFileMenu) {
            if (this._newButton) {
            if (this._detailsView) {
            // TODO: also unregister other event handlers
            this.fileActions.off('registerAction', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
            this.fileActions.off('setDefault', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
            OC.Plugins.detach('OCA.Files.FileList', this);
            $('#app-content').off('appresized', this._onResize);
            // HACK: this will make reload work when reused
            // remove summary
            this.$el.find('tfoot tr.summary').remove();
            // detach click event handler, this ensures that older _onClickFile events won't be triggered
            // remove events attached to the $el
            this.$el.off('show', this._onResize);
            // remove events attached to the $container
            this.$container.off('scroll.' + this.$el.attr('id'));

         * Initializes the file actions, set up listeners.
         * @param {OCA.Files.FileActions} fileActions file actions
        _initFileActions: function(fileActions) {
            var self = this;
            this.fileActions = fileActions;
            if (!this.fileActions) {
                this.fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions();

            if (this._detailsView) {
                    name: 'Details',
                    displayName: t('files', 'Details'),
                    mime: 'all',
                    order: -50,
                    iconClass: 'icon-details',
                    permissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
                    actionHandler: function(fileName, context) {

            this._onFileActionsUpdated = _.debounce(_.bind(this._onFileActionsUpdated, this), 100);
            this.fileActions.on('registerAction', this._onFileActionsUpdated);
            this.fileActions.on('setDefault', this._onFileActionsUpdated);

         * Returns a unique model for the given file name.
         * @param {string|object} fileName file name or jquery row
         * @return {OCA.Files.FileInfoModel} file info model
        getModelForFile: function(fileName) {
            var self = this;
            var $tr;
            // jQuery object ?
            if (fileName.is) {
                $tr = fileName;
                fileName = $tr.attr('data-file');
            } else {
                $tr = this.findFileEl(fileName);

            if (!$tr || !$tr.length) {
                return null;

            // if requesting the selected model, return it
            // also take the file id into account if possible because
            // the file name may not be unique
            if (this._currentFileModel &&
                this._currentFileModel.get('name') === fileName &&
                (!this.$currentRow || this.$currentRow.data('id') === this._currentFileModel.id)
            ) {
                return this._currentFileModel;

            // TODO: note, this is a temporary model required for synchronising
            // state between different views.
            // In the future the FileList should work with Backbone.Collection
            // and contain existing models that can be used.
            // This method would in the future simply retrieve the matching model from the collection.
            var model = new OCA.Files.FileInfoModel(this.elementToFile($tr), {
                filesClient: this.filesClient
            if (!model.get('path')) {
                model.set('path', this.getCurrentDirectory(), {silent: true});

            model.on('change', function(model) {
                // re-render row
                var highlightState = $tr.hasClass('highlighted');
                $tr = self.updateRow(
                    {updateSummary: true, silent: false, animate: true}

                // restore selection state
                var selected = !!self._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')];
                self._selectFileEl($tr, selected);

                $tr.toggleClass('highlighted', highlightState);
            model.on('busy', function(model, state) {
                self.showFileBusyState($tr, state);

            return model;

         * Displays the details view for the given file and
         * selects the given tab
         * @param {string} fileName file name for which to show details
         * @param {string} [tabId] optional tab id to select
        showDetailsView: function(fileName, tabId) {
            if (!this._detailsView) {
            this._updateDetailsView(fileName, true);
            if (tabId) {

         * Update the details view to display the given file
         * @param {string} fileName file name from the current list
         * @param {boolean} [show=true] whether to open the sidebar if it was closed
        _updateDetailsView: function(fileName, show) {
            if (!this._detailsView) {

            // show defaults to true
            show = _.isUndefined(show) || !!show;
            var oldFileInfo = this._currentFileModel;
            if (oldFileInfo) {
                // TODO: use more efficient way, maybe track the highlight
                this.$fileList.children().filterAttr('data-id', '' + oldFileInfo.get('id')).removeClass('highlighted');
                oldFileInfo.off('change', this._onSelectedModelChanged, this);

            if (!fileName) {
                if (this._currentFileModel) {
                this._currentFileModel = null;

            if (show && this._detailsView.$el.hasClass('disappear')) {
            } else if (show === false) {

            var $tr = this.findFileEl(fileName);
            var model = this.getModelForFile($tr);

            this._currentFileModel = model;


            if (show === false) {
            } else {

         * Event handler for when the window size changed
        _onResize: function() {
            var containerWidth = this.$el.width();
            var actionsWidth = 0;
            $.each(this.$el.find('#controls .actions'), function(index, action) {
                actionsWidth += $(action).outerWidth();

            // subtract app navigation toggle when visible
            containerWidth -= $('#app-navigation-toggle').width();

            this.breadcrumb.setMaxWidth(containerWidth - actionsWidth - 10);

            this.$table.find('>thead').width($('#app-content').width() - OC.Util.getScrollBarWidth());

         * Event handler for when the URL changed
        _onUrlChanged: function(e) {
            if (e && _.isString(e.dir)) {
                var currentDir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
                // this._currentDirectory is NULL when fileList is first initialised
                if (!e.force) {
                    if( (this._currentDirectory || this.$el.find('#dir').val()) && currentDir === e.dir) {
                this.changeDirectory(e.dir, false, true);

         * Selected/deselects the given file element and updated
         * the internal selection cache.
         * @param {Object} $tr single file row element
         * @param {bool} state true to select, false to deselect
        _selectFileEl: function($tr, state, showDetailsView) {
            var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>.selectCheckBox');
            var oldData = !!this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')];
            var data;
            $checkbox.prop('checked', state);
            $tr.toggleClass('selected', state);
            // already selected ?
            if (state === oldData) {
            data = this.elementToFile($tr);
            if (state) {
                this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')] = data;
            else {
                delete this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')];
            if (this._detailsView && !this._detailsView.$el.hasClass('disappear')) {
                // hide sidebar
            this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', this._selectionSummary.getTotal() === this.files.length);

         * Event handler for when clicking on files to select them
        _onClickFile: function(event) {

            var $link = $(event.target).closest('a');
            if ($link.attr('href') === '#' || $link.hasClass('disable-click')) {
            var $tr = $(event.target).closest('tr');
            if ($tr.hasClass('dragging')) {
            if (this._allowSelection && (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey)) {
                if (event.shiftKey) {
                    var $lastTr = $(this._lastChecked);
                    var lastIndex = $lastTr.index();
                    var currentIndex = $tr.index();
                    var $rows = this.$fileList.children('tr');

                    // last clicked checkbox below current one ?
                    if (lastIndex > currentIndex) {
                        var aux = lastIndex;
                        lastIndex = currentIndex;
                        currentIndex = aux;

                    // auto-select everything in-between
                    for (var i = lastIndex + 1; i < currentIndex; i++) {
                        this._selectFileEl($rows.eq(i), true);
                else {
                    this._lastChecked = $tr;
                var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>.selectCheckBox');
                this._selectFileEl($tr, !$checkbox.prop('checked'));
            } else {
                // clicked directly on the name
                if (!this._detailsView || $(event.target).is('.nametext') || $(event.target).closest('.nametext').length) {
                    var filename = $tr.attr('data-file');
                    var renaming = $tr.data('renaming');
                    if (!renaming) {
                        this.fileActions.currentFile = $tr.find('td');
                        var mime = this.fileActions.getCurrentMimeType();
                        var type = this.fileActions.getCurrentType();
                        var permissions = this.fileActions.getCurrentPermissions();
                        var defaultActions = this.fileActions.getDefaultFileActions(mime,type, permissions);
                        var context = {
                            $file: $tr,
                            fileList: this,
                            fileActions: this.fileActions,
                            dir: $tr.attr('data-path') || this.getCurrentDirectory()

                        // don't show app drawer for directories as we want to open them per default
                        if (defaultActions.length > 1 && type !== 'dir') {
                            var appSelectMenu = new OCA.Files.FileActionsApplicationSelectMenu();
                            appSelectMenu.show(context, $tr.find('td.filename'));

                        var action = this.fileActions.getDefault(mime,type, permissions);
                        if (action) {
                            // also set on global object for legacy apps
                            window.FileActions.currentFile = this.fileActions.currentFile;
                            action(filename, context);
                        // deselect row
                } else {

         * Event handler for when clicking on a file's checkbox
        _onClickFileCheckbox: function(e) {
            var $tr = $(e.target).closest('tr');
            var state = !$tr.hasClass('selected');
            this._selectFileEl($tr, state);
            this._lastChecked = $tr;
            if (this._detailsView && !this._detailsView.$el.hasClass('disappear')) {
                // hide sidebar

         * Event handler for when selecting/deselecting all files
         * modifiedFiles if not passed then this.files would be used.
         * modifiedFiles was introduced, so that if we have to alter
         * any fields of this.files, its better to use modifiedFiles
         * instead of directly making change in this.files.
        _onClickSelectAll: function(e, modifiedFiles) {
            var filesViewed = modifiedFiles ? modifiedFiles : this.files;
            var checked = $(e.target).prop('checked');
            this.$fileList.find('td.filename>.selectCheckBox').prop('checked', checked)
                .closest('tr').toggleClass('selected', checked);
            this._selectedFiles = {};
            if (checked) {
                for (var i = 0; i < filesViewed.length; i++) {
                    var fileData = filesViewed[i];
                    this._selectedFiles[fileData.id] = fileData;
            if (this._detailsView && !this._detailsView.$el.hasClass('disappear')) {
                // hide sidebar

         * Event handler for when clicking on "Download" for the selected files
        _onClickDownloadSelected: function(event) {
            var files;
            var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
            if (this.isAllSelected() && this.getSelectedFiles().length > 1) {
                files = OC.basename(dir);
                dir = OC.dirname(dir) || '/';
            else {
                files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name');

            var downloadFileaction = $('#selectedActionsList').find('.download');

            // don't allow a second click on the download action
            if(downloadFileaction.hasClass('disabled')) {

            var disableLoadingState = function(){
                OCA.Files.FileActions.updateFileActionSpinner(downloadFileaction, false);

            OCA.Files.FileActions.updateFileActionSpinner(downloadFileaction, true);
            if(this.getSelectedFiles().length > 1) {
                OCA.Files.Files.handleDownload(this.getDownloadUrl(files, dir, true), disableLoadingState);
            else {
                first = this.getSelectedFiles()[0];
                OCA.Files.Files.handleDownload(this.getDownloadUrl(first.name, dir, true), disableLoadingState);
            return false;

         * Event handler for when clicking on "Delete" for the selected files
        _onClickDeleteSelected: function(event) {
            var files = null;
            if (!this.isAllSelected()) {
                files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name');
            return false;

         * Event handler when clicking on a table header
        _onClickHeader: function(e) {
            if (this.$table.hasClass('multiselect')) {
            var $target = $(e.target);
            var sort;
            if (!$target.is('a')) {
                $target = $target.closest('a');
            sort = $target.attr('data-sort');
            if (sort) {
                if (this._sort === sort) {
                    this.setSort(sort, (this._sortDirection === 'desc')?'asc':'desc', true, true);
                else {
                    if ( sort === 'name' ) {    //default sorting of name is opposite to size and mtime
                        this.setSort(sort, 'asc', true, true);
                    else {
                        this.setSort(sort, 'desc', true, true);

         * Event handler when clicking on a bread crumb
        _onClickBreadCrumb: function(e) {
            var $el = $(e.target).closest('.crumb'),
                $targetDir = $el.data('dir');

            if ($targetDir !== undefined && e.which === 1) {

         * Event handler for when scrolling the list container.
         * This appends/renders the next page of entries when reaching the bottom.
        _onScroll: function(e) {
            if (this.$container.scrollTop() + this.$container.height() > this.$el.height() - 300) {

         * Event handler when dropping on a breadcrumb
        _onDropOnBreadCrumb: function( event, ui ) {
            var self = this;
            var $target = $(event.target);
            if (!$target.is('.crumb')) {
                $target = $target.closest('.crumb');
            var targetPath = $(event.target).data('dir');
            var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
            while (dir.substr(0,1) === '/') {//remove extra leading /'s
                dir = dir.substr(1);
            dir = '/' + dir;
            if (dir.substr(-1,1) !== '/') {
                dir = dir + '/';
            // do nothing if dragged on current dir
            if (targetPath === dir || targetPath + '/' === dir) {

            var files = this.getSelectedFiles();
            if (files.length === 0) {
                // single one selected without checkbox?
                files = _.map(ui.helper.find('tr'), function(el) {
                    return self.elementToFile($(el));

            this.move(_.pluck(files, 'name'), targetPath);

            // re-enable td elements to be droppable
            // sometimes the filename drop handler is still called after re-enable,
            // it seems that waiting for a short time before re-enabling solves the problem
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 10);

         * Sets a new page title
        setPageTitle: function(title){
            if (title) {
                title += ' - ';
            } else {
                title = '';
            title += this.appName;
            // Sets the page title with the " - ownCloud" suffix as in templates
            window.document.title = title + ' - ' + oc_defaults.title;

            return true;
         * Returns the file info for the given file name from the internal collection.
         * @param {string} fileName file name
         * @return {OCA.Files.FileInfo} file info or null if it was not found
         * @since 8.2
        findFile: function(fileName) {
            return _.find(this.files, function(aFile) {
                return (aFile.name === fileName);
            }) || null;
         * Returns the tr element for a given file name, but only if it was already rendered.
         * @param {string} fileName file name
         * @return {Object} jQuery object of the matching row
        findFileEl: function(fileName){
            // use filterAttr to avoid escaping issues
            var $fileEl = this.$fileList.find('tr').filterAttr('data-file', fileName);

            // take the file id into account if possible because the file name
            // may not be unique which results in multiple elements
            if (this.$currentRow && $fileEl.length > 1) {
                $fileEl = $fileEl.filter('[data-id="' + this.$currentRow.data('id') + '"]');

            return $fileEl;

         * Returns the file data from a given file element.
         * @param $el file tr element
         * @return file data
        elementToFile: function($el){
            $el = $($el);
            var data = {
                id: parseInt($el.attr('data-id'), 10),
                name: $el.attr('data-file'),
                mimetype: $el.attr('data-mime'),
                mtime: parseInt($el.attr('data-mtime'), 10),
                type: $el.attr('data-type'),
                etag: $el.attr('data-etag'),
                permissions: parseInt($el.attr('data-permissions'), 10)
            var size = $el.attr('data-size');
            if (size) {
                data.size = parseInt(size, 10);
            var icon = $el.attr('data-icon');
            if (icon) {
                data.icon = icon;
            var mountType = $el.attr('data-mounttype');
            if (mountType) {
                data.mountType = mountType;
            var path = $el.attr('data-path');
            if (path) {
                data.path = path;
            return data;

         * Appends the next page of files into the table
         * @param animate true to animate the new elements
         * @return array of DOM elements of the newly added files
        _nextPage: function(animate) {
            var index = this.$fileList.children().length,
                count = this.pageSize(),
                newTrs = [],
                isAllSelected = this.isAllSelected(),
                showHidden = this._filesConfig.get('showhidden');

            if (index >= this.files.length) {
                return false;

            while (count > 0 && index < this.files.length) {
                fileData = this.files[index];
                if (this._filter) {
                    hidden = fileData.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(this._filter.toLowerCase()) === -1;
                } else {
                    hidden = false;
                tr = this._renderRow(fileData, {updateSummary: false, silent: true, hidden: hidden});
                if (isAllSelected || this._selectedFiles[fileData.id]) {
                    tr.find('.selectCheckBox').prop('checked', true);
                if (animate) {
                    tr.addClass('appear transparent');
                // only count visible rows
                if (showHidden || !tr.hasClass('hidden-file')) {

            // trigger event for newly added rows
            if (newTrs.length > 0) {
                this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this, $files: newTrs}));

            if (animate) {
                // defer, for animation
                window.setTimeout(function() {
                    for (var i = 0; i < newTrs.length; i++ ) {
                }, 0);

            return newTrs;

         * Event handler for when file actions were updated.
         * This will refresh the file actions on the list.
        _onFileActionsUpdated: function() {
            var self = this;
            var $files = this.$fileList.find('tr');
            if (!$files.length) {

            $files.each(function() {
                self.fileActions.display($(this).find('td.filename'), false, self);
            this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this, $files: $files}));


         * Sets the files to be displayed in the list.
         * This operation will re-render the list and update the summary.
         * @param filesArray array of file data (map)
        setFiles: function(filesArray) {
            var self = this;

            // detach to make adding multiple rows faster
            this.files = filesArray;


            // clear "Select all" checkbox
            this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false);

            // Save full files list while rendering

            this.isEmpty = this.files.length === 0;



            this._selectedFiles = {};


            _.defer(function() {

         * Returns whether the given file info must be hidden
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo file info
         * @return {boolean} true if the file is a hidden file, false otherwise
        _isHiddenFile: function(file) {
            return file.name && file.name.charAt(0) === '.';

         * Returns the icon URL matching the given file info
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo file info
         * @return {string} icon URL
        _getIconUrl: function(fileInfo) {
            var mimeType = fileInfo.mimetype || 'application/octet-stream';
            if (mimeType === 'httpd/unix-directory') {
                // use default folder icon
                if (fileInfo.mountType === 'shared' || fileInfo.mountType === 'shared-root') {
                    return OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('dir-shared');
                } else if (fileInfo.mountType === 'external-root') {
                    return OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('dir-external');
                return OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('dir');
            return OC.MimeType.getIconUrl(mimeType);

         * Creates a new table row element using the given file data.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileData file info attributes
         * @param options map of attributes
         * @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
        _createRow: function(fileData, options) {
            var td, simpleSize, basename, extension, sizeColor,
                icon = fileData.icon || this._getIconUrl(fileData),
                name = fileData.name,
                // TODO: get rid of type, only use mime type
                type = fileData.type || 'file',
                mtime = parseInt(fileData.mtime, 10),
                mime = fileData.mimetype,
                path = fileData.path,
                dataIcon = null,
            options = options || {};

            if (isNaN(mtime)) {
                mtime = new Date().getTime();

            if (type === 'dir') {
                mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory';

                if (fileData.mountType && fileData.mountType.indexOf('external') === 0) {
                    icon = OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('dir-external');
                    dataIcon = icon;

            //containing tr
            var tr = $('<tr></tr>').attr({
                "data-id" : fileData.id,
                "data-type": type,
                "data-size": fileData.size,
                "data-file": name,
                "data-mime": mime,
                "data-mtime": mtime,
                "data-etag": fileData.etag,
                "data-permissions": fileData.permissions || this.getDirectoryPermissions()

            if (dataIcon) {
                // icon override
                tr.attr('data-icon', dataIcon);

            if (fileData.mountType) {
                // dirInfo (parent) only exist for the "real" file list
                if (this.dirInfo.id) {
                    // FIXME: HACK: detect shared-root
                    if (fileData.mountType === 'shared' && this.dirInfo.mountType !== 'shared' && this.dirInfo.mountType !== 'shared-root') {
                        // if parent folder isn't share, assume the displayed folder is a share root
                        fileData.mountType = 'shared-root';
                    } else if (fileData.mountType === 'external' && this.dirInfo.mountType !== 'external' && this.dirInfo.mountType !== 'external-root') {
                        // if parent folder isn't external, assume the displayed folder is the external storage root
                        fileData.mountType = 'external-root';
                tr.attr('data-mounttype', fileData.mountType);

            if (!_.isUndefined(path)) {
                tr.attr('data-path', path);
            else {
                path = this.getCurrentDirectory();

            // filename td
            td = $('<td class="filename"></td>');

            // linkUrl
            if (mime === 'httpd/unix-directory') {
                linkUrl = this.linkTo(path + '/' + name);
            else {
                linkUrl = this.getDownloadUrl(name, path, type === 'dir');
            if (this._allowSelection) {
                    '<input id="select-' + this.id + '-' + fileData.id +
                    '" type="checkbox" class="selectCheckBox checkbox"/><label for="select-' + this.id + '-' + fileData.id + '">' +
                    '<div class="thumbnail" style="background-image:url(' + icon + '); background-size: 32px;"></div>' +
                    '<span class="hidden-visually">' + t('files', 'Select') + '</span>' +
            } else {
                td.append('<div class="thumbnail" style="background-image:url(' + icon + '); background-size: 32px;"></div>');
            var linkElem = $('<a></a>').attr({
                "class": "name",
                "href": linkUrl

            // from here work on the display name
            name = fileData.displayName || name;

            // show hidden files (starting with a dot) completely in gray
            if(name.indexOf('.') === 0) {
                basename = '';
                extension = name;
            // split extension from filename for non dirs
            } else if (mime !== 'httpd/unix-directory' && name.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
                basename = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
                extension = name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.'));
            } else {
                basename = name;
                extension = false;
            var nameSpan=$('<span></span>').addClass('nametext');
            var innernameSpan = $('<span></span>').addClass('innernametext').text(basename);
            if (extension) {
            if (fileData.extraData) {
                if (fileData.extraData.charAt(0) === '/') {
                    fileData.extraData = fileData.extraData.substr(1);
                nameSpan.addClass('extra-data').attr('title', fileData.extraData);
                nameSpan.tooltip({placement: 'right'});
            // dirs can show the number of uploaded files
            if (mime === 'httpd/unix-directory') {
                    'class': 'uploadtext',
                    'currentUploads': 0

            // size column
            if (typeof(fileData.size) !== 'undefined' && fileData.size >= 0) {
                simpleSize = humanFileSize(parseInt(fileData.size, 10), true);
                sizeColor = Math.round(160-Math.pow((fileData.size/(1024*1024)),2));
            } else {
                simpleSize = t('files', 'Pending');

            td = $('<td></td>').attr({
                "class": "filesize",
                "style": 'color:rgb(' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ')'

            // date column (1000 milliseconds to seconds, 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours)
            // difference in days multiplied by 5 - brightest shade for files older than 32 days (160/5)
            var modifiedColor = Math.round(((new Date()).getTime() - mtime )/1000/60/60/24*5 );
            // ensure that the brightest color is still readable
            if (modifiedColor >= '160') {
                modifiedColor = 160;
            var formatted;
            var text;
            if (mtime > 0) {
                formatted = OC.Util.formatDate(mtime);
                text = OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(mtime);
            } else {
                formatted = t('files', 'Unable to determine date');
                text = '?';
            td = $('<td></td>').attr({ "class": "date" });
                "class": "modified",
                "title": formatted,
                "style": 'color:rgb('+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+')'
              .tooltip({placement: 'top'})
            return tr;

         * Adds an entry to the files array and also into the DOM
         * in a sorted manner.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileData map of file attributes
         * @param {Object} [options] map of attributes
         * @param {boolean} [options.updateSummary] true to update the summary
         * after adding (default), false otherwise. Defaults to true.
         * @param {boolean} [options.silent] true to prevent firing events like "fileActionsReady",
         * defaults to false.
         * @param {boolean} [options.animate] true to animate the thumbnail image after load
         * defaults to true.
         * @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
        add: function(fileData, options) {
            var index = -1;
            var $tr;
            var $rows;
            var $insertionPoint;
            options = _.extend({animate: true}, options || {});

            // there are three situations to cover:
            // 1) insertion point is visible on the current page
            // 2) insertion point is on a not visible page (visible after scrolling)
            // 3) insertion point is at the end of the list

            $rows = this.$fileList.children();
            index = this._findInsertionIndex(fileData);
            if (index > this.files.length) {
                index = this.files.length;
            else {
                $insertionPoint = $rows.eq(index);

            // is the insertion point visible ?
            if ($insertionPoint.length) {
                // only render if it will really be inserted
                $tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options);
            else {
                // if insertion point is after the last visible
                // entry, append
                if (index === $rows.length) {
                    $tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options);

            this.isEmpty = false;
            this.files.splice(index, 0, fileData);

            if ($tr && options.animate) {
                $tr.addClass('appear transparent');
                window.setTimeout(function() {

            if (options.scrollTo) {

            // defaults to true if not defined
            if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) {
                this.fileSummary.add(fileData, true);

            return $tr;

         * Creates a new row element based on the given attributes
         * and returns it.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileData map of file attributes
         * @param {Object} [options] map of attributes
         * @param {int} [options.index] index at which to insert the element
         * @param {boolean} [options.updateSummary] true to update the summary
         * after adding (default), false otherwise. Defaults to true.
         * @param {boolean} [options.animate] true to animate the thumbnail image after load
         * defaults to true.
         * @return new tr element (not appended to the table)
        _renderRow: function(fileData, options) {
            options = options || {};
            var type = fileData.type || 'file',
                mime = fileData.mimetype,
                path = fileData.path || this.getCurrentDirectory(),
                permissions = parseInt(fileData.permissions, 10) || 0;

            if (fileData.isShareMountPoint) {
                permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE;

            if (type === 'dir') {
                mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory';
            var tr = this._createRow(
            var filenameTd = tr.find('td.filename');

            // TODO: move dragging to FileActions ?
            // enable drag only for deletable files
            if (this._dragOptions && permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) {
            // allow dropping on folders
            if (this._folderDropOptions && mime === 'httpd/unix-directory') {

            if (options.hidden) {

            if (this._isHiddenFile(fileData)) {

            if(_.keys(this._shareTreeCache).length) {

            // display actions
            this.fileActions.display(filenameTd, !options.silent, this);

            if (mime !== 'httpd/unix-directory') {
                var iconDiv = filenameTd.find('.thumbnail');
                // lazy load / newly inserted td ?
                // the typeof check ensures that the default value of animate is true
                if (typeof(options.animate) === 'undefined' || !!options.animate) {
                        path: path + '/' + fileData.name,
                        mime: mime,
                        etag: fileData.etag,
                        callback: function(url) {
                            iconDiv.css('background-image', 'url("' + url + '")');
                else {
                    // set the preview URL directly
                    var urlSpec = {
                            file: path + '/' + fileData.name,
                            c: fileData.etag
                    var previewUrl = this.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec);
                    previewUrl = previewUrl.replace('(', '%28').replace(')', '%29');
                    iconDiv.css('background-image', 'url("' + previewUrl + '")');
            return tr;
         * Returns the current directory
         * @method getCurrentDirectory
         * @return current directory
        getCurrentDirectory: function(){
            return this._currentDirectory || this.$el.find('#dir').val() || '/';
         * Returns the directory permissions
         * @return permission value as integer
        getDirectoryPermissions: function() {
            return parseInt(this.$el.find('#permissions').val(), 10);
         * Changes the current directory and reload the file list.
         * @param {string} targetDir target directory (non URL encoded)
         * @param {boolean} [changeUrl=true] if the URL must not be changed (defaults to true)
         * @param {boolean} [force=false] set to true to force changing directory
         * @param {string} [fileId] optional file id, if known, to be appended in the URL
         * @return {Promise} empty
        changeDirectory: function(targetDir, changeUrl, force, fileId) {
            var self = this;
            var currentDir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
            targetDir = targetDir || '/';

            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

                if (!force && currentDir === targetDir) {
                self._setCurrentDir(targetDir, changeUrl, fileId);
                // discard finished uploads list, we'll get it through a regular reload
                self._uploads = {};
                    if (!success) {
                        self.changeDirectory(currentDir, true);
                    self._updateShareTree().then(function() {
        linkTo: function(dir) {
            return OC.linkTo('files', 'index.php')+"?dir="+ encodeURIComponent(dir).replace(/%2F/g, '/');

        _isValidPath: function(path) {
            var sections = path.split('/');
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
                if (sections[i] === '..') {
                    return false;
            var specialChars = [decodeURIComponent('%00'), decodeURIComponent('%0A')];
            for (i = 0; i < specialChars.length; i++) {
                if (path.indexOf(specialChars[i]) !== -1) {
                    return false;
            return true;

         * Sets the current directory name and updates the breadcrumb.
         * @param targetDir directory to display
         * @param changeUrl true to also update the URL, false otherwise (default)
         * @param {string} [fileId] file id
        _setCurrentDir: function(targetDir, changeUrl, fileId) {
            targetDir = targetDir.replace(/\\/g, '/');
            if (!this._isValidPath(targetDir)) {
                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Invalid path'), {type: 'error'});
                targetDir = '/';
                changeUrl = true;
            var previousDir = this.getCurrentDirectory(),
                baseDir = OC.basename(targetDir);

            if (baseDir !== '') {
            else {

            if (targetDir.length > 0 && targetDir[0] !== '/') {
                targetDir = '/' + targetDir;
            this._currentDirectory = targetDir;

            // legacy stuff

            if (changeUrl !== false) {
                var params = {
                    dir: targetDir,
                    previousDir: previousDir
                if (fileId) {
                    params.fileId = fileId;
                this.$el.trigger(jQuery.Event('changeDirectory', params));

         * Sets the currently clicked row
         * We use this event to give the findFileEl a unique identifier.
        _setCurrentRow: function($rowEl) {
            this.$currentRow = $rowEl;

         * Sets the current sorting and refreshes the list
         * @param sort sort attribute name
         * @param direction sort direction, one of "asc" or "desc"
         * @param update true to update the list, false otherwise (default)
         * @param persist true to save changes in the database (default)
        setSort: function(sort, direction, update, persist) {
            var comparator = FileList.Comparators[sort] || FileList.Comparators.name;
            this._sort = sort;
            this._sortDirection = (direction === 'desc')?'desc':'asc';
            this._sortComparator = comparator;

            if (direction === 'desc') {
                this._sortComparator = function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
                    return -comparator(fileInfo1, fileInfo2);
            this.$el.find('thead th .sort-indicator')
                .toggleClass('hidden', true)

            this.$el.find('thead th.column-' + sort + ' .sort-indicator')
                .toggleClass('hidden', false)
                .addClass(direction === 'desc' ? this.SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS : this.SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS);
            if (update) {
                if (this._clientSideSort) {
                else {

            if (persist && OC.getCurrentUser().uid !== null) {
                $.post(OC.generateUrl('/apps/files/api/v1/sorting'), {
                    mode: sort,
                    direction: direction,
                    view: this.id

         * Returns list of webdav properties to request
        _getWebdavProperties: function() {
            return [].concat(this.filesClient.getPropfindProperties());

         * Reloads the file list using ajax call
         * @return ajax call object
        reload: function() {
            this._selectedFiles = {};
            if (this._currentFileModel) {
            this._currentFileModel = null;
            this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false);
            try {
                this._reloadCall = this.filesClient.getFolderContents(
                    this.getCurrentDirectory(), {
                        includeParent: true,
                        properties: this._getWebdavProperties()
            } catch (e) {
                if (e instanceof DOMException) {
                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Invalid path'), {timeout: 7, type: 'error'});
                throw e;
            if (this._detailsView) {
                // close sidebar
            var callBack = this.reloadCallback.bind(this);
            return this._reloadCall.then(callBack, callBack);
        reloadCallback: function(status, result) {
            delete this._reloadCall;

            if (status === 401) {
                return false;

            // Firewall Blocked request?
            if (status === 403 || status === 400) {
                // Go home
                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'This operation is forbidden'), {type: 'error'});
                return false;

            // Did share service die or something else fail?
            if (status === 500) {
                // Go home
                    t('files', 'Directory "{dir}" is unavailable, please contact the administrator', { dir:this.getCurrentDirectory() }),
                    {type: 'error'}
                return false;

            if (status === 503) {
                // Go home
                if (this.getCurrentDirectory() !== '/') {
                    // TODO: read error message from exception
                        t('files', 'Storage for "{dir}" is temporarily not available', { dir:this.getCurrentDirectory() }),
                        {type: 'error'}
                return false;

            if (status === 404) {
                // check if shared file root
                var currentDir = OC.basename(this.getCurrentDirectory());
                var currentDirInfo = this.findFileEl(currentDir);
                if (currentDirInfo.attr('data-mounttype') == 'shared-root') {
                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Shared directory "{dir}" is not available, remove the share or contact it\'s owner to reshare.', { dir:this.getCurrentDirectory() }),
                        {type: 'error'}
                } else {
                        t('files', 'Directory "{dir}" not found', { dir:this.getCurrentDirectory() }),
                        {type: 'error'}

                // go back home
                return false;

            // aborted ?
            if (status === 0){
                return true;

            // TODO: parse remaining quota from PROPFIND response

            // first entry is the root
            this.dirInfo = result.shift();

            if (this.dirInfo.permissions) {


            if (this.dirInfo) {
                var newFileId = this.dirInfo.id;
                // update fileid in URL
                var params = {
                    dir: this.getCurrentDirectory()
                if (newFileId) {
                    params.fileId = newFileId;
                this.$el.trigger(jQuery.Event('afterChangeDirectory', params));
            return true;

        updateStorageStatistics: function(force) {
            OCA.Files.Files.updateStorageStatistics(this.getCurrentDirectory(), force);

         * @deprecated do not use nor override
        getAjaxUrl: function(action, params) {
            return OCA.Files.Files.getAjaxUrl(action, params);

        getDownloadUrl: function(files, dir, isDir) {
            return OCA.Files.Files.getDownloadUrl(files, dir || this.getCurrentDirectory(), isDir);

        getUploadUrl: function(fileName, dir) {
            if (_.isUndefined(dir)) {
                dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();

            var pathSections = dir.split('/');
            if (!_.isUndefined(fileName)) {
            var encodedPath = '';
            _.each(pathSections, function(section) {
                if (section !== '') {
                    encodedPath += '/' + encodeURIComponent(section);
            var uid = encodeURIComponent(OC.getCurrentUser().uid);
            return OC.linkToRemoteBase('dav') + '/files/' + uid + encodedPath;

         * Fetch shareTypes of a certain directory
         * @param {String} dir directory string
         * @return {Promise} object with name and shareTypes
        getDirShareInfo: function(dir) {
            // Dir can't be empty
            if (typeof dir !== 'string' || dir.length === 0) {
                return Promise.reject('getDirShareInfo(). param must be typeof string and can not be empty!');

            // avoiding a unnecessary API calls
            if (typeof this._shareTreeCache[dir] !== 'undefined' || dir === '/') {
                return Promise.resolve();

            // trim trailing slashes
            dir = dir.replace(/\/$/, "");

            var self       = this;
            var client     = this.filesClient;
            var options    = {
                properties : ['{' + OC.Files.Client.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}share-types']

            return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
                client.getFileInfo(dir, options).done(function(s, dir) {

                    var path = OC.joinPaths(dir.path, dir.name);

                    if (dir.shareTypes !== undefined) {
                        // Fetch all shares for directory in question
                        $.get( OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1', 2) + 'shares?' + OC.buildQueryString({format: 'json', path: path, reshares : true }), function(e) {
                            self._shareTreeCache[path] = {
                                name : dir.name,
                                shares : e.ocs.data
                    } else {
                }).fail(function(error) {

         * Fetch shareInfos recursively from current
         * directory down to root
         * @param {String} dir directory string
         * @return {Promise} array of objects with name and shareTypes
        getPathShareInfo: function(path) {
            if (typeof path !== 'string') {
                console.error('getDirShareInfo(). param must be typeof string!');
                return Promise.reject();

            var crumbs     = [];
            var pathToHere = '';
            var parts      = (path === '/' || path.length === 0) ? ['/'] : path.split('/');

            for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
                var part = parts[i];
                pathToHere += part + '/';


            return Promise.all(crumbs);

        _updateShareTree: function() {
            var self = this;
            var dir  = this.getCurrentDirectory();

            // Purge shareTreeCache in root dir
            if (dir === '/') {
                return Promise.resolve();

            return this.getPathShareInfo(dir).then(function () {
                var breadcrumbs = dir.split('/');

                // Diff keys in shareTreeCache against the current dir
                // removing deeper nested shares
                var cache = _.omit(self._shareTreeCache, function(value, key) {
                    var diffs = _.difference(key.split('/'), breadcrumbs);
                    return diffs.length > 0;


        _setShareTreeCache: function(data) {
            this._shareTreeCache = data;

        _purgeShareTreeCache: function() {

        _setShareTreeIcons: function() {
            // Add share-tree icon to files and folders
            // each per <tr> in the table

            if (_.keys(this._shareTreeCache).length > 0) {
                this.$fileList.find('tr td.filename .thumbnail:not(.sharetree-item)').addClass('sharetree-item');
            } else {
                this.$fileList.find('tr td.filename .thumbnail.sharetree-item').removeClass('sharetree-item');

        _setShareTreeUserGroupView: function() {
            var self  = this;
            var $list = $('<ul>', { id : 'shareTreeUserGroupList' });

            if (! _.keys(self._shareTreeCache).length > 0) {


            // Shared folders
            _.each(self._shareTreeCache, function(folder) {

                var shares = _.filter(folder.shares, function(share) {
                    return (
                        share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER ||
                        share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP ||
                        share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GUEST ||
                        share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE );

                _.each(shares, function(share) {

                    var shareWith = share.share_with_displayname;

                    if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
                        shareWith += ' (' + t('files', 'group') + ')';
                    } else if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
                        shareWith += ' (' + t('files_sharing', 'Federated share') + ')';

                    var $path = $('<span>',   { class : 'shareTree-item-path', text : t('files', 'via') + " " + folder.name });
                    var $name = $('<strong>', { class : 'shareTree-item-name', text : shareWith, title: shareWith });
                    var $icon = $('<div>',    { class : 'shareTree-item-avatar' });

                    if (oc_config.enable_avatars) {
                           $icon.avatar(share.share_with, 32);

                    $('<li class="shareTree-item">').append( $icon, $name, $path).appendTo($list).click(function() {
                        self.changeDirectory(share.path.replace(folder.name, ''), true).then(function() {
                            self._updateDetailsView(folder.name, true);
                        }).catch(function(e) {

                    $name.tooltip({placement: 'bottom'});

        _setShareTreeLinkView: function() {
            var self  = this;
            var $list = $('<ul>', { id : 'shareTreeLinkList' });

            if (! _.keys(self._shareTreeCache).length > 0) {


            // Shared folders
            _.each(self._shareTreeCache, function(folder) {

                var shares = _.filter(folder.shares, function(share) {
                    return share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK;

                _.each(shares, function(share) {

                    var shareName = (!_.isEmpty(share.name)) ? share.name : share.token;

                    var $path = $('<span>',   { class : 'shareTree-item-path', text : t('files', 'via') + " " + folder.name });
                    var $name = $('<strong>', { class : 'shareTree-item-name', text : shareName });
                    var $icon = $('<span>',   { class : 'shareTree-item-icon link-entry--icon icon-public-white' });

                    $('<li class="shareTree-item">').append( $icon, $name, $path).appendTo($list).click(function() {
                        self.changeDirectory(share.path.replace(folder.name, ''), true).then(function() {
                            self._updateDetailsView(folder.name, true);
                        }).catch(function(e) {

         * Generates a preview URL based on the URL space.
         * @param urlSpec attributes for the URL
         * @param {int} urlSpec.x width
         * @param {int} urlSpec.y height
         * @param {String} urlSpec.file path to the file
         * @return {String} preview URL
        generatePreviewUrl: function(urlSpec) {
            urlSpec = urlSpec || {};
            if (!urlSpec.x) {
                urlSpec.x = this.$table.data('preview-x') || 32;
            if (!urlSpec.y) {
                urlSpec.y = this.$table.data('preview-y') || 32;
            urlSpec.x *= window.devicePixelRatio;
            urlSpec.y *= window.devicePixelRatio;
            urlSpec.x = Math.ceil(urlSpec.x);
            urlSpec.y = Math.ceil(urlSpec.y);
            urlSpec.forceIcon = 0;
            var parts = urlSpec.file.split('/');
            var encoded = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
            var file = encoded.join('/');
            delete urlSpec.file;
            urlSpec.preview = 1;

            return OC.linkToRemoteBase('dav') + '/files/' + OC.getCurrentUser().uid + file + '?' + $.param(urlSpec);

         * Lazy load a file's preview.
         * @param path path of the file
         * @param mime mime type
         * @param callback callback function to call when the image was loaded
         * @param etag file etag (for caching)
        lazyLoadPreview : function(options) {
            var self = this;
            var path = options.path;
            var mime = options.mime;
            var ready = options.callback;
            var etag = options.etag;
            var enabledPreviewProviders = oc_appconfig.core.enabledPreviewProviders || [];
            // We join all supported mimes into a single regex
            var allMimesPattern = new RegExp(enabledPreviewProviders.join('|'));

            // get mime icon url
            var iconURL = OC.MimeType.getIconUrl(mime);
            var previewURL,
                urlSpec = {};
            ready(iconURL); // set mimeicon URL

            var img = new Image();

            if (oc_appconfig.core.previewsEnabled && allMimesPattern.test(mime)) {
                urlSpec.file = OCA.Files.Files.fixPath(path);
                if (options.x) {
                    urlSpec.x = options.x;
                if (options.y) {
                    urlSpec.y = options.y;
                if (options.a) {
                    urlSpec.a = options.a;
                if (options.mode) {
                    urlSpec.mode = options.mode;

                if (etag) {
                    // use etag as cache buster
                    urlSpec.c = etag;

                previewURL = self.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec);
                previewURL = previewURL.replace('(', '%28');
                previewURL = previewURL.replace(')', '%29');

                // preload image to prevent delay
                // this will make the browser cache the image
                img.onload = function () {
                    // if loading the preview image failed (no preview for the mimetype) then img.width will < 5
                    if (img.width > 5) {
                        ready(previewURL, img);
                    } else if (options.error) {
                if (options.error) {
                    img.onerror = options.error;
                img.src = previewURL;
            } else {
                ready(iconURL, img);

         * @deprecated
        setDirectoryPermissions: function(permissions) {
            var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
            this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable);
            this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable);
         * Shows/hides action buttons
         * @param show true for enabling, false for disabling
        showActions: function(show){
            this.$el.find('.actions,#file_action_panel').toggleClass('hidden', !show);
            if (show){
                // make sure to display according to permissions
                var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions();
                var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
                this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable);
                this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable);
                // remove old style breadcrumbs (some apps might create them)
                this.$el.find('#controls .crumb').remove();
                // refresh breadcrumbs in case it was replaced by an app
                this.$el.find('.creatable, .notCreatable').addClass('hidden');
         * Enables/disables viewer mode.
         * In viewer mode, apps can embed themselves under the controls bar.
         * In viewer mode, the actions of the file list will be hidden.
         * @param show true for enabling, false for disabling
        setViewerMode: function(show){
            this.$el.find('#filestable').toggleClass('hidden', show);
            this.$el.trigger(new $.Event('changeViewerMode', {viewerModeEnabled: show}));
         * Removes a file entry from the list
         * @param name name of the file to remove
         * @param {Object} [options] map of attributes
         * @param {boolean} [options.updateSummary] true to update the summary
         * after removing, false otherwise. Defaults to true.
         * @return deleted element
        remove: function(name, options){
            options = options || {};
            var fileEl = this.findFileEl(name);
            var fileId = fileEl.data('id');
            var index = fileEl.index();
            if (!fileEl.length) {
                return null;
            if (this._selectedFiles[fileId]) {
                // remove from selection first
                this._selectFileEl(fileEl, false);
            if (this._dragOptions && (fileEl.data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE)) {
                // file is only draggable when delete permissions are set
            this.files.splice(index, 1);
            if (this._currentFileModel && this._currentFileModel.get('id') === fileId) {
                // Note: in the future we should call destroy() directly on the model
                // and the model will take care of the deletion.
                // Here we only trigger the event to notify listeners that
                // the file was removed.
            // TODO: improve performance on batch update
            this.isEmpty = !this.files.length;
            if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) {
                this.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')}, true);

            var lastIndex = this.$fileList.children().length;
            // if there are less elements visible than one page
            // but there are still pending elements in the array,
            // then directly append the next page
            if (lastIndex < this.files.length && lastIndex < this.pageSize()) {

            return fileEl;
         * Finds the index of the row before which the given
         * fileData should be inserted, considering the current
         * sorting
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileData file info
        _findInsertionIndex: function(fileData) {
            var index = 0;
            while (index < this.files.length && this._sortComparator(fileData, this.files[index]) > 0) {
            return index;
         * Moves a file to a given target folder.
         * @param fileNames array of file names to move
         * @param targetPath absolute target path
        move: function(fileNames, targetPath) {
            var self = this;
            var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
            if (dir.charAt(dir.length - 1) !== '/') {
                dir += '/';
            var target = OC.basename(targetPath);
            if (!_.isArray(fileNames)) {
                fileNames = [fileNames];
            _.each(fileNames, function(fileName) {
                var $tr = self.findFileEl(fileName);
                self.showFileBusyState($tr, true);
                if (targetPath.charAt(targetPath.length - 1) !== '/') {
                    // make sure we move the files into the target dir,
                    // not overwrite it
                    targetPath = targetPath + '/';
                self.filesClient.move(dir + fileName, targetPath + fileName)
                    .done(function() {
                        // if still viewing the same directory
                        if (OC.joinPaths(self.getCurrentDirectory(), '/') === dir) {
                            // recalculate folder size
                            var oldFile = self.findFileEl(target);
                            var newFile = self.findFileEl(fileName);
                            var oldSize = oldFile.data('size');
                            var newSize = oldSize + newFile.data('size');
                            oldFile.data('size', newSize);

                            // TODO: also update entry in FileList.files
                    .fail(function(status, result) {
                        if (status === 412) {
                            // TODO: some day here we should invoke the conflict dialog
                            OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not move "{file}", target exists',
                                {file: fileName}, null, {escape: false}), {type: 'error'}
                        } else if (status === 423) {
                            OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not move "{file}" because either the file or the target are locked.',
                                {file: fileName, message: result.message}), {type: 'error'}
                        } else if (status === 507) {
                            OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Not enough free space',
                                {file: fileName, message: result.message}), {type: 'error'}
                        } else if (result != null && typeof result.message !== "undefined") {
                            OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not move "{file}": {message}',
                                {file: fileName, message: result.message}), {type: 'error'}
                        } else {
                            OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not move "{file}"',
                                {file: fileName}), {type: 'error'}
                    .always(function() {
                        self.showFileBusyState($tr, false);


         * Updates the given row with the given file info
         * @param {Object} $tr row element
         * @param {OCA.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo file info
         * @param {Object} options options
         * @return {Object} new row element
        updateRow: function($tr, fileInfo, options) {
            this.files.splice($tr.index(), 1);
            options = _.extend({silent: true}, options);
            options = _.extend(options, {updateSummary: false});
            $tr = this.add(fileInfo, options);
            this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this, $files: $tr}));
            return $tr;

         * Triggers file rename input field for the given file name.
         * If the user enters a new name, the file will be renamed.
         * @param oldName file name of the file to rename
        rename: function(oldName) {
            var self = this;
            var tr, td, input, form;
            tr = this.findFileEl(oldName);
            var oldFileInfo = this.files[tr.index()];
            td = tr.children('td.filename');
            input = $('<input type="text" class="filename"/>').val(oldName);
            form = $('<form></form>');
            //preselect input
            var len = input.val().lastIndexOf('.');
            if ( len === -1 ||
                tr.data('type') === 'dir' ) {
                len = input.val().length;
            input.selectRange(0, len);
            var checkInput = function () {
                var filename = input.val().trim();
                if (filename !== oldName) {
                    // Files.isFileNameValid(filename) throws an exception itself
                    if (self.inList(filename, oldFileInfo.path)) {
                        throw t('files', '{newName} already exists', {newName: filename});
                return true;

            function restore() {

            function updateInList(newFileInfo, oldFileInfo) {
                self.updateRow(tr, newFileInfo);
                self.fileSummary.updateHidden(newFileInfo, oldFileInfo);
                self._updateDetailsView(newFileInfo.name, false);

            // TODO: too many nested blocks, move parts into functions
            form.submit(function(event) {
                if (input.hasClass('error')) {

                try {
                    var newName = input.val().trim();

                    if (newName !== oldName) {
                        // mark as loading (temp element)
                        self.showFileBusyState(tr, true);
                        tr.attr('data-file', newName);
                        var basename = newName;
                        if (tr.data('type') !== 'dir') {
                            var extension = '';
                            if (newName.indexOf('.') > 0) {
                                var lastDotIndex = newName.lastIndexOf('.');
                                basename = newName.substr(0, lastDotIndex);
                                extension = newName.substr(lastDotIndex);
                            td.find('a.name span.nametext span.extension').text(extension);
                        td.find('a.name span.nametext span.innernametext').text(basename);

                        var path = tr.attr('data-path') || self.getCurrentDirectory();
                        self.filesClient.move(OC.joinPaths(path, oldName), OC.joinPaths(path, newName))
                            .done(function() {
                                newFileInfo = Object.create(oldFileInfo);
                                newFileInfo.name = newName;

                                 * Indicate that extraData has a path
                                 * so we adjust it with the new file name
                                if (newFileInfo.extraData &&
                                    newFileInfo.extraData.indexOf('/') !== -1
                                ) {
                                    newFileInfo.extraData = oldFileInfo.path + '/' + newName;

                                updateInList(newFileInfo, oldFileInfo);
                            .fail(function(status) {
                                // TODO: 409 means current folder does not exist, redirect ?
                                if (status === 404) {
                                    // source not found, so remove it from the list
                                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not rename "{fileName}", it does not exist any more',
                                        {fileName: oldName}), {timeout: 7, type: 'error'}

                                    self.remove(newName, {updateSummary: true});
                                } else if (status === 412) {
                                    // target exists
                                        t('files', 'The name "{targetName}" is already used in the folder "{dir}". Please choose a different name.',
                                            targetName: newName,
                                            dir: path,
                                            type: 'error'
                                } else if (status === 423) {
                                    // restore the item to its previous state
                                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'The file "{fileName}" is locked and can not be renamed.',
                                        {fileName: oldName}), {type: 'error'}
                                } else {
                                    // restore the item to its previous state
                                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not rename "{fileName}"',
                                        {fileName: oldName}), {type: 'error'}
                                updateInList(oldFileInfo, oldFileInfo);
                    } else {
                        // add back the old file info when cancelled
                        self.files.splice(tr.index(), 1);
                        tr = self.add(oldFileInfo, {updateSummary: false, silent: true});
                        self.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: self, $files: $(tr)}));
                } catch (error) {
                    input.attr('title', error);
                    input.tooltip({placement: 'right', trigger: 'manual'});
                return false;
            input.keyup(function(event) {
                // verify filename on typing
                try {
                } catch (error) {
                    input.attr('title', error);
                    input.tooltip({placement: 'right', trigger: 'manual'});
                if (event.keyCode === 27) {
            input.click(function(event) {
            input.blur(function() {

         * Create an empty file inside the current directory.
         * @param {string} name name of the file
         * @return {Promise} promise that will be resolved after the
         * file was created
         * @since 8.2
        createFile: function(name) {
            var self = this;
            var deferred = $.Deferred();
            var promise = deferred.promise();


            if (this.lastAction) {

            name = this.getUniqueName(name);
            var targetPath = this.getCurrentDirectory() + '/' + name;

                        contentType: 'text/plain',
                        overwrite: true
                .done(function() {
                    // TODO: error handling / conflicts
                    self.addAndFetchFileInfo(targetPath, '', {scrollTo: true}).then(function(status, data) {
                        deferred.resolve(status, data);
                    }, function() {
                        OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create file "{file}"',
                            {file: name}), {type: 'error'}
                .fail(function(status) {
                    if (status === 412) {
                        OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create file "{file}" because it already exists',
                            {file: name}), {type: 'error'}
                    } else {
                        OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create file "{file}"',
                            {file: name}), {type: 'error'}

            return promise;

         * Create a directory inside the current directory.
         * @param {string} name name of the directory
         * @return {Promise} promise that will be resolved after the
         * directory was created
         * @since 8.2
        createDirectory: function(name) {
            var self = this;
            var deferred = $.Deferred();
            var promise = deferred.promise();


            if (this.lastAction) {

            name = this.getUniqueName(name);
            var targetPath = this.getCurrentDirectory() + '/' + name;

                .done(function() {
                    self.addAndFetchFileInfo(targetPath, '', {scrollTo:true}).then(function(status, data) {
                        deferred.resolve(status, data);
                    }, function() {
                        OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}"',
                            {dir: name}), {type: 'error'}
                .fail(function(createStatus) {
                    // method not allowed, folder might exist already
                    if (createStatus === 405) {
                        // add it to the list, for completeness
                        self.addAndFetchFileInfo(targetPath, '', {scrollTo:true})
                            .done(function(status, data) {
                                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}" because it already exists',
                                    {dir: name}), {type: 'error'}
                                // still consider a failure
                                deferred.reject(createStatus, data);
                            .fail(function() {
                                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}"',
                                    {dir: name}), {type: 'error'}
                    } else {
                        OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}"',
                            {dir: name}), {type: 'error'}

            return promise;

         * Add file into the list by fetching its information from the server first.
         * If the given directory does not match the current directory, nothing will
         * be fetched.
         * @param {String} fileName file name
         * @param {String} [dir] optional directory, defaults to the current one
         * @param {Object} options same options as #add
         * @return {Promise} promise that resolves with the file info, or an
         * already resolved Promise if no info was fetched. The promise rejects
         * if the file was not found or an error occurred.
         * @since 9.0
        addAndFetchFileInfo: function(fileName, dir, options) {
            var self = this;
            var deferred = $.Deferred();
            if (_.isUndefined(dir)) {
                dir = this.getCurrentDirectory();
            } else {
                dir = dir || '/';

            var targetPath = OC.joinPaths(dir, fileName);

            if ((OC.dirname(targetPath) || '/') !== this.getCurrentDirectory()) {
                // no need to fetch information
                return deferred.promise();

            var addOptions = _.extend({
                animate: true,
                scrollTo: false
            }, options || {});

            this.filesClient.getFileInfo(targetPath, {
                    properties: this._getWebdavProperties()
                .then(function(status, data) {
                    // remove first to avoid duplicates
                    self.add(data, addOptions);
                    deferred.resolve(status, data);
                .fail(function(status) {
                    OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create file "{file}"',
                        {file: name}), {type: 'error'}

            return deferred.promise();

         * Returns whether the given file name exists in the list
         * @param {string} file file name
         * @param {string} pathToSearch only look in certain path
         * @return {boolean} true if the file exists in the list, false otherwise
        inList:function(file, pathToSearch) {
            if(pathToSearch === undefined){
                return this.findFile(file);

            return _.find(this.files, function(aFile) {
                return (aFile.name === file && aFile.path === pathToSearch);

         * Shows busy state on a given file row or multiple
         * @param {string|Array.<string>} files file name or array of file names
         * @param {bool} [busy=true] busy state, true for busy, false to remove busy state
         * @since 8.2
        showFileBusyState: function(files, state) {
            var self = this;
            if (!_.isArray(files) && !files.is) {
                files = [files];

            if (_.isUndefined(state)) {
                state = true;

            _.each(files, function(fileName) {
                // jquery element already ?
                var $tr;
                if (_.isString(fileName)) {
                    $tr = self.findFileEl(fileName);
                } else {
                    $tr = $(fileName);

                var $thumbEl = $tr.find('.thumbnail');
                $tr.toggleClass('busy', state);

                if (state) {
                    $thumbEl.attr('data-oldimage', $thumbEl.css('background-image'));
                    $thumbEl.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')');
                } else {
                    $thumbEl.css('background-image', $thumbEl.attr('data-oldimage'));

         * Delete the given files from the given dir
         * @param files file names list (without path)
         * @param dir directory in which to delete the files, defaults to the current
         * directory
        do_delete:function(files, dir) {
            var self = this;
            if (files && files.substr) {
            if (!files) {
                // delete all files in directory
                files = _.pluck(this.files, 'name');
            if (files) {
                this.showFileBusyState(files, true);
            // Finish any existing actions
            if (this.lastAction) {

            dir = dir || this.getCurrentDirectory();

            function removeFromList(file) {
                var fileEl = self.remove(file, {updateSummary: false});
                // FIXME: not sure why we need this after the
                // element isn't even in the DOM any more
                fileEl.find('.selectCheckBox').prop('checked', false);
                self.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')});
                // TODO: this info should be returned by the ajax call!
                // FIXME: don't repeat this, do it once all files are done

            _.each(files, function(file) {
                self.filesClient.remove(dir + '/' + file)
                    .done(function() {
                    .fail(function(status) {
                        if (status === 404) {
                            // the file already did not exist, remove it from the list
                        } else {
                            // only reset the spinner for that one file
                            if (status === 423) {
                                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'The file "{fileName}" is locked and cannot be deleted.',
                                    {fileName: file}), {type: 'error'}
                            } else {
                                OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Error deleting file "{fileName}".',
                                    {fileName: file}), {type: 'error'}
                            var deleteAction = self.findFileEl(file).find('.action.delete');
                            self.showFileBusyState(files, false);
         * Creates the file summary section
        _createSummary: function() {
            var $tr = $('<tr class="summary"></tr>');

            return new OCA.Files.FileSummary($tr, {config: this._filesConfig});
        updateEmptyContent: function() {
            var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions();
            var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
            this.$el.find('#emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !this.isEmpty);
            this.$el.find('#emptycontent .uploadmessage').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable || !this.isEmpty);
            this.$el.find('#emptycontent .nouploadmessage').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable || !this.isEmpty);
            this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty);
         * Shows the loading mask.
         * @see OCA.Files.FileList#hideMask
        showMask: function() {
            // in case one was shown before
            var $mask = this.$el.find('.mask');
            if ($mask.exists()) {


            $mask = $('<div class="mask transparent"></div>');

            $mask.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')');
            $mask.css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat');

         * Hide the loading mask.
         * @see OCA.Files.FileList#showMask
        hideMask: function() {
        scrollTo:function(file, detailTabId) {
            if (!_.isArray(file)) {
                file = [file];
            if (!_.isUndefined(detailTabId)) {
                var filename = file[file.length - 1];
                //Double check if the area that you are scrolling is beyond the page limit?
                var pageSize = this.pageSize();
                var index = _.findIndex(this.files, function (obj) {
                    return obj.name === filename;
                if (index >= pageSize) {
                    var numberOfMorePagesToScroll = Math.floor(index / pageSize);
                    while (numberOfMorePagesToScroll > 0) {
                this.showDetailsView(filename, detailTabId);
            this.highlightFiles(file, function($tr) {
                $tr.one('hover', function() {
         * @deprecated use setFilter(filter)
        filter:function(query) {
         * @deprecated use setFilter('')
        unfilter:function() {
         * hide files matching the given filter
         * @param filter
        setFilter:function(filter) {
            var total = 0;
            if (this._filter === filter) {
            this._filter = filter;
            this.fileSummary.setFilter(filter, this.files);
            total = this.fileSummary.getTotal();
            if (!this.$el.find('.mask').exists()) {

            var visibleCount = 0;
            filter = filter.toLowerCase();

            function filterRows(tr) {
                var $e = $(tr);
                if ($e.data('file').toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) === -1) {
                } else {

            var $trs = this.$fileList.find('tr');
            do {
                _.each($trs, filterRows);

                // prerender the file list until all items are found.
                // skip this with an empty filter to keep the pagination.
                if (visibleCount < total && filter !== '') {
                    $trs = this._nextPage(false);
            } while (visibleCount < total && $trs.length > 0);

        hideIrrelevantUIWhenNoFilesMatch:function() {
            if (this._filter && this.fileSummary.summary.totalDirs + this.fileSummary.summary.totalFiles === 0) {
                this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').addClass('hidden');
                $('#searchresults .emptycontent').addClass('emptycontent-search');
                if ( $('#searchresults').length === 0 || $('#searchresults').hasClass('hidden') ) {
                        find('p').text(t('files', 'No entries in this folder match {filter}', {filter:this._filter}));
            } else {
                $('#searchresults .emptycontent').removeClass('emptycontent-search');
                this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty);
                if (!this.$el.find('.mask').exists()) {
                    this.$el.find('#emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !this.isEmpty);
         * get the current filter
         * @param filter
        getFilter:function(filter) {
            return this._filter;
         * update the search object to use this filelist when filtering
        updateSearch:function() {
            if (OCA.Search.files) {
            if (OC.Search) {
         * Update UI based on the current selection
        updateSelectionSummary: function() {
            var summary = this._selectionSummary.summary;
            var selection;

            var showHidden = !!this._filesConfig.get('showhidden');
            if (summary.totalFiles === 0 && summary.totalDirs === 0) {
                this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(t('files','Name'));
                this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(t('files','Size'));
                this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text(t('files','Modified'));
            else {
                this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(OC.Util.humanFileSize(summary.totalSize));

                var directoryInfo = n('files', '%n folder', '%n folders', summary.totalDirs);
                var fileInfo = n('files', '%n file', '%n files', summary.totalFiles);

                if (summary.totalDirs > 0 && summary.totalFiles > 0) {
                    var selectionVars = {
                        dirs: directoryInfo,
                        files: fileInfo
                    selection = t('files', '{dirs} and {files}', selectionVars);
                } else if (summary.totalDirs > 0) {
                    selection = directoryInfo;
                } else {
                    selection = fileInfo;

                if (!showHidden && summary.totalHidden > 0) {
                    var hiddenInfo = n('files', 'including %n hidden', 'including %n hidden', summary.totalHidden);
                    selection += ' (' + hiddenInfo + ')';

                this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(selection);
                this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text('');
                this.$el.find('.delete-selected').toggleClass('hidden', !this.isSelectedDeletable());

         * Check whether all selected files are deletable
        isSelectedDeletable: function() {
            return _.reduce(this.getSelectedFiles(), function(deletable, file) {
                return deletable && (file.permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE);
            }, true);

         * Returns whether all files are selected
         * @return true if all files are selected, false otherwise
        isAllSelected: function() {
            return this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked');

         * Returns the file info of the selected files
         * @return array of file names
        getSelectedFiles: function() {
            return _.values(this._selectedFiles);

        getUniqueName: function(name) {
            if (this.findFileEl(name).exists()) {
                var numMatch;
                var parts=name.split('.');
                var extension = "";
                if (parts.length > 1) {
                var base=parts.join('.');
                var num=2;
                if (numMatch && numMatch.length>0) {
                    num=parseInt(numMatch[numMatch.length-1], 10)+1;
                name=base+' ('+num+')';
                if (extension) {
                    name = name+'.'+extension;
                // FIXME: ugly recursion
                return this.getUniqueName(name);
            return name;

         * Shows a "permission denied" notification
        _showPermissionDeniedNotification: function() {
            const message = t('files', 'You don’t have permission to upload or create files here');
            OC.Notification.show(message, {type: 'error'});

         * Setup file upload events related to the file-upload plugin
         * @param {OC.Uploader} uploader
        setupUploadEvents: function(uploader) {
            var self = this;

            self._uploads = {};

            // detect the progress bar resize
            uploader.on('resized', this._onResize);

            uploader.on('drop', function(e, data) {
                self._uploader.log('filelist handle fileuploaddrop', e, data);

                if (self.$el.hasClass('hidden')) {
                    // do not upload to invisible lists
                    return false;

                var dropTarget = $(e.originalEvent.delegatedEvent.target);
                // check if dropped inside this container and not another one
                if (dropTarget.length
                    && !self.$el.is(dropTarget) // dropped on list directly
                    && !self.$el.has(dropTarget).length // dropped inside list
                    && !dropTarget.is(self.$container) // dropped on main container
                    ) {
                    return false;

                // find the closest tr or crumb to use as target
                dropTarget = dropTarget.closest('tr, .crumb');

                // if dropping on tr or crumb, drag&drop upload to folder
                if (dropTarget && (dropTarget.data('type') === 'dir' ||
                    dropTarget.hasClass('crumb'))) {

                    // remember as context
                    data.context = dropTarget;

                    // if permissions are specified, only allow if create permission is there
                    var permissions = dropTarget.data('permissions');
                    if (!_.isUndefined(permissions) && (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) === 0) {
                        return false;
                    var dir = dropTarget.data('file');
                    // if from file list, need to prepend parent dir
                    if (dir) {
                        var parentDir = self.getCurrentDirectory();
                        if (parentDir[parentDir.length - 1] !== '/') {
                            parentDir += '/';
                        dir = parentDir + dir;
                        // read full path from crumb
                        dir = dropTarget.data('dir') || '/';

                    // add target dir
                    data.targetDir = dir;
                } else {
                    // cancel uploads to current dir if no permission
                    var isCreatable = (self.getDirectoryPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0;
                    if (!isCreatable) {
                        return false;

                    // we are dropping somewhere inside the file list, which will
                    // upload the file to the current directory
                    data.targetDir = self.getCurrentDirectory();
            uploader.on('add', function(e, data) {
                self._uploader.log('filelist handle fileuploadadd', e, data);

                // add ui visualization to existing folder
                if (data.context && data.context.data('type') === 'dir') {
                    // add to existing folder

                    // update upload counter ui
                    var uploadText = data.context.find('.uploadtext');
                    var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadText.attr('currentUploads'), 10);
                    currentUploads += 1;
                    uploadText.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads);

                    var translatedText = n('files', 'Uploading %n file', 'Uploading %n files', currentUploads);
                    if (currentUploads === 1) {
                        self.showFileBusyState(uploadText.closest('tr'), true);
                    } else {

                if (!data.targetDir) {
                    data.targetDir = self.getCurrentDirectory();

             * when file upload done successfully add row to filelist
             * update counter when uploading to sub folder
            uploader.on('done', function(e, upload) {
                self._uploader.log('filelist handle fileuploaddone', e, data);

                var data = upload.data;
                var status = data.jqXHR.status;
                if (status < 200 || status >= 300) {
                    // error was handled in OC.Uploads already

                var fileName = upload.getFileName();
                var fetchInfoPromise = self.addAndFetchFileInfo(fileName, upload.getFullPath());
                if (!self._uploads) {
                    self._uploads = {};
                if (OC.isSamePath(OC.dirname(upload.getFullPath() + '/'), self.getCurrentDirectory())) {
                    self._uploads[fileName] = fetchInfoPromise;

                var uploadText = self.$fileList.find('tr .uploadtext');
                self.showFileBusyState(uploadText.closest('tr'), false);
                uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0);
            uploader.on('createdfolder', function(fullPath) {
                self.addAndFetchFileInfo(OC.basename(fullPath), OC.dirname(fullPath));
            uploader.on('stop', function() {
                self._uploader.log('filelist handle fileuploadstop');

                // prepare list of uploaded file names in the current directory
                // and discard the other ones
                var promises = _.values(self._uploads);
                var fileNames = _.keys(self._uploads);
                self._uploads = [];

                // as soon as all info is fetched
                $.when.apply($, promises).then(function() {
                    // highlight uploaded files

                var uploadText = self.$fileList.find('tr .uploadtext');
                self.showFileBusyState(uploadText.closest('tr'), false);
                uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0);
            uploader.on('fail', function(e, data) {
                self._uploader.log('filelist handle fileuploadfail', e, data);
                self._uploads = [];

                //if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
                //cleanup uploading to a dir
                var uploadText = self.$fileList.find('tr .uploadtext');
                self.showFileBusyState(uploadText.closest('tr'), false);
                uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0);


         * Scrolls the container to make the given row visible
         * @param $fileRow row to make visible
         * @param {Function} callback callback to call after scroll is complete
        _scrollToRow: function($fileRow, callback) {
            var currentOffset = this.$container.scrollTop();
            var additionalOffset = 0;
            var $controls = this.$el.find('#controls');
            if ($controls.exists()) {
                additionalOffset += $controls.height() + $controls.offset().top;

            // Animation
            var $scrollContainer = this.$container;
            if ($scrollContainer[0] === window) {
                // need to use "body" to animate scrolling
                // when the scroll container is the window
                $scrollContainer = $('body');
                // Scrolling to the top of the new element
                scrollTop: currentOffset + $fileRow.offset().top - $fileRow.height() * 2 - additionalOffset
            }, {
                duration: 500,
                complete: callback

         * Scroll to the last file of the given list
         * Highlight the list of files
         * @param files array of filenames,
         * @param {Function} [highlightFunction] optional function
         * to be called after the scrolling is finished
        highlightFiles: function(files, highlightFunction) {
            // Detection of the uploaded element
            var filename = files[files.length - 1];
            var $fileRow = this.findFileEl(filename);

            while(!$fileRow.exists() && this._nextPage(false) !== false) { // Checking element existence
                $fileRow = this.findFileEl(filename);

            if (!$fileRow.exists()) { // Element not present in the file list

            var _this = this;
            this._scrollToRow($fileRow, function() {
                // Highlighting function
                var highlightRow = highlightFunction;

                if (!highlightRow) {
                    highlightRow = function($fileRow) {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 2500);

                // Loop over uploaded files
                for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
                    var $fileRow = _this.findFileEl(files[i]);

                    if($fileRow.length !== 0) { // Checking element existence

        _renderNewButton: function() {
            // if an upload button (legacy) already exists or no actions container exist, skip
            var $actionsContainer = this.$el.find('#controls .actions');
            if (!$actionsContainer.length || this.$el.find('.button.upload').length) {
            if (!this._addButtonTemplate) {
                this._addButtonTemplate = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE_ADDBUTTON);
            var $newButton = $(this._addButtonTemplate({
                addText: t('files', 'New'),
                iconClass: 'icon-add'

            $newButton.tooltip({'placement': 'bottom'});

            $newButton.click(_.bind(this._onClickNewButton, this));
            this._newButton = $newButton;

        _onClickNewButton: function(event) {
            var $target = $(event.target);
            if (!$target.hasClass('.button')) {
                $target = $target.closest('.button');
            if ($target.hasClass('disabled')) {
                return false;
            if (!this._newFileMenu) {
                this._newFileMenu = new OCA.Files.NewFileMenu({
                    fileList: this

            return false;

         * Register a tab view to be added to all views
        registerTabView: function(tabView) {
            if (this._detailsView) {

         * Register a detail view to be added to all views
        registerDetailView: function(detailView) {
            if (this._detailsView) {

     * Sort comparators.
     * @namespace OCA.Files.FileList.Comparators
     * @private
    FileList.Comparators = {
         * Compares two file infos by name, making directories appear
         * first.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo1 file info
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo2 file info
         * @return {int} -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
         * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
        name: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
            if (fileInfo1.type === 'dir' && fileInfo2.type !== 'dir') {
                return -1;
            if (fileInfo1.type !== 'dir' && fileInfo2.type === 'dir') {
                return 1;
            return OC.Util.naturalSortCompare(fileInfo1.name, fileInfo2.name);
         * Compares two file infos by size.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo1 file info
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo2 file info
         * @return {int} -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
         * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
        size: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
            return fileInfo1.size - fileInfo2.size;
         * Compares two file infos by timestamp.
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo1 file info
         * @param {OC.Files.FileInfo} fileInfo2 file info
         * @return {int} -1 if the first file must appear before the second one,
         * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise.
        mtime: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) {
            return fileInfo1.mtime - fileInfo2.mtime;

     * File info attributes.
     * @typedef {Object} OC.Files.FileInfo
     * @lends OC.Files.FileInfo
     * @deprecated use OC.Files.FileInfo instead
    OCA.Files.FileInfo = OC.Files.FileInfo;

    OCA.Files.FileList = FileList;

$(document).ready(function() {
    // FIXME: unused ?
    OCA.Files.FileList.useUndo = (window.onbeforeunload)?true:false;
    $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () {
        if (OCA.Files.FileList.lastAction) {
    $(window).on('unload', function () {
