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Test Coverage

== 0.15.3 (2023-02-25)

- FIX #2266 Update ORM generator for ActiveRecord changes (@jkowens)
- FIX #2267 activerecord in gen task (@DimitriosLisenko)

== 0.15.2 (2022-12-23)

- FIX #2261 Resolve failures in CI Build and update Circle config (@jkowens)
- FIX #2263 Padrino-gen fix for ActiveRecord 6.1 (@jkowens)
- FIX #2260 Pin HAML to newer version 5 (@jkowens)
- NEW #2259 Add Sinatra 3 compatibility (@jkowens)
- NEW #2251 Sets up CircleCI for new builds (@wikimatze)
- FIX #2243 for cascading mailer path when using partials (@HR-Partner)
- FIX #2250 I18n translation issue on Ruby 3.0 (@jinshen1983)
- FIX #2246 Various routing upgrades and fixes (@takeshi-yashiro)

== 0.15.1 (2021-04-25)

- FIX Adds readline as a dep (@nesquena)
- FIX #2229 Fix polish translations (@tiwi)
- FIX #2234 Avoid mocha warning in tests (@olleolleolle)
- FIX #2235 Update thor to a more recent version (@basex)

== 0.15.0 (2020-05-14)

- FIX #2205 Relax bundler version and get tests passing (@rogerhu, @yb66)

== 0.14.4 (2018-11-05)
- FIX #2177 regexp routes and trailing slashes (@pdlug)
- FIX #2182 NoMethodError on `ar` tasks with activerecord v5.2.0+ (@sue445)
- FIX #2185 self.authenticate method in (@LarryFransson)
- FIX #2179 Deprecate safe_level of `` in Ruby 2.6 (@koic)
- FIX #2193 nested require_dependencies (@genkami)

== 0.14.3 (2018-02-23)
- locks onto Sinatra 2
- #2169 drop support of ruby < 2.2.2

== 0.14.2 (2018-01-02)
- FIX router in non-Padrino applications (@adam12)
- FIX padrino-admin haml layout
- FIX Datamapper tasks (@adam12)
- FIX #1979 default test or spec task
- FIX #2150 refuse invalid database adapters
- FIX #2152 using open without requiring 'open-uri'
- NEW #2161 allow array as tag attribute (@aeris)
- FIX #2163 preserve spaces in args of padrino gen
- update Sequel usage
- update ActiveRecord::Migration usage (@adam12)

== 0.14.1 (2017-05-16)
- FIX syntax error in ActiveRecord tasks (@sue445)
- NEW use hamlit if available in Gemfile

== (2017-05-08)
- FIX #2132 use Sinatra2 IndifferentHash if available

== (2017-03-23)
- FIX #2118 allow Logger without Extensions
- FIX #2128 do not render default layout in partials

== 0.14.0 (2017-03-15)
- NEW #2120 enable cascading with Rack application (@namusyaka)
- FIX lock rake < 11.0 to avoid last_comment error (@namusyaka)
- FIX handle nil database passwords for create_db and drop_db (@phallstrom)
- FIX #2119 add rake gem tasks to gem project Rakefile
- NEW support Erubi ERB engine (@adam12)
- FIX #2125 do not load in cycle files excluded from reloading

== 0.14.0.rc2 (2017-01-19)
- FIX #2109 change the format of session_id for Padrino Admin AccessControl
- WARN #2109 Existing sessions will be dropped
- FIX #2097 Use exe folder for application executables (@adam12)
- FIX #2105 Run bundle with --binstubs on -b switch (@adam12)
- FIX #2111 disallow conflicting project names
- NEW remove deprecations planned for 0.14.0
- NEW stop managing Ruby default encodings
  Default Encoding.default_internal is now nil (Ruby default) instead of UTF-8 (Padrino < 0.14 default)
- FIX #2113 properly override default values in route definitions if parameter is present (@fidalgo)
- FIX #2116 fix plugin list `padrino g plugin -l` (@fnordfish)

== 0.14.0.rc1 (2016-11-02)
- NEW remove the requirement of ActiveSupport (export AS_VERSION=X.0 to put it back)

== (2016-11-02)
- FIX #2075 cache actual content_type mime type
- FIX #2081 remove -i option from pg_dump command (@dfens)
- FIX #2083 be able to create sqlite's file to deep tree of subdirectories (@kkarakawa)
- NEW dynamically list supported renderers (@jfredrickson)

== (2016-09-06)
- FIX #2071 regression of #1906
- FIX running padrino without Gemfile
- NEW alias db:create for sequel adapter

== (2016-08-30)
- NEW support usage of partials without view path

== 0.13.3 (August 17th 2016)

- FIX #1785 Nested forms and helpers with ERB and Erubis (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1847 Shoulda on modern rubies
- NEW #1851 Remove RightJS, Riot, Steak support (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1872 Implement using partials without Sinatra (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1906 Allow shortened mailer render calls with default mailer and message names (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2013 Delegate padrino and padrino-gen to bundler binstubs (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2016 Escape urls in link_to and form_tag (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2042 Do not override access control object when registered in multiple apps (@nxs6)
- FIX #2045 Prevent overwriting params by given query (@namusyaka)
- NEW #2050 Update Moneta to 0.8.0 (@basex)
- FIX #2052 String#humanize compatibility with AS ~3.2
- NEW #2056 Allow Pry as Padrino console shell
- FIX #2066 fix reloader with native jruby classes

== 0.13.2 (May 9th 2016)

- FIX #1789 Relax Tilt version to allow Tilt 2 (>= 1.4.1, < 3) (@ujifgc)
- WARN #1989 Warn about coming behavior change (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1987 Generator now failes with invalid namespace (@ujifgc)
- NEW Remove many internal uses of ActiveSupport (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2007 Respect Regexp#names at the time of route search (@namusyaka)
- FIX #2004 Set default alt attribute for image_tag (@namusyaka)
- FIX #2008 Login button on the admin app now looks as expected (@namusyaka)
- FIX #2011 Update mongoid database configuration (@serradura)
- FIX Remove empty rows and cols from textarea tag (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2015 Update broken links in the README and docs (@mariozig)
- FIX #2023 Preserve `default_builder` set in configure_apps (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2025 Match plugin names with dashes in their names (@wikimatze)
- WARN Notice about removing ObjectSpace.classes and ObjectSpace.new_classes in 0.14 (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2027 Use Module#name instead of Module#to_s (@namusyaka)
- NEW Logger option :sanitize_encoding (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2006 load missing AR models before calling seeds.rb (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1921 Adds `--api` option for project generator (@ujifgc)
- NEW #2032 Adds new `config/initializers` folder loaded during boot (@ujifgc)
- FIX #2019 Removes deprecation warning for ActiveRecord (@wikimatze)

== 0.13.1 (January 17th 2016)

- FIX #1978 Enable reloading of custom dependencies (@markglenfletcher)
- FIX Remove use of ActiveSupport in tests (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1982 Support nested query for expanding path (@namusyaka)
- FIX #1994 Missing new line in mocha generator (@peter50216)
- FIX #1995 Invalid german dates (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1998 Only output a warning message if the spec task is invoked (@postmodern)
- FIX #2000 Fix mutex handling for Ruby 2.3 (@tyabe)

== 0.13.1.beta1 (October 18th 2015)

- FIX #1975 Improve routing memory usage and performance (@namusyaka)
- FIX #1882 test for selected values for select tag (@ujifgc)
- FIX rendering exception for custom mime types (@nesquena)
- FIX relax mail gem dependency (@ujifgc)
- FIX minor doc typos (@lokyoung, @markglenfletcher)

== 0.13.0 (October 11th 2015)

- FIX #1614 Do not search for caller in bundler lib (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1796 Save and restore layout setting (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1882 Fix ambiguous selected items in "select_tag" (@nesquena)
- FIX #1965 Fail properly on wrong mailer name or message (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1959 simplify the mounter class (@dnesteryuk)
- FIX #1916 Check key existence on caching (@namusyaka)
- NEW #1946 Documentation fixes re default renderer is now none (@Quintasan)
- FIX #942 remove ar:auto:upgrade (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1919 allow configuring log file path
- FIX #1931 render partials in mail if padrino-helpers is available (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1950 Padrino now follows Sinatra's charset policy (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1909 Basic project configuration engine (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1966 sample benchmark test of padrino core (@ujifgc)

== 0.13.0.beta3 (August 2nd 2015)

- NEW #1908 Adds test-unit as a test component (@namusyaka)
- FIX #1829 add absolute_url to app methods, add :base_url setting (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1880 rendering issue by accepting string content types (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1898 Adds missing helpers for the input html element (@namusyaka)
- FIX AWS namespace in Dynamoid component (@namusyaka)
- FIX Root index route incorrectly matches single-character URLs (@namusyaka)
- NEW #1929 Alias db:migrate:down and db:migrate:up when using datamapper (@postmodern)
- FIX #1932 Replace ConnectionManagement with ConnectionPoolManagement (@namusyaka)
- FIX Restore AbstractFormBuilder#field\_human\_name (@namusyaka)
- FIX #1936 Don't echo password input (@namusyaka)
- NEW #1940 Add IdentityMap middleware to datamapper (@namusyaka)
- FIX Cache test for moneta (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1943 Issue with format provides in controller with wildcard accepts header (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1942 maintain Sinatra params indifference (@ujifgc)
- FIX properly reload classes without instances (@ujifgc)
- FIX #1922 consider methodless constants not external (@ujifgc)
- NEW #1945 adds community page to padrino-docs (@Quintasan)

== 0.13.0.beta2 (April 11th 2015)

* FIX #1870 Trigger filters if superclass responds to :filters (@namusyaka)
* FIX #749 Trigger resource dirtiness for datamapper (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1853 Adds wrapper for application which allows better extensibility (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1891 Refactorings for more reliable dependency loading (@hcatlin, @namusyaka)
* FIX Update rack-test to 0.6.3 and remove old patch (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1895 Use compass-blueprint gem for improved compass generator (@myokoym)
* FIX #1899 Upgrade to sinatra 1.4.6 and latest rack version (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1886 Moves rake task loading code later in the booting process (@namusyaka)

== 0.13.0.beta1 (February 22nd 2015)

* FIX cleanup and refactor rake tasks (@ujifgc)
* NEW Remove deprecated cache functionality (@minad)
* FIX Cleanup and improve test helpers for each gem (@ujifgc)
* FIX allow Padrino::Rendering with standard ERB (@ujifgc)
* NEW Emulate set method in mailer context (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1772 add button content tag to button_to block (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1133 switch default renderer to none (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1792 Faster code using reverse_each to iterate gems (@glaucocustodio)
* FIX #1793 Faster code using #sub instead of #gsub (@glaucocustodio)
* FIX #1795 load missing models for sq:seed (@ujifgc)
* NEW Use mustermann19 in all cases now (@namusyaka)
* FIX Remove abuse of force_encoding (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1811 Refactor and change style of path_router within core routing (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1803 Use relative paths for sqlite and sequel (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1800 Support named capture on regex for router (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1821 Don't load dependency files unless app's root is within Padrino root (@namusyaka)
* FIX Improved docs and FAQ for helpers and core (@fwolfst, @CrowdHailer, @seanhussey, @neilang)
* FIX #1835 Switch admin to sequel fixtures rather than datamapper (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1828 Refactor new router and fix sinatra compatibility (@namusyaka)
* FIX Ensure the before_filter is triggered in certain cases (@namusyaka)
* FIX Widen the range of `default_dependency_paths` (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1831 Implement the `mi:translate` task (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1852 ApplicationWrapper Prerequisite Issue (@hcatlin)
* FIX #1856 Skips loading models for the activerecord rake tasks (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1857 Precompile routes when loading Padrino (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1818 Implement `source_location` option for logger (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1859 Correct issues with the admin seeds generator (@Quintasan)
* FIX #1704 Make broken async stream callbacks work in Padrino (@jay2u)
* FIX #1862 Re-implement `PathRouter#recognize` (@namusyaka)
* FIX #863 Removes unsafe http_router patch (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1867 Update ShowExceptions to suit latest rack master (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1879 Improve access to Active Record Database Configuration (@scudelletti)
* DELETE remove deprecations (String#undent, #link_to with :fragment, old caching,
  old form builder, rendering #fetch_template_file, #cache_template_file!, #resolved_layout,
  Application#load_paths, Padrino.set_load_paths, Padrino.load_paths)
* FIX #1860 Padrino --environment switch now takes precedence over RACK_ENV environment variable
* FIX #1849 return proper exit codes in CLI

== 0.12.5 (February 22nd 2015)

* FIX #1794 inheritance of global prereqs (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1798 handling non-array `with` statement for params (@ujifgc)
* FIX Russian translation for password (@harrykiselev)
* FIX Prevent Padrino from overriding cache settings (@dariocravero)
* FIX sequence of execution for configuration methods in application (@namusyaka)
* FIX translations for admin for cs (@ortiga)
* FIX exception raised when running the controller generator (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1875 lock down rack to < 1.6.0 because of sinatra conflict (@ujifgc)

== 0.12.4 (October 19th 2014)

* FIX #1744 Corrects color support for Windows (@tyabe)
* FIX #1736 Regression with textarea helper (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1743 Add a padrino-gen generator for creating new Helpers (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1746 Avoid reloading the file if its path is not started with Padrino.root (@namusyaka)
* DELETE deprecated build_object method (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1752 Don't set the @_use_format variable when provides method is called (@namusyaka)
* FIX #48 Update mailer documentation and sample code (@postmodern)
* FIX #1752 Refactor routing code to avoid weird parameter (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1754 Adds end tags to admin erb template for index (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1749 Replace the AR::ConnectionManagement middleware with new middleware (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1756 Adds support for mysql2 gem in sql rake task helpers (@d6rkaiz)
* FIX #1761 Allow passing upcased string as the app name
* FIX #1776 improve params filtering for routes (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1778 Various YARD doc inconsistencies or errors (@claudiob)
* FIX #1765 Use controller's base path instead of constant name at controller test (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1781 Removes the default_filters method setting incorrect content-type (@namusyaka)
* FIX Sinatra compatibility for passing options to the static! method
* FIX #1585 Update HAML to pass tests by upgrading versions (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1782 make padrino-gen detect absolute paths on Windows (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1779 Use expanded path to request controller's content (@namusyaka)
* FIX Use yield and flatmap when possible to speed up performance (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1787 Mounter now supports Rack applications (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1788 exception that occurs when the free regex route exists (@namusyaka)
* NEW Merges the padrino-docs guides and content directly into the main repository (@ujifgc)

== 0.12.3 (August 13th 2014)

* FIX #1579 Update admin deps such as font-awesome, jquery, bootstrap (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1681 Set html message part properly within the mailer (@judofyr)
* FIX Refactor application router code into multiple modules (@ujifgc)
* FIX Cleanup routing controller code by removing code duplication (@ujifgc)
* DEL #1684 Extract breadcrumbs into padrino-contrib (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1690 fields_for helper should respect the builder of parent (@namusyaka)
* FIX Update taiwanese translations to fix typos (@felix125)
* FIX #1693 Remove load_paths and have reloader rely on default prerequisites (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1694 Setup proper name for helper when generating a skeleton project (@namusyaka)
* FIX make Padrino server threaded in development if possible (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1697 Padrino::Mailer::Mime.mime_type detection (@tyabe)
* FIX #1701 don't load admin locales automatically (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1705 Upgrade to RSpec 3 syntax (@tyabe)
* FIX #1683 Test should not depend on the execution order (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1708 Adds no-helper option to controller generator to skip helpers (@tyabe)
* FIX #1709 tiny app skeleton generator should provide test files (@namusyaka)
* FIX datamapper sqlite rake tasks (@ujifgc)
* DEL `Padrino::Admin::Utils::Crypt` as it wasn't being used (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1710 Adjust path to pre-load the helper (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1712 Implement :force option in the app generator and the model generator (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1717 make generated 'log' and 'tmp' folders to contain ".keep" file  (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1722 do not remove external constants (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1727 do not apply default layout to templates with unsupported engine (@ujifgc)
* FIX controller-wide expires to be respected (@ujifgc)
* FIX Do not pass :submit_options as an attribute of form element for button (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1732 Only use initializing with mutex on Java platform (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1736 Respect the leading newline in textarea value (@krororo)
* FIX #1738 Change email condition for default AR4.1 in minirecord (@tyabe)
* FIX #1733 Allow strings in route :with option (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1740 Loosen thor dependency to ~> 0.18 (@postmodern)
* FIX #1741 Fix tests related to the thor generator (@namusyaka)

NOTE: If you're using the admin locales and you're not using `Padrino::Admin::AccessControl`
you will have to add `register Padrino::Admin` to your `app/app.rb` in order to get the locales in.

== 0.12.2 (May 12th 2014)

* NEW Include all helpers with `include Padrino::Helpers` (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1646 do not pass include_blank as select attribute (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1645 disable webrick accesslog (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1648 params is not set correctly in prioritized routes (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1651 Pass the correct env variable through middleware (@judofyr)
* FIX #1652 Rendering bugs by refactoring template resolution (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1653 Allow create and drop for sqlite adapter
* FIX #1654 double escape of & in mail_to helper (@rmm5t)
* FIX #1655 Switch to SVG badges in readme for travis
* FIX #1656 Add period and fix types for ja localization
* FIX Do not pass protect_from_csrf as an attribute of form element (@namusyaka)
* FIX The for attribute of the label element must refer to a form control (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1661 tests for csrf-protection with http header X-CSRF-TOKEN (@cookiebody)
* FIX #1663 override setup_session method to support custom session management (@cookiebody)
* FIX #1670 url when both uri_root and RACK_BASE_URI is setting (@tmtm)
* FIX #1671 add options :fragment and :anchor to #url (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1676 Change format of to modular style for testability (@namusyaka)
* FIX Rack::Test does not work on minitest (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1662 load external libraries only once
* NEW #905 implement query param filtering protection (@ujifgc)

== 0.12.1 (April 4th 2014)

New features:

* NEW #1574 Add dynamoid orm component (@nof)
* NEW #1573 Add report_csrf_failure, enable custom reports (@ujifgc)
* NEW Introduces Logger#exception method for application (@ujifgc)
* NEW Allow password to be supplied to postgres (@ct-clearhaus)
* NEW #1495 Adds support for lean generation option (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1560 Introduces cache_object helper (@dariocravero)
* NEW #1310 Implement :accepts option (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1260 Load with Padrino server (@ujifgc)
* FIX Respect host and port in (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1622 resolve nested relative template (@ujifgc)

Bug fixes:

* FIX Do not reload controllers twice (@ujifgc)
* FIX Mimic rack-protection when no handler is defined (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1582 ensure that captured blocks in erb and slim templates return nil (@minad)
* FIX #1584 Avoids improper model checking (@namusyaka)
* FIX the destroyer of sub application (@namusyaka)
* FIX String escape safety issues with helpers (@ujifgc)
* FIX stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag to use proper concat (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1600 replaces html_safe with more effective safe_concat (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1595 Fix bug in Padrino::Mounter.app_constant (@tyabe)
* FIX #1606 Adjust tests to run on newer minitest versions (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1609 Switch tests to explicit minitest and remove mini_shoulda (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1615 Wait for external DB processes to finish before the task finishes. (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1618 Wrong value of named_routes when specifying the multiple routes and nested (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1621 Add explicit specification of ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone (@tyabe)
* FIX #1624 Detect path absoluteness properly (@ujifgc)
* FIX Improve migration generator regex matching (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1632 improve PADRINO_ENV deprecation compatibility (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1634 Improve caching of template paths (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1640 allow to run console without readlines (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1644 Removes the media attribute from default attributes of stylesheet_link (@namusyaka)

Refactoring and cleanup:

* FIX #1635 Move rendering to padrino-helpers (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1612 Refactor support_lite into a padrino-support gem outside of core (@ujifgc)
* FIX Refactor model generator (@scudelletti)
* FIX Extract form_select_helpers and cleanup (@ujifgc)
* FIX Cleanup the error_messages_for codebase in helpers (@ujifgc)
* FIX Refactor application code moving setup into an application_setup file (@ujifgc)
* FIX Major rendering refactor and cleanup (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1602 Refactor the activerecord tasks (@namusyaka)

== 0.12.0 (February 9th 2014)

* FIX #1578 Fix latvian translations (@graudeejs)
* FIX #1576 incorrect nl.yml translations (@fevers)
* FIX #1564 do not reload apps with disabled or absent :reload flag (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1571 Allow for url generation to accept stringified keys (@jsmpereira)
* NEW #1570 add custom index option for form_for abstract form helper (@graudeejs)
* FIX #1567 Add :app option to the component generator (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1563 Fix behavior of content_tag when use with content that is not a string (@tyabe)
* NEW #1422 allow options Hash in protect_from_csrf (@ujifgc)

== 0.12.0.rc3 (January 20th 2014)

* FIX resolve_template should respect :views option (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1547 Rename `showexceptions.rb` to `show_exceptions.rb` (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1551 Introduce #default method to set application options (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1553 Chinese time translations (@gokure)
* FIX #1556 German translations (@Signum)
* FIX #1555 Fix a problem the before/after filters (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1550 Shove LOADING/RELOADING to devel log level
* FIX #1445 Drop `PADRINO_ENV` in favour of `RACK_ENV` for further compatibility (@dariocravero)

== 0.12.0.rc2 (January 5th 2014)

* FIX development dependency for padrino-gen (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1520 Skip loading models for sequel migration tasks (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1493 make admin aware of uri_root (@ujifgc)
* NEW #854 allow -a master to rename admin path (@ujifgc)
* FIX Get tests passing again on rubinius (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1545 Don't raise on protect_from_csrf without sessions (@skade)
* FIX #1546 Silence deprecation warnings for File.exists? (@fj)
* REMOVE #1516 support for TestSpec component from generator (@ujifgc)

== 0.12.0.rc1 (December 31st 2013)

* FIX #1421 Prevent double-escaped HTML in simple_format (@inkstak)
* NEW #1424 Adds task generator for creating new task files (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1423 Adds MIT license to gemspec (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1121 Modify the encoding of crypted_password (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1432 Rewritten Code Reloading (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1428 logger constants to match stdlib (@spariev)
* FIX #775 track I18n locale files properly (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1434 additional fixes for slim templates (@minad)
* FIX #1431 incorrect behavior when using content_tag with block (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1435 broken slim templates (@namusyaka)
* FIX AS4.1 constantize behavior compatibility (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1436 support rails-style attribute hash of select options (@ujifgc)
* NEW support disabled_options key for select_tag (@ujifgc)
* FIX no longer monkeypatch colors onto string (@ujifgc, @nesquena)
* FIX #1442 use `=` instead of `-` in slim and haml templating
* NEW #1441 cleanup template handling logic (@ujifgc, @namusyaka)
* FIX Cleanup file loading logic (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1443 Don’t step over :session_id setting on admin apps (@dariocravero)
* NEW Modified `padrino start` to take an extra `--options` (`-O`) parameter (@dariocravero)
* NEW #1018 Replaces Padrino::Cache::Store with Moneta (@minad)
* NEW #1455 Steak generator written for acceptance tests (@eturk, @namusyaka)
* FIX Better error generation for forms (@ujifgc)
* FIX html_safe in labeled group (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1452 Allow padrino start to take handler specific options
* FIX #1462 cache content_type (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1466 Change accepts to empty array to fix latest sinatra
* FIX #1457 Major helpers cleanup (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1405 Params is now converted to `HashWithIndifferentAccess` (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1391 Skip path_traversal protection (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1471 allow configuring codes of cascade apps (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1477 Add :as option to form_for helper (@graudeejs)
* FIX #1481 incorrect namespace of #named_routes (@namusyaka)
* FIX Disambiguate the behavior of `url` (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1461 Allow to render template with layout that using other template engine (@namusyaka)
* NEW #767 introduces App.view_path and App.layout_path (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1488 plugin generator url path to github (@bolshakov)
* FIX #915 use app.root when mounting if available (@ujifgc)
* FIX Allow to use extension with layout method. (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1414 drop ruby 18mode, liberate ActiveSupport
* NEW #711 Verify render with block now works as expected (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1504 allow partial with block (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1507 patch jruby utf-8 method naming (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1505 Remove charset from json mimetype, fix sinatra edge (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1513 Extracting logic to methods to improve readability (@scudelletti)
* FIX #1517 correctly set a name of mounted application (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1518 Add :flush option to content_for (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1523 Add Rakefile tasks to the component generator (@tyabe)
* FIX #1526 options on ActiveRecord version 3 (@tyabe)
* NEW #1528 Allow asset_folders to be configured in settings
* FIX #1529 double escaping of link urls (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1532 allow asset_path with no kind (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1535 rebase string urls to uri_root (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1539 Enable :except option to :protect_from_csrf (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1540 generator should abort if constant name already exists (@namusyaka)
* NEW #922 resolve templates relative to controller name (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1541 Reimplement authenticity token logic (@namusyaka)

== 0.11.4 (September 24th 2013)

* FIX #1275 Generate admin pages respecting model namespace (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1368 French translation abbr_day_names day order (@wazeHQ)
* FIX #1370 support for em_mysql2 adapter in AR rake tasks (@spariev)
* FIX #1371 prioritized routes doesn't work in rbx. (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1378 broken params in routing (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1379 Implemented csrf_meta_tags for easy csrf requests (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1381 #compiled_router not working well. (@namusyaka, @ujifgc)
* FIX update Twitter Bootstrap V.3.0.0 (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1384 mocha deprecation warnings (@kgfullerton)
* NEW Use tilt 1.4.0+, fixes haml & UTF-8 issue #519 (@graudeejs)
* FIX #1394 Remove code duplication in error_messages_for (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1395 Change content_type's default value for compatibility with Sinatra (@namusyaka)
* NEW #1400 Adds component generator for adjusting components (@tyabe)
* FIX #1404 Make it possible to pass options to submit_tag when using button_to (@graudeejs)
* FIX #1391 Fix incorrect params when path includes encoded slash (@namusyaka)
* DOC #1407 Major Padrino core documentation cleanup! (@matthias-guenther)
* DOC #1411 Major Padrino gen documentation cleanup! (@matthias-guenther)
* DOC #1412 Major Padrino helpers documentation cleanup! (@matthias-guenther)
* DOC #1413 Major Padrino mailers documentation cleanup! (@matthias-guenther)
* DOC #1413 Major Padrino performance documentation cleanup! (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1345 generate admin pages respecting model namespace (@ujifgc)
* FIX Improve file naming for generated initializers (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1419 Adds tests to padrino-performance gem (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1256 Don't use the ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer when using erb and Sinatra (@namusyaka)

== 0.11.3 (July 29th 2013)

* FIX #1297 Added missing comma to spec_helper.rb generation (@lmorduch)
* FIX #1298 DataMapper auto_migrate/auto_upgrade the default repository (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1276 Merged range_field_tag.* templates into form_tag.* (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1247 Ensure requiring active_record (@udzura)
* FIX #1307 Lock nokogiri to 1.5.10 (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1307 fixed haml_tag so it doesn't explode with undefined method (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1314 Do not add authenticity token to GET form (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1320 Some auto-detection for authenticity_token & form_tag (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1319 "&" should be escaped to "&amp;" (@tmtm)
* NEW #1321 Added some additional HTML boolean attributes. (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1325 Locking down active support to less than 4.0 (@Ortuna)
* NEW #1326 Add ability for cache_key to be a block (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1318 Make caption arg in submit-tag helper optional even when options args are supplied (@dayflower)
* FIX #1313 Implemented create and drop tasks for Sequel (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1250 Prevent logging of health-check requests at log level over :debug (@tyabe)
* FIX #1244 mat method do not working in admin views (@silentvick)
* FIX #1226 Allow users to override admin templates on a file by file basis (@xavriley)
* FIX #1054 Implemented disabled attribute for select_tag form helper (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1328 Added test cases for #1188 (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1186 Reverted DataMapper's explicit String to Integer castings. (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1330 Update Twitter Bootstrap and Font-Awesome (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1335 Make instances of he | himself | his | him all be gender neutral. (@didlix)
* FIX #1334 Error into admin section (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1336 is better than "open" (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1294 Use :grouped_options of select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1337 don't use block for content_tag in #select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #751 introduce #absolute_url for generating absolute urls (@ujifgc)
* FIX #827 refactor padrino-cache expiration (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1327 introduce :namespace option to abstract form builder (@sshaw)
* FIX #1341 Fix module name including dashes in project generator (@tyabe)
* FIX #1261 introduce case insensitive authentication by email (@ujifgc)
* FIX skip padrino-cache with mongo on rbx engine (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1195 Generator errors without git already set-up (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1349 Redo tests for cache (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1353 Add test cases for select_tag (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1354 compatibility with 1.8.7 (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1355 Automatically add multipart option to form_for if include file_field (@tyabe)
* FIX #1356 Breadcrumb#del does not work when name type is Str (@namusyaka)
* FIX Receive multipart option (@tyabe)
* NEW #1358 Add test file for breadcrumbs. (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1361 prioritized routes are working again (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1257 Add a test to show use case for routing priority (@jeffutter)
* FIX #1365 padrino rake mi:create_indexes task looks at subdirs (@natsumesou)
* FIX #1367 bad placement output of button_to (@namusyaka)

== 0.11.2 (May 20th 2013)

* FIX #1232 Padrino::Server - call expand_path on PID file option (@sshaw)
* FIX #1234 Create table migration should be also timestamped if configured (@udzura)
* FIX #1228 Allow for block arg to StandardFormBuilder.label (@sshaw)
* FIX #1235 error of routing when using provides :any and Accept contains */* (@tyabe)
* FIX #1196 Remove Ohm monkey patch and include Padrino::Ohm::Validator (@lastcanal)
* FIX #1236 Pass our logger to rack-protection for csrf (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1246 missing translation for Russian (@silentvick)
* NEW #1062 add configurable #app method for rack-test closes (@achiu)
* FIX #1252 translations for japanese (@tyabe, @namusyaka)
* FIX Specify full class name for migrations to fix failing migrations (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1279 Datamapper rake task to pass arguments (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1281 Documentation fixes to various areas (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1269 issue with tilt version (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1283 issue with html_safe and form builder (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1285 Add :file option for delivering mail docs (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX #1287 Lock minitest version from going to 5 (@QOrtuna)
* FIX #1288 Http router fix unicode (@Ortuna)
* FIX #698 Sqlite adding an extra "/" to the connection string for windows (@dariocravero)

== 0.11.1 (April 7th 2013)

* NEW Ability to set migration file format to use incrementing numbers or timestamps (@jacob-s-son, @hooopo)
* FIX #1174 slim 2.0 Backward incompatible syntax change (@WaYdotNET)
* FIX #1086 Refactor reloader for cleaner structure (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1178 Indent controller actions properly (@skade)
* FIX #1180 Fix valid http verbs in http_router (@kenkeiter, @dariocravero)
* FIX #1182 Format ar migrate better (@chiastolite)
* FIX #1179 Accidental appended extensions for js urls (@nesquena)
* FIX #1183 Mark escaped text as html_safe (@nesquena)
* FIX #1184 Use count instead of size for errors (@nesquena)
* FIX #1185 Adds lib as a load_path for rake tasks (@nesquena)
* FIX #1177 Fix very strange bug with form_for and capture_html (@ujifgc, @nesquena)
* FIX have plugin generator respect root option (@achiu)
* FIX #1194 simple_format should be marked as html_safe (@nesquena)
* FIX Escape text before simple_format (@nesquena)
* FIX #1197 "bootstrap.min" path of production environment (@tyabe)
* FIX #1201 Only add database tasks to Rakefile if ORM is anything other than :none (@dariocravero)
* NEW #1209 Added layout option for controllers (@Ortuna)
* FIX #1212 fix generators for projects using shoulda and rr with Test::Unit (@sshaw)
* FIX #1213 fix flash_tag() with multiple attributes (@tmtm)
* FIX #1215 Update zh_cn.yml (@wayshall, hfl)
* FIX #1216 Improved german translations (@skade)
* FIX #1221 fixes an issue with a gemified apps name being capitalized (@21purple)
* FIX #1205 Allow Regexp routes to use :provides option (@shipstar)
* FIX #1224 mark html_safe content safe after being escaped (@nesquena)
* FIX #1211 load I18n tasks all the time (@nesquena)

== 0.11.0 (March 21st 2013)

* NEW #923 Total redesign of admin panel with bootstrap and jquery, custom error pages
  Big thanks to the huge effort from (@WaYdotNET, @DAddYE, @dariocravero, @ujifgc, @tyabe)!
* FIX #1135 Fix namespaced generators for app (@tyabe)
* FIX #1139 Escape ampersands in mail_to helpers (@nybblr)
* FIX #821 Added a cache parser with a default now to Plain. (@daddye)
* FIX #1129 use Padrino.root for apps.rb
* FIX #1125 Eagerly load libs if needed for tasks
* FIX #1111 route arity (@daddye)
* FIX #1090 Don't calculate asset timestamp using uri_root_path (@nesquena)
* NEW Upgrades Sinatra support to 1.4.1 (@nesquena, @daddye)
* NEW Upgrade to latest http_router 0.11 (@daddye)
* NEW Load rake tasks manually but fallback to automatic for now (@skade)
* FIX cleanup and refactoring of documentation (@matthias-guenther, @fnordfish)
* FIX Run 'bundle' rather than 'bundle install' on generate (@matthias-guenther)
* FIX Cleanup admin documentation (@danieltahara)
* FIX padrino cache tests to not execute when cache server is not available (@bash0C7)
* SEC #1083 Bump mail version dependency to CVE-2012-2139 and CVE-2012-2140. (@nesquena)
* NEW Alias orm tasks to db namespace (@postmodern)
* FIX #1090 Patch asset_timestamp to respect public_folder setting (@AtoxIO)
* FIX #1045 Load the environment only when needed in rake-Tasks (@skade)
* NEW #1031 Render using SafeBuffer for XSS protection (@skade)
* NEW #1007 Apps can now be shipped as gems (@skade)
* FIX #966  Padrino:Reload.lock! tries to split java packages (@daddye)
* REM #1063 Remove core JSON rendering in favor of sinatra-contrib (@Ortuna)
* NEW #1027 Padrino Performance for memory profiling and benchmarking (@skade, @dariocravero)
* NEW #1011 Nest apps within the project module (@achiu, @tyabe)
* NEW #904 Adds padrino-flash as core library (@lenzcom)
* FIX #912 Use default layout when layout is set to true (@dcu)
* NEW #927 Add CLI runner for executing code (@tyabe)
* FIX #934 Rake routes when routes have regexes (@tyabe)
* FIX #949 404 handling in later sinatra versions (@dayflower)
* FIX #818 Filter and exceptions was running twice on error (@ujifgc)
* FIX #812 Patch exception handling within filters (@ujifgc)
* FIX #771 Padrino.configure_apps now supports multiple blocks (@ujifgc)
* NEW #843 Request route now has access to the associated action (@ujifgc)
* NEW #1097 Request route now has access to the parent (@dariocravero)
* FIX French translation typos (@Fiaxhs)
* FIX Optimize the reloader and objectspace traversal (@dcu)
* FIX Failing jruby compatibility issue with reloading (@udzura)
* NEW #881 Component support for Mongoid 3 (@WaYdotNET)
* NEW #967 Mongoid 3 compatible rake tasks (@dayflower)
* NEW #907 Puma server support (@dariocravero)
* FIX Loads dm-types when enabling datamapper component (@postmodern)
* FIX #911 Enable haml ugly syntax by default in production (@dcu)
* FIX Adds support for later versions of ActiveRecord (@DAddYE)
* FIX Less requires therubyracer gem (@dariocravero)
* FIX Lock mysql gem to 2.8.1 since 2.9 fails (@udzura, @dariocravero)
* FIX Lazy load mailer for 20% padrino bootup performance increase (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1071 Refactor mailer codebase to DRY up (@Ortuna)
* FIX Padrino.logger thread-safety issues (@sgonyea)
* NEW Add colorize_logging option for logger (@tyabe)
* FIX #918 Display seconds instead of ms in logger (@muxcmux)
* FIX #910 Write file data as binary in cache (@ejholmes)
* NEW #947 Support symbols as keys when expiring cache (@dariocravero)
* FIX #973 Refuse to cache integers, convert to a string (@ujifgc)
* NEW Adds breadcrumb view helpers (@WaYdotNET)
* NEW support for ohm persistence in admin (@ujifgc)
* FIX #873 Get the first key passed for expire for admin (@gugat)
* FIX #876 Model output in erb templates for admin (@sleepingstu)
* FIX #871 Halt on 404 when no record found for admin (kot-begemot)
* FIX #1013 Admin generator can now be destroyed with flag
* NEW #988 Support for HTML5 multiple file uploads (@hooktstudios)
* NEW #27 Adds check_box_group and radio_button_group (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1046 Broken js_escape_html helper to properly escape (@hooopo)
* FIX #1077 Refactor nested form code in helpers (@Ortuna)
* FIX #924 Generate project name to handle underscores (@achiu)
* FIX #1067 Execute the mysql command with separate args (@postmodern)
* SEC #1058 Switch to https for rubygems source in Gemfile (@tyabe)
* FIX #772 Controller path when maps is in controller options (@ujifgc)
* NEW #925 Add explicit Rakefile on project generation by default (@achiu)
* FIX #892 Show plugin list if no arguments passed to generator (@achiu)
* FIX #1107 Defaulted all ORMs that used the mysql gem (@dariocravero)
* FIX #1109 Move rake initialization into CLI to avoid double loading (@skade)
* NEW #1100 Add csrf token handling with csrf_token_field helpers (@skade, @dariocravero)

== 0.10.7 (June 20th 2012)

* FIX #777 Improve slim template block capturing
* FIX #807 Fixes reloader class name resolution
* NEW #813 Added support for activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter (@rameshpy)
* FIX #814 Fix options_for_select result in a corner case (@whitequark)
* FIX #828 Remove explicit tlsmail dependency (@trevor)
* FIX #829 Adding an options attribute to ProjectModule (@simonc)
* FIX #780 Respect user defined model name for admin (@joelcuevas)
* FIX #841 Patched to fix rake use in padrino templates (@jasonm23)
* NEW #836 Adds a catch all method to the redis cache
* FIX #856 Make mysql2 alias of mysql when DataMapper is selected
* FIX #858 Add require ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone class for helpers
* FIX HTML Change boolean helper attributes to conform to xhtml strict
* FIX #855 Fix error_message_on for empty array (@sshaw)
* NEW #853 Adds Swedish localization support (@Lejdborg)
* NEW #853 Adds Romanian localization support (@relu)
* FIX #850 Prevent JRuby reloading bug (@dn2k)
* FIX #846 Fix admin generator to understand model_name (@fnordfish)
* NEW #845 Add CLI shortcut with just 'c' (@joslinm)

== 0.10.6

* FIX #786 reloader issues with routes
* FIX Lumberjack Logging Compatibility
* FIX Write cached css into public stylesheets path (@fnordfish)
* FIX Fixes error with less component (@fnordfish)
* NEW #787 Support Nested Data Attributes in Tags (@agios)
* FIX #760 better html5 helper support (@Cirex)
* NEW #764 adds a few form inputs in helpers (@Cirex)
* FIX #680 upgrade to activesupport and activerecord 3.2
* FIX Adds support for minirecord generators
* FIX Upgrade to latest datamapper
* FIX #702 Change to new sequel migration syntax (@funny-falcon)
* FIX #705 incorrect require when using AR with pg gem (@udzura)
* FIX #724 Use binread for file cache on 1.9.X
* FIX #729 Added setting to change model name for admin
* NEW Adds regexp route generation support (@joshbuddy)
* FIX #720 Set PADRINO_LOG_LEVEL constant by default (@marcosdsanchez)
* FIX #725 app.app_name is not set error in padrino-cache (@modeverv)
* FIX #733 Mailer generator now handles hyphens
* FIX Replace Sinatra quote with Godfather movie reference on server exit (@danishkhan)
* FIX #743 Correctly parse arguments to padrino binary
* FIX #745 Cache now stores response and content_type (@sumskyi)
* FIX #676 Adds support for trinidad web server on jruby
* FIX #736 Logger refactoring to support other loggers (@skade)
* NEW Adds alias 'escape_javascript' for 'js_escape_html' method
* FIX Asset files from absolute paths should not have asset stamps associated
* FIX Updated stylesheets initializers to respect spaces.

== 0.10.5

* FIX #701 make static script assets work again for generator

== 0.10.4

* FIX #690 adds proper require for sinatra-flash in Gemfile
* FIX #691 fixes logger error when rendering templates
* FIX #692 ensure :static_cache_control is properly applied
* FIX #689 status messages to common padrino logger (@udzura)
* FIX logger issue when displaying cache logs
* FIX #694 issue with minitest generator (@runa)
* NEW Silence YARD undocumented warnings in padrino gems

== 0.10.3

* NEW Upgrade to recently released Sinatra 1.3
* FIX #679 replaces rack-flash with sinatra-flash
* NEW #667 Adds mintest testing component to generator
* FIX #634 Removes less gem dependency for less gen
* NEW #662 create "content_for?" helper (@mlightner)
* FIX #669 Fixes YAML locale files to be psych compliant (@skade)
* NEW Fixes logger to be much cleaner with better formatting
* FIX issue with generator runner for https templates (@xavierRiley)
* FIX #669 YML locale files are now psych compliant
* NEW #658 removes shoulda and switch to minitest (with aliases)
* NEW #657 Converts RDoc to YARD and improve all docs
* FIX Document example of Padrino::Admin::AccessControl (@benjaminoakes)
* NEW Adds Latvian locale translation (@ugisozols)
* FIX #686 Halt status with code responds as expected

== 0.10.2

* NEW support for TravisCI with build configurations
* NEW support of mysql2 when using sequel as adapter (@rafaelss)
* NEW #636 print which views are called in log when in development mode (@minikomi)
* NEW support of ActiveRecord 3.1 and ActiveSupport 3.1
* NEW yard doc available {here}[]
* FIX #624 potential issue with libxml-ruby (@farcaller)
* FIX #618 allow to map routes using "index" reserved word
* FIX #633 RACK_ENV now is respected also using bundled server
* FIX rendering error for partials when they start with a forward slash (@philly-mac)
* FIX all our sources files now are vim friendly
* FIX preserve the original options when resolving a template (@Xylakant)
* FIX bad path in shoulda test generator (@futurechimp)
* FIX require path in model tests to generate correctly if specifing app
* FIX #647 allow to override view errors
* FIX #646 compat with ActiveRecord >3.0.10
* FIX #381 escape "<> from tag helpers values
* FIX #639 prevent XSS from admin login (@eikes)
* FIX #620 render :json => obj now set content_type to 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
* FIX #575 when using html parts now mailer content type is 'multipart/alternative'
* FIX #631 reloading futzing with the query parameters (Hollin Wilkins & Dave Willett @ TrueCar in San Francisco)
* FIX recognize_path now is compatible with http_router > 0.10

== 0.10.1

* Added a Mongo store for padrino-cache [Thanks to aliem]
* Adds restful support for parent controller declaration
* Before filters are called regardless of matching
* Fix env['padrino.instance'] where create a loop and is too long to show in Padrino::ShowExceptions.
* Compat with Slim 1.0, Compat with Ruby 1.9.3. FIX #596
* Translation fixes for IT, CS, DE, NL, and more with locale tests
* Fixes for FR, CN and RU locales [Thanks to TweeKane]
* Compatibility with Bundler > 1.0 in Gemfile
* Admin generator properly destroys access control on removal
* Fixes admin generation when used with namespaced models
* Allow logger to be configured before load [Thanks to skade]
* Fix an error message [Thanks mariozig]
* Fix doc bug in logger [Thanks Xylakant]
* Adds host parameter to DM Postgresql Adapter [Thanks to Aigeruth]
* Cleanup models folder in apps that is no longer used by default

== 0.10.0

* Fix `padrino s` shortcut to accept options
* Fix Padrino::Application#run! (now correctly accepts options)
* Fix Padrino::Server (now has correct defaults options)
* Fix Padrino::Reloader with strange constants or paths #565
* Fix Padrino::Reloader reloading also $LOADED_FEATURES deps
* Fix Double loading of boot.rb in rake tasks. #560
* Fix an issue with haml rendering on rubinius
* Fix our tests to meets ruby < 1.9 needs
* Fix issue #556 now we resolve correctly prerequisites of your app
* Enhancement for #556 now is possible to add custom prerequisites to our app
* Change move Padrino.current_controller in public apis
* Enhancement, now Padrino::Reloader works without ActiveSupport::Dependency or with it disabled #567 [Thanks Bernerdschaefer]
* Cleanup padrino-core dependencies now we have less less ActiveSupport dependencies, we are very very thin finally!
* Fix bundler gem dependency mismatch #553
* Fix command issue with padrino g or padrino gen on rubinius #531
* Fix issue #562, now is no more necessary "bundle exec anything"
* Remove Padrino::Rendering from autoloading (manually must be loaded)
* New Enhancement to controller filters
* Add option to specify model generation of Account from padrino-admin
* Generates models by default into `/models`
* Controllers accept :conditions option [Thanks to Bernerdschaefer]
* Added Hungarian translation [Thanks to Kormány Zsolt]
* Added Riak support through Ripple
* Updated couchrest_model dependency to ~>1.1.0
* Fix issue #571, don't handle Gemfile if we are outside a Padrino project
* Fix issue #569, prevent a little problem with DM and string length
* Require only individual gems of DataMapper to use a thin environment and prevent to load old gems like json 1.4
* Support for priority route ordering in controllers

== 0.9.29

* Cleanup SupportLite
* Cleanup Reloader
* Cleanup Padrino::Application
* Cleanup Gemfile generation
* Cleanup Reloader
* Cleanup Application Server
* Improved Reloader
* Decoupled Reloader, Loader, Application
* Fixed Reloader in some extreme scenarios
* Make methods of Padrino::Application that act as Padrino Core
* Fixed error logging
* Added Padrino.clear, useful to clean a Padrino Enviroment
* Improved granularity of our reloader locking and prevent reloading of unnecessary deps
* Use Sequel::Model.db= instead of DB= because is more simple change on the fly connections
* Added compatibility with CouchRest::Model 1.1+
* Cleanup support lite and improved compatiblity with jruby
* Expose Padrino::Application.load_paths
* Added a new method to load custom app dependencies
* Added a new format helper 'truncate_words' [Thanks cearls!]
* Fixes support for local vars passing in render
* Rake 0.9 and 0.8.7 compat
* Use Rack::Flash as Rails do
* Fix a deprecation with model_name.human

== 0.9.28

* Fixed couchrest Account Model
* Generate SystemTimer for Mongoid only if Ruby 1.8 [Thanks to RoryO]
* Generate SystemTimer for Mongomapper only if Ruby 1.8
* Add `padrino s` as alias for `padrino start`
* Fixed Gemfile for couchrest
* Updated Gemfile for mongoid
* Fix a possible loop in require_dependencies
* Added padrino rake gen useful to create a Rakefile to handle for example with heroku

== 0.9.27

* Use sass gem, because now is separated from haml
* Escape regex in our reloader
* Use CouchRest::Model instead of CouchRest::ExtendedDocument [Thanks Burgestrand!]
* Fixes issues with offline generation of js (from padrino-static)
* Fixes YAML parsing bug by using syck
* Use sinatra 1.2.5
* Make logger sinatra 1.3 compat
* Use new sqlite3 gem in generated projects
* Removed padrino_logging and use instead simple logging to avoid conflicts
* By default use logging only on development
* Uses raise_errors, dump_errors, show_exceptions as Sinatra::Base do
* Refactored Padrino::Application
* Added a global configuration in config/apps.rb used by each Padrino Applicaitons
* Moved session_secret in global configuration project
* Use SecureRandom to generate session secret
* Support 'partial' in Sinatra with explicit engine
* Added recognize_path method ex: recognize_path(request.referrer) => [:controller_action, { :id => 1 }]
* Added current_path method ex: current_path(:merge => :param) => "/current/1234/merge/param"
* Support for jruby-memcache-client/memcache-client
* Added MongoMapper task for drop database

== 0.9.26

* Padrino::Logger compatible with Rack::CommonLogger
* Added session_path and ability to use custom Rack::Session::Cookie options
* Fixed dependency loader
* Fixed mounting sub-apps
* Fixed shared sessions

== 0.9.25

* Fixes to allow flexible libraries in padrino-cache
* Allow select tag to take a range of options [Thanks activestylus]
* Allow grouped options in a select_tag [Thanks activestylus]
* Use MongoMapper official gem
* Fixes ERBHandler type detection
* Fixes Routes with globs that when something is after the glob i.e. get :show, :map => '/pictures/*path.html'
* Updated http_router to ~> 0.7.0
* Completed Padrino Cache Doc [Thanks to Onethirtyfive]
* Added a global Padrino.cache option
* Padrino-Cache now is able to store ruby objects
* Fix expire_in on redis store in Padrino Cache
* Added Ajax Helpers
* Use for download js and ujs adapters (if no internet connection use a local copy)
* Added session_secret task generator and as default in our app templates
* Correctly work with nested parameters sent to url [Thanks to Funny-falcon]
* Fix ajax request detection for dataType: 'application/javascript'
* Removed lib from excluded list of our reloader
* Added in our logs app name space for urls and layouts
* Preserve spaces for text_area using admin/haml
* Prevent using missing rendering engines on admin allowing user to use a different way
* Fixed AbstractFormBuilder class scope name [Thanks to Funny-falcon]
* Changed layout of our logger
* Logs for cache GET and SET
* Caching instructions in main app template
* Fixes NotFound Sinatra Errors
* Require correct rspec/exceptions in cucumber.
* Stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag should allow array inputs for sources (instead of argument array)
* More space for edit/delete actions in the Admin Section
* Added a nice confirm dialog to prevent mistakes in the Admin Section
* Added the correct DELETE method to the logout in the Admin Section
* Added setting log_static setting to Padrino.logger [Thanks to railsjedi]
* Added stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag to allow array input for sources [Thanks to railsjedi]
* Added ruby-debug19 to Gemfile [Thanks to railsjedi]
* Allow simple_format to use a custom tag instead the only p tag
* Fix collision with AS load_dependency
* Fix File Store when cache dir is deleted after init
* Added empty rows and cols to text_area tag to be w3c
* Update Sinatra to 1.2.3 and HttpRouter to 0.6.9
* Added cache_key inside route for a simple/fast expiring caching
* Updated plugin git command to use Grit instead
* Removed ./bundle/environment stuff
* Rubinius compat [Thx to Rakaur]
* Fixed setting custom views path
* Removed deprecated dom helpers
* Completed support for Slim
* Adds Slim admin support
* Do not enforce rack sessions for Rack:Flash
* Now erubis is the standard for the erb templates like in tilt/sinatra
* Fix stop daemonized padrino from non standard path
* Fix app path when generating sub-applications
* Use sass gem because now is separated from haml
* Allow combining different templates (ex: render a partial built with haml from a slim/erubis view)
* Use sessions for uri_root
* Fix padrino admin page title

== 0.9.24

* Delayed

== 0.9.23

* Allow 406 on (.format) urls via a flag
* Adds method_override flag to Padrino by default
* Routing compatibility with the Sinatra 1.2 url method
* Padrino now requires to ~> sinatra 1.2.0

== 0.9.22

* Fix no more password encryption when password is blank
* Fix mongoid dependency
* Fix admin mongomapper template to encrypt password
* Allow disabling of Padrino::Logger via :padrino_logging
* Use Sinatra::Base instead of Sinatra::Application
* Added Japanese Translations [Thanks to udzura]
* Set status to 406 on non-provided ACCEPTS
* Returns first provided mime-type on ACCEPT = */*
* Assume */* if no ACCEPT header is given

== 0.9.21

* Support of regex captures in routes
* Fixed routing issues with :index
* Creation of empty directories for images/javascripts/stylesheets/tmp
* Updated mongomapper adapter to use rails3 branch
* Removed snowtag
* Updated datamapper gen to store correctly passwords
* Added Slim template to Padrino Admin [Thanks to Matthew Winter]
* Added Traditional Chinese support(zh_tw) [Thanks to ayamomiji]
* Include padrino-cache gem as part of standard install
* Added Rake Task for Mongoid
* Ensure project name are valid
* Removed erubis support
* Refactored the output handlers for helpers
* Improves select_tag 'selected' option
* Basic nested object form support
* Updated mongoid adapter to use 2.0.0.beta.20
* Remove legacy bundler setup from config/boot.rb
* Change to routes to fix param assembly order
* Fixed optional parameter routing test
* Fixes error_message_on object name bug [Thanks craigp]
* Removed default index page
* Fetch Layout Path in app/views and app/views/layouts with :layout => :foo
* Fixes issue with layout and format resolution in render
* Added Simplified Chinese support(zh_cn)

== 0.9.20

* Removed Rspec1 generator
* Upgraded router to 0.5.0
* Allow adding middlewares in front of the router
* Fixed DataMapper Admin Adapter and Encrypt Passwords
* Changed default ActiveRecord config with :reconnect => true
* Added basic erubis support to the admin
* Require only require 'spec_helper' in rspec tests
* Added padrino-cache to our padrino meta-gem
* Removed mount_core
* Fix camelized model names in model generation
* Added slim renderer component
* Now the content format can be set explicitly in a param [Thanks to Qzio]
* Fixed I18n load_path [Thanks to Pirj]
* Updated column proprieties for DataMapper
* Now Mounter accept namespaced applications [Thanks to Mcmire]
* Updated ar:translate to be more compat with AS 3.+
* remove strict_format in layouts to work with Sinatra as a standalone
* Change Padrino Admin to generate model in own app, not default generated app.
* Sinatra 1.1.2 Compat
* Test compatibility with Sinatra 1.1.0 and 1.1.2
* Fixed spaces in asset_path

== 0.9.19

* Sinatra 1.1 compat
* Fixed destroy admin/app/page [Thanks to Sob]
* Fixed couchrest dependencies [Thanks to 21studios]
* Added a basic index file [Thanks to 21studios]
* Now Admin password are undecryptable [Thanks to Sob]
* Arrayify keys for invalidation in padrino-cache
* Fixed few typos errors [Thanks to Philtr]
* Fix conflict on seeds.rb when generating admin [Thanks to Spllr]
* Correct path in spec [Thanks to Spllr]
* Bypass admin login in development
* Norwegian translation [Thanks to Fossmo]
* Updated generator for new rspec version [Thanks to Rosstimson]
* Updated generator to work with legacy rspec version
* Fixed issue with views folder not being generated in projects
* Fixed the listing headers of admin pages, now is plural [Thanks to Rosstimson]
* Fixed model migration removal [Thanks to Sob]
* Updated plugins to pull using https [Thanks to Sob]

== 0.9.18

* Updated to use latest http_router
* Fix undefined method crypted_password when using Postgresql + Sequel [Thanks to Commuter]
* Preserve params for after use by a before filter
* Fix const scope for Rack::Mime [Thanks to spllr]

== 0.9.17

* Fixed a problem with routing of “/”
* Added utf-8 feature in forms using utf8/_e/snowman tag

== 0.9.16

* Fixed problems with admin
* Now only AS > 3.0
* Added padrino-cache
* Added redis backend for padrino-cache
* Added dom helpers [Thanks to nu7hatch]
* Added regex support for route portions
* Update rspec generation to use let() [Thanks to rbxbx]
* Added mysql2 support for activerecord [Thanks to kyanagi]
* Fixed riot test helper generation
* Added concise routing support
* Added controller mapping support
* Fixed tests to support concurrency
* Fixed options_for_selec to be Array-compatible [Thanks to zmack]
* Support Sinatra before blocks correctly
* Added support for shallowing in controllers
* Remove padrino-admin dependency on padrino-gen [Thanks to selman]

== 0.9.15

* Fixed an issue with reloader
* Added erubis support [Thanks Cored]
* Fixed custom conditions
* Adds Template/Plugin generation
* Added regex support in routes
* Removed some deprecations
* Fixes options_for_select helper selected logic and added test
* Added Before/After load hooks
* Fixes DataMapper.finalize
* Fixes issue with invalid class on form fields [Thanks RichGuk]
* Enhances Datamapper database creation [Thanks Lusis]
* Adds a span around 'required' note for form fields
* Fixes padrino bin command to properly display help
* Stores component file in project after choices are validated
* Added Ohm support [Thanks to Lusis]
* Updated require_dependencies to take a version
* Fixes app destroy option
* Adds Dutch translation [Thanks to Martijin]
* Adds Polish translation [Thanks to Kriss]
* Added scss for stylesheet generation
* Added +mongomatic+ as an orm component [Thanks to lusis]
* Added +liquid+ as an renderer component [Thanks to rwilcox]

== 0.9.14

* Application generator should create public subfolder
* Refactored application mounter class
* Updated mongomapper to use bson_ext
* Use entity code instead of copyright symbol
* Ensure app generation creates own public folder
* Fixed padrino g alias
* Fixed distance_of_time_in_words helper [Thanks to Yannick Koechlin]

== 0.9.13

* Fixed a problem with padrino g the alias of padrino-gen
* Fixed a naming bug in relation to using classify to manipulate project name
* Refactored and enhanced rake routes (and rake routes:app)

== 0.9.12

* Deprecated mount_core and remove references
* Fixed problem with czech translation file
* Fixed a problem with routes with same path but different verbs and provides

== 0.9.11

* Fixed provides with IE
* DM 1.0 and AR Tasks compat
* Fixed DM 1.0 rake tasks
* Dropped support of :respond_to in favor of :provides
* Added provides in controller level App.controller :provides => [:json, :xml]
* Added compatibility with AS 3.0
* Fixed compatibility with DM 1.0
* Improves dependencies in a Gemfile and autoinjected into gemspecs
* Allow models to be generated in subapps with --app flag
* Added bundler support also for testing [Thanks to Ryanfitz]
* Updated I18n dependency to version > 0.4.0
* Padrino now uses http_router instead of usher to handle url routing
* Reorganized a bit ours "servers"
* Added support for easily adding custom dependency paths with Padrino.custom_dependencies("...")
*! now perform Padrino.load! automatically (useful if you want to use!)
* PADRINO_ROOT if not defined will be automatically detected
* Improved reloader (that fixes also problems with MM)
* Core refactoring
* Fixed mounter in certain scenarios (i.e. single app file)
* Fixed an issue when using only Padrino Rendering (without Padrino Routing) in a Sinatra application
* Fixed a path must always match the url_format and optionally the given request.accept
* Updated usher version which fix a problem using :provides with dashes in the URL
* Improve the router's use of base uri's in url(). [Thanks to Lholden]
* Support params as arrays for generation. More efficent generation
* Added 405 support
* Removed jeweler dependency and use dynamic gemspecs
* Fixed / Updated German translations [Thanks to Gottlike]
* Fixed a problem with extensions since Sinatra#register extend every thing
* Fixed a problem when reloading apps
* Fixed Mongoid adapter using updated master branch
* Moved bundler dependency from padrino-core to padrino-gen
* Moved I18n dependency from padrino-core to padrino-helpers
* Use 'mail' library and remove 'tmail' dependency for padrino-mailer
* Adds support for a quick 'email' helper for delivering mail in padrino-mailer
* Replaces old mailer syntax with a more consistent dsl
* Allow default rendering options to be changed [Thanks to Skade]
* Fixed ensure to load database conf before everything
* Prevent htm, html mismatch in content_type [Thanks to Skade]
* Fixed issue with rake test tasks
* Fixed an issue with trailing delimiters for index controller actions (i.e /posts/)
* Fixed issue with sequel in admin gem
* Fixed error_messages_for to use humanized attribute
* Fixed indentation issues for orm generators
* Added Ukrainian translation [Thanks to Mama]
* Added Spanish translation [Thanks to Alvaro]
* Added Turkish translation [Thanks to Selman ULUG]
* Added Czech translation [Thanks to Josef Pospíši]
* Added support for disabling asset timestamps via setting
* Fixed issue with invalid field names
* Adds tiny skeleton generation for project and app generators
* Adds support for a '--app' option to specify app name in project generator
* Adds support for '--adapter' option which specifies what SQL adapter to use(for AR, Datamapper, Sequel)
* Fixed escaping of javascript [Thanks to Ryan Fitzgerald]
* Adds dojo.js as script component
* Adds compass component for stylesheets in project generator [Thanks to Ryan Fitzgerald]

== 0.9.10

* Fixed DM Migration Issue with Text, Boolean etc... [Thanks to Snusnu and Akzhan]
* Fixed Issue with deploying Padrino apps to a Sub-URI
* Fixed padrino g and padrino gen aliases
* Refactored padrino-gen internals
* Colorized logs
* Added support for 'rake routes' task
* Disabled sessions by defaults as Sinatra do
* Enable sessions for admin app since authentication require it
* Don't load Rack::Logger if our log_level is not :debug
* Set real values for app.public and app.static because due to frequently calls
* Updated templates with new changes
* Performance tuning: Caching layout template
* Fixed a bug with layouts that prevent double rendering
* Added Scoped filters
* Added Scoped layout
* Our routing system now with :provides or :respond_to (other than route format) match "request.accept"
* Our routes now accepts Sinatra 1.0 conditions
* Routing refactoring
* Now mounter use the our new Router instead of Rack::Builder
* Added a new router class that handle in a easy why domains
* Performance Tuning: Caching templates
* Danish translation [Thanks to Molte]
* Russian translation [Thanks to Imm]
* Added +extcore+ as a javascript option in project generator [Thanks to Imm]
* Updated jquery to v1.4.2
* Added couchdb support for padrino-admin [Thanks to Ghostm]
* Brazilian Translation [Thanks to Deminew]
* French Translation [Thanks to Mickey]
* ActiveSupport 3.0 Compatibility fixes
* Removed VERSION files. This prevent problems described here:
* Added default values for controllers
* Updated sequel generation to work with sqlite3.
* Fixes support for index routes with params.
* Fixes SASS reload plugin issue on 1.9.X.
* Fixes an issue with generator not casing controller / model names
* Fixes issue with mounter and locating the app file
* Added sequel support for padrino-admin [Thanks to Aemadrid]
* Added basic sequel migration tasks [Thanks to Aemadrid]
* Mailer now supports setting template path to render explicitly

== 0.9.9

* Minor typo fixes

== 0.9.8

* Dropped compatibility with Sinatra < 1.0
* Ruby 1.8.6 compat
* Initials additions for make Padrino compat with ruby 1.9.2
* Fixed a small issue with Passenger and Ruby 1.9.1
* Removed clear_template_cache! since Sinatra 1.0. now has settings.reload_templates
* Fixed error_messages_for with custom locales
* Added "padrino gen", "padrino g" as alias of padrino-gen.
* Prevent that an account destroy itself
* Removed some unused code from padrino-admin
* Improved Padrino Admin Generator, now admin_page accepts multiple models
* Fixed Padrino Admin Account where the accounts password field is in plain text (text_field)
* Added layouts folder back into application skeleton
* Fixed an issue with not being able to render erb or haml properly in a js response
* Added support for forcing render of specified template (i.e render 'foo.haml' in js request)

== 0.9.7

* Fixed a problem with folders called "sinatra" and PADRINO_IGNORE_CALLERS
* Fixed TestTask
* Fixed admin generator since not all ruby versions respond to "lines"
* Fixed an issue in Sinatra::ShowExceptions since Bundler changes the Gem.dir
* Removed from Sinatra::ShowExceptions and clean_backtrace padrino code
* Added layout finder with format and locale
* Improved template finder (with format and locale)
* Fixed a bug that duplicates admin menus during app reloading
* Added feed_tag helper for rss / atom auto discovery
* Removed Mailer Initializer from and added it to the mailer generator
* Removed duplicate app folder in project skeleton
* Couchrest generator now include in Gemfile json_pure
* Fixed project name when using some like
* Fixed a small typo error in app template
* Fixes issue with formatted routes for an index
* Fixed an issue with Riot and RR in generator
* Cleaned up the implementation for asset include helpers for javascript and css
* Added stylesheet generator. Includes sass and less ( via rack-less)

== 0.9.6

* Fixed an issue in controller generator when using --app=app_name
* Added mm:transate task for easily translate models
* Updated favicon_tag to search inside images folder
* Fixes an issue with rendering with layout false now you can use: render 'path/to/template', :layout => false
* Small helpers refactoring
* Fixed mailer initializer issue. Cleaned up options in delivery.rb
* Fixes tests in padrino helper

== 0.9.5

* Added the possibility for dsl lovers to create a single file in app called helpers.rb/controllers.rb/mailers.rb
* Changed generated scaffold now table rows didn't contains links
* Fixed a bug in reloader, now we prevent schema.rb reloading
* Fixed check_box helper when :checked => false we remove them
* Added auto template lookup with locale and format i.e: or show.js.erb or show.en.erb
* Css refactoring and fixed an unused css in Padrino Admin generator
* Fixed ar:structure:dump and others tasks that don't use symbols
* Fixed compatibility with ERB and Sinatra 1.0
* Fixed an issues with index and ar:auto:upgrade
* Now we use Sinatra 0.9.6 since previous versions on ruby >= 1.8.7-p248 raise a segfault bug
* Refactored executables
* Added strip_tags helper
* Fixed model_attribute_translate helper
* Added favicon
* Prevent bundler gem clashing
* Fixed minor SASS support issue for haml generated projects

== 0.9.4

* Improved select_tag helper, now accept :include_blank => 'My text'
* Re-require 'tilt' since not all of us use sinatra --pre
* Fixed a strange api change of bundler (see:
* Removed Bundler 0.9.7 dependency and allow all versions > 0.9.7.
* Fixed Padrino Mailer views_path when we use a "multi app" project
* Fixed content_type in Padrino Mailer
* Added a spec option -fs
* Removed rspec.opts and use it directly in rake task

== 0.9.3

* Fixed a problem with some env with generators

== 0.9.2

* Fixed overwrite of :+name+ in f.check_box and f.radio_button
* Added +highlight+ helper
* Cleaned up (truncated) README files for Padrino gems
* Added template agnosticism (erb/haml) in admin generator
* Added +mootools+ as a javascript option in project generator
* Added +cucumber+ as a test option in project generator
* Added +Mongoid+ as adapter in admin generator
* Added +Mongoid+ as an orm option in project generator
* Added +MongoMapper+ as adapter in admin generator
* Fixed an issue with the SASS initializer for project generator
* Fixed a small problem with DataMapper and our error helpers
* Removed admin flash middleware (extracted to extension)
* Minor code cleanup

== 0.9.1

* New Padrino Admin with static theme based on web-app-theme
* Fix routing module to work for sinatra standalone
* Fix rendering module to work for sinatra standalone
* Added +favicon_tag+ helper
* Refactored Internals of +Padrino+::+Application+
* Added I18n helpers +t+ and +l+
* Added a new helper +error_message_on+
* Added a new helper +button_to+