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'use strict';
import { BrokerOptions } from 'moleculer';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import * as Moleculer from 'moleculer';
import MoleculerRetryableError = Moleculer.Errors.MoleculerRetryableError;

 * Moleculer ServiceBroker configuration file
 * More info about options:
 * Overwrite options in production:
 * ================================
 *     You can overwrite any option with environment variables.
 *     For example to overwrite the "logLevel", use `LOGGER=warn` env var.
 *     To overwrite a nested parameter, e.g. retryPolicy.retries, use `RETRYPOLICY_RETRIES=10` env var.
 *     To overwrite broker’s deeply nested default options, which are not presented in "moleculer.config.ts",
 *     via environment variables, use the `MOL_` prefix and double underscore `__` for nested properties in .env file.
 *     For example, to set the cacher prefix to `MYCACHE`, you should declare an env var as `MOL_CACHER__OPTIONS__PREFIX=MYCACHE`.
const brokerConfig: BrokerOptions = {
    // Namespace of nodes to segment your nodes on the same network.
    namespace: '',
    // Unique node identifier. Must be unique in a namespace.
    nodeID: undefined,

    // Enable/disable logging or use custom logger. More info:
    logger: true,
    // Log level for built-in console logger. Available values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
    logLevel: 'info',
    // Log formatter for built-in console logger. Available values: default, simple, short. It can be also a `Function`.
    logFormatter: 'default',
    // Custom object & array printer for built-in console logger.
    logObjectPrinter: undefined,

    // Define transporter.
    // More info:
    transporter: {
        type: 'TCP',
        options: {
            udpDiscovery: false,

    // Define a serializer.
    // Available values: "JSON", "Avro", "ProtoBuf", "MsgPack", "Notepack", "Thrift".
    // More info:
    serializer: 'JSON',

    // Number of milliseconds to wait before reject a request with a RequestTimeout error. Disabled: 0
    requestTimeout: 10 * 1000,

    // Retry policy settings. More info:
    retryPolicy: {
        // Enable feature
        enabled: false,
        // Count of retries
        retries: 5,
        // First delay in milliseconds.
        delay: 100,
        // Maximum delay in milliseconds.
        maxDelay: 1000,
        // Backoff factor for delay. 2 means exponential backoff.
        factor: 2,
        // A function to check failed requests.
        check: (err: Error) => err && err instanceof MoleculerRetryableError && !!err.retryable,

    // Limit of calling level. If it reaches the limit, broker will throw an MaxCallLevelError error. (Infinite loop protection)
    maxCallLevel: 100,

    // Number of seconds to send heartbeat packet to other nodes.
    heartbeatInterval: 5,
    // Number of seconds to wait before setting node to unavailable status.
    heartbeatTimeout: 15,

    // Tracking requests and waiting for running requests before shutdowning. More info:
    tracking: {
        // Enable feature
        enabled: false,
        // Number of milliseconds to wait before shutdowning the process
        shutdownTimeout: 5000,

    // Disable built-in request & emit balancer. (Transporter must support it, as well.)
    disableBalancer: false,

    // Settings of Service Registry. More info:
    registry: {
        // Define balancing strategy.
        // Available values: "RoundRobin", "Random", "CpuUsage", "Latency"
        strategy: 'RoundRobin',
        // Enable local action call preferring.
        preferLocal: true,

    // Settings of Circuit Breaker. More info:
    circuitBreaker: {
        // Enable feature
        enabled: false,
        // Threshold value. 0.5 means that 50% should be failed for tripping.
        threshold: 0.5,
        // Minimum request count. Below it, CB does not trip.
        minRequestCount: 20,
        // Number of seconds for time window.
        windowTime: 60,
        // Number of milliseconds to switch from open to half-open state
        halfOpenTime: 10 * 1000,
        // A function to check failed requests.
        check: (err: Error) => err && err instanceof MoleculerRetryableError && err.code >= 500,

    // Settings of bulkhead feature. More info:
    bulkhead: {
        // Enable feature.
        enabled: false,
        // Maximum concurrent executions.
        concurrency: 10,
        // Maximum size of queue
        maxQueueSize: 100,

    // Enable parameters validation. More info:
    validator: true,

    // Enable metrics function. More info:
    metrics: {
        enabled: true,

    // Register internal services ("$node"). More info:
    internalServices: true,
    // Register internal middlewares. More info:
    internalMiddlewares: true,

    // Watch the loaded services and hot reload if they changed. You can also enable it in Moleculer Runner with `--hot` argument
    hotReload: false,

    // Register custom middlewares
    middlewares: [],

    // Called after broker created.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    created(broker) {},

    // Called after broker starte.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    started(broker) {},

    // Called after broker stopped.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    stopped(broker) {},

    // Register custom REPL commands.
    replCommands: undefined,

export = brokerConfig;