

4 days
Test Coverage
/* eslint no-mixed-operators: 0, prefer-const: 0 */

"use strict";

const util = require( "../../util" );
const VERSION = require( "../../../package.json" ).version;

// Generates parser JavaScript code.
function generateJS( ast, session, options ) {

    const op = session.opcodes;

    /* Features that should be generated in the parser. */
    const features = options.features || {};
    function use( feature, use ) {

        return feature in features
            ? !! features[ feature ]
            : use == null
            ? true
            : !! use;


    /* These only indent non-empty lines to avoid trailing whitespace. */
    const lineMatchRE = /^([^`\r\n]+?(?:`[^`]*?`[^\r\n]*?)?)$/gm;
    function indent2( code ) {

        return code.replace( lineMatchRE, "  $1" );

    function indent10( code ) {

        return code.replace( lineMatchRE, "          $1" );


    const l = i => "peg$c" + i; // |literals[i]| of the abstract machine
    const r = i => "peg$r" + i; // |classes[i]| of the abstract machine
    const e = i => "peg$e" + i; // |expectations[i]| of the abstract machine
    const f = i => "peg$f" + i; // |actions[i]| of the abstract machine

    function generateTables() {

        function buildLiteral( literal ) {

            return `"${ util.stringEscape( literal ) }"`;


        function buildRegexp( cls ) {

            return "/^["
                + ( cls.inverted ? "^" : "" )
                + cls.value
                    .map( part => (

                        Array.isArray( part )
                            ? util.regexpEscape( part[ 0 ] )
                                + "-"
                                + util.regexpEscape( part[ 1 ] )
                            : util.regexpEscape( part )

                    ) )
                    .join( "" )
                + "]/"
                + ( cls.ignoreCase ? "i" : "" );


        function buildExpectation( e ) {

            switch ( e.type ) {

                case "rule":
                    return `peg$otherExpectation("${ util.stringEscape( e.value ) }")`;

                case "literal":
                    return "peg$literalExpectation(\""
                           + util.stringEscape( e.value )
                           + "\", "
                           + e.ignoreCase
                           + ")";

                case "class": {

                    const parts = part =>
                        ( Array.isArray( part )
                            ? `["${ util.stringEscape( part[ 0 ] ) }", "${ util.stringEscape( part[ 1 ] ) }"]`
                            : `"${ util.stringEscape( part ) }"` ) );

                    return "peg$classExpectation(["
                           + parts.join( ", " ) + "], "
                           + e.inverted + ", "
                           + e.ignoreCase
                           + ")";


                case "any":
                    return "peg$anyExpectation()";

                // istanbul ignore next
                    session.fatal( `Unknown expectation type (${ JSON.stringify( e ) })` );



        function buildFunc( f ) {

            return `function(${ f.params.join( ", " ) }) {${ f.body }}`;


        if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

            return [
                "var peg$literals = [",
                indent2( buildLiteral ).join( ",\n" ) ),
                "var peg$regexps = [",
                indent2( buildRegexp ).join( ",\n" ) ),
                "var peg$expectations = [",
                indent2( buildExpectation ).join( ",\n" ) ),
                "var peg$functions = [",
                indent2( buildFunc ).join( ",\n" ) ),
                "var peg$bytecode = [",
                indent2( ast.rules
                    .map( rule =>
                            util.stringEscape( rule.bytecode
                                .map( b => String.fromCharCode( b + 32 ) )
                                .join( "" ) )
                        }")` )
                    .join( ",\n" ) ),
            ].join( "\n" );


        return ast.literals
            .map( ( c, i ) => "var " + l( i ) + " = " + buildLiteral( c ) + ";" )
            .concat( "",
                ( c, i ) => "var " + r( i ) + " = " + buildRegexp( c ) + ";",
            ) )
            .concat( "",
                ( c, i ) => "var " + e( i ) + " = " + buildExpectation( c ) + ";",
            ) )
            .concat( "",
                ( c, i ) => "var " + f( i ) + " = " + buildFunc( c ) + ";",
            ) )
            .join( "\n" );


    function generateRuleHeader( ruleNameCode, ruleIndexCode ) {

        const parts = [];

        parts.push( [
            "var rule$expects = function (expected) {",
            "  if (peg$silentFails === 0) peg$expect(expected);",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.trace ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  type: \"rule.enter\",",
                "  rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
                "  location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, startPos)",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( options.cache ) {

            parts.push( [
                "var key = peg$currPos * " + ast.rules.length + " + " + ruleIndexCode + ";",
                "var cached = peg$resultsCache[key];",
                "var rule$expectations = [];",
                "rule$expects = function (expected) {",
                "  if (peg$silentFails === 0) peg$expect(expected);",
                "  rule$expectations.push(expected);",
                "if (cached) {",
                "  peg$currPos = cached.nextPos;",
                "  rule$expectations = cached.expectations;",
                "  if (peg$silentFails === 0) {",
                "    rule$expectations.forEach(peg$expect);",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );

            if ( options.trace ) {

                parts.push( [
                    "if (cached.result !== peg$FAILED) {",
                    "  peg$tracer.trace({",
                    "    type: \"rule.match\",",
                    "    rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
                    "    result: cached.result,",
                    "    location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, peg$currPos)",
                    "  });",
                    "} else {",
                    "  peg$tracer.trace({",
                    "    type: \"\",",
                    "    rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
                    "    location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, startPos)",
                    "  });",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


            parts.push( [
                "  return cached.result;",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        return parts.join( "\n" );


    function generateRuleFooter( ruleNameCode, resultCode ) {

        const parts = [];

        if ( options.cache ) {

            parts.push( [
                "peg$resultsCache[key] = {",
                "  nextPos: peg$currPos,",
                "  result: " + resultCode + ",",
                "  expectations: rule$expectations",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( options.trace ) {

            parts.push( [
                "if (" + resultCode + " !== peg$FAILED) {",
                "  peg$tracer.trace({",
                "    type: \"rule.match\",",
                "    rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
                "    result: " + resultCode + ",",
                "    location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, peg$currPos)",
                "  });",
                "} else {",
                "  peg$tracer.trace({",
                "    type: \"\",",
                "    rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
                "    location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, startPos)",
                "  });",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( [
            "return " + resultCode + ";",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        return parts.join( "\n" );


    function generateInterpreter() {

        const parts = [];

        function generateCondition( cond, argsLength ) {

            const baseLength = argsLength + 3;
            const thenLengthCode = "bc[ip + " + ( baseLength - 2 ) + "]";
            const elseLengthCode = "bc[ip + " + ( baseLength - 1 ) + "]";

            return [
                "ips.push(ip + " + baseLength + " + " + thenLengthCode + " + " + elseLengthCode + ");",
                "if (" + cond + ") {",
                "  end = ip + " + baseLength + " + " + thenLengthCode + ";",
                "  ip += " + baseLength + ";",
                "} else {",
                "  end = ip + " + baseLength + " + " + thenLengthCode + " + " + elseLengthCode + ";",
                "  ip += " + baseLength + " + " + thenLengthCode + ";",
            ].join( "\n" );


        function generateLoop( cond ) {

            const baseLength = 2;
            const bodyLengthCode = "bc[ip + " + ( baseLength - 1 ) + "]";

            return [
                "if (" + cond + ") {",
                "  ends.push(end);",
                "  ips.push(ip);",
                "  end = ip + " + baseLength + " + " + bodyLengthCode + ";",
                "  ip += " + baseLength + ";",
                "} else {",
                "  ip += " + baseLength + " + " + bodyLengthCode + ";",
            ].join( "\n" );


        function generateCall() {

            const baseLength = 4;
            const paramsLengthCode = "bc[ip + " + ( baseLength - 1 ) + "]";

            return [
                "params = bc.slice(ip + " + baseLength + ", ip + " + baseLength + " + " + paramsLengthCode + ")",
                "  .map(function(p) { return stack[stack.length - 1 - p]; });",
                "  stack.length - bc[ip + 2],",
                "  bc[ip + 2],",
                "  peg$functions[bc[ip + 1]].apply(null, params)",
                "ip += " + baseLength + " + " + paramsLengthCode + ";",
            ].join( "\n" );


        parts.push( [
            "function peg$decode(s) {",
            "  return s.split(\"\").map(function(ch) { return ch.charCodeAt(0) - 32; });",
            "function peg$parseRule(index) {",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.trace ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  var bc = peg$bytecode[index];",
                "  var ip = 0;",
                "  var ips = [];",
                "  var end = bc.length;",
                "  var ends = [];",
                "  var stack = [];",
                "  var startPos = peg$currPos;",
                "  var params, paramsLength, paramsN;",
            ].join( "\n" ) );

        } else {

            parts.push( [
                "  var bc = peg$bytecode[index];",
                "  var ip = 0;",
                "  var ips = [];",
                "  var end = bc.length;",
                "  var ends = [];",
                "  var stack = [];",
                "  var params, paramsLength, paramsN;",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( indent2( generateRuleHeader( "peg$ruleNames[index]", "index" ) ) );

        parts.push( [
            // The point of the outer loop and the |ips| & |ends| stacks is to avoid
            // recursive calls for interpreting parts of bytecode. In other words, we
            // implement the |interpret| operation of the abstract machine without
            // function calls. Such calls would likely slow the parser down and more
            // importantly cause stack overflows for complex grammars.
            "  while (true) {",
            "    while (ip < end) {",
            "      switch (bc[ip]) {",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_EMPTY_STRING + ":",  // PUSH_EMPTY_STRING
            "          stack.push('');",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_UNDEFINED + ":",     // PUSH_UNDEFINED
            "          stack.push(undefined);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_NULL + ":",          // PUSH_NULL
            "          stack.push(null);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_FAILED + ":",        // PUSH_FAILED
            "          stack.push(peg$FAILED);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY + ":",   // PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY
            "          stack.push([]);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PUSH_CURR_POS + ":",      // PUSH_CURR_POS
            "          stack.push(peg$currPos);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.POP + ":",                // POP
            "          stack.pop();",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.POP_CURR_POS + ":",       // POP_CURR_POS
            "          peg$currPos = stack.pop();",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.POP_N + ":",              // POP_N n
            "          stack.length -= bc[ip + 1];",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.NIP + ":",                // NIP
            "          stack.splice(-2, 1);",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.APPEND + ":",             // APPEND
            "          stack[stack.length - 2].push(stack.pop());",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.WRAP + ":",               // WRAP n
            "          stack.push(stack.splice(stack.length - bc[ip + 1], bc[ip + 1]));",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.TEXT + ":",               // TEXT
            "          stack.push(input.substring(stack.pop(), peg$currPos));",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.PLUCK + ":",               // PLUCK n, k, p1, ..., pK
            "          paramsLength = bc[ip + 2];",
            "          paramsN = 3 + paramsLength",
            "          params = bc.slice(ip + 3, ip + paramsN);",
            "          params = paramsLength === 1",
            "            ? stack[stack.length - 1 - params[ 0 ]]",
            "            : { return stack[stack.length - 1 - p]; });",
            "          stack.splice(",
            "            stack.length - bc[ip + 1],",
            "            bc[ip + 1],",
            "            params",
            "          );",
            "          ip += paramsN;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.IF + ":",                 // IF t, f
            indent10( generateCondition( "stack[stack.length - 1]", 0 ) ),
            "        case " + op.IF_ERROR + ":",           // IF_ERROR t, f
            indent10( generateCondition(
                "stack[stack.length - 1] === peg$FAILED",
            ) ),
            "        case " + op.IF_NOT_ERROR + ":",       // IF_NOT_ERROR t, f
                    "stack[stack.length - 1] !== peg$FAILED",
            "        case " + op.WHILE_NOT_ERROR + ":",    // WHILE_NOT_ERROR b
            indent10( generateLoop( "stack[stack.length - 1] !== peg$FAILED" ) ),
            "        case " + op.MATCH_ANY + ":",          // MATCH_ANY a, f, ...
            indent10( generateCondition( "input.length > peg$currPos", 0 ) ),
            "        case " + op.MATCH_STRING + ":",       // MATCH_STRING s, a, f, ...
            indent10( generateCondition(
                "input.substr(peg$currPos, peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]].length) === peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]]",
            ) ),
            "        case " + op.MATCH_STRING_IC + ":",    // MATCH_STRING_IC s, a, f, ...
            indent10( generateCondition(
                "input.substr(peg$currPos, peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]].length).toLowerCase() === peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]]",
            ) ),
            "        case " + op.MATCH_CLASS + ":",        // MATCH_CLASS c, a, f, ...
            indent10( generateCondition(
                "peg$regexps[bc[ip + 1]].test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))",
            ) ),
            "        case " + op.ACCEPT_N + ":",           // ACCEPT_N n
            "          stack.push(input.substr(peg$currPos, bc[ip + 1]));",
            "          peg$currPos += bc[ip + 1];",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.ACCEPT_STRING + ":",      // ACCEPT_STRING s
            "          stack.push(peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]]);",
            "          peg$currPos += peg$literals[bc[ip + 1]].length;",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.EXPECT + ":",             // EXPECT e
            "          rule$expects(peg$expectations[bc[ip + 1]]);",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.LOAD_SAVED_POS + ":",     // LOAD_SAVED_POS p
            "          peg$savedPos = stack[stack.length - 1 - bc[ip + 1]];",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.UPDATE_SAVED_POS + ":",   // UPDATE_SAVED_POS
            "          peg$savedPos = peg$currPos;",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.CALL + ":",               // CALL f, n, pc, p1, p2, ..., pN
            indent10( generateCall() ),
            "        case " + op.RULE + ":",               // RULE r
            "          stack.push(peg$parseRule(bc[ip + 1]));",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.SILENT_FAILS_ON + ":",    // SILENT_FAILS_ON
            "          peg$silentFails++;",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.SILENT_FAILS_OFF + ":",   // SILENT_FAILS_OFF
            "          peg$silentFails--;",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.EXPECT_NS_BEGIN + ":",    // EXPECT_NS_BEGIN
            "          peg$begin();",
            "          ip++;",
            "          break;",
            "        case " + op.EXPECT_NS_END + ":",      // EXPECT_NS_END invert
            "          peg$end(bc[ip + 1]);",
            "          ip += 2;",
            "          break;",
            "        // istanbul ignore next",
            "        default:",
            "          throw new Error(",
            "            \"Rule #\" + index + \"" + ( options.trace ? " ('\" + peg$ruleNames[ index ] + \"')" : "" ) + ", position \" + ip + \": \"",
            "            + \"Invalid opcode \" + bc[ip] + \".\"",
            "          );",
            "      }",
            "    }",
            "    if (ends.length > 0) {",
            "      end = ends.pop();",
            "      ip = ips.pop();",
            "    } else {",
            "      break;",
            "    }",
            "  }",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        parts.push( indent2( generateRuleFooter( "peg$ruleNames[index]", "stack[0]" ) ) );
        parts.push( "}" );

        return parts.join( "\n" );


    function generateRuleFunction( rule ) {

        const parts = [];
        const stackVars = [];

        function s( i ) {

            // istanbul ignore next
            if ( i < 0 ) session.fatal( "Rule '" + + "': Var stack underflow: attempt to use var at index " + i );

            return "s" + i;

        } // |stack[i]| of the abstract machine

        const stack = {
            sp: -1,
            maxSp: -1,

            push( exprCode ) {

                const code = s( ++this.sp ) + " = " + exprCode + ";";
                if ( this.sp > this.maxSp ) this.maxSp = this.sp;
                return code;


            pop( n ) {

                if ( typeof n === "undefined" ) return s( this.sp-- );

                const values = Array( n );

                for ( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {

                    values[ i ] = s( this.sp - n + 1 + i );


                this.sp -= n;
                return values;


            top() {

                return s( this.sp );


            index( i ) {

                return s( this.sp - i );


        function compile( bc ) {

            let ip = 0;
            const end = bc.length;
            const parts = [];
            let value;

            function compileCondition( cond, argCount ) {

                const pos = ip;
                const baseLength = argCount + 3;
                const thenLength = bc[ ip + baseLength - 2 ];
                const elseLength = bc[ ip + baseLength - 1 ];
                const baseSp = stack.sp;
                let thenCode, elseCode, thenSp, elseSp;

                ip += baseLength;
                thenCode = compile( bc.slice( ip, ip + thenLength ) );
                thenSp = stack.sp;
                ip += thenLength;

                if ( elseLength > 0 ) {

                    stack.sp = baseSp;
                    elseCode = compile( bc.slice( ip, ip + elseLength ) );
                    elseSp = stack.sp;
                    ip += elseLength;

                    // istanbul ignore if
                    if ( thenSp !== elseSp ) {

                            "Rule '" + + "', position " + pos + ": "
                            + "Branches of a condition can't move the stack pointer differently "
                            + "(before: " + baseSp + ", after then: " + thenSp + ", after else: " + elseSp + ").",



                parts.push( "if (" + cond + ") {" );
                parts.push( indent2( thenCode ) );
                if ( elseLength > 0 ) {

                    parts.push( "} else {" );
                    parts.push( indent2( elseCode ) );

                parts.push( "}" );


            function compileLoop( cond ) {

                const pos = ip;
                const baseLength = 2;
                const bodyLength = bc[ ip + baseLength - 1 ];
                const baseSp = stack.sp;
                let bodyCode, bodySp;

                ip += baseLength;
                bodyCode = compile( bc.slice( ip, ip + bodyLength ) );
                bodySp = stack.sp;
                ip += bodyLength;

                // istanbul ignore if
                if ( bodySp !== baseSp ) {

                        "Rule '" + + "', position " + pos + ": "
                        + "Body of a loop can't move the stack pointer "
                        + "(before: " + baseSp + ", after: " + bodySp + ").",


                parts.push( "while (" + cond + ") {" );
                parts.push( indent2( bodyCode ) );
                parts.push( "}" );


            function compileCall() {

                const baseLength = 4;
                const paramsLength = bc[ ip + baseLength - 1 ];

                const value = f( bc[ ip + 1 ] )
                    + "("
                    + bc
                        .slice( ip + baseLength, ip + baseLength + paramsLength )
                        .map( p => stack.index( p ) )
                        .join( ", " )
                    + ")";

                stack.pop( bc[ ip + 2 ] );
                parts.push( stack.push( value ) );
                ip += baseLength + paramsLength;


            while ( ip < end ) {

                switch ( bc[ ip ] ) {

                    case op.PUSH_EMPTY_STRING:  // PUSH_EMPTY_STRING
                        parts.push( stack.push( "''" ) );

                    case op.PUSH_CURR_POS:      // PUSH_CURR_POS
                        parts.push( stack.push( "peg$currPos" ) );

                    case op.PUSH_UNDEFINED:     // PUSH_UNDEFINED
                        parts.push( stack.push( "undefined" ) );

                    case op.PUSH_NULL:          // PUSH_NULL
                        parts.push( stack.push( "null" ) );

                    case op.PUSH_FAILED:        // PUSH_FAILED
                        parts.push( stack.push( "peg$FAILED" ) );

                    case op.PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY:   // PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY
                        parts.push( stack.push( "[]" ) );

                    case op.POP:                // POP

                    case op.POP_CURR_POS:       // POP_CURR_POS
                        parts.push( "peg$currPos = " + stack.pop() + ";" );

                    case op.POP_N:              // POP_N n
                        stack.pop( bc[ ip + 1 ] );
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.NIP:                // NIP
                        value = stack.pop();
                        parts.push( stack.push( value ) );

                    case op.APPEND:             // APPEND
                        value = stack.pop();
                        parts.push( + ".push(" + value + ");" );

                    case op.WRAP:               // WRAP n
                            stack.push( "[" + stack.pop( bc[ ip + 1 ] ).join( ", " ) + "]" ),
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.TEXT:               // TEXT
                            stack.push( "input.substring(" + stack.pop() + ", peg$currPos)" ),

                    case op.PLUCK:               // PLUCK n, k, p1, ..., pK
                        const baseLength = 3;
                        const paramsLength = bc[ ip + baseLength - 1 ];
                        const n = baseLength + paramsLength;
                        value = bc.slice( ip + baseLength, ip + n );
                        value = paramsLength === 1
                            ? stack.index( value[ 0 ] )
                            : `[ ${
                       p => stack.index( p ) )
                                    .join( ", " )
                            } ]`;
                        stack.pop( bc[ ip + 1 ] );
                        parts.push( stack.push( value ) );
                        ip += n;

                    case op.IF:                 // IF t, f
                        compileCondition(, 0 );

                    case op.IF_ERROR:           // IF_ERROR t, f
                        compileCondition( + " === peg$FAILED", 0 );

                    case op.IF_NOT_ERROR:       // IF_NOT_ERROR t, f
                        compileCondition( + " !== peg$FAILED", 0 );

                    case op.WHILE_NOT_ERROR:    // WHILE_NOT_ERROR b
                        compileLoop( + " !== peg$FAILED", 0 );

                    case op.MATCH_ANY:          // MATCH_ANY a, f, ...
                        compileCondition( "input.length > peg$currPos", 0 );

                    case op.MATCH_STRING:       // MATCH_STRING s, a, f, ...
                            ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].length > 1
                                ? "input.substr(peg$currPos, "
                                    + ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].length
                                    + ") === "
                                    + l( bc[ ip + 1 ] )
                                : "input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === "
                                    + ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].charCodeAt( 0 )
                            , 1,

                    case op.MATCH_STRING_IC:    // MATCH_STRING_IC s, a, f, ...
                            "input.substr(peg$currPos, "
                                + ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].length
                                + ").toLowerCase() === "
                                + l( bc[ ip + 1 ] )
                            , 1,

                    case op.MATCH_CLASS:        // MATCH_CLASS c, a, f, ...
                        compileCondition( r( bc[ ip + 1 ] ) + ".test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))", 1 );

                    case op.ACCEPT_N:           // ACCEPT_N n
                        parts.push( stack.push(
                            bc[ ip + 1 ] > 1
                                ? "input.substr(peg$currPos, " + bc[ ip + 1 ] + ")"
                                : "input.charAt(peg$currPos)",
                        ) );
                            bc[ ip + 1 ] > 1
                                ? "peg$currPos += " + bc[ ip + 1 ] + ";"
                                : "peg$currPos++;",
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.ACCEPT_STRING:      // ACCEPT_STRING s
                        parts.push( stack.push( l( bc[ ip + 1 ] ) ) );
                            ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].length > 1
                                ? "peg$currPos += " + ast.literals[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].length + ";"
                                : "peg$currPos++;",
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.EXPECT:             // EXPECT e
                        parts.push( "rule$expects(" + e( bc[ ip + 1 ] ) + ");" );
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.LOAD_SAVED_POS:     // LOAD_SAVED_POS p
                        parts.push( "peg$savedPos = " + stack.index( bc[ ip + 1 ] ) + ";" );
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.UPDATE_SAVED_POS:   // UPDATE_SAVED_POS
                        parts.push( "peg$savedPos = peg$currPos;" );

                    case op.CALL:               // CALL f, n, pc, p1, p2, ..., pN

                    case op.RULE:               // RULE r
                        parts.push( stack.push( "peg$parse" + ast.rules[ bc[ ip + 1 ] ].name + "()" ) );
                        ip += 2;

                    case op.SILENT_FAILS_ON:    // SILENT_FAILS_ON
                        parts.push( "peg$silentFails++;" );

                    case op.SILENT_FAILS_OFF:   // SILENT_FAILS_OFF
                        parts.push( "peg$silentFails--;" );

                    case op.EXPECT_NS_BEGIN:    // EXPECT_NS_BEGIN
                        parts.push( "peg$begin();" );

                    case op.EXPECT_NS_END:      // EXPECT_NS_END invert
                        parts.push( "peg$end(" + ( bc[ ip + 1 ] !== 0 ) + ");" );
                        ip += 2;

                    // istanbul ignore next
                            "Rule '" + + "', position " + ip + ": "
                            + "Invalid opcode " + bc[ ip ] + ".",



            return parts.join( "\n" );


        const code = compile( rule.bytecode );

        parts.push( "function peg$parse" + + "() {" );

        if ( options.trace ) {

            parts.push( "  var startPos = peg$currPos;" );


        for ( let i = 0; i <= stack.maxSp; i++ ) {

            stackVars[ i ] = s( i );


        parts.push( "  var " + stackVars.join( ", " ) + ";" );

        parts.push( indent2( generateRuleHeader(
            "\"" + util.stringEscape( ) + "\"",
            ast.indexOfRule( ),
        ) ) );
        parts.push( indent2( code ) );
        parts.push( indent2( generateRuleFooter(
            "\"" + util.stringEscape( ) + "\"",
            s( 0 ),
        ) ) );

        parts.push( "}" );

        return parts.join( "\n" );


    function generateToplevel() {

        const parts = [];

        parts.push( [
            "function peg$subclass(child, parent) {",
            "  function C() { this.constructor = child; }",
            "  C.prototype = parent.prototype;",
            "  child.prototype = new C();",
            "function peg$SyntaxError(message, expected, found, location) {",
            "  this.message = message;",
            "  this.expected = expected;",
            "  this.found = found;",
            "  this.location = location;",
            " = \"SyntaxError\";",
            "  // istanbul ignore next",
            "  if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === \"function\") {",
            "    Error.captureStackTrace(this, peg$SyntaxError);",
            "  }",
            "peg$subclass(peg$SyntaxError, Error);",
            "peg$SyntaxError.buildMessage = function(expected, found, location) {",
            "  var DESCRIBE_EXPECTATION_FNS = {",
            "    literal: function(expectation) {",
            "      return \"\\\"\" + literalEscape(expectation.text) + \"\\\"\";",
            "    },",
            "    class: function(expectation) {",
            "      var escapedParts = {",
            "        return Array.isArray(part)",
            "          ? classEscape(part[0]) + \"-\" + classEscape(part[1])",
            "          : classEscape(part);",
            "      });",
            "      return \"[\" + (expectation.inverted ? \"^\" : \"\") + escapedParts + \"]\";",
            "    },",
            "    any: function() {",
            "      return \"any character\";",
            "    },",
            "    end: function() {",
            "      return \"end of input\";",
            "    },",
            "    other: function(expectation) {",
            "      return expectation.description;",
            "    },",
            "    not: function(expectation) {",
            "      return \"not \" + describeExpectation(expectation.expected);",
            "    }",
            "  };",
            "  function hex(ch) {",
            "    return ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();",
            "  }",
            "  function literalEscape(s) {",
            "    return s",
            "      .replace(/\\\\/g, \"\\\\\\\\\")",   // backslash
            "      .replace(/\"/g,  \"\\\\\\\"\")",    // closing double quote
            "      .replace(/\\0/g, \"\\\\0\")",       // null
            "      .replace(/\\t/g, \"\\\\t\")",       // horizontal tab
            "      .replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")",       // line feed
            "      .replace(/\\r/g, \"\\\\r\")",       // carriage return
            "      .replace(/[\\x00-\\x0F]/g,          function(ch) { return \"\\\\x0\" + hex(ch); })",
            "      .replace(/[\\x10-\\x1F\\x7F-\\x9F]/g, function(ch) { return \"\\\\x\"  + hex(ch); });",
            "  }",
            "  function classEscape(s) {",
            "    return s",
            "      .replace(/\\\\/g, \"\\\\\\\\\")",   // backslash
            "      .replace(/\\]/g, \"\\\\]\")",       // closing bracket
            "      .replace(/\\^/g, \"\\\\^\")",       // caret
            "      .replace(/-/g,  \"\\\\-\")",        // dash
            "      .replace(/\\0/g, \"\\\\0\")",       // null
            "      .replace(/\\t/g, \"\\\\t\")",       // horizontal tab
            "      .replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")",       // line feed
            "      .replace(/\\r/g, \"\\\\r\")",       // carriage return
            "      .replace(/[\\x00-\\x0F]/g,          function(ch) { return \"\\\\x0\" + hex(ch); })",
            "      .replace(/[\\x10-\\x1F\\x7F-\\x9F]/g, function(ch) { return \"\\\\x\"  + hex(ch); });",
            "  }",
            "  function describeExpectation(expectation) {",
            "    return DESCRIBE_EXPECTATION_FNS[expectation.type](expectation);",
            "  }",
            "  function describeExpected(expected) {",
            "    var descriptions =;",
            "    var i, j;",
            "    descriptions.sort();",
            "    if (descriptions.length > 0) {",
            "      for (i = 1, j = 1; i < descriptions.length; i++) {",
            "        if (descriptions[i - 1] !== descriptions[i]) {",
            "          descriptions[j] = descriptions[i];",
            "          j++;",
            "        }",
            "      }",
            "      descriptions.length = j;",
            "    }",
            "    switch (descriptions.length) {",
            "      case 1:",
            "        return descriptions[0];",
            "      case 2:",
            "        return descriptions[0] + \" or \" + descriptions[1];",
            "      default:",
            "        return descriptions.slice(0, -1).join(\", \")",
            "          + \", or \"",
            "          + descriptions[descriptions.length - 1];",
            "    }",
            "  }",
            "  function describeFound(found) {",
            "    return found ? \"\\\"\" + literalEscape(found) + \"\\\"\" : \"end of input\";",
            "  }",
            "  return \"Expected \" + describeExpected(expected) + \" but \" + describeFound(found) + \" found.\";",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.trace ) {

            if ( use( "DefaultTracer" ) )

                parts.push( [
                    "function peg$DefaultTracer() {",
                    "  this.indentLevel = 0;",
                    "peg$DefaultTracer.prototype.trace = function(event) {",
                    "  var that = this;",
                    "  function log(event) {",
                    "    function repeat(string, n) {",
                    "       var result = \"\", i;",
                    "       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {",
                    "         result += string;",
                    "       }",
                    "       return result;",
                    "    }",
                    "    function pad(string, length) {",
                    "      return string + repeat(\" \", length - string.length);",
                    "    }",
                    "    if (typeof console === \"object\") {",   // IE 8-10
                    "      console.log(",
                    "        event.location.start.line + \":\" + event.location.start.column + \"-\"",
                    "          + event.location.end.line + \":\" + event.location.end.column + \" \"",
                    "          + pad(event.type, 10) + \" \"",
                    "          + repeat(\"  \", that.indentLevel) + event.rule",
                    "      );",
                    "    }",
                    "  }",
                    "  switch (event.type) {",
                    "    case \"rule.enter\":",
                    "      log(event);",
                    "      this.indentLevel++;",
                    "      break;",
                    "    case \"rule.match\":",
                    "      this.indentLevel--;",
                    "      log(event);",
                    "      break;",
                    "    case \"\":",
                    "      this.indentLevel--;",
                    "      log(event);",
                    "      break;",
                    "    // istanbul ignore next",
                    "    default:",
                    "      throw new Error(\"Invalid event type: \" + event.type + \".\");",
                    "  }",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


                parts.push( [
                    "var peg$FauxTracer = {",
                    "  trace: function(event) { }",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( [
            "function peg$parse(input, options) {",
            "  options = options !== undefined ? options : {};",
            "  var peg$FAILED = {};",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

            const startRuleIndices = "{ "
                + options.allowedStartRules
                    .map( r => r + ": " + ast.indexOfRule( r ) )
                    .join( ", " )
                + " }";
            const startRuleIndex = ast.indexOfRule( options.allowedStartRules[ 0 ] );

            parts.push( [
                "  var peg$startRuleIndices = " + startRuleIndices + ";",
                "  var peg$startRuleIndex = " + startRuleIndex + ";",
            ].join( "\n" ) );

        } else {

            const startRuleFunctions = "{ "
                + options.allowedStartRules
                    .map( r => r + ": peg$parse" + r )
                    .join( ", " )
                + " }";
            const startRuleFunction = "peg$parse" + options.allowedStartRules[ 0 ];

            parts.push( [
                "  var peg$startRuleFunctions = " + startRuleFunctions + ";",
                "  var peg$startRuleFunction = " + startRuleFunction + ";",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( "" );

        parts.push( indent2( generateTables() ) );

        parts.push( [
            "  var peg$currPos = 0;",
            "  var peg$savedPos = 0;",
            "  var peg$posDetailsCache = [{ line: 1, column: 1 }];",
            "  var peg$expected = [];",
            "  var peg$silentFails = 0;",   // 0 = report failures, > 0 = silence failures
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.cache ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  var peg$resultsCache = {};",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( options.trace ) {

            if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

                const ruleNames = "["
                    + ast.rules
                        .map( r => `"${ util.stringEscape( ) }"` )
                        .join( ", " )
                    + "]";

                parts.push( [
                    "  var peg$ruleNames = " + ruleNames + ";",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


            if ( use( "DefaultTracer" ) )

                parts.push( [
                    "  var peg$tracer = \"tracer\" in options ? options.tracer : new peg$DefaultTracer();",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


                parts.push( [
                    "  var peg$tracer = \"tracer\" in options ? options.tracer : peg$FauxTracer;",
                ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( [
            "  var peg$result;",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  if (\"startRule\" in options) {",
                "    if (!(options.startRule in peg$startRuleIndices)) {",
                "      throw new Error(\"Can't start parsing from rule \\\"\" + options.startRule + \"\\\".\");",
                "    }",
                "    peg$startRuleIndex = peg$startRuleIndices[options.startRule];",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );

        } else {

            parts.push( [
                "  if (\"startRule\" in options) {",
                "    if (!(options.startRule in peg$startRuleFunctions)) {",
                "      throw new Error(\"Can't start parsing from rule \\\"\" + options.startRule + \"\\\".\");",
                "    }",
                "    peg$startRuleFunction = peg$startRuleFunctions[options.startRule];",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "text" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function text() {",
                "    return input.substring(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "offset" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function offset() {",
                "    return peg$savedPos;",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "range" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function range() {",
                "    return [peg$savedPos, peg$currPos];",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "location" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function location() {",
                "    return peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "expected" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function expected(description, location) {",
                "    location = location !== undefined",
                "      ? location",
                "      : peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);",
                "    throw peg$buildStructuredError(",
                "      [peg$otherExpectation(description)],",
                "      input.substring(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos),",
                "      location",
                "    );",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        if ( use( "error" ) ) {

            parts.push( [
                "  function error(message, location) {",
                "    location = location !== undefined",
                "      ? location",
                "      : peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);",
                "    throw peg$buildSimpleError(message, location);",
                "  }",
            ].join( "\n" ) );


        parts.push( [
            "  function peg$literalExpectation(text, ignoreCase) {",
            "    return { type: \"literal\", text: text, ignoreCase: ignoreCase };",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$classExpectation(parts, inverted, ignoreCase) {",
            "    return { type: \"class\", parts: parts, inverted: inverted, ignoreCase: ignoreCase };",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$anyExpectation() {",
            "    return { type: \"any\" };",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$endExpectation() {",
            "    return { type: \"end\" };",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$otherExpectation(description) {",
            "    return { type: \"other\", description: description };",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$computePosDetails(pos) {",
            "    var details = peg$posDetailsCache[pos];",
            "    var p;",
            "    if (details) {",
            "      return details;",
            "    } else {",
            "      p = pos - 1;",
            "      while (!peg$posDetailsCache[p]) {",
            "        p--;",
            "      }",
            "      details = peg$posDetailsCache[p];",
            "      details = {",
            "        line: details.line,",
            "        column: details.column",
            "      };",
            "      while (p < pos) {",
            "        if (input.charCodeAt(p) === 10) {",
            "          details.line++;",
            "          details.column = 1;",
            "        } else {",
            "          details.column++;",
            "        }",
            "        p++;",
            "      }",
            "      peg$posDetailsCache[pos] = details;",
            "      return details;",
            "    }",
            "  }",
            use( "filename" ) ? "  var peg$VALIDFILENAME = typeof options.filename === \"string\" && options.filename.length > 0;" : "",
            "  function peg$computeLocation(startPos, endPos) {",
            "    var loc = {};",
            use( "filename" ) ? "    if ( peg$VALIDFILENAME ) loc.filename = options.filename;" : "",
            "    var startPosDetails = peg$computePosDetails(startPos);",
            "    loc.start = {",
            "      offset: startPos,",
            "      line: startPosDetails.line,",
            "      column: startPosDetails.column",
            "    };",
            "    var endPosDetails = peg$computePosDetails(endPos);",
            "    loc.end = {",
            "      offset: endPos,",
            "      line: endPosDetails.line,",
            "      column: endPosDetails.column",
            "    };",
            "    return loc;",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$begin() {",
            "    peg$expected.push({ pos: peg$currPos, variants: [] });",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$expect(expected) {",
            "    var top = peg$expected[peg$expected.length - 1];",
            "    if (peg$currPos < top.pos) { return; }",
            "    if (peg$currPos > top.pos) {",
            "      top.pos = peg$currPos;",
            "      top.variants = [];",
            "    }",
            "    top.variants.push(expected);",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$end(invert) {",
            "    var expected = peg$expected.pop();",
            "    var top = peg$expected[peg$expected.length - 1];",
            "    var variants = expected.variants;",
            "    if (top.pos !== expected.pos) { return; }",
            "    if (invert) {",
            "      variants = {",
            "        return e.type === \"not\" ? e.expected : { type: \"not\", expected: e };",
            "      });",
            "    }",
            "    Array.prototype.push.apply(top.variants, variants);",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$buildSimpleError(message, location) {",
            "    return new peg$SyntaxError(message, null, null, location);",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$buildStructuredError(expected, found, location) {",
            "    return new peg$SyntaxError(",
            "      peg$SyntaxError.buildMessage(expected, found, location),",
            "      expected,",
            "      found,",
            "      location",
            "    );",
            "  }",
            "  function peg$buildError() {",
            "    var expected = peg$expected[0];",
            "    var failPos = expected.pos;",
            "    return peg$buildStructuredError(",
            "      expected.variants,",
            "      failPos < input.length ? input.charAt(failPos) : null,",
            "      failPos < input.length",
            "        ? peg$computeLocation(failPos, failPos + 1)",
            "        : peg$computeLocation(failPos, failPos)",
            "    );",
            "  }",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

            parts.push( indent2( generateInterpreter() ) );
            parts.push( "" );

        } else {

            ast.rules.forEach( rule => {

                parts.push( indent2( generateRuleFunction( rule ) ) );
                parts.push( "" );

            } );


        if ( ast.initializer ) {

            parts.push( indent2( ast.initializer.code ) );
            parts.push( "" );


        parts.push( "  peg$begin();" );

        if ( options.optimize === "size" ) {

            parts.push( "  peg$result = peg$parseRule(peg$startRuleIndex);" );

        } else {

            parts.push( "  peg$result = peg$startRuleFunction();" );


        parts.push( [
            "  if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos === input.length) {",
            "    return peg$result;",
            "  } else {",
            "    if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos < input.length) {",
            "      peg$expect(peg$endExpectation());",
            "    }",
            "    throw peg$buildError();",
            "  }",
        ].join( "\n" ) );

        return parts.join( "\n" );


    function generateWrapper( toplevelCode ) {

        function generateHeaderComment() {

            let comment = `// Generated by PEG.js v${ VERSION },`;
            const header = options.header;

            if ( typeof header === "string" ) {

                comment += "\n\n" + header;

            } else if ( Array.isArray( header ) ) {

                comment += "\n\n";
                header.forEach( data => {

                    comment += "// " + data;

                } );


            return comment;


        function generateParserObject() {

            return options.trace && use( "DefaultTracer" )
                ? [
                    "  SyntaxError: peg$SyntaxError,",
                    "  DefaultTracer: peg$DefaultTracer,",
                    "  parse: peg$parse",
                ].join( "\n" )
                : [
                    "  SyntaxError: peg$SyntaxError,",
                    "  parse: peg$parse",
                ].join( "\n" );


        function generateParserExports() {

            return options.trace && use( "DefaultTracer" )
                ? [
                    "  peg$SyntaxError as SyntaxError,",
                    "  peg$DefaultTracer as DefaultTracer,",
                    "  peg$parse as parse",
                ].join( "\n" )
                : [
                    "  peg$SyntaxError as SyntaxError,",
                    "  peg$parse as parse",
                ].join( "\n" );


        const generators = {
            bare() {

                return [
                    "(function() {",
                    "  \"use strict\";",
                    indent2( toplevelCode ),
                    indent2( "return " + generateParserObject() + ";" ),
                ].join( "\n" );


            commonjs() {

                const parts = [];
                const dependencyVars = Object.keys( options.dependencies );

                parts.push( [
                    "\"use strict\";",
                ].join( "\n" ) );

                if ( dependencyVars.length > 0 ) {

                    dependencyVars.forEach( variable => {

                        parts.push( "var " + variable
                            + " = require(\""
                            + util.stringEscape( options.dependencies[ variable ] )
                            + "\");" );

                    } );
                    parts.push( "" );


                parts.push( [
                    "module.exports = " + generateParserObject() + ";",
                ].join( "\n" ) );

                return parts.join( "\n" );


            es() {

                const parts = [];
                const dependencyVars = Object.keys( options.dependencies );


                if ( dependencyVars.length > 0 ) {

                    dependencyVars.forEach( variable => {

                        parts.push( "import " + variable
                            + " from \""
                            + util.stringEscape( options.dependencies[ variable ] )
                            + "\";" );

                    } );
                    parts.push( "" );


                    "export " + generateParserExports() + ";",
                    "export default " + generateParserObject() + ";",

                return parts.join( "\n" );


            amd() {

                const dependencyVars = Object.keys( options.dependencies );
                const dependencyIds = v => options.dependencies[ v ] );
                const dependencies = "["
                    + dependencyIds
                        .map( id => `"${ util.stringEscape( id ) }"` )
                        .join( ", " )
                    + "]";
                const params = dependencyVars.join( ", " );

                return [
                    "define(" + dependencies + ", function(" + params + ") {",
                    "  \"use strict\";",
                    indent2( toplevelCode ),
                    indent2( "return " + generateParserObject() + ";" ),
                ].join( "\n" );


            globals() {

                return [
                    "(function(root) {",
                    "  \"use strict\";",
                    indent2( toplevelCode ),
                    indent2( "root." + options.exportVar + " = " + generateParserObject() + ";" ),
                ].join( "\n" );


            umd() {

                const parts = [];
                const dependencyVars = Object.keys( options.dependencies );
                const dependencyIds = v => options.dependencies[ v ] );
                const dependencies = "["
                    + dependencyIds
                        .map( id => `"${ util.stringEscape( id ) }"` )
                        .join( ", " )
                    + "]";
                const requires = dependencyIds
                    .map( id => `require("${ util.stringEscape( id ) }")` )
                    .join( ", " );
                const args = v => "root." + v ).join( ", " );
                const params = dependencyVars.join( ", " );

                parts.push( [
                    "(function(root, factory) {",
                    "  if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {",
                    "    define(" + dependencies + ", factory);",
                    "  } else if (typeof module === \"object\" && module.exports) {",
                    "    module.exports = factory(" + requires + ");",
                ].join( "\n" ) );

                if ( options.exportVar !== null ) {

                    parts.push( [
                        "  } else {",
                        "    root." + options.exportVar + " = factory(" + args + ");",
                    ].join( "\n" ) );


                parts.push( [
                    "  }",
                    "})(this, function(" + params + ") {",
                    "  \"use strict\";",
                    indent2( toplevelCode ),
                    indent2( "return " + generateParserObject() + ";" ),
                ].join( "\n" ) );

                return parts.join( "\n" );


        return generators[ options.format ]();


    ast.code = generateWrapper( generateToplevel() );


module.exports = generateJS;