

3 hrs
Test Coverage
package xmlparse

import (

type ElemType string

const (
    eleTpText ElemType = "text"    // 静态文本节点
    eleTpNode ElemType = "XMLNode" // 节点子节点

type XMLNode struct {
    ID       string
    Name     string
    Attrs    map[string]xml.Attr
    Elements []element

type element struct {
    ElementType ElemType
    Val         interface{}

func ParseXML(r io.Reader) *XMLNode {
    parser := xml.NewDecoder(r)
    var root XMLNode

    st := container.NewStack()
    for {
        token, err := parser.Token()
        if err != nil {
        switch t := token.(type) {
        case xml.StartElement: //tag start
            name := t.Name.Local
            attr := t.Attr
            attrMap := make(map[string]xml.Attr)
            for _, val := range attr {
                attrMap[val.Name.Local] = val
            node := XMLNode{
                Name:     name,
                Attrs:    attrMap,
                Elements: make([]element, 0),
            for _, val := range attr {
                if val.Name.Local == "id" {
                    node.ID = val.Value

        case xml.EndElement: //tag end
            if st.Len() > 0 {
                //cur XMLNode
                n := st.Pop().(XMLNode)
                if st.Len() > 0 { //if the root XMLNode then append to element
                    e := element{
                        ElementType: eleTpNode,
                        Val:         n,

                    pn := st.Pop().(XMLNode)
                    els := pn.Elements
                    els = append(els, e)
                    pn.Elements = els
                } else { //else root = n
                    root = n
        case xml.CharData: //tag content
            if st.Len() > 0 {
                n := st.Pop().(XMLNode)
                content := strings.TrimSpace(string(t))
                if content != "" {
                    e := element{
                        ElementType: eleTpText,
                        Val:         content,
                    els := n.Elements
                    els = append(els, e)
                    n.Elements = els


        case xml.Comment:
        case xml.ProcInst:
        case xml.Directive:

    if st.Len() != 0 {
        panic("Parse xml error, there is tag no close, please check your xml config!")

    return &root