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# TTY::File [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)][gitter]

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> File manipulation utility methods.

**TTY::File** provides independent file utilities component for [TTY](https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty) toolkit.

## Motivation

Though Ruby's `File` and `FileUtils` libraries provide very robust apis for dealing with files, this library aims to provide a level of abstraction that is much more convenient, with useful logging capabilities.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "tty-file"

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install tty-file

## Contents

* [1. Usage](#1-usage)
* [2. Interface](#2-interface)
  * [2.1. binary?](#21-binary)
  * [2.2. checksum_file](#22-checksum_file)
  * [2.3. chmod](#23-chmod)
  * [2.4. copy_file](#24-copy_file)
  * [2.5. create_file](#25-create_file)
  * [2.6. copy_dir](#26-copy_dir)
  * [2.7. create_dir](#27-create_dir)
  * [2.8. diff_files](#28-diff_files)
  * [2.9. download_file](#29-download_file)
  * [2.10. inject_into_file](#210-inject_into_file)
  * [2.11. replace_in_file](#211-replace_in_file)
  * [2.12. append_to_file](#212-append_to_file)
  * [2.13. prepend_to_file](#213-prepend_to_file)
  * [2.14. remove_file](#214-remove_file)
  * [2.15. tail_file](#215-tail_file)

## 1. Usage

TTY::File.replace_in_file("Gemfile", /gem 'rails'/, "gem 'hanami'")

## 2. Interface

The following methods are available for creating and manipulating files.

If you wish to silence verbose output use `verbose: false`. Similarly if you wish to run action without actually triggering any action use `noop: true`.

### 2.1. binary?

To check whether a file is a binary file, i.e. image, executable etc. do:

TTY::File.binary?("image.png") # => true

### 2.2. checksum_file

To generate a checksum for a file, IO object, or String, use `checksum_file`. By default the `MD5` algorithm is used, which can be changed by passing a second argument.

Among the supported message digest algorithms are:

* `sha`, `sha1`, `sha224`, `sha256`, `sha384`, `sha512`
* `md2`, `md4`, `md5`

For example, to create a digest for a string using `SHA1` do:

TTY::File.checksum_file("Some content\nThe end", "sha1")
# => "289388f187404135e6c15b21460442cf867180dd"

### 2.3. chmod

To change file modes use `chmod`, like so:

TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", 0777)

There are a number of constants available to represent common mode bits such as `TTY::File::U_R` and `TTY::File::O_X`, and they can be used as follows:

TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", TTY::File::U_R | TTY::File::O_X)

Apart from traditional octal number definition for file permissions, you can use the more convenient permission notation used by the Unix `chmod` command:

TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", "u=wrx,g+x")

The `u`, `g`, and `o` specify the user, group, and other parts of the mode bits. The `a` symbol is equivalent to `ugo`.

### 2.4. copy_file

Copies a file's contents from a relative source to a relative destination.

TTY::File.copy_file "Gemfile", "Gemfile.bak"

If you provide a block then the file content is yielded:

TTY::File.copy_file("Gemfile", "app/Gemfile") do |content|
  "https://rubygems.org\n" + content

If the source file is an `ERB` template then you can provide a `:context` in which the file gets evaluated, or if `TTY::File` gets included as a module then appropriate object context will be used by default. To use `:context` do:

variables = OpenStruct.new
variables[:foo] = "bar"

TTY::File.copy_file("templates/application.html.erb", context: variables)

You can also specify the template name surrounding any dynamic variables with `%` to be evaluated:

variables = OpenStruct.new
variables[:file_name] = "foo"

TTY::File.copy_file("templates/%file_name%.rb", context: variables)
# => Creates templates/foo.rb

If the destination is a directory, then copies source inside that directory.

TTY::File.copy_file "docs/README.md", "app"

If the destination file already exists, a prompt menu will be displayed to enquire about action:

If you wish to preserve original owner, group, permission and modified time use `:preserve` option:

TTY::File.copy_file "docs/README.md", "app", preserve: true

### 2.5. create_file

To create a file at a given destination with some content use `create_file`:

TTY::File.create_file "file-a/README.md", content

On collision with already existing file, a menu gets displayed:

   collision  examples/file-a
Overwrite examples/file-a? (enter "h" for help) [y,d,n,q,h]

The `d` option allows to compare the changes:

--- a/examples/file-a
+++ b/examples/file-a
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
Overwrite examples/file-a? (enter "h" for help) [y,d,n,q,h]

You can force to always overwrite file with `:force` option or always skip by providing `:skip`.

There is [examples/overwrite.rb](examples/overwrite.rb) that demonstrates diffing file with new content.

### 2.6. copy_dir

To recursively copy a directory of files from source to destination location use `copy_directory` or its alias `copy_dir`.

Assuming you have the following directory structure:

# doc/
#   subcommands/
#     command.rb.erb
#   README.md
#   %name%.rb

You can copy `doc` folder to `docs` by invoking:

TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", context: ...)

The `context` needs to respond to `name` message and given it returns `foo` value the following directory gets created:

# docs/
#   subcommands/
#     command.rb
#   README.md
#   foo.rb

If you only need to copy top level files use option `recursive: false`:

TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", recursive: false)

By passing `:exclude` option you can instruct the method to ignore any files including the given pattern:

TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", exclude: "subcommands")

### 2.7. create_dir

To create directory use `create_directory` or its alias `create_dir` passing as a first argument file path:


Or a data structure describing the directory tree including any files with or without content:

tree =
  "app" => [
    ["Gemfile", "gem 'tty-file'"],
    "lib" => [
      ["file_utils.rb", "require 'tty-file'"]
    "spec" => []

# =>
# app
# app/README.md
# app/Gemfile
# app/lib
# app/lib/cli.rb
# app/lib/file_utils.rb
# app/spec

As a second argument you can provide a parent directory, otherwise current directory will be assumed:

TTY::File.create_dir(tree, "/path/to/parent/dir")

### 2.8. diff_files

To compare files line by line in a system independent way use `diff`, or `diff_files`:

print TTY::File.diff_files("file-a", "file-b")

Printing output to console would result in:

        diff  examples/file-a and examples/file-b
--- examples/file-a
+++ examples/file-b
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@

You can also pass additional parameters such as:

* `:format` - accepted values are `:unified`, `:old`, `:context` and `:ed`. Defaults to `:unified` as seen in the output above - similar to git tool.
* `:lines` - how many extra lines to include in the output around the compared lines. Defaults to `3` lines.
* `:threshold` - set maximum file size in bytes. By default files larger than `10Mb` are no processed.
* `:header` - controls display of two-line files comparison. By default `true`.

Changing format to `:old`, removing context lines and skipping log output:

TTY::File.diff_files("file_a", "file_b", format: :old, lines: 0, verbose: false)

Results in the following output:

<<< examples/file-a
>>> examples/file-b
< ccccc
> xxxxx

< ggggg
> yyyyy

In addition, you can perform a comparison between a file and a string or between two strings. For example, comparing file with content:

TTY::File.diff_files("file-a", "new\nlong\ntext")

Will output:

        diff  a/examples/file-a and b/examples/file-a
--- a/examples/file-a
+++ b/examples/file-a
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@

Please run [examples/diff.rb](examples/diff.rb) to see how output works.

### 2.9. download_file

To download a content from a given address and to save at a given relative location do:

TTY::File.download_file("https://gist.github.com/4701967", "doc/README.md")

If you pass a block then the content will be yielded to allow modification:

TTY::File.download_file("https://gist.github.com/4701967", "doc/README.md") do |content|
  content.gsub("\n", " ")

By default `download_file` will follow maximum 3 redirects. This can be changed by passing `:limit` option:

TTY::File.download_file("https://gist.github.com/4701967", "doc/README.md", limit: 5)
# => raises TTY::File::DownloadError

### 2.10. inject_into_file

Inject content into a file at a given location and return `true` when performed successfully, `false` otherwise.

TTY::File.inject_into_file "filename.rb", "text to add", after: "Code below this line\n"

Or using a block:

TTY::File.inject_into_file "filename.rb", after: "Code below this line\n" do
  "text to add"

You can also use Regular Expressions in `:after` or `:before` to match file location.

By default, this method will always inject content into file, regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass `:force` set to `false` to perform check before actually inserting text:

TTY::File.inject_into_file("filename.rb", "text to add", after: "Code below this line\n"

Alternatively, use `safe_inject_into_file` to check if the text can be safely inserted.

TTY::File.safe_inject_into_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")

The [append_to_file](#212-append_to_file) and [prepend_to_file](#213-prepend_to_file) allow you to add content at the end and the begging of a file.

### 2.11. replace_in_file

Replace content of a file matching condition by calling `replace_in_file` or `gsub_file`, which returns `true` when substitutions are performed successfully, `false` otherwise.

TTY::File.replace_in_file "filename.rb", /matching condition/, "replacement"

The replacement content can be provided in a block

TTY::File.gsub_file "filename.rb", /matching condition/ do

### 2.12. append_to_file

Appends text to a file and returns `true` when performed successfully, `false` otherwise. You can provide the text as a second argument:

TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")

Or inside a block:

TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile") do
  "gem 'tty'"

By default, this method will always append content regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass `:force` set to `false` to perform check before actually appending:

TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'", force: false)

Alternatively, use `safe_append_to_file` to check if the text can be safely appended.

TTY::File.safe_append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")

### 2.13. prepend_to_file

Prepends text to a file and returns `true` when performed successfully, `false` otherwise. You can provide the text as a second argument:

TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")

Or inside a block:

TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile") do
  "gem 'tty'"

By default, this method will always prepend content regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass `:force` set to `false` to perform check before actually prepending:

TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'", force: false)

Alternatively, use `safe_prepend_to_file` to check if the text can be safely appended.

TTY::File.safe_prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")

### 2.14. remove_file

To remove a file do:

TTY::File.remove_file "doc/README.md"

You can also pass in `:force` to remove file ignoring any errors:

TTY::File.remove_file "doc/README.md", force: true

### 2.15. tail_file

To read the last 10 lines from a file do:

TTY::File.tail_file "doc/README.md"
# => ["## Copyright", "Copyright (c) 2016-2017", ...]

You can also pass a block:

TTY::File.tail_file("doc/README.md") do |line|
  puts line

To change how many lines are read pass a second argument:

TTY::File.tail_file("doc/README.md", 15)

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty-file. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2016 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.