namespace K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\Kernel;
use K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\DependencyInjection\ContainerConstants;
use K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\Container\BlockingContainer;
use K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\Container\ContainerModifier;
use K911\Swoole\Reflection\FinalClassModifier;
trait CoroutinesSupportingKernelTrait
* for the coroutines to work properly, the kernel __clone method has to be overriden,
* otherwise the container wouldn't be shared between requests.
public function __clone()
* this overrides the container class to a container, which is able to block the first instatiation
* of requested service instance (because class autoloading is IO operation, which switches coroutine context).
* the blocking ensures that only one service instance will be created concurrently and it will be registered
* correctly in the container.
protected function getContainerBaseClass(): string
return BlockingContainer::class;
* this initializes logic which removes the final flag from proxified classes (if they are final).
protected function initializeContainer()
$cacheDir = $this->getCacheDir();
if (!$this->areCoroutinesEnabled()) {
ContainerModifier::modifyContainer($this->container, $cacheDir, $this->isDebug());
private function areCoroutinesEnabled(): bool
if (!$this->container->hasParameter(ContainerConstants::PARAM_COROUTINES_ENABLED)) {
return false;
if (!$this->container->getParameter(ContainerConstants::PARAM_COROUTINES_ENABLED)) {
return false;
return true;