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Test Coverage
<a name="1.1.11"></a>
### 1.1.11 (2015-10-26)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Builder:** fixes `mask` modifier being removed by mistake ([dc498735](

<a name="1.1.10"></a>
### 1.1.10 (2015-10-24)

#### Bug Fixes

* **CommonApi:** makes canceled request promises resolve to error ([afcde0b4](, closes [#288](
* **DefaultPacker:** fixes plural name not being infered from name. ([e4c02a13](, closes [#224](
* **Relations:** fixes hasMany and hasOne failing when inline property is null. ([05ab5479](
* **Serializer:** fixes decoder being called on mapped properties even if the parent object was nu ([e8041b8d](

#### Features

* **CommonApi:** adds $off method to unregister callbacks ([591db81b](, closes [#257](
* **ModelApi:** makes identity do the pluralizing if plural is not defined ([b94b349b](
* **RecordApi:**
  * adds $isNew method ([104f3c25](
  * makes $decode throw if encoded value is null or not an object. ([28636f69](
* **Serializer:**
  * adds dynamic mask support ([51905cb5](
  * mask now is passed to decoder/encoder as the second argument ([9db02baf](

<a name="1.1.9"></a>
### 1.1.9 (2015-05-07)

#### Bug Fixes

* **CommonApi:** makes canceled request promises resolve to error ([0b8f21c5](, closes [#288](
* **DefaultPacker:** fixes plural name not being infered from name. ([ddad7e44](, closes [#224](

#### Features

* **CommonApi:** adds $off method to unregister callbacks ([59fd3b84](, closes [#257](
* **ModelApi:** makes identity do the pluralizing if plural is not defined ([d2f0c0c3](

<a name="1.1.8"></a>
### 1.1.8 (2015-02-18)

<a name="1.1.7"></a>
### 1.1.7 (2015-01-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **record:** Adds support for array properties on patch mask ([61665fa4](, closes [#217](

<a name="1.1.6"></a>
### 1.1.6 (2015-01-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* adds package.json to release task ([f7875766](
* **factory:** fixes typo in call to canonicalUrlFor. ([5bfa439a](, closes [#227](
* **fastq:** adds missing 'catch' method to promises ([1fea426a](, closes [#183](

#### Features

* **nesteddirty:** adds NestedDirtyModel plugin ([04b6178f](
* **plugin.nested_dirty:**
  * specifies how changing a nested object property to another type affects changed  ([2a295779](
  * adds support for properties ([94bf9375](
* **service:** adds support for custom relation url name transformation. ([5a080925](, closes [#159](

<a name="1.1.5"></a>
### 1.1.5 (2014-12-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **guides.integration:** fixes deprecated notation references ([7bdb2569](, closes [#215](
* **service:** fixes wrong warning message refering to `$mix` instead of `mix` ([09b1f352](, closes [#178](

#### Features

* adds the List type and namespace. ([7ee7b9ce](, closes [#169](
* improves PATCH logic, now refering to an object containing property will automatically include it's subproperties.

<a name="1.1.4"></a>
### 1.1.4 (2014-11-26)

#### Bug Fixes

* **record_api:** Improves url building and adds support for falsy `$pk`s ([db4e63b4](, closes [#205](

#### Features

* **common_api:** Adds the posibility to override the cannonical url for nested resources. ([db47f98c](
* **computed:** Adds compute properties. ([9a015311](
* **relations:** adds hasMany and hasOne hooks. ([fc2a8059](, closes [#35](, [#28](

<a name="1.1.3"></a>
### 1.1.3 (2014-09-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **common:** fixes $send not properly handling the $promise property. ([d5542f05](, closes [#154](

<a name="1.1.2"></a>
### 1.1.2 (2014-09-24)

#### Features

* **default_packer:** adds support for explicitly setting links and metadata properties to extract. ([dcfd37be](, closes [#153](
* **find_many:** adds posibility to include additional parameters in populate request ([bf05802b](
* **preload:** adds support for query parameters. ([62f1dcb1](, closes [#152](

<a name="1.1.1"></a>
### 1.1.1 (2014-09-23)

#### Bug Fixes

* **styles:** Fixes AMS style definition, adds a ams-spec. ([92b5cb90](, closes [#151](

<a name="1.1.0"></a>
## 1.1.0 (2014-09-23)

#### Bug Fixes

* **test:** fixes the preload plugin spec ([502358d4](

#### Features

* **common:**
  * adds the $action method that allows creation of cancelable actions. ([8808e119](
  * prevents $then to wait for a digest cycle when last promise is resolved. ([faafeb80](
* **docs:** adds section about $resolve ([036f9f7d](
* **model:** adds the dummy method to generate dummy resources. ([a072ad32](
* **plugins:**
  * Adds the Preload plugin. ([58c9cb09](, closes [#75](
  * Adds the FindMany plugin. ([c5f37dc1](
* **plugins.dirty:** makes $restore use $action ([c704f425](
* **plugins.shared:** Adds the SharedModel plugin ([a09888af](, closes [#124](
* **record:**
  * makes destroy immediately remove revealed item from owner collection if not save ([e8408381](, closes [#146](
  * makes $extend execute in the promise chain. ([c7a692cf](
  * enables PATCH operations on $save ([b8370417](, closes [#98](
* **serializer:**
  * adds volatile attributes ([35f5c0aa](, closes [#77](
  * allows to pass a method as mask ([3ae2edb2](

#### Breaking Changes

* Actions will now be chained and may not execute inmediatelly if called after an async action.

Affected actions:
* Record.$fetch
* Record.$extend
* Record.$save
* Record.$destroy
* Collection.$fetch
* Collection.$add
* Collection.$remove
* Record/Collection.$resolve
* Record/Collection.$reset

<a name="1.0.3"></a>
### 1.0.3 (2014-09-16)

#### Bug Fixes

* **common:** fixes $send registering callback only to previous promise success. ([4a4c6bc1](, closes [#135](

<a name="1.0.2"></a>
### 1.0.2 (2014-09-12)

#### Bug fixes

* **ams:** fixes call to setPacker.

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
### 1.0.1 (2014-09-11)

#### Bug Fixes

* **gruntfile:** fixes non bundled library distributable ([2ca6bfb6](, closes [#125](

<a name="1.0.0"></a>
## 1.0.0 (2014-09-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **common:** removes promise clearing in `$cancel` ([7cb4ad5b](
* **tests:** changes old notation ([8c4c9d48](, closes [#33](

#### Features

* creates the extended api module that is included in collections and records. ([c05a7b3c](, closes [#78](, [#115](
* **builder:**
  * define accepts individual implementations for record/collection/type. ([2966a46d](
  * changes the way property renaming is configured, adds the setRenamer method. ([91ab4a33](, closes [#111](
* **common:**
  * improves promise chaining using the `$then` method. ([aab2e309](
  * adds the $asPromise method ([3e0dc98d](
* **model:**
  * adds $mix method to extend a model after being created ([8fce2ec9](
  * makes $inferKey public so it can be overriden. ([22900b4d](, closes [#113](
* **plugins.debounced:** changes use of classDefine variables by configuration variables ([14f76cff](
* **plugins.paged:** changes use of classDefine variables by configuration variables ([5ddc1904](
* **utils:**
  * overhaul extendOverriden to be used in factory ([7b309652](
  * adds assertion method and integrates it ([badc381a](

#### Breaking Changes

* `$then` and `$asPromise` callbacks arguments have changed, `$promise` as public property is deprecated.

$then and $asPromise callbacks will now always receive the related resource as first parameter. Last promise result/rejection reason
will be located in the `$last` property of the resource.

Replace references to `$promise` by calls to `$asPromise()`.
* CommonApi methods are no longer available at static (class) level
* define and classDefine no longer accept types other than functions.

Replace calls to `define({ /* various methods */ })` by various calls to `define`, same for classDefine.

Replace usage of `classDefine` for type level config variables by proper configuration variables set
using `setProperty`.
* Renaming has been disabled by default, removed setNameEncoder/setNameDecoder/disableRenaming methods

You must provide a custom renamer if you need renaming now, the idea is use a **style**.

Replace setNameEncoder/setNameDecoder/disableRenaming methods usage setRenamer method.

Closes #111

<a name="0.18.2"></a>
### 0.18.2 (2014-08-30)

#### Bug Fixes

* **utils:** fixes iframe array type hijack for IE9-IE10 ([ce553426](

<a name="0.18.1"></a>
### 0.18.1 (2014-08-30)

#### Features

* **tests:** adds separate karma configuration for sauce ([32d8f815](
* **utils:** improves array type creation, prefers prototype replacement strategy before ifra ([0b35aa04](, closes [#89](

<a name="0.18.0"></a>
## 0.18.0 (2014-08-26)

#### Features

* removes trailing slashes from generated urls ([188a7f75](
* **collection:** unifies interface with record api. ([7fa0b64c](, closes [#63](

#### Breaking Changes

* collection.$feed is called collection.$decode now.

Closes #63

<a name="0.17.0"></a>
## 0.17.0 (2014-08-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Gruntfile:** couple of syntax errors ([e5c3da47](
* **default_packer:** changes default links property to li linked ([ad3fa2f9](
* **relations:** fixes default belongsToMany key property to use singularized attribute name ([2d474dea](

#### Features

* adds the default packer! ([e790ef0b](, closes [#62](
* adds PackerCache service. ([99d7639f](
* **builder:**
  * changes the __var__ format for model config to all caps VAR format ([decb21e0](
  * makes packer a configuration option settable as __packer__ ([fc12bd9d](
  * changes model configuration variables name format. ([b0b87e22](
* **docs:** adds the integration guide! ([153caf8e](, closes [#101](
* **factory:** adds default value fallback to $getProperty ([da283132](
* **model:**
  * adds model name inference from url. ([c3ab4819](
  * changes baseUrl property name to url ([e654176a](
* **packer_cache:** changed to expect plural resource names ([59305f5f](

#### Breaking Changes

* renames restmodProvider.pushModelBase method to restmodProvider.rebase

# 0.16.3 (2014-08-19)

## Bug fixes

### serializer

* moves the check for the $ prefix to after the nameDecoder is called. (c0c0f65)

# 0.16.2 (2014-08-18)

## Features

### builder

* adds the belongsToMany relation. (8c368ff)

## Bug fixes

### serializer

* fixes wildcard mapping for decoding and adds missing test (db27cf1)

* encoding failing for null values (4d515c8)

# 0.16.0 (2014-08-14)

## Features

## Builder

* Adds attribute mapping support

## Model

* Adds packer support

* Adds $wrap/$unwrap methods

## Breaking Changes

* Adds query parameter support to $find (193dedc)

* Changes module name to 'restmod'

* Changes service name to 'restmod' and provider name to 'restmodProvider'

# 0.14.0 (2014-05-19)

## Features

### Model

* Adds the `$reveal` method, this methods allows to display before a call to $save succeds.

* Adds the `$moveTo` method, this method is used to change the item position in parent collection even before it is revealed.

## Breaking Changes

* changes the way creation of object in collection work. (7803c90)

* makes `$inferKey` only be called for raw data. (58a2378)

* changes $extend to only copy non-private properties. (5172aa9)

* makes $build use $extend. (c00ea92)

# 0.13.0 (2014-03-14)

## Breaking Changes

* replaces SyncMask by string mask. Use `attr: { ignore: 'CRU' }` in an attribute definition to specify if it should be considered when **C**reating, **U**pdating or **R**eading (d6b39e2)
* makes properties that start with **$** private. Private properties are not consideren when encoding/decoding an object (2549845)

* makes $each method skip private properties (9d36bdd)

# 0.12.0 (2014-01-24)

## Features
### ModelBuilder

* adds the setUrlPrefix builder method. (1cce503)

* adds setPrimaryKey function. (59bc815)

## Breaking Changes

* $build, it no longer allows a private key to be passed directly, for that use $new or $build({ id: X })

# 0.11.1 (2014-01-22)

## Features
### Model

* adds the after-init hook. (f761fec)

# 0.11.0 (2014-01-22)

## Breaking Changes

* removes build hook shorcut methods (`afterCreate`, `afterFeed`, etc ...). Use `on('hook-name', function() {})` instead.

# 0.10.2 (2014-01-22)

## Features
### DirtyModel

* Adds $restore method (652620e)

### Builder

* adds ability to define class methods and hooks in the object definition using special prefixes. (7c26ed5)

# 0.10.1 (2014-01-16)

## Features
### Collection

* adds $indexOf method and makes $remove actually remove something. (0175ae8)

# 0.10.0 (2014-01-15)

## Features

* adds belongsTo relation and improves url generation. (f3bb097)

## Breaking Changes

* replaces the hasMany/hasOne modifiers parameter `alias` by `path`.
* removes the restUrlBuilder and all related functions.

# 0.1.1

* Initial prototype.