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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/rpc-provider authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { Class } from '@polkadot/util/types';
import type { EndpointStats, JsonRpcResponse, ProviderInterface, ProviderInterfaceCallback, ProviderInterfaceEmitCb, ProviderInterfaceEmitted, ProviderStats } from '../types.js';

import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';

import { isChildClass, isNull, isUndefined, logger, noop, objectSpread, stringify } from '@polkadot/util';
import { xglobal } from '@polkadot/x-global';
import { WebSocket } from '@polkadot/x-ws';

import { RpcCoder } from '../coder/index.js';
import defaults from '../defaults.js';
import { DEFAULT_CAPACITY, LRUCache } from '../lru.js';
import { getWSErrorString } from './errors.js';

interface SubscriptionHandler {
  callback: ProviderInterfaceCallback;
  type: string;

interface WsStateAwaiting {
  callback: ProviderInterfaceCallback;
  method: string;
  params: unknown[];
  start: number;
  subscription?: SubscriptionHandler | undefined;

interface WsStateSubscription extends SubscriptionHandler {
  method: string;
  params: unknown[];

const ALIASES: Record<string, string> = {
  chain_finalisedHead: 'chain_finalizedHead',
  chain_subscribeFinalisedHeads: 'chain_subscribeFinalizedHeads',
  chain_unsubscribeFinalisedHeads: 'chain_unsubscribeFinalizedHeads'

const RETRY_DELAY = 2_500;

const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS = 60 * 1000;
const TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5_000;

const l = logger('api-ws');

/** @internal Clears a Record<*> of all keys, optionally with all callback on clear */
function eraseRecord<T> (record: Record<string, T>, cb?: (item: T) => void): void {
  Object.keys(record).forEach((key): void => {
    if (cb) {

    delete record[key];

/** @internal Creates a default/empty stats object */
function defaultEndpointStats (): EndpointStats {
  return { bytesRecv: 0, bytesSent: 0, cached: 0, errors: 0, requests: 0, subscriptions: 0, timeout: 0 };

 * # @polkadot/rpc-provider/ws
 * @name WsProvider
 * @description The WebSocket Provider allows sending requests using WebSocket to a WebSocket RPC server TCP port. Unlike the [[HttpProvider]], it does support subscriptions and allows listening to events such as new blocks or balance changes.
 * @example
 * <BR>
 * ```javascript
 * import Api from '@polkadot/api/promise';
 * import { WsProvider } from '@polkadot/rpc-provider/ws';
 * const provider = new WsProvider('ws://');
 * const api = new Api(provider);
 * ```
 * @see [[HttpProvider]]
export class WsProvider implements ProviderInterface {
  readonly #callCache: LRUCache;
  readonly #coder: RpcCoder;
  readonly #endpoints: string[];
  readonly #headers: Record<string, string>;
  readonly #eventemitter: EventEmitter;
  readonly #handlers: Record<string, WsStateAwaiting> = {};
  readonly #isReadyPromise: Promise<WsProvider>;
  readonly #stats: ProviderStats;
  readonly #waitingForId: Record<string, JsonRpcResponse<unknown>> = {};

  #autoConnectMs: number;
  #endpointIndex: number;
  #endpointStats: EndpointStats;
  #isConnected = false;
  #subscriptions: Record<string, WsStateSubscription> = {};
  #timeoutId?: ReturnType<typeof setInterval> | null = null;
  #websocket: WebSocket | null;
  #timeout: number;

   * @param {string | string[]}  endpoint    The endpoint url. Usually `ws://ip:9944` or `wss://ip:9944`, may provide an array of endpoint strings.
   * @param {number | false} autoConnectMs Whether to connect automatically or not (default). Provided value is used as a delay between retries.
   * @param {Record<string, string>} headers The headers provided to the underlying WebSocket
   * @param {number} [timeout] Custom timeout value used per request . Defaults to `DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS`
  constructor (endpoint: string | string[] = defaults.WS_URL, autoConnectMs: number | false = RETRY_DELAY, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, timeout?: number, cacheCapacity?: number) {
    const endpoints = Array.isArray(endpoint)
      ? endpoint
      : [endpoint];

    if (endpoints.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('WsProvider requires at least one Endpoint');

    endpoints.forEach((endpoint) => {
      if (!/^(wss|ws):\/\//.test(endpoint)) {
        throw new Error(`Endpoint should start with 'ws://', received '${endpoint}'`);
    this.#callCache = new LRUCache(cacheCapacity || DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
    this.#eventemitter = new EventEmitter();
    this.#autoConnectMs = autoConnectMs || 0;
    this.#coder = new RpcCoder();
    this.#endpointIndex = -1;
    this.#endpoints = endpoints;
    this.#headers = headers;
    this.#websocket = null;
    this.#stats = {
      active: { requests: 0, subscriptions: 0 },
      total: defaultEndpointStats()
    this.#endpointStats = defaultEndpointStats();
    this.#timeout = timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;

    if (autoConnectMs && autoConnectMs > 0) {

    this.#isReadyPromise = new Promise((resolve): void => {
      this.#eventemitter.once('connected', (): void => {

   * @summary `true` when this provider supports subscriptions
  public get hasSubscriptions (): boolean {
    return !!true;

   * @summary `true` when this provider supports clone()
  public get isClonable (): boolean {
    return !!true;

   * @summary Whether the node is connected or not.
   * @return {boolean} true if connected
  public get isConnected (): boolean {
    return this.#isConnected;

   * @description Promise that resolves the first time we are connected and loaded
  public get isReady (): Promise<WsProvider> {
    return this.#isReadyPromise;

  public get endpoint (): string {
    return this.#endpoints[this.#endpointIndex];

   * @description Returns a clone of the object
  public clone (): WsProvider {
    return new WsProvider(this.#endpoints);

  protected selectEndpointIndex (endpoints: string[]): number {
    return (this.#endpointIndex + 1) % endpoints.length;

   * @summary Manually connect
   * @description The [[WsProvider]] connects automatically by default, however if you decided otherwise, you may
   * connect manually using this method.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
  public async connect (): Promise<void> {
    if (this.#websocket) {
      throw new Error('WebSocket is already connected');

    try {
      this.#endpointIndex = this.selectEndpointIndex(this.#endpoints);

      // the as here is Deno-specific - not available on the globalThis
      this.#websocket = typeof xglobal.WebSocket !== 'undefined' && isChildClass(xglobal.WebSocket as unknown as Class<WebSocket>, WebSocket)
        ? new WebSocket(this.endpoint)
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
        // @ts-ignore - WS may be an instance of ws, which supports options
        : new WebSocket(this.endpoint, undefined, {
          headers: this.#headers

      if (this.#websocket) {
        this.#websocket.onclose = this.#onSocketClose;
        this.#websocket.onerror = this.#onSocketError;
        this.#websocket.onmessage = this.#onSocketMessage;
        this.#websocket.onopen = this.#onSocketOpen;

      // timeout any handlers that have not had a response
      this.#timeoutId = setInterval(() => this.#timeoutHandlers(), TIMEOUT_INTERVAL);
    } catch (error) {

      this.#emit('error', error);

      throw error;

   * @description Connect, never throwing an error, but rather forcing a retry
  public async connectWithRetry (): Promise<void> {
    if (this.#autoConnectMs > 0) {
      try {
        await this.connect();
      } catch {
        setTimeout((): void => {
        }, this.#autoConnectMs);

   * @description Manually disconnect from the connection, clearing auto-connect logic
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
  public async disconnect (): Promise<void> {
    // switch off autoConnect, we are in manual mode now
    this.#autoConnectMs = 0;

    try {
      if (this.#websocket) {
        // 1000 - Normal closure; the connection successfully completed
    } catch (error) {

      this.#emit('error', error);

      throw error;

   * @description Returns the connection stats
  public get stats (): ProviderStats {
    return {
      active: {
        requests: Object.keys(this.#handlers).length,
        subscriptions: Object.keys(this.#subscriptions).length
      total: this.#stats.total

  public get endpointStats (): EndpointStats {
    return this.#endpointStats;

   * @summary Listens on events after having subscribed using the [[subscribe]] function.
   * @param  {ProviderInterfaceEmitted} type Event
   * @param  {ProviderInterfaceEmitCb}  sub  Callback
   * @return unsubscribe function
  public on (type: ProviderInterfaceEmitted, sub: ProviderInterfaceEmitCb): () => void {
    this.#eventemitter.on(type, sub);

    return (): void => {
      this.#eventemitter.removeListener(type, sub);

   * @summary Send JSON data using WebSockets to configured HTTP Endpoint or queue.
   * @param method The RPC methods to execute
   * @param params Encoded parameters as applicable for the method
   * @param subscription Subscription details (internally used)
  public send <T = any> (method: string, params: unknown[], isCacheable?: boolean, subscription?: SubscriptionHandler): Promise<T> {

    const [id, body] = this.#coder.encodeJson(method, params);
    const cacheKey = isCacheable ? `${method}::${stringify(params)}` : '';
    let resultPromise: Promise<T> | null = isCacheable
      ? this.#callCache.get(cacheKey)
      : null;

    if (!resultPromise) {
      resultPromise = this.#send(id, body, method, params, subscription);

      if (isCacheable) {
        this.#callCache.set(cacheKey, resultPromise);
    } else {

    return resultPromise;

  async #send <T> (id: number, body: string, method: string, params: unknown[], subscription?: SubscriptionHandler): Promise<T> {
    return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject): void => {
      try {
        if (!this.isConnected || this.#websocket === null) {
          throw new Error('WebSocket is not connected');

        const callback = (error?: Error | null, result?: T): void => {
            ? reject(error)
            : resolve(result as T);

        l.debug(() => ['calling', method, body]);

        this.#handlers[id] = {
          start: Date.now(),

        const bytesSent = body.length;

        this.#endpointStats.bytesSent += bytesSent;
        this.#stats.total.bytesSent += bytesSent;

      } catch (error) {


   * @name subscribe
   * @summary Allows subscribing to a specific event.
   * @example
   * <BR>
   * ```javascript
   * const provider = new WsProvider('ws://');
   * const rpc = new Rpc(provider);
   * rpc.state.subscribeStorage([[storage.system.account, <Address>]], (_, values) => {
   *   console.log(values)
   * }).then((subscriptionId) => {
   *   console.log('balance changes subscription id: ', subscriptionId)
   * })
   * ```
  public subscribe (type: string, method: string, params: unknown[], callback: ProviderInterfaceCallback): Promise<number | string> {

    // subscriptions are not cached, LRU applies to .at(<blockHash>) only
    return this.send<number | string>(method, params, false, { callback, type });

   * @summary Allows unsubscribing to subscriptions made with [[subscribe]].
  public async unsubscribe (type: string, method: string, id: number | string): Promise<boolean> {
    const subscription = `${type}::${id}`;

    // FIXME This now could happen with re-subscriptions. The issue is that with a re-sub
    // the assigned id now does not match what the API user originally received. It has
    // a slight complication in solving - since we cannot rely on the send id, but rather
    // need to find the actual subscription id to map it
    if (isUndefined(this.#subscriptions[subscription])) {
      l.debug(() => `Unable to find active subscription=${subscription}`);

      return false;

    delete this.#subscriptions[subscription];

    try {
      return this.isConnected && !isNull(this.#websocket)
        ? this.send<boolean>(method, [id])
        : true;
    } catch {
      return false;

  #emit = (type: ProviderInterfaceEmitted, ...args: unknown[]): void => {
    this.#eventemitter.emit(type, ...args);

  #onSocketClose = (event: CloseEvent): void => {
    const error = new Error(`disconnected from ${this.endpoint}: ${event.code}:: ${event.reason || getWSErrorString(event.code)}`);

    if (this.#autoConnectMs > 0) {

    this.#isConnected = false;

    if (this.#websocket) {
      this.#websocket.onclose = null;
      this.#websocket.onerror = null;
      this.#websocket.onmessage = null;
      this.#websocket.onopen = null;
      this.#websocket = null;

    if (this.#timeoutId) {
      this.#timeoutId = null;

    // reject all hanging requests
    eraseRecord(this.#handlers, (h) => {
      try {
        h.callback(error, undefined);
      } catch (err) {
        // does not throw

    // Reset stats for active endpoint
    this.#endpointStats = defaultEndpointStats();


    if (this.#autoConnectMs > 0) {
      setTimeout((): void => {
      }, this.#autoConnectMs);

  #onSocketError = (error: Event): void => {
    l.debug(() => ['socket error', error]);
    this.#emit('error', error);

  #onSocketMessage = (message: MessageEvent<string>): void => {
    l.debug(() => ['received', message.data]);

    const bytesRecv = message.data.length;

    this.#endpointStats.bytesRecv += bytesRecv;
    this.#stats.total.bytesRecv += bytesRecv;

    const response = JSON.parse(message.data) as JsonRpcResponse<string>;

    return isUndefined(response.method)
      ? this.#onSocketMessageResult(response)
      : this.#onSocketMessageSubscribe(response);

  #onSocketMessageResult = (response: JsonRpcResponse<string>): void => {
    const handler = this.#handlers[response.id];

    if (!handler) {
      l.debug(() => `Unable to find handler for id=${response.id}`);


    try {
      const { method, params, subscription } = handler;
      const result = this.#coder.decodeResponse<string>(response);

      // first send the result - in case of subs, we may have an update
      // immediately if we have some queued results already
      handler.callback(null, result);

      if (subscription) {
        const subId = `${subscription.type}::${result}`;

        this.#subscriptions[subId] = objectSpread({}, subscription, {

        // if we have a result waiting for this subscription already
        if (this.#waitingForId[subId]) {
    } catch (error) {

      handler.callback(error as Error, undefined);

    delete this.#handlers[response.id];

  #onSocketMessageSubscribe = (response: JsonRpcResponse<unknown>): void => {
    if (!response.method) {
      throw new Error('No method found in JSONRPC response');

    const method = ALIASES[response.method] || response.method;
    const subId = `${method}::${response.params.subscription}`;
    const handler = this.#subscriptions[subId];

    if (!handler) {
      // store the JSON, we could have out-of-order subid coming in
      this.#waitingForId[subId] = response;

      l.debug(() => `Unable to find handler for subscription=${subId}`);


    // housekeeping
    delete this.#waitingForId[subId];

    try {
      const result = this.#coder.decodeResponse(response);

      handler.callback(null, result);
    } catch (error) {

      handler.callback(error as Error, undefined);

  #onSocketOpen = (): boolean => {
    if (this.#websocket === null) {
      throw new Error('WebSocket cannot be null in onOpen');

    l.debug(() => ['connected to', this.endpoint]);

    this.#isConnected = true;



    return true;

  #resubscribe = (): void => {
    const subscriptions = this.#subscriptions;

    this.#subscriptions = {};

    Promise.all(Object.keys(subscriptions).map(async (id): Promise<void> => {
      const { callback, method, params, type } = subscriptions[id];

      // only re-create subscriptions which are not in author (only area where
      // transactions are created, i.e. submissions such as 'author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic'
      // are not included (and will not be re-broadcast)
      if (type.startsWith('author_')) {

      try {
        await this.subscribe(type, method, params, callback);
      } catch (error) {

  #timeoutHandlers = (): void => {
    const now = Date.now();
    const ids = Object.keys(this.#handlers);

    for (let i = 0, count = ids.length; i < count; i++) {
      const handler = this.#handlers[ids[i]];

      if ((now - handler.start) > this.#timeout) {
        try {
          handler.callback(new Error(`No response received from RPC endpoint in ${this.#timeout / 1000}s`), undefined);
        } catch {
          // ignore

        delete this.#handlers[ids[i]];