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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/keyring authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { EncryptedJsonEncoding, Keypair, KeypairType } from '@polkadot/util-crypto/types';
import type { KeyringPair, KeyringPair$Json, KeyringPair$Meta, SignOptions } from '../types.js';
import type { PairInfo } from './types.js';

import { objectSpread, u8aConcat, u8aEmpty, u8aEq, u8aToHex, u8aToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';
import { blake2AsU8a, ed25519PairFromSeed as ed25519FromSeed, ed25519Sign, ethereumEncode, keccakAsU8a, keyExtractPath, keyFromPath, secp256k1Compress, secp256k1Expand, secp256k1PairFromSeed as secp256k1FromSeed, secp256k1Sign, signatureVerify, sr25519PairFromSeed as sr25519FromSeed, sr25519Sign, sr25519VrfSign, sr25519VrfVerify } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';

import { decodePair } from './decode.js';
import { encodePair } from './encode.js';
import { pairToJson } from './toJson.js';

interface Setup {
  toSS58: (publicKey: Uint8Array) => string;
  type: KeypairType;

const SIG_TYPE_NONE = new Uint8Array();

const TYPE_FROM_SEED = {
  ecdsa: secp256k1FromSeed,
  ed25519: ed25519FromSeed,
  ethereum: secp256k1FromSeed,
  sr25519: sr25519FromSeed

const TYPE_PREFIX = {
  ecdsa: new Uint8Array([2]),
  ed25519: new Uint8Array([0]),
  ethereum: new Uint8Array([2]),
  sr25519: new Uint8Array([1])

  ecdsa: (m: Uint8Array, p: Partial<Keypair>) => secp256k1Sign(m, p, 'blake2'),
  ed25519: ed25519Sign,
  ethereum: (m: Uint8Array, p: Partial<Keypair>) => secp256k1Sign(m, p, 'keccak'),
  sr25519: sr25519Sign

const TYPE_ADDRESS = {
  ecdsa: (p: Uint8Array) => p.length > 32 ? blake2AsU8a(p) : p,
  ed25519: (p: Uint8Array) => p,
  ethereum: (p: Uint8Array) => p.length === 20 ? p : keccakAsU8a(secp256k1Expand(p)),
  sr25519: (p: Uint8Array) => p

function isLocked (secretKey?: Uint8Array): secretKey is undefined {
  return !secretKey || u8aEmpty(secretKey);

function vrfHash (proof: Uint8Array, context?: string | Uint8Array, extra?: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
  return blake2AsU8a(u8aConcat(context || '', extra || '', proof));

 * @name createPair
 * @summary Creates a keyring pair object
 * @description Creates a keyring pair object with provided account public key, metadata, and encoded arguments.
 * The keyring pair stores the account state including the encoded address and associated metadata.
 * It has properties whose values are functions that may be called to perform account actions:
 * - `address` function retrieves the address associated with the account.
 * - `decodedPkcs8` function is called with the account passphrase and account encoded public key.
 * It decodes the encoded public key using the passphrase provided to obtain the decoded account public key
 * and associated secret key that are then available in memory, and changes the account address stored in the
 * state of the pair to correspond to the address of the decoded public key.
 * - `encodePkcs8` function when provided with the correct passphrase associated with the account pair
 * and when the secret key is in memory (when the account pair is not locked) it returns an encoded
 * public key of the account.
 * - `meta` is the metadata that is stored in the state of the pair, either when it was originally
 * created or set via `setMeta`.
 * - `publicKey` returns the public key stored in memory for the pair.
 * - `sign` may be used to return a signature by signing a provided message with the secret
 * key (if it is in memory) using Nacl.
 * - `toJson` calls another `toJson` function and provides the state of the pair,
 * it generates arguments to be passed to the other `toJson` function including an encoded public key of the account
 * that it generates using the secret key from memory (if it has been made available in memory)
 * and the optionally provided passphrase argument. It passes a third boolean argument to `toJson`
 * indicating whether the public key has been encoded or not (if a passphrase argument was provided then it is encoded).
 * The `toJson` function that it calls returns a JSON object with properties including the `address`
 * and `meta` that are assigned with the values stored in the corresponding state variables of the account pair,
 * an `encoded` property that is assigned with the encoded public key in hex format, and an `encoding`
 * property that indicates whether the public key value of the `encoded` property is encoded or not.
export function createPair ({ toSS58, type }: Setup, { publicKey, secretKey }: PairInfo, meta: KeyringPair$Meta = {}, encoded: Uint8Array | null = null, encTypes?: EncryptedJsonEncoding[]): KeyringPair {
  const decodePkcs8 = (passphrase?: string, userEncoded?: Uint8Array | null): void => {
    const decoded = decodePair(passphrase, userEncoded || encoded, encTypes);

    if (decoded.secretKey.length === 64) {
      publicKey = decoded.publicKey;
      secretKey = decoded.secretKey;
    } else {
      const pair = TYPE_FROM_SEED[type](decoded.secretKey);

      publicKey = pair.publicKey;
      secretKey = pair.secretKey;

  const recode = (passphrase?: string): Uint8Array => {
    isLocked(secretKey) && encoded && decodePkcs8(passphrase, encoded);

    encoded = encodePair({ publicKey, secretKey }, passphrase); // re-encode, latest version
    encTypes = undefined; // swap to defaults, latest version follows

    return encoded;

  const encodeAddress = (): string => {
    const raw = TYPE_ADDRESS[type](publicKey);

    return type === 'ethereum'
      ? ethereumEncode(raw)
      : toSS58(raw);

  return {
    get address (): string {
      return encodeAddress();
    get addressRaw (): Uint8Array {
      const raw = TYPE_ADDRESS[type](publicKey);

      return type === 'ethereum'
        ? raw.slice(-20)
        : raw;
    get isLocked (): boolean {
      return isLocked(secretKey);
    get meta (): KeyringPair$Meta {
      return meta;
    get publicKey (): Uint8Array {
      return publicKey;
    get type (): KeypairType {
      return type;
    // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys
    derive: (suri: string, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta): KeyringPair => {
      if (type === 'ethereum') {
        throw new Error('Unable to derive on this keypair');
      } else if (isLocked(secretKey)) {
        throw new Error('Cannot derive on a locked keypair');

      const { path } = keyExtractPath(suri);
      const derived = keyFromPath({ publicKey, secretKey }, path, type);

      return createPair({ toSS58, type }, derived, meta, null);
    encodePkcs8: (passphrase?: string): Uint8Array => {
      return recode(passphrase);
    lock: (): void => {
      secretKey = new Uint8Array();
    setMeta: (additional: KeyringPair$Meta): void => {
      meta = objectSpread({}, meta, additional);
    sign: (message: string | Uint8Array, options: SignOptions = {}): Uint8Array => {
      if (isLocked(secretKey)) {
        throw new Error('Cannot sign with a locked key pair');

      return u8aConcat(
          ? TYPE_PREFIX[type]
          : SIG_TYPE_NONE,
        TYPE_SIGNATURE[type](u8aToU8a(message), { publicKey, secretKey })
    toJson: (passphrase?: string): KeyringPair$Json => {
      // NOTE: For ecdsa and ethereum, the publicKey cannot be extracted from the address. For these
      // pass the hex-encoded publicKey through to the address portion of the JSON (before decoding)
      // unless the publicKey is already an address
      const address = ['ecdsa', 'ethereum'].includes(type)
        ? publicKey.length === 20
          ? u8aToHex(publicKey)
          : u8aToHex(secp256k1Compress(publicKey))
        : encodeAddress();

      return pairToJson(type, { address, meta }, recode(passphrase), !!passphrase);
    unlock: (passphrase?: string): void => {
      return decodePkcs8(passphrase);
    verify: (message: string | Uint8Array, signature: string | Uint8Array, signerPublic: string | Uint8Array): boolean => {
      return signatureVerify(message, signature, TYPE_ADDRESS[type](u8aToU8a(signerPublic))).isValid;
    vrfSign: (message: string | Uint8Array, context?: string | Uint8Array, extra?: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array => {
      if (isLocked(secretKey)) {
        throw new Error('Cannot sign with a locked key pair');

      if (type === 'sr25519') {
        return sr25519VrfSign(message, { secretKey }, context, extra);

      const proof = TYPE_SIGNATURE[type](u8aToU8a(message), { publicKey, secretKey });

      return u8aConcat(vrfHash(proof, context, extra), proof);
    vrfVerify: (message: string | Uint8Array, vrfResult: Uint8Array, signerPublic: Uint8Array | string, context?: string | Uint8Array, extra?: string | Uint8Array): boolean => {
      if (type === 'sr25519') {
        return sr25519VrfVerify(message, vrfResult, publicKey, context, extra);

      const result = signatureVerify(message, u8aConcat(TYPE_PREFIX[type], vrfResult.subarray(32)), TYPE_ADDRESS[type](u8aToU8a(signerPublic)));

      return result.isValid && u8aEq(vrfResult.subarray(0, 32), vrfHash(vrfResult.subarray(32), context, extra));