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# Codeception Helper Module

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Collection of modules for codeception acceptance testing with TYPO3 and Shopware. You can use this module
as base for your codeception acceptance testsuite. It provides a set of modules, abstract page objects and 
interfaces to make acceptance testing a bit cleaner and easier in context of TYPO3 and Shopware.

## Installation

You need to add the repository into your composer.json file

composer require --dev portrino/codeception-helper-module

## Modules

You can use module(s) as any other codeception module, by adding '\Codeception\Module\Portrino\******' to the 
enabled modules in your codeception suite configurations.

### Database module

        - \Portrino\Codeception\Module\Database:
            depends: Db
            no_reset: true # do not reset database after testsuite
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### Methods

#### truncateTableInDatabase($table)

Truncates the ``$table``.


#### deleteFromDatabase($table, $criteria)

Deletes the row(s) from ``$table`` matching the ``$criteria``

$I->deleteFromDatabase($table, $criteria);

### TYPO3 module

        - \Portrino\Codeception\Module\Typo3:
            depends: Asserts
            domain: www.example.com
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### Methods

#### executeCommand

Executes the specified typo3_console ``$command``.

$I->executeCommand($command, $arguments = [], $environmentVariables = [])

#### executeSchedulerTask

Executes tasks that are registered in the scheduler module.

$I->executeSchedulerTask($taskId, $force = false, $environmentVariables = [])
#### flushCache

Flushes TYPO3 core caches first and after that, flushes caches from extensions.

$I->flushCache($force = false, $filesOnly = false)

#### flushCacheGroups

Flushes all caches in specified groups. Valid group names are by default:
* all
* lowlevel
* pages
* system


#### importIntoDatabase

Import $file into database. 


### Shopware module

        - \Portrino\Codeception\Module\Shopware:
            depends: Asserts
Update codeception build
codecept build

### Methods

#### executeCommand

Executes the specified shopware_console ``$command``.

$I->executeCommand($command, $arguments = [], $environmentVariables = []);

#### runSqlCommand

Executes SQL query in shopware_console.


#### activatePlugin

Activates Shopware plugin.


#### installPlugin

Install Shopware plugin. If activate = true, the plugin will be activated after installation.

$I->installPlugin($plugin, $activate);

#### refreshPluginList

Refresh Shopware plugin-list. You need to call this sometimes before installing a plugin.


#### regenerateThemeCache

Regenerates the theme-cache.


#### clearCache

Clear Shopware cache.


#### setPluginConfiguration

Set configuration of Shopware plugin by plugin-name, configuration-key and configuration-value.
  * you'll be able to set cofigurations for a specified shop by using the $shop parameter

$I->setPluginConfiguration($plugin, $key, $value, $shop = 1);

### Interfaces

You should use our constants defined in some interfaces to prevent typos and make refactoring easier.

#### TYPO3

* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\DatabaseTables\Typo3Database``
* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\Cookies\Typo3Cookie``
* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\Commands\Typo3Command``

            'uid' => 123,

#### Shopware

* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\DatabaseTables\ShopwareDatabase``
* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\Cookies\ShopwareCookie``
* ``\Portrino\Codeception\Interfaces\Commands\ShopwareCommand``

            'id' => 123,

### Fixtures Helper

For the sake of simplicity we added an little Helper for the Codeception Fixture feature.

Please add in your _bootstrap.php file 

``'__model'  =>  \Portrino\Codeception\Model\Typo3\Typo3FrontendUser::class,`` 

as the first entry in your Fixture array.
your Fixture has to look like

        '__model' =>  \Portrino\Codeception\Model\Typo3\Typo3FrontendUser::class, 
        'fixtureValueX' => 'X',
        'fixtureValueY' => 'Y'

now you'll be able to use your Fixture with our adapted Fixtures class


## Hints

### Use codeception with shopware

Due the fact that shopware only supports some very old versions of packages like `guzzlehttp/guzzle` or `symfony/process`, 
we advise you to put all the testing stuff into a indepented composer.json file under a seperate location like `web/tests/Codeception/`. Do not add `codeception\codeception` package into the root composer.json of shopware - you will get trouble.

### Autoloading

To autoload vendor packages you have to require_once the autoload.php in your composers `_bootstrap.php` file.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../web/autoload.php');
## Authors


* **André Wuttig** - *Initial work, Unit Tests* - [aWuttig](https://github.com/aWuttig)
* **Leopold Engst** - *Unit Tests, Documentation* - [leen2104](https://github.com/leen2104)
* **Axel Böswetter** - *Bugfixes* - [EvilBMP](https://github.com/EvilBMP)

See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/portrino/codeception-helper-module/graphs/contributors) who participated in this project.