

0 mins
Test Coverage
// Package ndgo <read iNDiGO> provides dgo abstractions and helpers - github.com/ppp225/ndgo
package ndgo

import (

    log "github.com/ppp225/lvlog"

// --------------------------------------- debug ---------------------------------------

// Debug enables logging of all requests and responses
// Uses the default std logger
func Debug() {

// --------------------------------------- core ---------------------------------------

// Txn is a dgo.Txn wrapper with additional diagnostic data
// Helps with Queries, by providing abstractions for dgraph Query and Mutation
type Txn struct {
    diag diag
    ctx  context.Context
    txn  *dgo.Txn

// NewTxn creates new Txn (with ctx)
func NewTxn(ctx context.Context, txn *dgo.Txn) *Txn {
    return &Txn{
        ctx: ctx,
        txn: txn,

// NewTxnWithoutContext creates new Txn (without ctx)
func NewTxnWithoutContext(txn *dgo.Txn) *Txn {
    return &Txn{
        ctx: context.Background(),
        txn: txn,

// Discard cleans up dgo.Txn resources. Always defer this on creation.
func (v *Txn) Discard() {

// Commit commits dgo.Txn
func (v *Txn) Commit() (err error) {
    t := time.Now()
    err = v.txn.Commit(v.ctx)

// Do executes a query followed by one or more mutations.
// Possible to run query without mutations, or vice versa
func (v *Txn) Do(req *api.Request) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    t := time.Now()
    log.Tracef("Req: %s \n", req.String())
    resp, err = v.txn.Do(v.ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    log.Tracef("Resp: %s\n---\n", resp.String())

// Mutate performs dgraph mutation
func (v *Txn) Mutate(mu *api.Mutation) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    t := time.Now()
    log.Tracef("Mutate: %s %s %s %s\n", string(mu.DeleteJson), string(mu.SetJson), string(mu.DelNquads), string(mu.SetNquads))
    resp, err = v.txn.Mutate(v.ctx, mu)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    log.Tracef("Mutate Resp: %s\n---\n", resp.String())

// Query performs dgraph query
func (v *Txn) Query(q string) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    t := time.Now()
    log.Tracef("Query JSON: %s\n", q)
    resp, err = v.txn.Query(v.ctx, q)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    log.Tracef("Query Resp: %s\n---\n", resp.String())

// QueryWithVars performs dgraph query with vars
func (v *Txn) QueryWithVars(q string, vars map[string]string) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    t := time.Now()
    log.Tracef("QueryWithVars JSON: %s %s\n", q, vars)
    resp, err = v.txn.QueryWithVars(v.ctx, q, vars)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    log.Tracef("QueryWithVars Resp: %s\n---\n", resp.String())

// --------------------------------------- diag ---------------------------------------

// diag contains diagnostic data for timing the transaction
// dbms - database total time - which sums all dgraph resp.Latency and
// nwms - newtwork total time - which is the total time until response
type diag struct {
    dbms, nwms float64

func (v *diag) addDB(latency *api.Latency) {
    v.dbms += v.getQueryLatency(latency)

func (v *diag) addNW(start time.Time) {
    v.nwms += (float64)(time.Now().Sub(start).Nanoseconds()) / 1e6

func (v *diag) getQueryLatency(latency *api.Latency) float64 {
    return (float64)((latency.EncodingNs+latency.ParsingNs+latency.ProcessingNs)/1e3) / 1e3

// GetDatabaseTime gets time txn spend in db
func (v *Txn) GetDatabaseTime() float64 {
    return v.diag.dbms

// GetNetworkTime gets total time until response
func (v *Txn) GetNetworkTime() float64 {
    return v.diag.nwms

// --------------------------------------- set ---------------------------------------

// Setb is equivalent to Mutate using SetJson or SetNquads
func (v *Txn) Setb(json, rdf []byte) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Mutate(&api.Mutation{
        SetJson:   json,
        SetNquads: rdf,

// Seti is equivalent to Setb, but it marshalls structs into one slice of mutations
func (v *Txn) Seti(jsonMutations ...interface{}) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Setb(interfaces2Bytes(jsonMutations...), nil)

// Setnq is equivalent to Mutate using SetNquads
func (v *Txn) Setnq(rdf string) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Setb(nil, []byte(rdf))

// --------------------------------------- delete ---------------------------------------

// Deleteb is equivalent to Mutate using DeleteJson or DelNquads
func (v *Txn) Deleteb(json, rdf []byte) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Mutate(&api.Mutation{
        DeleteJson: json,
        DelNquads:  rdf,

// Deletei is equivalent to Deleteb, but it marshalls structs into one slice of mutations
func (v *Txn) Deletei(jsonMutations ...interface{}) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Deleteb(interfaces2Bytes(jsonMutations...), nil)

// Deletenq is equivalent to Mutate using DelNquads
func (v *Txn) Deletenq(rdf string) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.Deleteb(nil, []byte(rdf))

// --------------------------------------- do set ---------------------------------------

// DoSetb is equivalent to Do using mutation with SetJson or SetNquads
func (v *Txn) DoSetb(query, cond string, json, rdf []byte) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    mutations := []*api.Mutation{
            SetJson:   json,
            SetNquads: rdf,
            Cond:      cond,
    return v.Do(&api.Request{
        Query:     query,
        Mutations: mutations,

// DoSeti is equivalent to Do, but it marshalls structs into mutations
func (v *Txn) DoSeti(query string, jsonMutations ...interface{}) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.DoSetb(query, "", interfaces2Bytes(jsonMutations...), nil)
    // TODO: benchmark. dgraph supports multiple mutations, but it seems to be less performant that current impl
    // mutations := []*api.Mutation{}
    // for _, jm := range jsonMutations {
    //     jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(jm)
    //     if err != nil {
    //         return nil, err
    //     }
    //     mu := &api.Mutation{
    //         SetJson: jsonBytes,
    //     }
    //     mutations = append(mutations, mu)
    // }
    // return v.Do(&api.Request{
    //     Query:     query,
    //     Mutations: mutations,
    // })

// DoSetnq is equivalent to Do using mutation with SetNquads
func (v *Txn) DoSetnq(query, nquads string) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
    return v.DoSetb(query, "", nil, []byte(nquads))

// --------------------------------------- do delete ---------------------------------------

// TODO: