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# Contributing to callisto-core

Thank you so much for considering contributing to callisto-core. We couldn't do the work that we do as a small tech nonprofit without the help of wonderful volunteers like yourself.

## Your first contribution

Working on your first open source contribution? We are so excited to have you! You can learn how to make a pull request from this free series [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](!

## How to submit

We need all contributors to sign our [volunteer agreement]( (PDF) in order to accept contributions. Signed agreements can be submitted to We can take fixes to documentation without a signed agreement.

## How to report a bug

**If you find a security vulnerability, do NOT open a GitHub issue.** Email instead. We will respond as soon as possible.

Other bugs or feature requests can be submitted as [GitHub issues]( on this repo.

## Code of conduct

This project adheres to a [code of conduct]( By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to

## Other questions

Contact us at