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 * MIT License. This file is part of the Propel package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om;

use Propel\Generator\Model\PropelTypes;

 * Base class for object-building classes.
 * This class is designed so that it can be extended the "standard" ObjectBuilder
 * and ComplexOMObjectBuilder. Hence, this class should not have any actual
 * template code in it -- simply basic logic & utility methods.
 * @author Hans Lellelid <>
abstract class AbstractObjectBuilder extends AbstractOMBuilder
     * Adds the getter methods for the column values.
     * This is here because it is probably generic enough to apply to templates being generated
     * in different PHP versions.
     * @param string $script The script will be modified in this method.
     * @return void
    protected function addColumnAccessorMethods(string &$script): void
        $table = $this->getTable();

        foreach ($table->getColumns() as $col) {
            $type = $col->getType();
            // if they're not using the DateTime class then we will generate "compatibility" accessor method
            if (
                $type === PropelTypes::DATE
                || $type === PropelTypes::DATETIME
                || $type === PropelTypes::TIME
                || $type === PropelTypes::TIMESTAMP
            ) {
                $this->addTemporalAccessor($script, $col);
            } elseif ($type === PropelTypes::OBJECT) {
                $this->addObjectAccessor($script, $col);
            } elseif ($type === PropelTypes::PHP_ARRAY) {
                $this->addArrayAccessor($script, $col);
                if ($col->isNamePlural()) {
                    $this->addHasArrayElement($script, $col);
            } elseif ($type === PropelTypes::JSON) {
                $this->addJsonAccessor($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isEnumType()) {
                $this->addEnumAccessor($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isSetType()) {
                $this->addSetAccessor($script, $col);
                if ($col->isNamePlural()) {
                    $this->addHasArrayElement($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isBooleanType()) {
                $this->addDefaultAccessor($script, $col);
                $this->addBooleanAccessor($script, $col);
            } else {
                $this->addDefaultAccessor($script, $col);

            if ($col->isLazyLoad()) {
                $this->addLazyLoader($script, $col);

     * Adds the mutator (setter) methods for setting column values.
     * This is here because it is probably generic enough to apply to templates being generated
     * in different PHP versions.
     * @param string $script The script will be modified in this method.
     * @return void
    protected function addColumnMutatorMethods(string &$script): void
        foreach ($this->getTable()->getColumns() as $col) {
            if ($col->getType() === PropelTypes::OBJECT) {
                $this->addObjectMutator($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isLobType()) {
                $this->addLobMutator($script, $col);
            } elseif (
                $col->getType() === PropelTypes::DATE
                || $col->getType() === PropelTypes::DATETIME
                || $col->getType() === PropelTypes::TIME
                || $col->getType() === PropelTypes::TIMESTAMP
            ) {
                $this->addTemporalMutator($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->getType() === PropelTypes::PHP_ARRAY) {
                $this->addArrayMutator($script, $col);
                if ($col->isNamePlural()) {
                    $this->addAddArrayElement($script, $col);
                    $this->addRemoveArrayElement($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->getType() === PropelTypes::JSON) {
                $this->addJsonMutator($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isEnumType()) {
                $this->addEnumMutator($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isSetType()) {
                $this->addSetMutator($script, $col);
                if ($col->isNamePlural()) {
                    $this->addAddArrayElement($script, $col);
                    $this->addRemoveArrayElement($script, $col);
            } elseif ($col->isBooleanType()) {
                $this->addBooleanMutator($script, $col);
            } else {
                $this->addDefaultMutator($script, $col);

     * Gets the baseClass path if specified for table/db.
     * @return string|null
    protected function getBaseClass(): ?string
        return $this->getTable()->getBaseClass();

     * Gets the interface path if specified for current table.
     * @return string|null
    protected function getInterface(): ?string
        return $this->getTable()->getInterface();

     * Whether to add the generic mutator methods (setByName(), setByPosition(), fromArray()).
     * This is based on the build property propel.addGenericMutators, and also whether the
     * table is read-only or an alias.
     * @return bool
    protected function isAddGenericMutators(): bool
        $table = $this->getTable();

        return (!$table->isAlias() && $this->getBuildProperty('generator.objectModel.addGenericMutators') && !$table->isReadOnly());

     * Whether to add the generic accessor methods (getByName(), getByPosition(), toArray()).
     * This is based on the build property propel.addGenericAccessors, and also whether the
     * table is an alias.
     * @return bool
    protected function isAddGenericAccessors(): bool
        $table = $this->getTable();

        return (!$table->isAlias() && $this->getBuildProperty('generator.objectModel.addGenericAccessors'));

     * @return bool
    protected function hasDefaultValues(): bool
        foreach ($this->getTable()->getColumns() as $col) {
            if ($col->getDefaultValue() !== null) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
     * @param string $hookName The name of the hook as called from one of this class methods, e.g. "preSave"
     * @param string $modifier
     * @return bool
    public function hasBehaviorModifier(string $hookName, string $modifier = ''): bool
         return parent::hasBehaviorModifier($hookName, 'ObjectBuilderModifier');

     * Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
     * @param string $hookName The name of the hook as called from one of this class methods, e.g. "preSave"
     * @param string $script The script will be modified in this method.
     * @param string $tab
     * @return void
    public function applyBehaviorModifier(string $hookName, string &$script, string $tab = '        '): void
        $this->applyBehaviorModifierBase($hookName, 'ObjectBuilderModifier', $script, $tab);

     * Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName
     * @param string $contentName The name of the content as called from one of this class methods, e.g. "parentClassName"
     * @return string|null
    public function getBehaviorContent(string $contentName): ?string
        return $this->getBehaviorContentBase($contentName, 'ObjectBuilderModifier');