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Test Coverage

 * MIT License. This file is part of the Propel package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Propel\Generator\Command;

use Propel\Generator\Builder\Util\PropelTemplate;
use Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper;
use Propel\Runtime\Adapter\AdapterFactory;
use Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionFactory;
use Propel\Runtime\Connection\Exception\ConnectionException;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

 * @author Marc Scholten <>
class InitCommand extends AbstractCommand
     * @var string
    private $defaultSchemaDir;

     * @var string
    private $defaultPhpDir;

     * @param string|null $name
    public function __construct(?string $name = null)
        $this->defaultSchemaDir = (string)getcwd();
        $this->defaultPhpDir = $this->detectDefaultPhpDir();

     * @return void
    protected function configure(): void

            ->setDescription('Initializes a new project');

     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input
     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
     * @return int
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $consoleHelper = new ConsoleHelper($input, $output);

        $options = [];

        $consoleHelper->writeBlock('Propel 2 Initializer');

        $consoleHelper->writeSection('First we need to set up your database connection.');

        $supportedRdbms = [
            'mysql' => 'MySQL',
            'sqlite' => 'SQLite',
            'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL',
            'oracle' => 'Oracle',
            'sqlsrv' => 'MSSQL (via pdo-sqlsrv)',
            'mssql' => 'MSSQL (via pdo-mssql)',

        $options['rdbms'] = $consoleHelper->select('Please pick your favorite database management system', $supportedRdbms);


        $connectionAttemptLimit = 10;
        $connectionAttemptCount = 0;
        do {
            if ($connectionAttemptCount >= $connectionAttemptLimit) {
                $consoleHelper->writeSection('Exceeded 10 attempts to connect to database');

                return 1;
            $connectionAttemptCount += 1;
            switch ($options['rdbms']) {
                case 'mysql':
                    $options['dsn'] = $this->initMysql($consoleHelper);

                case 'sqlite':
                    $options['dsn'] = $this->initSqlite($consoleHelper);

                case 'pgsql':
                    $options['dsn'] = $this->initPgsql($consoleHelper);

                    $options['dsn'] = $this->initDsn($consoleHelper, $options['rdbms']);


            $options['user'] = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database user', 'root');
            $options['password'] = $consoleHelper->askHiddenResponse('Please enter your database password');

            $options['charset'] = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Which charset would you like to use?', 'utf8');
        } while (!$this->testConnection($consoleHelper, $options));

        $consoleHelper->writeSection('The initial step in every Propel project is the "build". During build time, a developer describes the structure of the datamodel in a XML file called the "schema".');
        $consoleHelper->writeSection('From this schema, Propel generates PHP classes, called "model classes", made of object-oriented PHP code optimized for a given RDMBS. The model classes are the primary interface to find and manipulate data in the database in Propel.');
        $consoleHelper->writeSection('The XML schema can also be used to generate SQL code to setup your database. Alternatively, you can generate the schema from an existing database.');

        $isReverseEngineerRequested = $consoleHelper->askConfirmation('Do you have an existing database you want to use with propel?', false);

        $options['schemaDir'] = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Where do you want to store your schema.xml?', $this->defaultSchemaDir);
        $options['phpDir'] = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Where do you want propel to save the generated php models?', $this->defaultPhpDir);
        $options['namespace'] = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Which namespace should the generated php models use?');


        if ($isReverseEngineerRequested) {
            $options['schema'] = $this->reverseEngineerSchema($consoleHelper->getOutput(), $options);

        $consoleHelper->writeSection('Propel asks you to define some data to work properly, for instance: connection parameters, working directories, flags to take decisions and so on. You can pass these data via a configuration file.');
        $consoleHelper->writeSection('The name of the configuration file is <comment>propel</comment>, with one of the supported extensions (yml, xml, json, ini, php). E.g. <comment>propel.yml</comment> or <comment>propel.json</comment>.');

        $options['format'] = $consoleHelper->select('Please enter the format to use for the generated configuration file (yml, xml, json, ini, php)', ['yml', 'xml', 'json', 'ini', 'php'], 'yml');

        $consoleHelper->writeBlock('Propel 2 Initializer - Summary');
        $consoleHelper->writeSection('The Propel 2 Initializer will set up your project with the following settings:');

            'Path to schema.xml' => $options['schemaDir'] . '/schema.xml',
            'Path to config file' => sprintf('%s/propel.%s', getcwd(), $options['format']),
            'Path to generated php models' => $options['phpDir'],
            'Namespace of generated php models' => $options['namespace'],

            'Database management system' => $options['rdbms'],
            'Charset' => $options['charset'],
            'User' => $options['user'],

        $correct = $consoleHelper->askConfirmation('Is everything correct?', false);

        if (!$correct) {
            $consoleHelper->writeln('<error>Process aborted.</error>');

            return static::CODE_ERROR;


        $this->generateProject($consoleHelper->getOutput(), $options);
        $consoleHelper->writeSection('Propel 2 is ready to be used!');

        return static::CODE_SUCCESS;

     * @return string
    private function detectDefaultPhpDir(): string
        if (file_exists(getcwd() . '/src/')) {
            $vendors = Finder::create()->directories()->in(getcwd() . '/src/')->depth(1);

            if ($vendors->count() > 1) {
                $iterator = $vendors->getIterator();

                return $iterator->current() . '/Model/';

        return (string)getcwd();

     * @param \Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper
     * @return string
    private function initMysql(ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper): string
        $host = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database host', 'localhost');
        $port = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database port', '3306');
        $database = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database name');

        return sprintf('mysql:host=%s;port=%s;dbname=%s', $host, $port, $database);

     * @param \Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper
     * @return string
    private function initSqlite(ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper): string
        $path = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Where should the sqlite database be stored?', getcwd() . '/');

        return sprintf('sqlite:%s', $path);

     * @param \Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper
     * @return string
    private function initPgsql(ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper): string
        $host = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database host (without port)', 'localhost');
        $port = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database port', '5432');
        $database = $consoleHelper->askQuestion('Please enter your database name');

        return sprintf('pgsql:host=%s;port=%s;dbname=%s', $host, $port, $database);

     * @param \Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper
     * @param string $rdbms
     * @return mixed
    private function initDsn(ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper, string $rdbms)
        switch ($rdbms) {
            case 'oracle':
                $help = '';

            case 'sqlsrv':
                $help = '';

            case 'mssql':
                $help = '';

                $help = '';

        return $consoleHelper->askQuestion(sprintf('Please enter the dsn (see <comment>%s</comment>) for your database connection', $help));

     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
     * @param array<string, mixed> $options
     * @throws \RuntimeException
     * @return void
    private function generateProject(OutputInterface $output, array $options): void
        $templatesPath = dirname(__FILE__, 5) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        if (!is_dir($templatesPath)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot find templates path `%s`', $templatesPath));

        $schema = new PropelTemplate();
        $schema->setTemplateFile($templatesPath . 'Command/schema.xml.php');

        $config = new PropelTemplate();
        $config->setTemplateFile($templatesPath . 'Command/propel.' . $options['format'] . '.php');

        $distConfig = new PropelTemplate();
        $distConfig->setTemplateFile($templatesPath . 'Command/propel.' . $options['format'] . '.dist.php');

        if (!isset($options['schema'])) {
            $options['schema'] = $schema->render($options);

        $this->writeFile($output, sprintf('%s/schema.xml', $options['schemaDir']), $options['schema']);
        $this->writeFile($output, sprintf('%s/propel.%s', getcwd(), $options['format']), $config->render($options));
        $this->writeFile($output, sprintf('%s/propel.%s.dist', getcwd(), $options['format']), $distConfig->render($options));


     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface|null $output
     * @return void
    private function buildSqlAndModelsAndConvertConfig(?OutputInterface $output = null): void

        $followupCommands = [

        foreach ($followupCommands as $command) {
            $input = new ArrayInput([$command]);
            if ($this->getApplication()->run($input, $output) !== 0) {


     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
     * @param string $filename
     * @param string $content
     * @return void
    private function writeFile(OutputInterface $output, string $filename, string $content): void
        $this->getFilesystem()->dumpFile($filename, $content);

        $output->writeln(sprintf('<info> + %s</info>', $filename));

     * @param \Propel\Generator\Command\Helper\ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper
     * @param array $options
     * @return bool
    private function testConnection(ConsoleHelper $consoleHelper, array $options): bool
        $adapter = AdapterFactory::create($options['rdbms']);

        try {
            ConnectionFactory::create($options, $adapter);

            $consoleHelper->writeBlock('Connected to sql server successful!');

            return true;
        } catch (ConnectionException $e) {
            // get the "real" wrapped exception message
            do {
                $e = $e->getPrevious() ?? $e;
                $message = $e->getMessage();
            } while ($e->getPrevious() !== null);

            $consoleHelper->writeBlock('Unable to connect to the specific sql server: ' . $message, 'error');
            $consoleHelper->writeSection('Make sure the specified credentials are correct and try it again.');

            if ($consoleHelper->getOutput()->getVerbosity() === OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) {
                $consoleHelper->writeln('Exception: ' . print_r($e, true));

            return false;

     * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
     * @param array $options
     * @return string
    private function reverseEngineerSchema(OutputInterface $output, array $options): string
        $outputDir = sys_get_temp_dir();

        $fullDsn = sprintf('%s;user=%s;password=%s', $options['dsn'], urlencode($options['user']), urlencode($options['password']));

        $arrInput = [
            'connection' => $fullDsn,
            '--output-dir' => $outputDir,

        if (isset($options['namespace'])) {
            $arrInput['--namespace'] = $options['namespace'];

        $input = new ArrayInput($arrInput);
        $result = $this->getApplication()->run($input, $output);

        if ($result !== 0) {

        $schema = (string)file_get_contents($outputDir . '/schema.xml');


        return $schema;