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     * The (dot-path) name of this class
    public const CLASS_NAME = '<?php echo $className ?>';

     * The default database name for this class
    public const DATABASE_NAME = '<?php echo $dbName ?>';

     * The table name for this class
    public const TABLE_NAME = '<?php echo $tableName ?>';

     * The PHP name of this class (PascalCase)
    public const TABLE_PHP_NAME = '<?php echo $tablePhpName ?>';

     * The related Propel class for this table
    public const OM_CLASS = '<?php echo $omClassName ?>';

     * A class that can be returned by this tableMap
    public const CLASS_DEFAULT = '<?php echo $classPath ?>';

     * The total number of columns
    public const NUM_COLUMNS = <?php echo $nbColumns ?>;

     * The number of lazy-loaded columns
    public const NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS = <?php echo $nbLazyLoadColumns ?>;

     * The number of columns to hydrate (NUM_COLUMNS - NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS)
    public const NUM_HYDRATE_COLUMNS = <?php echo $nbHydrateColumns ?>;
<?php foreach ($columns as $col) : ?>

     * the column name for the <?php echo $col->getName() ?> field
    public const <?php echo $col->getConstantName() ?> = '<?php echo $tableName ?>.<?php echo $col->getName() ?>';
<?php endforeach; ?>

     * The default string format for model objects of the related table
    public const DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT = '<?php echo $stringFormat ?>';