"name": "ndvi",
"description": "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, or NDVI, is an image analysis technique used with aerial photography. It's a way to visualize the amounts of infrared and other wavelengths of light reflected from vegetation by comparing ratios of blue and red light absorbed versus green and IR light reflected. NDVI is used to evaluate the health of vegetation in satellite imagery, where it correlates with how much photosynthesis is happening. This is helpful in assessing vegetative health or stress. <a href=''>Read more</a>.<br /><br/>This is designed for use with red-filtered single camera <a href=''>DIY Infragram cameras</a>; change to 'blue' for blue filters",
"inputs": {
"filter": {
"type": "select",
"desc": "Filter color",
"default": "red",
"values": ["red", "blue"]