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Additional actions to handle common CLI situations.

Key/Value Arguments

.. autoclass:: KeyValueAction

Enum types

.. autoclass:: EnumValue

.. autoclass:: EnumName

.. autoclass:: AppendEnumValue

.. autoclass:: AppendEnumName

Date and Time types

.. autoclass:: DateAction

.. autoclass:: TimeAction

.. autoclass:: DateTimeAction


from argparse import Action, ArgumentError, ArgumentParser, Namespace
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

__all__ = (

class KeyValueAction(Action):
    Action that accepts key/value pairs and appends them to a dictionary.

    Example of use::

        def my_command(options: Mapping[str, str]):

        @argument("--option", action=KeyValueAction)
        def my_command(args: Namespace):

    From CLI::

        > my_app m_command --option a=foo --option b=bar
        {'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'}


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault("metavar", "KEY=VALUE")
        kwargs.setdefault("default", {})

    def parse_value(self, value: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        """Parse an argument into a key/value pair"""
        key, part, value = value.partition("=")
        if not part:
            raise ArgumentError(self, "Expected in the form KEY=VALUE")
        return key, value

    def __call__(
        parser: ArgumentParser,
        namespace: Namespace,
        values: Union[Sequence[str], str],
        option_string: str = None,
        # Ensure dest exists
            items = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
        except AttributeError:
            items = {}
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)

        # Normalise string into a sequence
        if isinstance(values, str):
            values = (values,)

        # Parse values
        parse_value = self.parse_value
        items.update(parse_value(value) for value in values)

class _EnumAction(Action):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        enum = kwargs.pop("type", None)
        if enum is None:
            raise ValueError("type must be assigned an Enum when using EnumAction")
        if not issubclass(enum, Enum):
            raise TypeError("type must be an Enum when using EnumAction")
        self._enum = enum

        choices = kwargs.get("choices")
        if choices:
            # Ensure all choices are from the enum
                outcome = all(c in enum for c in choices)
            except TypeError:
                # This path is for Python 3.8+ that does type checks in Enum.__contains__
                outcome = False

            if not outcome:
                raise ValueError(f"choices contains a non {enum} entry")

            choices = enum
        kwargs["choices"] = self.get_choices(choices)


    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        enum = self.to_enum(values)
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, enum)

    def get_choices(self, choices: Union[Enum, Sequence[Enum]]):
        Get choices from the enum
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def to_enum(self, value):
        Get enum from the supplied value.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

class EnumValue(_EnumAction):
    Action to use an Enum as the type of an argument. In this mode the Enum is
    referenced by value.

    The choices are automatically generated for help.

    Example of use::

        class Colour(Enum):
            Red = "red"
            Green = "green"
            Blue = "blue"

        @argument("--colour", type=Colour, action=EnumValue)
        def my_command(args: Namespace):

    From CLI::

        > my_app m_command --colour red

    .. versionadded:: 4.2


    def get_choices(self, choices: Union[Enum, Sequence[Enum]]):
        return tuple(e.value for e in choices)

    def to_enum(self, value):
        return self._enum(value)

class EnumName(_EnumAction):
    Action to use an Enum as the type of an argument. In this mode the Enum is
    referenced by name.

    The choices are automatically generated for help.

    Example of use::

        class Colour(Enum):
            Red = "red"
            Green = "green"
            Blue = "blue"

        @argument("--colour", type=Colour, action=EnumName)
        def my_command(args: Namespace):

    From CLI::

        > my_app m_command --colour Red

    .. versionadded:: 4.2


    def get_choices(self, choices: Union[Enum, Sequence[Enum]]):
        return tuple( for e in choices)

    def to_enum(self, value):
        return self._enum[value]

def _copy_items(items):
    Extracted from argparse
    if items is None:
        return []

    # The copy module is used only in the 'append' and 'append_const'
    # actions, and it is needed only when the default value isn't a list.
    # Delay its import for speeding up the common case.
    if isinstance(items, list):
        return items[:]

    import copy  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    return copy.copy(items)

class _AppendEnumActionMixin(_EnumAction):
    Mixin to support appending enum items

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None)
        items = _copy_items(items)
        enum = self.to_enum(values)
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)

    def get_choices(self, choices: Union[Enum, Sequence[Enum]]):
        Get choices from the enum
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def to_enum(self, value):
        Get enum from the supplied value.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

class AppendEnumValue(EnumValue, _AppendEnumActionMixin):
    Action to use an Enum as the type of an argument and to accept multiple
    enum values. In this mode the Enum is referenced by value.

    The choices are automatically generated for help.

    Example of use::

        class Colour(Enum):
            Red = "red"
            Green = "green"
            Blue = "blue"

        @argument("--colours", type=Colour, action=AppendEnumValue)
        def my_command(args: Namespace):

        # Or using typing definition

        def my_command(*, colours: Sequence[Colour]):

    From CLI::

        > my_app m_command --colour red --colour blue
        [Colour.Red, Colour.Blue]

    .. versionadded:: 4.9


class AppendEnumName(EnumName, _AppendEnumActionMixin):
    Action to use an Enum as the type of an argument and to accept multiple
    enum values. In this mode the Enum is referenced by name.

    The choices are automatically generated for help.

    Example of use::

        class Colour(Enum):
            Red = "red"
            Green = "green"
            Blue = "blue"

        @argument("--colours", type=Colour, action=AppendEnumName)
        def my_command(args: Namespace):

    From CLI::

        > my_app m_command --colour Red --colour Blue
        [Colour.Red, Colour.Blue]

    .. versionadded:: 4.9


EnumNameList = AppendEnumName

class _DateTimeAction(Action):
    """DateTime types."""

    parser: Callable[[str], Any]

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        value = self.parser(values)
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)

class DateAction(_DateTimeAction):
    """Parse ISO date string."""

    parser = date.fromisoformat

class TimeAction(_DateTimeAction):
    """Parse ISO time string."""

    parser = time.fromisoformat

class DateTimeAction(_DateTimeAction):
    """Parse ISO datetime string."""

    parser = datetime.fromisoformat

TYPE_ACTIONS: Dict[type, Type[Action]] = {
    date: DateAction,
    time: TimeAction,
    datetime: DateTimeAction,