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Any command associated with a pyApp application can be expanded with arguments.
Arguments are a set of decorators that utilise ``argparse`` to simplify the
process of accepting and validating input/flags for commands.

.. autofunction:: argument


import abc
import argparse
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from argcomplete.completers import BaseCompleter

from pyapp.compatability import async_run
from pyapp.utils import cached_property

from .argument_actions import TYPE_ACTIONS, AppendEnumName, EnumName, KeyValueAction

__all__ = ("Handler", "argument", "CommandGroup", "Arg", "ArgumentType")

Handler = Union[
    Callable[..., Optional[int]],
    Callable[[argparse.Namespace], Optional[int]],
    Callable[..., Awaitable[Optional[int]]],
    Callable[[argparse.Namespace], Awaitable[Optional[int]]],

EMPTY = inspect.Parameter.empty

class ParserBase:
    """Base class for handling parsers."""

    def __init__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
        self.parser = parser

    def argument(self, *name_or_flags, **kwargs) -> argparse.Action:
        Add argument to proxy
        return self.parser.add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)

    def argument_group(self, *, title: str = None, description: str = None):
        """Add an argument group to proxy.


        return self.parser.add_argument_group(title, description)

class CommandProxy(ParserBase):
    """Proxy object that wraps a handler.

    .. versionupdated:: 4.4
        Determine arguments from handler signature.


    __slots__ = ("__name__", "handler", "_args", "_require_namespace")

    def __init__(self, handler: Handler, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, loglevel: int = logging.INFO):
        """Initialise proxy.

        :param handler: Callable object that accepts a single argument.
        self.handler = handler
        self.loglevel = loglevel

        # Copy details
        self.__doc__ = handler.__doc__
        self.__name__ = handler.__name__
        self.__module__ = handler.__module__

        # Add any existing arguments
        if hasattr(handler, "arguments__"):
            for arg in handler.arguments__:
            del handler.arguments__

        self._args = []
        self._require_namespace = False

        # Parse out any additional arguments

    def _extract_args(self, func):
        """Extract args from signature and turn into command line args."""
        sig = inspect.signature(func)

        # Backwards compatibility
        if len(sig.parameters) == 1:
            ((name, parameter),) = sig.parameters.items()
            if (
                parameter.kind is parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
                and parameter.annotation in (parameter.empty, argparse.Namespace)
                self._require_namespace = name

        for idx, (name, parameter) in enumerate(sig.parameters.items()):
            if parameter.annotation is argparse.Namespace:
                self._require_namespace = name
            elif name == "self" and idx == 0:
                # Special case for non-static function groups
                arg = Argument("SELF", action="store_const", const=self)
                action = arg.register_with_proxy(self)
                self._args.append((name, action.dest))
                arg = Argument.from_parameter(name, parameter)
                action = arg.register_with_proxy(self)
                self._args.append((name, action.dest))

    def __call__(self, opts: argparse.Namespace):
        kwargs = {kwarg: getattr(opts, opt_attr) for kwarg, opt_attr in self._args}
        if self._require_namespace:
            kwargs[self._require_namespace] = opts
        return self.handler(**kwargs)

class AsyncCommandProxy(CommandProxy):
    """Proxy object that wraps an async handler.

    Will handle starting an event loop.

    def __call__(self, opts: argparse.Namespace):
        return async_run(super().__call__(opts))

class ArgumentType(abc.ABC):
    """Custom argument type."""

    def __call__(self, value: str) -> Any:
        """Construct a value from type."""

class Argument:
    Decorator for adding arguments to a handler.

    This decorator can be used before or after the handler registration
    decorator :meth:`CliApplication.command` has been used.

    :param name_or_flags: Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, --foo.
    :param action: The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line.
    :param nargs: The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed.
    :param const: A constant value required by some action and nargs selections.
    :param default: The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.
    :param type: The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.
    :param choices: A container of the allowable values for the argument.
    :param required: Whether the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only).
    :param help_text: A brief description of what the argument does.
    :param metavar: A name for the argument in usage messages.
    :param dest: The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_args().


    __slots__ = ("kwargs", "name_or_flags", "completer")

    def arg(  # noqa: PLR0913
        *flags: str,
        default: Any = EMPTY,
        choices: Sequence[Any] = None,
        help: str = None,  # noqa: A002
        metavar: str = None,
        completer: Optional[BaseCompleter] = None,
    ) -> "Argument":
        Aliased to become the inline definition for an argument

        :param flags: Additional flags to represent the entry (the name always comes from the field name)
        :param default: The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.
        :param choices: A container of the allowable values for the argument.
        :param help: A brief description of what the argument does.
        :param metavar: A name for the argument in usage messages.
        :param completer: Optional completer for argcomplete to provide a richer CLI.

        return cls(

    def _handle_generics(  # noqa: PLR0912
        origin, type_, positional: bool, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> type:
        Handle generic types
        name = str(origin)
        if name == "typing.Union":
            if (
                len(type_.__args__) == 2  # noqa: PLR2004
                and type(None) in type_.__args__
                if positional:
                    kwargs["nargs"] = "?"
                    kwargs["default"] = None
                raise TypeError(
                    "Only Optional[TYPE] or Union[TYPE, None] are supported"

        elif name == "typing.Literal":
            choices = type_.__args__
            choice_type = type(choices[0])
            if choice_type not in (str, int):
                raise TypeError("Only str and int Literal types are supported")
            # Ensure only a single type is supplied
            if not all(isinstance(choice, choice_type) for choice in choices):
                raise TypeError("All literal values must be the same type")

            kwargs["choices"] = type_.__args__
            return choice_type

        elif issubclass(origin, Tuple):
            kwargs["nargs"] = len(type_.__args__)

        elif issubclass(origin, Sequence):
            args = type_.__args__
            if len(args) == 1 and issubclass(args[0], Enum):
                kwargs["action"] = AppendEnumName
            elif positional:
                kwargs["nargs"] = "+"
                kwargs["action"] = "append"

        elif issubclass(origin, Mapping):
            kwargs["action"] = KeyValueAction
            if positional:
                kwargs["nargs"] = "+"

            raise TypeError(f"Unsupported generic type: {origin!r}")

        return type_.__args__[0] if type_.__args__ else None

    def _handle_types(
        type_, positional: bool, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Optional[type]:
        Handle types
        if type_ is bool:
            kwargs["action"] = "store_true"
            return None

        if type_ is dict:
            kwargs["action"] = KeyValueAction
            if positional:
                kwargs["nargs"] = "+"
            return None

        if type_ in (list, tuple):
            if positional:
                kwargs["nargs"] = "+"
                kwargs["action"] = "append"
            return None

        if issubclass(type_, Enum):
            kwargs["action"] = EnumName

        elif action := TYPE_ACTIONS.get(type_):
            kwargs["action"] = action
            return None

        elif not positional and "default" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["required"] = True

        return type_

    def from_parameter(cls, name: str, parameter: inspect.Parameter) -> "Argument":
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
        Generate an argument from a inspection parameter

        .. versionadded:: 4.4
            Determine arguments from handler signature.

        positional = parameter.kind is not parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
        type_ = parameter.annotation
        default = parameter.default
        flag = name.upper() if positional else f"--{name.replace('_', '-')}"

        # If field is assigned an Argument use that as the starting point
        if isinstance(default, Argument):
            instance = default
            default = EMPTY
            if flag not in instance.name_or_flags:
                instance.name_or_flags = (flag,) + instance.name_or_flags
            instance = cls(flag)

        # Start updating kwargs
        kwargs = instance.kwargs
        if default is not EMPTY:
            kwargs.setdefault("default", default)

        # Handle type variances
        origin = getattr(type_, "__origin__", None)
        if origin is not None:
            type_ = cls._handle_generics(origin, type_, positional, kwargs)
        elif isinstance(type_, type):
            type_ = cls._handle_types(type_, positional, kwargs)
        elif isinstance(type_, (argparse.FileType, ArgumentType)):
            pass  # Just pass as this is an `argparse` builtin
            raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type: {type_!r}")

        if type_:
            kwargs["type"] = type_

        return instance

    def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0913
        action: Union[str, Type[argparse.Action]] = None,
        nargs: Union[int, str] = None,
        const: Any = None,
        default: Any = EMPTY,
        type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None,  # noqa
        choices: Sequence[Any] = None,
        required: bool = None,
        help_text: str = None,
        metavar: str = None,
        dest: str = None,
        completer: BaseCompleter = None,
        self.name_or_flags = name_or_flags
        self.completer = completer

        # Filter out None values
        kwargs = (
            ("action", action),
            ("nargs", nargs),
            ("const", const),
            ("type", type),
            ("choices", choices),
            ("required", required),
            ("help", help_text),
            ("metavar", metavar),
            ("dest", dest),
        self.kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs if val is not None}
        if default is not EMPTY:
            self.kwargs["default"] = default

    def __call__(
        self, func: Union[Handler, CommandProxy]
    ) -> Union[Handler, CommandProxy]:
        if isinstance(func, CommandProxy):
        elif hasattr(func, "arguments__"):
            func.arguments__.insert(0, self)
            func.arguments__ = [self]

        return func

    def register_with_proxy(self, proxy: CommandProxy) -> argparse.Action:
        Register self with a command proxy
        action = proxy.argument(*self.name_or_flags, **self.kwargs)
        if self.completer:
            action.completer = self.completer
        return action

Arg = Argument.arg  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
argument = Argument  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class CommandGroup(ParserBase):
    """Group of commands."""

    def __init__(
        parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
        _prefix: str = None,
        _handlers: Dict[str, Handler] = None,
        self._prefix = _prefix
        self._handlers: Dict[str, Handler] = {} if _handlers is None else _handlers

        self._sub_parsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest=self.handler_dest)
        self._default_handler = self.default_handler

    def handler_dest(self) -> str:
        """Destination of handler."""
        return f":handler:{self._prefix or ''}"

    def _add_handler(self, handler, name, aliases):
        # Add proxy to handler list
        handler_name = f"{self._prefix}:{name}" if self._prefix else name
        self._handlers[handler_name] = handler

        # Add proxy to handler list
        for alias in aliases:
            handler_alias = f"{self._prefix}:{alias}" if self._prefix else alias
            self._handlers[handler_alias] = handler

    def create_command_group(
        self, name: str, *, aliases: Sequence[str] = (), help_text: str = None
    ) -> "CommandGroup":
        """Create a command group.

        :param name: Name of the command group
        :param aliases: A sequence a name aliases for this command group.
        :param help_text: Information provided to the user if help is invoked.

        kwargs = {"aliases": aliases}
        if help_text:
            kwargs["help"] = help_text
        group = CommandGroup(
            self._sub_parsers.add_parser(name, aliases=aliases, help=help_text),
            f"{self._prefix}:{name}" if self._prefix else name,
        self._add_handler(group.dispatch_handler, name, aliases)

        return group

    def command(
        handler: Handler = None,
        name: str = None,
        aliases: Sequence[str] = (),
        help_text: str = None,
        loglevel: int = logging.INFO
    ) -> CommandProxy:
        """Decorator for registering handlers.

        :param handler: Handler function
        :param name: Optional name to use for CLI; defaults to the function name.
        :param aliases: A sequence a name aliases for this command.
        :param help_text: Information provided to the user if help is invoked;
            default is taken from the handlers doc string.
        :param loglevel: The default log-level when using this command.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.3
            Async handlers supported.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.15
            Add loglevel option to allow per-command log levels to be set.


        def inner(func: Handler) -> CommandProxy:
            kwargs = {"aliases": aliases}

            help_text_ = help_text or func.__doc__
            if help_text_:
                kwargs["help"] = help_text_.strip()

            name_ = name or func.__name__
            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                proxy = AsyncCommandProxy(
                    func, self._sub_parsers.add_parser(name_, **kwargs)
                proxy = CommandProxy(
                    func, self._sub_parsers.add_parser(name_, **kwargs)

            self._add_handler(proxy, name_, aliases)

            return proxy

        return inner(handler) if handler else inner

    def default(self, handler: Handler):
        """Decorator for registering a default handler.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.3
            Async handlers supported.

        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler):
            self._default_handler = AsyncCommandProxy(handler, self.parser)
            self._default_handler = CommandProxy(handler, self.parser)
        return handler

    def default_handler(self, _: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
        """Handler called if no handler is specified."""
        print("No command specified!")
        return 1

    def resolve_handler(self, opts: argparse.Namespace) -> Handler:
        """Resolve a command handler."""
        handler_name = getattr(opts, self.handler_dest, None)
        if self._prefix:
            handler_name = f"{self._prefix}:{handler_name}"
        return self._handlers.get(handler_name, self._default_handler)

    def dispatch_handler(self, opts: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
        """Resolve the correct handler and call it with supplied options namespace."""
        handler = self.resolve_handler(opts)
        return handler(opts)