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//go:generate stringer -linecomment -type ComponentType,AccessorType,PrimitiveMode,AlphaMode,MagFilter,MinFilter,WrappingMode,Interpolation,Target,TRSProperty -output const_strings.go

package gltf

import (

var (
    // DefaultMatrix defines an identity matrix.
    DefaultMatrix = [16]float64{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
    // DefaultRotation defines a quaternion without rotation.
    DefaultRotation = [4]float64{0, 0, 0, 1}
    // DefaultScale defines a scaling that does not modify the size of the object.
    DefaultScale = [3]float64{1, 1, 1}
    // DefaultTranslation defines a translation that does not move the object.
    DefaultTranslation = [3]float64{0, 0, 0}

// Attribute names defined in the spec.
const (
    NORMAL     = "NORMAL"
    WEIGHTS_0  = "WEIGHTS_0"
    JOINTS_0   = "JOINTS_0"
    COLOR_0    = "COLOR_0"

var (
    emptyMatrix   = [16]float64{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
    emptyRotation = [4]float64{0, 0, 0, 0}
    emptyScale    = [3]float64{0, 0, 0}

// The ComponentType is the datatype of components in the attribute. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums.
// 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) is only allowed when the accessor contains indices.
type ComponentType uint16

const (
    ComponentFloat  ComponentType = iota // FLOAT
    ComponentByte                        // BYTE
    ComponentUbyte                       // UNSIGNED_BYTE
    ComponentShort                       // SHORT
    ComponentUshort                      // UNSIGNED_SHORT
    ComponentUint                        // UNSIGNED_INT

// ByteSize returns the size of a component in bytes.
func (c ComponentType) ByteSize() uint32 {
    return map[ComponentType]uint32{
        ComponentByte:   1,
        ComponentUbyte:  1,
        ComponentShort:  2,
        ComponentUshort: 2,
        ComponentUint:   4,
        ComponentFloat:  4,

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the component type with the correct default values.
func (c *ComponentType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp uint16
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *c = map[uint16]ComponentType{
            5120: ComponentByte,
            5121: ComponentUbyte,
            5122: ComponentShort,
            5123: ComponentUshort,
            5125: ComponentUint,
            5126: ComponentFloat,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the component type with the correct default values.
func (c *ComponentType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[ComponentType]uint16{
        ComponentByte:   5120,
        ComponentUbyte:  5121,
        ComponentShort:  5122,
        ComponentUshort: 5123,
        ComponentUint:   5125,
        ComponentFloat:  5126,

// AccessorType specifies if the attribute is a scalar, vector, or matrix.
type AccessorType uint8

const (
    AccessorScalar AccessorType = iota // SCALAR
    AccessorVec2                       // VEC2
    AccessorVec3                       // VEC3
    AccessorVec4                       // VEC4
    AccessorMat2                       // MAT2
    AccessorMat3                       // MAT3
    AccessorMat4                       // MAT4

// Components returns the number of components of an accessor type.
func (a AccessorType) Components() uint32 {
    return map[AccessorType]uint32{
        AccessorScalar: 1,
        AccessorVec2:   2,
        AccessorVec3:   3,
        AccessorVec4:   4,
        AccessorMat2:   4,
        AccessorMat3:   9,
        AccessorMat4:   16,

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the accessor type with the correct default values.
func (a *AccessorType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        accType, ok := map[string]AccessorType{
            "SCALAR": AccessorScalar,
            "VEC2":   AccessorVec2,
            "VEC3":   AccessorVec3,
            "VEC4":   AccessorVec4,
            "MAT2":   AccessorMat2,
            "MAT3":   AccessorMat3,
            "MAT4":   AccessorMat4,
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("gltf: unknown accessor's type: %s", tmp)
        *a = accType
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the accessor type with the correct default values.
func (a *AccessorType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[AccessorType]string{
        AccessorScalar: "SCALAR",
        AccessorVec2:   "VEC2",
        AccessorVec3:   "VEC3",
        AccessorVec4:   "VEC4",
        AccessorMat2:   "MAT2",
        AccessorMat3:   "MAT3",
        AccessorMat4:   "MAT4",

// The Target that the GPU buffer should be bound to.
type Target uint16

const (
    TargetNone               Target = 0     // NONE
    TargetArrayBuffer        Target = 34962 // ARRAY_BUFFER
    TargetElementArrayBuffer Target = 34963 // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER

// Attribute is a map that each key corresponds to mesh attribute semantic and each value is the index of the accessor containing attribute's data.
type Attribute = map[string]uint32

// PrimitiveMode defines the type of primitives to render. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums.
type PrimitiveMode uint8

const (
    PrimitiveTriangles     PrimitiveMode = iota // TRIANGLES
    PrimitivePoints                             // POINTS
    PrimitiveLines                              // LINES
    PrimitiveLineLoop                           // LINE_LOOP
    PrimitiveLineStrip                          // LINE_STRIP
    PrimitiveTriangleStrip                      // TRIANGLE_STRIP
    PrimitiveTriangleFan                        // TRIANGLE_FAN

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the primitive mode with the correct default values.
func (p *PrimitiveMode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp uint8
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *p = map[uint8]PrimitiveMode{
            0: PrimitivePoints,
            1: PrimitiveLines,
            2: PrimitiveLineLoop,
            3: PrimitiveLineStrip,
            4: PrimitiveTriangles,
            5: PrimitiveTriangleStrip,
            6: PrimitiveTriangleFan,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the primitive mode with the correct default values.
func (p *PrimitiveMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[PrimitiveMode]uint8{
        PrimitivePoints:        0,
        PrimitiveLines:         1,
        PrimitiveLineLoop:      2,
        PrimitiveLineStrip:     3,
        PrimitiveTriangles:     4,
        PrimitiveTriangleStrip: 5,
        PrimitiveTriangleFan:   6,

// The AlphaMode enumeration specifying the interpretation of the alpha value of the main factor and texture.
type AlphaMode uint8

const (
    AlphaOpaque AlphaMode = iota // OPAQUE
    AlphaMask                    // MASK
    AlphaBlend                   // BLEND

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the alpha mode with the correct default values.
func (a *AlphaMode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *a = map[string]AlphaMode{
            "OPAQUE": AlphaOpaque,
            "MASK":   AlphaMask,
            "BLEND":  AlphaBlend,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the alpha mode with the correct default values.
func (a *AlphaMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[AlphaMode]string{
        AlphaOpaque: "OPAQUE",
        AlphaMask:   "MASK",
        AlphaBlend:  "BLEND",

// MagFilter is the magnification filter.
type MagFilter uint16

const (
    MagUndefined MagFilter = iota // UNDEFINED
    MagLinear                     // LINEAR
    MagNearest                    // NEAREST

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the mag filter with the correct default values.
func (m *MagFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp uint16
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *m = map[uint16]MagFilter{
            9728: MagNearest,
            9729: MagLinear,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the alpha mode with the correct default values.
func (m *MagFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[MagFilter]uint16{
        MagNearest: 9728,
        MagLinear:  9729,

// MinFilter is the minification filter.
type MinFilter uint16

const (
    MinUndefined            MinFilter = iota // UNDEFINED
    MinLinear                                // LINEAR
    MinNearestMipMapLinear                   // NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
    MinNearest                               // NEAREST
    MinNearestMipMapNearest                  // NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
    MinLinearMipMapNearest                   // LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
    MinLinearMipMapLinear                    // LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the min filter with the correct default values.
func (m *MinFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp uint16
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *m = map[uint16]MinFilter{
            9728: MinNearest,
            9729: MinLinear,
            9984: MinNearestMipMapNearest,
            9985: MinLinearMipMapNearest,
            9986: MinNearestMipMapLinear,
            9987: MinLinearMipMapLinear,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the min filter with the correct default values.
func (m *MinFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[MinFilter]uint16{
        MinNearest:              9728,
        MinLinear:               9729,
        MinNearestMipMapNearest: 9984,
        MinLinearMipMapNearest:  9985,
        MinNearestMipMapLinear:  9986,
        MinLinearMipMapLinear:   9987,

// WrappingMode is the wrapping mode of a texture.
type WrappingMode uint16

const (
    WrapRepeat         WrappingMode = iota // REPEAT
    WrapClampToEdge                        // CLAMP_TO_EDGE
    WrapMirroredRepeat                     // MIRRORED_REPEAT

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the wrapping mode with the correct default values.
func (w *WrappingMode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp uint16
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *w = map[uint16]WrappingMode{
            33071: WrapClampToEdge,
            33648: WrapMirroredRepeat,
            10497: WrapRepeat,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the wrapping mode with the correct default values.
func (w *WrappingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[WrappingMode]uint16{
        WrapClampToEdge:    33071,
        WrapMirroredRepeat: 33648,
        WrapRepeat:         10497,

// Interpolation algorithm.
type Interpolation uint8

const (
    InterpolationLinear      Interpolation = iota // LINEAR
    InterpolationStep                             // STEP
    InterpolationCubicSpline                      // CUBICSPLINE

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the interpolation with the correct default values.
func (i *Interpolation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *i = map[string]Interpolation{
            "LINEAR":      InterpolationLinear,
            "STEP":        InterpolationStep,
            "CUBICSPLINE": InterpolationCubicSpline,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the interpolation with the correct default values.
func (i *Interpolation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[Interpolation]string{
        InterpolationLinear:      "LINEAR",
        InterpolationStep:        "STEP",
        InterpolationCubicSpline: "CUBICSPLINE",

// TRSProperty defines a local space transformation.
// TRSproperties are converted to matrices and postmultiplied in the T * R * S order to compose the transformation matrix.
type TRSProperty uint8

const (
    TRSTranslation TRSProperty = iota // translation
    TRSRotation                       // rotation
    TRSScale                          // scale
    TRSWeights                        // weights

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal the TRSProperty with the correct default values.
func (t *TRSProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var tmp string
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
    if err == nil {
        *t = map[string]TRSProperty{
            "translation": TRSTranslation,
            "rotation":    TRSRotation,
            "scale":       TRSScale,
            "weights":     TRSWeights,
    return err

// MarshalJSON marshal the TRSProperty with the correct default values.
func (t *TRSProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[TRSProperty]string{
        TRSTranslation: "translation",
        TRSRotation:    "rotation",
        TRSScale:       "scale",
        TRSWeights:     "weights",

const (
    glbHeaderMagic = 0x46546c67
    glbChunkJSON   = 0x4e4f534a
    glbChunkBIN    = 0x004e4942

type chunkHeader struct {
    Length uint32
    Type   uint32

type glbHeader struct {
    Magic      uint32
    Version    uint32
    Length     uint32
    JSONHeader chunkHeader

const (
    mimetypeApplicationOctet = "data:application/octet-stream;base64"
    mimetypeImagePNG         = "data:image/png;base64"
    mimetypeImageJPG         = "data:image/jpeg;base64"