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import { js2xml, xml2js } from "xml-js";
import { AccommodationBulletin, SIBAResponse } from "./types";

// internal types used to generate the XML
interface LooseObject {
  [key: string]: any;

interface SOAPEnvelope {
  Envelope: {
    _attributes: { xmlns: string };
    Header: any;
    Body: {
      EntregaBoletinsAlojamento: {
        _attributes: { xmlns: string };
        UnidadeHoteleira: string;
        Estabelecimento: string;
        ChaveAcesso: string;
        Boletins: string;

interface BoletimAlojamento {
  Apelido: string;
  Nome: string;
  Nacionalidade: string;
  Data_Nascimento: string;
  Local_Nascimento?: string;
  Documento_Identificacao: string;
  Pais_Emissor_Documento: string;
  Tipo_Documento: string;
  Data_Entrada: string;
  Data_Saida?: string;
  Pais_Residencia_Origem: string;
  Local_Residencia_Origem: string;

interface SOAPBulletins {
  _declaration: { _attributes: { version: string; encoding: string } };
  MovimentoBAL: {
    _attributes: {
      xmlns: string;
    Unidade_Hoteleira: {
      Codigo_Unidade_Hoteleira: string;
      Estabelecimento: string;
      Nome: string;
      Abreviatura: string;
      Morada: string;
      Localidade: string;
      Codigo_Postal: string;
      Zona_Postal: string;
      Telefone: string;
      Fax?: string;
      Nome_Contacto: string;
      Email_Contacto: string;
    Boletim_Alojamento: BoletimAlojamento[];
    Envio: {
      Numero_Ficheiro: number;
      Data_Movimento: string;

 * Looks for the value of a field of the object ignoring XML prefixes.
 * @param obj Response object or nested object
 * @param fieldName Target field name
function getFieldValue(obj: LooseObject, fieldName: string): any {
  const objKey = Object.keys(obj).find(key => key.indexOf(fieldName) !== -1);

  if (!objKey) {
    throw new Error(`Unable to find '${fieldName}' field on the response`);

  return obj[objKey];

 * Builds the bulletins structure.
 * @param bulletin The accommodation bulletin.
export function buildSIBABulletins(
  bulletin: AccommodationBulletin
): SOAPBulletins {
  const { hotelUnit, guests } = bulletin;

  return {
    _declaration: { _attributes: { version: "1.0", encoding: "utf-8" } },
    MovimentoBAL: {
      _attributes: {
        xmlns: "http://sef.pt/BAws"
      Unidade_Hoteleira: {
        Codigo_Unidade_Hoteleira: hotelUnit.nipc,
        Estabelecimento: hotelUnit.establishment,
        Nome: hotelUnit.name,
        Abreviatura: hotelUnit.abbreviation,
        Morada: hotelUnit.address,
        Localidade: hotelUnit.location,
        Codigo_Postal: hotelUnit.zipCode,
        Zona_Postal: hotelUnit.zipZone,
        Telefone: hotelUnit.phone,
        Fax: hotelUnit.fax,
        Nome_Contacto: hotelUnit.contactName,
        Email_Contacto: hotelUnit.contactEmail
      Boletim_Alojamento: guests.map(guest => ({
        Apelido: guest.surname ? guest.surname : guest.firstName, // if surname exists use surname otherwise use firstName because it only has 1 name
        Nome: guest.surname ? guest.firstName : " ", // if surname exists use firstName otherwise this field must be set with a space
        Nacionalidade: guest.nationality,
        Data_Nascimento: guest.birthDate && guest.birthDate.toISOString(),
        Local_Nascimento: guest.birthPlace,
        Documento_Identificacao: guest.document.number,
        Pais_Emissor_Documento: guest.document.issuingCountry,
        Tipo_Documento: guest.document.type,
        Data_Entrada: guest.checkInDate && guest.checkInDate.toISOString(),
        Data_Saida: guest.checkOutDate && guest.checkOutDate.toISOString(),
        Pais_Residencia_Origem: guest.countryOfResidence,
        Local_Residencia_Origem: guest.placeOfResidence
      Envio: {
        Numero_Ficheiro: bulletin.number,
        Data_Movimento: bulletin.issueDate && bulletin.issueDate.toISOString()

 * Generates the SOAP envelope with the bulletin request.
 * @param bulletin The accommodation bulletin.
export function buildSIBASoapEnvelope(
  bulletin: AccommodationBulletin
): SOAPEnvelope {
  const { hotelUnit } = bulletin;

  const bulletinXML = js2xml(buildSIBABulletins(bulletin), {
    compact: true

  return {
    Envelope: {
      _attributes: {
        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
      Header: {},
      Body: {
        EntregaBoletinsAlojamento: {
          _attributes: {
            xmlns: "http://sef.pt/"
          UnidadeHoteleira: hotelUnit.nipc,
          Estabelecimento: hotelUnit.establishment,
          ChaveAcesso: hotelUnit.accessKey,
          Boletins: Buffer.from(bulletinXML).toString("base64")

 * Generates the XML SOAP envelope with the bulletin request.
 * @param bulletin The accommodation bulletin.
export function buildSIBAXMLRequest(bulletin: AccommodationBulletin): string {
  // basic validation just to make sure anything breaks
  if (
    !bulletin ||
    !bulletin.guests ||
    !bulletin.guests.length ||
  ) {
    throw new Error("Incomplete bulletin.");

  return js2xml(buildSIBASoapEnvelope(bulletin), {
    compact: true

 * Parses the SIBA SOAP response.
 * @param responseText Raw response text
export function parseSIBAXMLResponse(responseText: string): SIBAResponse {
  const soapResponse = xml2js(responseText, {
    compact: true,
    textKey: "value"

  // looks for the envelope fields despite the xml prefix
  const envelope = getFieldValue(soapResponse, "Envelope");
  const body = getFieldValue(envelope, "Body");
  const response = getFieldValue(body, "EntregaBoletinsAlojamentoResponse");
  const result = getFieldValue(response, "EntregaBoletinsAlojamentoResult");

  if (result.value === "0") {
    return {
      isSuccess: true,
      code: "0"

  const details: LooseObject = xml2js(result.value, {
    compact: true,
    textKey: "value"

  const errors = getFieldValue(details, "ErrosBA");
  const returns = getFieldValue(errors, "RetornoBA");

  return {
    isSuccess: false,
    code: returns["Codigo_Retorno"] && returns["Codigo_Retorno"].value,
    errorLine: returns["Linha"] && returns["Linha"].value,
    errorMessage: returns["Descricao"] && returns["Descricao"].value