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 * Chronicle module - a history of railway events
 * @since Version 3.8.7
 * @package Railpage
 * @author Michael Greenhill

namespace Railpage\Chronicle;

use Railpage\AppCore;
use Railpage\Module;
use Railpage\Url;
use Exception;
use DateTime;

 * Chronicle base class

class Chronicle extends AppCore {
     * Sub query - all areas 
     * @since Version 3.10.0
     * @param string SubQuery_AllAreas
    private $SubQuery_AllAreas;
     * Constructor
    public function __construct() {
        $this->Module = new Module("chronicle");
        $this->url = new Url(sprintf("%s/chronicle", RP_WEB_ROOT));
        $this->url->newest = sprintf("%s?mode=newest", $this->url->url);
        $this->url->year = sprintf("%s?mode=year", $this->url->url);
        $this->url->today = sprintf("%s?mode=today", $this->url->url);
        $this->url->thisweek = sprintf("%s?mode=thisweek", $this->url->url);
        $this->url->thismonth = sprintf("%s?mode=thismonth", $this->url->url);
        $this->SubQuery_AllAreas = 
            "SELECT 'locos' AS module, CONCAT(l.loco_num, ': ', dt.loco_date_text) AS title, d.text AS text, timestamp AS `date` FROM loco_unit_date AS d LEFT JOIN loco_unit AS l ON l.loco_id = d.loco_unit_id LEFT JOIN loco_date_type AS dt ON dt.loco_date_id = d.loco_date_id 
                UNION SELECT 'locations' AS module, dt.name AS title, d.text, d.date FROM location_date AS d LEFT JOIN location_datetypes AS dt ON d.type_id = dt.id 
                UNION SELECT 'events' AS module, e.title, e.description AS text, ed.date FROM event_dates AS ed LEFT JOIN event AS e ON ed.event_id = e.id";
     * Get latest additions to the chronicle
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @yield \Railpage\Chronicle\Entry
     * @return \Railpage\Chronicle\Entry
    public function getLatestAdditions() {
        $query = "SELECT id FROM chronicle_item WHERE status = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 10";
        foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query, Entry::STATUS_ACTIVE) as $row) {
            yield new Entry($row['id']);
     * Get events for a date
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @return array
     * @param \DateTime $dateObject
    public function getEntriesForDate($dateObject = null) {
        if (!$dateObject instanceof DateTime) {
            $dateObject = new DateTime;
        $query = "
            SELECT * FROM (
                " . $this->SubQuery_AllAreas . "
            ) AS items
            WHERE `date` = ?";
        return $this->db->fetchAll($query, $dateObject->Format("Y-m-d")); 
     * Get events for today (On this day...) 
     * @since Version 3.10.0
     * @return array
    public function getEntriesForToday($limit = 100) {
        $Date = new DateTime;
        $cachekey = sprintf("railpage:chronicle.date=%s;limit=%d", $Date->getTimestamp(), $limit); 
        if ($result = $this->Memcached->Fetch($cachekey)) {
            return $result;
        $query = "
            SELECT * FROM (
                " . $this->SubQuery_AllAreas . "
            ) AS items
            WHERE `date` LIKE '%-" . $Date->format("d") . "' ORDER BY `date` DESC";
        if (filter_var($limit, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
            $query .= " LIMIT 0, " . $limit;
        $this->Memcached->save($cachekey, $result, strtotime("+24 hours"));
        return $this->db->fetchAll($query); 
     * Get chronicle entry providers
     * @since Version 3.9
     * @return array
    public function getProviders() {
        $providers = array(); 
        foreach (glob(sprintf("%s%sProvider%s*.php", __DIR__, DS, DS)) as $file) {
            $providers[] = sprintf("\\Railpage\\Chronicle%s", str_replace("/", "\\", str_replace(__DIR__, "", str_replace(".php", "", $file))));
        return $providers;
     * Get all entries
     * @since Version 3.10.0
     * @return array
    public function getAllEntries() {
        $query = "
            " . $this->SubQuery_AllAreas . "
            ORDER BY `date` DESC";
        return $this->db->fetchAll($query); 