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 * Where on Earth is this place?
 * Geolookup
 * @since Version 3.8.7
 * @package Railpage
 * @author Michael Greenhill

namespace Railpage;

use Railpage\Locations\Locations;
use Railpage\Locations\Country;
use Railpage\Locations\Region;
use Railpage\Locations\Location;
use Railpage\Locations\Factory as LocationsFactory;
use Railpage\Debug;
use Railpage\GTFS\GTFS;
use Railpage\Registry;
use Railpage\Images\Images;
use Exception;
use stdClass;
use flickr_railpage;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;

 * Place class

class Place extends AppCore {
     * Name
     * @var string $name
    public $name;
     * Latitude
     * @var float $lat
    public $lat;
     * Longitude
     * @var float $lon
    public $lon;
     * Radius around this location to limit adjacent searches to
     * @var float $radius
    public $radius;
     * Country
     * @var object $Country
    public $Country;
     * Region
     * @var object $Region
    public $Region;
     * Bounding box
     * @var object $boundingBox
    public $boundingBox;
     * Constructor
     * @param float $lat
     * @param float $lon
     * @param float $radius
    public function __construct($lat = false, $lon = false, $radius = 0.1) {
        $timer = Debug::getTimer(); 
        $this->GuzzleClient = new Client;
        if (filter_var($lat, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) && filter_var($lon, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) {
            $this->lat = $lat;
            $this->lon = $lon;
            $this->radius = $radius;
            $this->url = sprintf("/place?lat=%s&lon=%s", $this->lat, $this->lon);
        Debug::logEvent(__METHOD__, $timer); 
     * Populate this object
     * @since Version 3.9.1
     * @return void
    private function load() {
         * Fetch the WOE (Where On Earth) data from Yahoo
        $woe = $this->getWOEData($this->lat . "," . $this->lon);
        if (!isset($woe['places']['place'][0])) {
            throw new Exception("Could not find a place matching coordinates " . $this->lat . "," . $this->lon);
         * Simple enough - create the country object
        $this->Country = LocationsFactory::CreateCountry($woe['places']['place'][0]['country']);
         * Bit trickier - find the region, ie, the next geographical location down from a country
        foreach ($woe['places']['place'][0] as $key => $val) {
            if (isset($val['type']) && strtolower($val['type']) != "country") {
                $this->Region = LocationsFactory::CreateRegion($val['woeid']);
         * Set the place name
        if (empty($this->name)) {
            $this->name = $woe['places']['place'][0]['locality1'];
         * Set the bounding box
        $this->boundingBox = new stdClass;
        $this->boundingBox->northEast = new stdClass;
        $this->boundingBox->northEast->lat = floatval($woe['places']['place'][0]['boundingBox']['northEast']['latitude']);
        $this->boundingBox->northEast->lon = floatval($woe['places']['place'][0]['boundingBox']['northEast']['longitude']);
        $this->boundingBox->southWest = new stdClass;
        $this->boundingBox->southWest->lat = floatval($woe['places']['place'][0]['boundingBox']['southWest']['latitude']);
        $this->boundingBox->southWest->lon = floatval($woe['places']['place'][0]['boundingBox']['southWest']['longitude']);
     * Get locations adjacent to this place
     * @return array
    public function getLocations() {
        $Locations = new Locations;
        return $Locations->nearby($this->lat, $this->lon, $this->radius);
     * Get photos from the Sphinx search API within or adjacent to this place
     * @since Version 3.9.1
     * @param int $num
     * @return array
    public function getPhotosFromSphinx($num = 10) {
        $Sphinx = AppCore::getSphinxAPI(); 
        $Sphinx->SetGeoAnchor("lat", "lon", deg2rad($this->lat), deg2rad($this->lon)); 
        $Sphinx->SetFilterRange("@geodist", 0, 5000); // 1km radius
        $Sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@geodist ASC');
        $result = $Sphinx->query("", "idx_images"); 
        $return = array(
            "stat" => "ok"
        if (!$result) {
            $return['stat'] = "err";
            $return['message'] = $Sphinx->getLastError();
            return $return;
        if (empty($result['matches'])) {
            return $return;
        foreach ($result['matches'] as $row) {
            $meta = json_decode($row['attrs']['meta'], true); 
            $return['photos'][] = array(
                "id" => $row['attrs']['image_id'],
                "provider" => $row['attrs']['provider'],
                "photo_id" => $row['attrs']['photo_id'],
                "url" => $row['attrs']['url'],
                "distance" => round($row['attrs']['@geodist']),
                "lat" => rad2deg($row['attrs']['lat']),
                "lon" => rad2deg($row['attrs']['lon']),
                "title" => empty(trim($row['attrs']['title'])) ? "Untitled" : $row['attrs']['title'],
                "description" => $row['attrs']['description'],
                "sizes" => Images::normaliseSizes($meta['sizes'])
        $return['photos'] = array_slice($return['photos'], 0, $num);
        return $return;
     * Get photos within or adjacent to this place
     * @return array
     * @param int $num
    public function getPhotos($num = 10) {
        $lat = $this->lat;
        $lon = $this->lon;
        $query = "SELECT flickr_geodata.*, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((" . $lat . " - flickr_geodata.lat) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2) + COS(" . $lat . " * pi() / 180) * COS(" . $lat . " * pi() / 180) * POWER(SIN((" . $lon . " - flickr_geodata.lon) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2))) AS distance 
            FROM flickr_geodata 
            WHERE flickr_geodata.lon BETWEEN (
                    " . $lon . " - " . $this->radius . " / abs(cos(radians(" . $lat . ")) * 69)
                ) AND (
                    " . $lon . " + " . $this->radius . " / abs(cos(radians(" . $lat . ")) * 69)
                AND flickr_geodata.lat BETWEEN (
                    " . $lat . " - (" . $this->radius . " / 69) 
                ) AND (
                    " . $lat . " + (" . $this->radius . " / 69) 
            HAVING distance < " . $this->radius . "
            ORDER BY distance
            LIMIT ?";
        $params = array(
        $return = array(); 
        $square_size = 180;
        foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query, $params) as $data) {
            $key = $data['photo_id'];
            $return[$key]['size_sq'] = RP_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/image_resize.php?q=90&w=" . $square_size . "&h=" . $square_size . "&square=true&image=" . str_replace("?zz=1", "", $data['size4']);
            $return[$key]['size_sq_w'] = $square_size;
            $return[$key]['size_sq_h'] = $square_size;
            $data['id'] = $data['photo_id'];
            $data['url_sq']     = $data['size0'];
            $data['width_sq']   = $data['size0_w'];
            $data['height_sq']  = $data['size0_h'];
            $data['url_t']      = $data['size1'];
            $data['width_t']    = $data['size1_w'];
            $data['height_t']   = $data['size1_h'];
            $data['url_s']      = $data['size2'];
            $data['width_s']    = $data['size2_w'];
            $data['height_s']   = $data['size2_h'];
            $data['url_q']      = NULL;
            $data['width_q']    = NULL;
            $data['height_q']   = NULL;
            $data['url_m']      = $data['size3'];
            $data['width_m']    = $data['size3_w'];
            $data['height_m']   = $data['size3_h'];
            $data['url_n']      = $data['size6'];
            $data['width_n']    = $data['size6_w'];
            $data['height_n']   = $data['size6_h'];
            $data['url_z']      = $data['size4'];
            $data['width_z']    = $data['size4_w'];
            $data['height_z']   = $data['size4_h'];
            $data['url_l']      = $data['size5'];
            $data['width_l']    = $data['size5_w'];
            $data['height_l']   = $data['size5_h'];
            $data['url_c']      = $data['size7'];
            $data['width_c']    = $data['size7_w'];
            $data['height_c']   = $data['size7_h'];
            $data['url_o']      = $data['size8'];
            $data['width_c']    = $data['size8_w'];
            $data['height_c']   = $data['size8_h'];
            $data['nicetags'] = explode(" ", $data['tags']);
            $return[$key] = $data;
        return $return;
     * Get GTFS places near this place
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @return array
    public function getGTFSPlaces() {
        $places = array();
        foreach ((new GTFS)->getProviders() as $Provider) {
            if (is_object($Provider) && method_exists($Provider, "StopsNearLocation")) {
                $places[$Provider::PROVIDER_COUNTRY_SHORT][$Provider::PROVIDER_NAME] = $Provider->StopsNearLocation($this->lat, $this->lon);
        return $places;
     * Get an associative array of this object
     * @since Version 3.10.0
     * @return array
    public function getArray() {
        $array = array(
            "lat" => $this->lat,
            "lon" => $this->lon,
            "name" => $this->name,
            "address" => $this->getAddress(),
            "region" => array(
                "name" => $this->Region->name,
                "code" => $this->Country->code
            "country" => array(
                "name" => $this->Country->name,
                "code" => $this->Country->code
            "url" => $this->url instanceof Url ? $this->url->getURLs() : array("url" => $this->url)
        return $array;
     * Get the street address of this place
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @return array
    public function getAddress() {
        $mckey = sprintf("railpage.place.address.lat=%s&lon=%s", $this->lat, $this->lon);
        if ($address = $this->Memcached->fetch($mckey)) {
            return $address; 
         * Try to fetch it from the local cache first
        $query = "SELECT address FROM woecache WHERE lat = ? AND lon = ?";
        $params = [
            round(str_pad($this->lat, 12, 0), 8), 
            round(str_pad($this->lon, 12, 0), 8)
        if ($result = $this->db->fetchOne($query, $params)) {
            if (!is_null($result)) {
                return json_decode($result, true);
        $url = sprintf("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=%s,%s&sensor=false", $this->lat, $this->lon);
        $response = $this->GuzzleClient->get($url);
        if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
            $result = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
        $return = array();
        if (isset($result['results'][0]['formatted_address'])) {
            $return['address'] = $result['results'][0]['formatted_address'];
            foreach ($result['results'] as $row) {
                if ($row['types'][0] == "street_address") {
                    $return['street_address'] = $row['formatted_address'];
                if ($row['types'][0] == "locality") {
                    $return['locality'] = $row['formatted_address'];
                if ($row['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_1") {
                    $return['region'] = $row['formatted_address'];
         * Store it in Memcached
        $this->Memcached->save($mckey, $return);
         * Store it in our database
        $query = "INSERT INTO woecache (
                    lat, lon, response, stored, address
                ) VALUES (
                    %s, %s, NULL, NOW(), %s
                ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                    address = VALUES(address),
                    stored = NOW()";
        $query = sprintf($query, $this->db->quote($this->lat), $this->db->quote($this->lon), $this->db->quote(json_encode($return))); 
        return $return;
     * Get weather forecast for this place
     * @todo Fix the weather forecasting, since openweathermap.org has started requiring API keys
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @return array
     * @param int $days
    public function getWeatherForecast($days = 14) {
        return false;
        $weather = false;
         * Check if we've been given a DateTime object (a date) or a date range (eg 14 days) to work wtih
        $datekey = $days instanceof DateTime ? $days->format("Y-m-d") : $days;
         * Try to get the weather from Memcached first
        $mckey = md5(sprintf("railpage:lat=%s;lon=%s;weather;days=%s", $this->lat, $this->lon, $datekey));
        if ($weather = $this->Redis->fetch($mckey)) {
            return $weather;
         * Check the database before we try to fetch it from the weather API 
        $GeoplaceID = PlaceUtility::findGeoPlaceID($this->lat, $this->lon); 
        if ($days instanceof DateTime) {
            $query = "SELECT date, min, max, weather, icon FROM geoplace_forecast WHERE date = ? AND geoplace = ?";
            $params = [ $days->format("Y-m-d"), $GeoplaceID ];
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT date, min, max, weather, icon FROM geoplace_forecast WHERE date >= ? AND geoplace = ? LIMIT 0, ?";
            $params = array(
        if ($result = $this->db->fetchAll($query, $params)) {
            $weather = array(); 
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $weather[$row['date']]['forecast'] = array(
                    "min" => $row['min'],
                    "max" => $row['max'],
                    "weather" => array(
                        "title" => $row['weather'],
                        "icon" => $row['icon']
            return $weather;
         * Didn't find the weather cached in memory or database, so let's look it up...
         * Restrict our maximum date range to 14 days
        if (is_int($days) && $days > 14) {
            $days = 14;
        if ($days instanceof DateTime) {
            $Date = $days;
            $url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat=" . $this->lat . "&lon=" . $this->lon . "&units=metric&cnt=14";
            $Now = new DateTime;
            $diff = $Now->diff($Date);
            if ($diff->format("%R") != "+" || $diff->format("%a") > 14) {
                return $weather;
        } else {
            $url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat=" . $this->lat . "&lon=" . $this->lon . "&units=metric&cnt=" . $days;
         * Try to get the weather forecast from openweathermap
        //try {
            $response = $this->GuzzleClient->get($url);
        //} catch (\GuzzleHTTP\RequestException $e) {
        //  return false;
        //} catch (Exception $e) {
        //  return false;
        if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
            $forecast = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
        if (is_array($forecast)) {
            $weather = array(); 
        foreach ($forecast['list'] as $row) {
            $ForecastDate = new DateTime("@" . $row['dt']);
            $weather[$ForecastDate->format("Y-m-d")]['forecast'] = array(
                "min" => round($row['temp']['min']),
                "max" => round($row['temp']['max']),
                "weather" => array(
                    "title" => $row['weather'][0]['main'],
                    "icon" => function_exists("getWeatherIcon") ? getWeatherIcon($row['weather'][0]['description']) : ""
            $data = [
                "geoplace" => $GeoplaceID,
                "expires" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+24 hours")),
                "date" => $ForecastDate->format("Y-m-d"),
                "min" => round($row['temp']['min']),
                "max" => round($row['temp']['max']),
                "weather" => $row['weather'][0]['main'],
                "icon" => $weather[$ForecastDate->format("Y-m-d")]['forecast']['weather']['icon']
            $this->db->insert("geoplace_forecast", $data);
        if (isset($Date) && $Date instanceof DateTime) {
            $this->Redis->save($mckey, $weather[$Date->format("Y-m-d")], strtotime("+24 hours")); 
            return $weather[$Date->format("Y-m-d")];
        $this->Redis->save($mckey, $weather, strtotime("+24 hours"));
        return $weather;

     * Get WOE (Where On Earth) data from Yahoo's GeoPlanet API
     * Ported from [master]/includes/functions.php
     * @since Version 3.8.7
     * @param string $lookup
     * @param array $types Yahoo Woe types to lookup
     * @return array
    public static function getWOEData($lookup = false, $types = false) {
        if ($lookup === false) {
            return false;
        $return = array();
        $expiry = strtotime("+1 year"); 
        $mckey = "railpage:woe=" . $lookup;
        if ($types) {
            $mckey .= ";types=" . implode(",", $types); 
        $Cache = AppCore::getRedis();
        $Cache = AppCore::getMemcached(); 
         * Try and get the WoE data from Memcached or Redis
        if ($return = $Cache->fetch($mckey)) {
             * Convert JSON back to an array if required
            if (!is_array($return) && is_string($return)) {
                $return = json_decode($return, true); 
            return $return;
         * Try and get the WoE data from the database
        $Database = (new AppCore)->getDatabaseConnection(); 
        $query = "SELECT response FROM cache_woe WHERE hash = ?";
        if ($return = $Database->fetchOne($query, md5($mckey))) {
            $return = json_decode($return, true);
            $Cache->save($mckey, $return, $expiry); 
            return $return;
         * Nothing found in our cache - look it up
        $Config = AppCore::getConfig(); 
        $latlng = $lookup;
        if (preg_match("@[a-zA-Z]+@", $lookup) || strpos($lookup, ",")) {
            $lookup = sprintf("places.q('%s')", $lookup);
        } else {
            $lookup = sprintf("place/%s", $lookup);
        if ($types === false) {
            $url = sprintf("http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/%s?lang=en&appid=%s&format=json", $lookup, $Config->Yahoo->ApplicationID);
        } else {
            $url = sprintf("http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/places\$and(.q('%s'),.type(%s))?lang=en&appid=%s&format=json", $latlng, implode(",", $types), $Config->Yahoo->ApplicationID);
         * Attempt to fetch the WoE data from our local cache
        if (strpos($lookup, ",") !== false) {
            $tmp = str_replace("places.q('", "", str_replace("')", "", $lookup));
            $tmp = explode(",", $tmp);
            $return = PlaceUtility::LatLonWoELookup($tmp[0], $tmp[1]);
            $Cache->save($mckey, $return, strtotime("+1 hour")); 
            return $return;
         * Try and fetch using GuzzleHTTP from the web service
        try {
            $GuzzleClient = new Client;
            $response = $GuzzleClient->get($url);
        } catch (RequestException $e) {
            switch ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) {
                case 503 : 
                    throw new Exception("Your call to Yahoo Web Services failed and returned an HTTP status of 503. That means: Service unavailable. An internal problem prevented us from returning data to you.");
                case 403 : 
                    throw new Exception("Your call to Yahoo Web Services failed and returned an HTTP status of 403. That means: Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this resource, or are over your rate limit.");
                case 400 : 
                    if (!$return = PlaceUtility::getViaCurl($url)) {
                        throw new Exception(sprintf("Your call to Yahoo Web Services failed and returned an HTTP status of 400. That means:  Bad request. The parameters passed to the service did not match as expected. The exact error is returned in the XML/JSON response. The URL sent was: %s\n\n%s", $url, json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody())));
                default : 
                    throw new Exception("Your call to Yahoo Web Services returned an unexpected HTTP status of: " . $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
        if (!$return && isset($response) && $response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
            $return = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
        $return['url'] = $url;
         * Attempt to cache this data
        if ($return !== false) {
             * Save it in MariaDB
            $data = [
                "hash" => md5($mckey),
                "response" => json_encode($return),
                "expiry" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry)
            $Database->insert("cache_woe", $data); 
            $rs = $Cache->save($mckey, $return, $expiry); 
             * Verify that it actually saved in the cache handler. It's being a turd lately
            if (!$rs || json_encode($return) != json_encode($Cache->fetch($mckey))) {
                $Cache->save($mckey, json_encode($return), $expiry); 
        return $return;
     * Return an instance of this object from the cache or whateverzz
     * @since Version 3.9.1
     * @return \Railpage\Place
    public static function Factory($lat = false, $lon = false) {
        $Memcached = AppCore::getMemcached(); 
        $Redis = AppCore::getRedis(); 
        $Registry = Registry::getInstance(); 
        $regkey = sprintf("railpage.place;lat=%s;lon=%s", $lat, $lon); 
        try {
            $Place = $Registry->get($regkey); 
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $Place = new Place($lat, $lon); 
            $Registry->set($regkey, $Place); 
        return $Place; 