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Test Coverage
title: 'Week 11  News & Events'
author: fructus
date: '2012-04-16 19:00:27'
thumbnail: Week11a.jpg
banner: Week11a.jpg
 - table quiz
There's not a lot happening this week, but we do have the Annual Redbrick Table Quiz and Raffle!

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## Annual Redbrick Table Quiz

The quiz will take place on Tuesday the 17<sup>th</sup> in the Nubar. Sign up for the quiz is from 6:30PM and we plan to kick off at 7:00PM sharp. Teams will consist of 4 people at €3 per person, €12 in total per team. This is also open to non Redbrick members, so bring your friends! There are some cool prizes to be won.

The prizes are for each member of the winning teams:  
1st Place: 1 TB External Hard Drives  
2nd Place: Nerf Disc Guns  
3rd Place: Bacon Popcorn  

The Raffle prize this year is an Asus 11.6" netbook. It has a 320GB hard drive, 4GB of RAM and a dual core processor with HDMI out. In total, worth over 350 euro. If you still don't want to come there will also be small spot prizes on the night!