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Test Coverage
title: 'Week 7  News & Events'
author: attol
date: '2011-11-07 13:08:15'
thumbnail: bowling.jpg
banner: bowling.jpg
  - boolette
  - common room
  - qzar
  - bowling
  - hoodies
  - EGM
  - Digital Dicovery Week
  - bowling
  - admin
It may be reading week for some but we've made sure to keep week 7 action packed.  

As we said at the start of the year, today is the final day of the grace periods for account renewal. If you haven't renewed your account by the end of the day our account will be suspended.

*   Monday, 6pm, C165 - Boolette with Gamessoc
*   Tuesday, 12- 4pm, N109 - Common Room Launch
*   Wednesday, 2pm, meet in Hub - Qzar and bowling
*   Thursday, 6pm, LG26 - Admin Training
*   Hoodies - Order in Hub from 3pm on Monday and at any of our events
*   EGM
*   Digital Discovery Week - Week 8

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### Boolette

A boolette tournament will be held in conjunction with Gamessoc tomorrow (Monday) at 6pm in C165. Boolette is a card game which combines strategy card lay with the concepts of Boolean logic. For more information : [](

### Qzar

A little delayed, but better late than never, right? We'll be meeting up in the Hub at 2 on Wednesday and then heading off to Leisureplex Coolock. We have 20 pots available so if you're interested then send an email to [committee]( with "Qzar" in the title. First come first served! It will be just 4 euros per person for bowling and Qzar. Bring bus fare as we'll be getting the 17a there.

### Admin Training

This week's admin training topic will be "More Bash Scripting". It will take place on Thursday in LG26 at 6pm.

### Common Room Launch Party

We'll be showing off the Redbrick/Engineering soc common room(N109) on Tuesday from 12-4\. We'll be serving tea and coffee. We won't be able to give out keycards yet but it's a great chance to check out the room.

### Resignations and EGM

Shane Stacey (Isaac702) has resigned from his post as Helpdesk as he wishes to run for the open admin position. So the positions currently up for grabs are admin and Helpdesk. If you're interested in running for either position email [committee]( In order to be eligible for either position you will need to pass a test so please let us know ASAP if you're interested in applying. Previous tests are available online to give you a rough idea of what to expect ([](

The EGM will be held on Wednesday 21/11(week 9) at 2pm. Location TBC.

### Hoodies

Due to popular demanded hoodies can still be ordered this week. Be in the hub on Monday from 3, or pop in to any of our events to order one. Remember to bring 25 euros to confirm your order.

### Week 8 Overview - Digital Discovery

Next week will see a variety of events around campus to promote technology on campus in conjunction with the SU (we will also have the traditional Techweek in semester 2).

One of the highlights of the week will be on Tuesday 15/11 at 6pm in QG13 - a talk given by Workday on the following topics:

*   Cloud Computing
*   The Continuous 3Ds
*   You and the software industry

There will also be a Q&A session after the talk on technical interviews.  
The guys have very generously offered to quench not only our thirst  
for knowledge but also our thirst for beer after the talk (too cheesy?).  

If you are interested in giving a talk or video talk please let us  
know! If you'd like to request a talk on a certain topic don't be  
afraid to ask.