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import { Plugin } from 'prosemirror-state';

import { suggestPluginKey, SuggestState } from './suggest-state';
import type { EditorState, Suggester, Transaction } from './suggest-types';
import { IGNORE_SUGGEST_META_KEY } from './suggest-utils';

 * Get the state of the suggest plugin.
 * @param state - the editor state.
export function getSuggestPluginState(state: EditorState): SuggestState {
  return suggestPluginKey.getState(state);

 * Add a new suggester or replace it if the name already exists in the existing
 * configuration.
 * Will return a function for disposing of the added suggester.
export function addSuggester(state: EditorState, suggester: Suggester): () => void {
  return getSuggestPluginState(state).addSuggester(suggester);

 * Call this method with a transaction to skip the suggest plugin checks for the
 * next update.
 * This can be used for updates that don't need to trigger a recheck of the
 * suggest state.
export function ignoreUpdateForSuggest(tr: Transaction): void {
  tr.setMeta(IGNORE_SUGGEST_META_KEY, true);

 * Remove a suggester if it exists. Pass in the name or the full suggester
 * object.
export function removeSuggester(state: EditorState, suggester: Suggester | string): void {
  return getSuggestPluginState(state).removeSuggester(suggester);

 * This creates a suggest plugin with all the suggesters that you provide.
 * The priority of the suggesters is the order in which they are passed into
 * this function.
 * - `const plugin = suggest(two, one, three)` - Here `two` will be checked
 *   first, then `one` and then `three`.
 * Only one suggester can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
 * the regex parameters help determines which suggester will be active.
 * @param suggesters - a list of suggesters in the order they should be
 * evaluated.
export function suggest(...suggesters: Suggester[]): Plugin<SuggestState> {
  // Create the initial plugin state for the suggesters.
  const pluginState = SuggestState.create(suggesters);

  return new Plugin<SuggestState>({
    key: suggestPluginKey,

    // Handle the plugin view
    view: (view) => {
      // Initialize the state with the required view before it is used.

      return {
        update: (view) => pluginState.changeHandler(, false),

    state: {
      // Initialize the state
      init: () => pluginState,

      // Apply changes to the state
      apply: (tr, _pluginState, _oldState, state) => pluginState.apply({ tr, state }),

    /** Append a transaction via the onChange handlers */
    appendTransaction: (_, __, state) => {
      const tr =;

      // Run the transaction updater for the next selection.

      // Run the change handler.
      pluginState.changeHandler(tr, true);

      // Check if the transaction has been amended in any way.
      if (tr.docChanged || tr.steps.length > 0 || tr.selectionSet || tr.storedMarksSet) {
        return tr;

      return null;

    props: {
      // Sets up a decoration (styling options) on the currently active
      // decoration
      decorations: (state) => pluginState.createDecorations(state),