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35 mins
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import { Package } from '@manypkg/get-packages';
import glob from 'fast-glob';
import path from 'node:path';
import sortKeys from 'sort-keys';
import { build as tsupBuild } from 'tsup';

import { logger } from '../logger';
import { colors } from './colors';
import { ensureCjsFilename, ensureDtsFilename } from './ensure-cjs-filename';
import { EntryPoint } from './entry-point';
import { fileExists } from './file-exists';
import { getRoot } from './get-root';
import { removeFileExt } from './remove-file-ext';
import { runCustomScript } from './run-custom-script';
import { slugify } from './slugify';
import { writePackageJson } from './write-package-json';

 * Bundle a package using esbuild and update `package.json` if necessary.
export async function buildPackage(pkg: Package, writePackageJson = true) {`${} building...`);

  const entryPoints = await parseEntryPoints(pkg);

  if (writePackageJson) {
    await writeMainPackageJson(pkg, entryPoints);

  const promises: Array<Promise<unknown>> = [];

  const buildScript = (pkg.packageJson as any)?.scripts?.build;

  if (buildScript) {`${} building with its custom build script...`);
    promises.push(runCustomScript(pkg, 'build'));
  } else {
    for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
      const { format, outFile, inFile } = entryPoint;
      const outFileEntry = path.basename(outFile).split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');
      const inDtsFile = inFile.replace('/src/', '/dist-types/').replace(/\.([cm]?ts)x?$/, '.d.$1');
          outDir: path.dirname(outFile),
          entry: {
            [outFileEntry]: inFile,
          format: format === 'dual' ? ['cjs', 'esm'] : format,
          outExtension: ({ format }) => ({ js: format === 'esm' ? '.js' : '.cjs' }),
          skipNodeModulesBundle: true,
          tsconfig: path.join(getRoot(), 'support', 'tsconfig.base.json'),
          dts: {
            entry: {
              [outFileEntry]: inDtsFile,
            compilerOptions: {
              allowJs: true,
              module: 'ESNext',
              target: 'ESNext',
              lib: ['DOM', 'DOM.Iterable', 'ESNext'],
              jsx: 'react',
              types: ['node', '@jest/globals'],
              moduleResolution: 'node',
              useDefineForClassFields: true,
              sourceMap: true,
              declaration: true,
              pretty: true,
              noEmit: true,
              strict: true,
              resolveJsonModule: true,
              preserveWatchOutput: true,
              skipLibCheck: true,
              experimentalDecorators: true,
              isolatedModules: true,
              allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
              esModuleInterop: true,
              importsNotUsedAsValues: 'remove',
              noUnusedLocals: true,
              noUnusedParameters: true,
              allowUnreachableCode: false,
              forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
              noImplicitReturns: true,

  if (writePackageJson) {
    for (const entryPoint of entryPoints.filter((entryPoint) => !entryPoint.isMain)) {
      promises.push(writeSubpathPackageJson(pkg, entryPoint));

  await Promise.all(promises);`${} done`);

 * Parse a package.json file and return all entry points in this packages.
async function parseEntryPoints(pkg: Package): Promise<EntryPoint[]> {
  const entryPointFiles = await findEntryPoints(pkg);

    entryPointFiles.length > 0,
    `failed to find any entry point for package ${} at ${pkg.dir}`,

  for (const entryPointFile of entryPointFiles) {
    await validEntryPoint(pkg, entryPointFile);

  const entryPoints: EntryPoint[] = [];

  for (const file of entryPointFiles) {
    const inFile = path.join(pkg.dir, 'src', file);

    let subpath = `./${removeFileExt(file)}`;

    if (subpath.endsWith('/index')) {
      subpath = subpath.slice(0, -6);

    const isMain = subpath === '.';

    const entryPointName = slugify(`${}-${isMain ? '' : subpath}`);

    const outFile = path.resolve(pkg.dir, subpath, 'dist', `${entryPointName}.js`);

    const isPureCjs = /\.c[jt]sx?$/.test(inFile);
    const isPureMjs = /\.m[jt]sx?$/.test(inFile);
    const isDual = !isPureMjs && !isPureCjs;
    const format = isDual ? 'dual' : isPureCjs ? 'cjs' : 'esm';

    entryPoints.push({ isMain, inFile, outFile, subpath, format });

  return entryPoints;

 * Returns an array of all entry points in the given package.
 * A entry point is a relative path to the `src/` directory.
async function findEntryPoints(pkg: Package): Promise<string[]> {
  const entryPoints: string[] = (pkg.packageJson as any)?.preconstruct?.entrypoints;

  if (entryPoints) {
    return entryPoints;

  return await glob(['index.ts', 'index.tsx', 'index.mjs', 'index.cjs', 'index.js'], {
    cwd: path.join(pkg.dir, 'src'),

async function validEntryPoint(pkg: Package, entryPoint: string) {
  const absFilePath = path.resolve(pkg.dir, 'src', entryPoint);
    await fileExists(absFilePath),
    "entry point file doesn't exist: ${absFilePath}. Please check your package.json",

async function writeMainPackageJson(pkg: Package, entryPoints: EntryPoint[]) {
  const packageJson = buildPackageJson(pkg.dir, pkg.dir, entryPoints, pkg.packageJson);

  // Update `files`
  const files: string[] = packageJson.files ?? [];

  for (const dir of ['dist', 'dist-types']) {
    if (!files.includes(dir)) {

  packageJson.files = files;

  // Update `homepage` and `repository`
  const root = getRoot();
  const relativeDir = path.relative(root, pkg.dir);
  packageJson.homepage = `${relativeDir}`;
  packageJson.repository = {
    type: 'git',
    url: '',
    directory: relativeDir,

  await writePackageJson(pkg.dir, packageJson);

async function writeSubpathPackageJson(pkg: Package, entryPoint: EntryPoint) {

  const subPathDir = path.resolve(pkg.dir, entryPoint.subpath);
  const packageJson = buildPackageJson(pkg.dir, subPathDir, [entryPoint], {}, true);
  await writePackageJson(subPathDir, packageJson);

function buildPackageJson(
   * The absolute path to the NPM package directory.
  packageDir: string,
   * The absolute path to the directory that include the package.json file. This directory may be the same as the packageDir or it may be a subdirectory of the packageDir.
  packageJsonDir: string,

  entryPoints: EntryPoint[],
  packageJson: any = {},

  publishConfig = false,
) {
  let exports: Record<string, any> = { ...packageJson.exports };

  for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
    exports = {
      ...buildCondictionalExports(packageDir, packageJsonDir, entryPoint, publishConfig),

  exports = sortKeys(exports);
  exports['./package.json'] = './package.json';

  packageJson.type = entryPoints.every((entryPoint) => entryPoint.format === 'cjs')
    ? 'commonjs'
    : 'module';
  const mainExport = exports['.'];

  if (mainExport) {
    packageJson.main = mainExport.require || mainExport.import;

    if (mainExport.import) {
      packageJson.module = mainExport.import;

    packageJson.types = mainExport.types;

  delete packageJson.browser;
  packageJson.exports = exports;

  const isMainPackage = packageDir === packageJsonDir;

  packageJson.publishConfig =
    isMainPackage && !publishConfig
      ? buildPackageJson(
          { exports: packageJson.exports, access: 'public' },
      : undefined;

  return packageJson;

function buildCondictionalExports(
   * The absolute path to the NPM package directory.
  packageDir: string,
   * The absolute path to the directory that include the package.json file. This directory may be the same as the packageDir or it may be a subdirectory of the packageDir.
  packageJsonDir: string,
  entryPoint: EntryPoint,
  publishConfig: boolean,
): Record<string, any> {
  const inFileRelativeToSrc = path.relative(path.join(packageDir, 'src'), entryPoint.inFile);
  const dtsFile = `${path.join(

  const dtsFileRelativePath = `./${path.relative(packageJsonDir, dtsFile)}`;
  const outEsmFileRelativePath = `./${path.relative(packageJsonDir, entryPoint.outFile)}`;
  const outCjsFileRelativePath = ensureCjsFilename(outEsmFileRelativePath);
  const outDtsFileRelativePath = ensureDtsFilename(outEsmFileRelativePath);

  let subPathRelativePath = `./${path.relative(
    path.join(packageDir, entryPoint.subpath),

  if (subPathRelativePath === './') {
    subPathRelativePath = '.';

  const supportCjs = entryPoint.format === 'dual' || entryPoint.format === 'cjs';
  const supportEsm = entryPoint.format === 'dual' || entryPoint.format === 'esm';
  logger.assert(supportCjs || supportEsm);

  return {
    [subPathRelativePath]: {
      types: publishConfig ? outDtsFileRelativePath : dtsFileRelativePath,
        ? {
            import: outEsmFileRelativePath,
        : {}),
        ? {
            require: outCjsFileRelativePath,
        : {}),