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import {
} from '@remirror/core';

import { getPositionFromEvent } from './events-utils';

export interface EventsOptions {
   * Listens for blur events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  blur?: Handler<FocusEventHandler>;

   * Listens for focus events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  focus?: Handler<FocusEventHandler>;

   * Listens to scroll events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  scroll?: Handler<ScrollEventHandler>;

   * Listens to `copy` events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  copy?: Handler<ClipboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens to `cut` events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  cut?: Handler<ClipboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens to `paste` events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  paste?: Handler<ClipboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens for mousedown events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  mousedown?: Handler<MouseEventHandler>;

   * Listens for mouseup events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  mouseup?: Handler<MouseEventHandler>;

   * Listens for mouseenter events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  mouseenter?: Handler<MouseEventHandler>;

   * Listens for mouseleave events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  mouseleave?: Handler<MouseEventHandler>;

   * Handle text input.
  textInput?: Handler<TextInputHandler>;

   * Listens for keypress events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  keypress?: Handler<KeyboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens for keypress events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  keydown?: Handler<KeyboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens for keypress events on the editor.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other prosemirror listeners from firing.
  keyup?: Handler<KeyboardEventHandler>;

   * Listens for click events and provides information which may be useful in
   * handling them properly.
   * This can be used to check if a node was clicked on.
   * Please note that this click handler may be called multiple times for one
   * click. Starting from the node that was clicked directly, it walks up the
   * node tree until it reaches the `doc` node.
   * Return `true` to prevent any other click listeners from being registered.
  click?: Handler<ClickEventHandler>;

   * This is similar to the `click` handler, but with better performance when
   * only capturing clicks for marks.
  clickMark?: Handler<ClickMarkEventHandler>;

   * Same as {@link} but for double clicks.
  doubleClick?: Handler<ClickEventHandler>;

   * Same as {@link EventsOptions.clickMark} but for double clicks.
  doubleClickMark?: Handler<ClickMarkEventHandler>;

   * Same as {@link} but for triple clicks.
  tripleClick?: Handler<ClickEventHandler>;

   * Same as {@link EventsOptions.clickMark} but for triple clicks.
  tripleClickMark?: Handler<ClickMarkEventHandler>;

   * Listen for contextmenu events and pass through props which detail the
   * direct node and parent nodes which were activated.
  contextmenu?: Handler<ContextMenuEventHandler>;

   * Listen for hover events and pass through details of every node and mark
   * which was hovered at the current position.
  hover?: Handler<HoverEventHandler>;

   * Listen for editable changed and pass through previous editable state and
   * current editable state
  editable?: Handler<EditableEventHandler>;

export type FocusEventHandler = (event: FocusEvent) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type ScrollEventHandler = (event: Event) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type ClipboardEventHandler = (event: ClipboardEvent) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type MouseEventHandler = (event: MouseEvent) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type TextInputHandler = (props: {
  from: number;
  to: number;
  text: string;
}) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type KeyboardEventHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type ClickEventHandler = (
  event: MouseEvent,
  state: ClickHandlerState,
) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type ClickMarkEventHandler = (
  event: MouseEvent,
  state: ClickMarkHandlerState,
) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type ContextMenuEventHandler = (
  event: MouseEvent,
  state: ContextMenuEventHandlerState,
) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type HoverEventHandler = (
  event: MouseEvent,
  state: HoverEventHandlerState,
) => boolean | undefined | void;
export type EditableEventHandler = (currentEditable: boolean) => void;

 * The events extension which listens to events which occur within the
 * remirror editor.
  handlerKeys: [
  handlerKeyOptions: {
    blur: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    focus: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    mousedown: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    mouseleave: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    mouseup: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    click: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    doubleClick: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    tripleClick: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    hover: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    contextmenu: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    scroll: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    copy: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    cut: { earlyReturnValue: true },
    paste: { earlyReturnValue: true },
  defaultPriority: ExtensionPriority.High,
export class EventsExtension extends PlainExtension<EventsOptions> {
  get name() {
    return 'events' as const;

   * Indicates whether the user is currently interacting with the editor.
  private mousedown = false;

   * True when the mouse is within the bounds of the editor.
  private mouseover = false;

   * Add a new lifecycle method which is available to all extensions for adding
   * a click handler to the node or mark.
  onView(): void {
    if (
      // managerSettings excluded this from running
    ) {

    for (const extension of {
      if (
        // Method doesn't exist
        !extension.createEventHandlers ||
        // Extension settings exclude it
      ) {

      const eventHandlers = extension.createEventHandlers();

      for (const [key, handler] of entries(eventHandlers)) {
        // Casting to `any` needed here since I don't know how to teach
        // `TypeScript` that the object key and the handler are a valid pair.
        this.addHandler(key as any, handler);

   * Create the plugin which manages all of the events being listened to within
   * the editor.
  createPlugin(): CreateExtensionPlugin {
    // Since event methods can possible be run multiple times for the same event
    // outer node, it is possible that one event can be run multiple times. To
    // prevent needless potentially expensive recalculations, this weak map
    // tracks the references to an event for automatic garbage collection when
    // the reference to the event is lost.
    const eventMap: WeakMap<Event, boolean> = new WeakMap();

    const runClickHandlerOn = (
      clickMark: ClickMarkEventHandler,
      click: ClickEventHandler,
      // The following arguments are passed through from ProseMirror
      // handleClickOn / handleDoubleClickOn / handleTripleClickOn handler
      view: EditorView,
      pos: number,
      node: ProsemirrorNode,
      nodePos: number,
      event: MouseEvent,
      direct: boolean,
    ) => {
      const state =;
      const { schema, doc } = state;
      const $pos = doc.resolve(pos);

      // True when the event has already been handled. In these cases we
      // should **not** run the `clickMark` handler since all that is needed
      // is the `$pos` property to check if a mark is active.
      const handled = eventMap.has(event);

      // Generate the base state which is passed to the `clickMark` handler
      // and used to create the `click` handler state.
      const baseState = createClickMarkState({ $pos, handled, view, state });
      let returnValue = false;

      if (!handled) {
        // The boolean return value for the mark click handler. This is
        // intentionally separate so that both the `clickMark` handlers and
        // the `click` handlers are run for each click. It uses the eventMap
        // to limit the ensure that it is only run once per click since this
        // method is run with the same event for every single node in the
        // `doc` tree.
        returnValue = clickMark(event, baseState) || returnValue;

      // Create click state to help API consumers inspect whether the event
      // is a relevant click type.
      const clickState: ClickHandlerState = {
        nodeWithPosition: { node, pos: nodePos },

        getNode: (nodeType) => {
          const type = isString(nodeType) ? schema.nodes[nodeType] : nodeType;

          invariant(type, {
            code: ErrorConstant.EXTENSION,
            message: 'The node being checked does not exist',

          return type === node.type ? { node, pos: nodePos } : undefined;

      // Store this event so that marks aren't re-run for identical events.
      eventMap.set(event, true);

      return click(event, clickState) || returnValue;

    return {
      props: {
        handleKeyPress: (_, event) => this.options.keypress(event) || false,
        handleKeyDown: (_, event) => this.options.keydown(event) || false,
        handleTextInput: (_, from, to, text) => this.options.textInput({ from, to, text }) || false,
        handleClickOn: (view, pos, node, nodePos, event, direct) =>
        handleDoubleClickOn: (view, pos, node, nodePos, event, direct) =>
        handleTripleClickOn: (view, pos, node, nodePos, event, direct) =>

        handleDOMEvents: {
          focus: (_, event: Event) => this.options.focus(event as FocusEvent) || false,

          blur: (_, event: Event) => this.options.blur(event as FocusEvent) || false,

          mousedown: (_, event: Event) => {
            return this.options.mousedown(event as MouseEvent) || false;

          mouseup: (_, event: Event) => {
            return this.options.mouseup(event as MouseEvent) || false;

          mouseleave: (_, event: Event) => {
            this.mouseover = false;
            return this.options.mouseleave(event as MouseEvent) || false;

          mouseenter: (_, event: Event) => {
            this.mouseover = true;
            return this.options.mouseenter(event as MouseEvent) || false;

          keyup: (_, event: Event) => this.options.keyup(event as KeyboardEvent) || false,

          mouseout: this.createMouseEventHandler((event, props) => {
            const state = { ...props, hovering: false };
            return this.options.hover(event, state) || false;

          mouseover: this.createMouseEventHandler((event, props) => {
            const state = { ...props, hovering: true };
            return this.options.hover(event, state) || false;

          contextmenu: this.createMouseEventHandler(
            (event, props) => this.options.contextmenu(event, props) || false,

          scroll: (_, event: Event) => this.options.scroll(event) || false,

          copy: (_, event: Event) => this.options.copy(event as ClipboardEvent) || false,

          cut: (_, event: Event) => this.options.cut(event as ClipboardEvent) || false,

          paste: (_, event: Event) => this.options.paste(event as ClipboardEvent) || false,
      view: (_view: EditorView) => {
        let prevEditable = _view.editable;
        const options = this.options;
        return {
          update(view) {
            const currentEditable = view.editable;

            if (currentEditable !== prevEditable) {
              prevEditable = currentEditable;

   * Check if the user is currently interacting with the editor.
  isInteracting(): Helper<boolean> {
    return this.mousedown && this.mouseover;

  private startMouseover() {
    this.mouseover = true;

    if (this.mousedown) {

    this.mousedown = true;
      () => {
      { once: true },

  private endMouseover() {
    if (!this.mousedown) {

    this.mousedown = false;;

  private readonly createMouseEventHandler =
    (fn: (event: MouseEvent, props: MouseEventHandlerState) => boolean) =>
    (view: EditorView, mouseEvent: Event) => {
      const event = mouseEvent as MouseEvent;
      const eventPosition = getPositionFromEvent(view, event);

      if (!eventPosition) {
        return false;

      // The nodes that are captured by the context menu. An empty array
      // means the contextmenu was trigger outside the content. The first
      // node is always the direct match.
      const nodes: NodeWithPosition[] = [];

      // The marks wrapping the captured position.
      const marks: GetMarkRange[] = [];

      const { inside, pos } = eventPosition;

      // This handle the case when the context menu click has no corresponding
      // nodes or marks because it's outside of any editor content.
      if (inside === -1) {
        return false;

      // Retrieve the resolved position from the current state.
      const $pos = view.state.doc.resolve(pos);

      // The depth of the current node (which is a direct match)
      const currentNodeDepth = $pos.depth + 1;

      // Populate the nodes.
      for (const index of range(currentNodeDepth, 1)) {
          node: index > $pos.depth && $pos.nodeAfter ? $pos.nodeAfter : $pos.node(index),
          pos: $pos.before(index),

      // Populate the marks.
      for (const { type } of $pos.marksAcross($pos) ?? []) {
        const range = getMarkRange($pos, type);

        if (range) {

      return fn(event, {
        getMark: (markType) => {
          const type = isString(markType) ? view.state.schema.marks[markType] : markType;

          invariant(type, {
            code: ErrorConstant.EXTENSION,
            message: `The mark ${markType} being checked does not exist within the editor schema.`,

          return marks.find((range) => range.mark.type === type);
        getNode: (nodeType) => {
          const type = isString(nodeType) ? view.state.schema.nodes[nodeType] : nodeType;

          invariant(type, {
            code: ErrorConstant.EXTENSION,
            message: 'The node being checked does not exist',

          const nodeWithPos = nodes.find(({ node }) => node.type === type);

          if (!nodeWithPos) {

          return { ...nodeWithPos, isRoot: !!nodes[0]?.node.eq(nodeWithPos.node) };

interface CreateClickMarkStateProps extends BaseEventState {
   * True when the event has previously been handled. In this situation we can
   * return early, since the mark can be checked directly from the current
   * position.
  handled: boolean;

   * The resolved position to check for marks.
  $pos: ResolvedPos;

 * Create the click handler state for the mark.
function createClickMarkState(props: CreateClickMarkStateProps): ClickMarkHandlerState {
  const { handled, view, $pos, state } = props;
  const clickState: ClickMarkHandlerState = { getMark: noop, markRanges: [], view, state };

  if (handled) {
    return clickState;

  for (const { type } of $pos.marksAcross($pos) ?? []) {
    const range = getMarkRange($pos, type);

    if (range) {

  clickState.getMark = (markType) => {
    const type = isString(markType) ? state.schema.marks[markType] : markType;

    invariant(type, {
      code: ErrorConstant.EXTENSION,
      message: `The mark ${markType} being checked does not exist within the editor schema.`,

    return clickState.markRanges.find((range) => range.mark.type === type);

  return clickState;

 * @deprecated use [[`ClickEventHandler`]] instead.
export type ClickHandler = ClickEventHandler;

export interface ClickMarkHandlerState extends BaseEventState {
   * Return the mark range if it exists for the clicked position.
  getMark: (markType: string | MarkType) => GetMarkRange | undefined | void;

   * The list of mark ranges included. This is only populated when `direct` is
   * true.
  markRanges: GetMarkRange[];

 * @deprecated use [[`ClickMarkEventHandler`]] instead.
export type ClickMarkHandler = ClickMarkEventHandler;

 * The helpers passed into the `ClickHandler`.
export interface ClickHandlerState extends ClickMarkHandlerState {
   * The position that was clicked.
  pos: number;

   * Returns undefined when the nodeType doesn't match. Otherwise returns the
   * node with a position property.
  getNode: (nodeType: string | NodeType) => NodeWithPosition | undefined;

   * The node that was clicked with the desired position.
  nodeWithPosition: NodeWithPosition;

   * When this is true it means that the current clicked node is the node that
   * was directly clicked.
  direct: boolean;

 * The return type for the `createEventHandlers` extension creator method.
export type CreateEventHandlers = GetHandler<EventsOptions>;

interface BaseEventState extends EditorViewProps, EditorStateProps {
   * The editor state before updates from the event.
  state: EditorState;

export interface HoverEventHandlerState extends MouseEventHandlerState {
   * This is true when hovering has started and false when hovering has ended.
  hovering: boolean;

export interface MouseEventHandlerState {
   * The editor view.
  view: EditorView;

   * The marks that currently wrap the context menu.
  marks: GetMarkRange[];

   * An array of nodes with their positions. The first node is the node that was
   * acted on directly, and each node after is the parent of the one proceeding.
   * Consumers of this API can check if a node of a specific type was triggered
   * to determine how to render their context menu.
  nodes: NodeWithPosition[];

   * Return the mark range if it exists for the clicked position.
  getMark: (markType: string | MarkType) => GetMarkRange | undefined | void;

   * Returns undefined when the nodeType doesn't match. Otherwise returns the
   * node with a position property and `isRoot` which is true when the node was
   * clicked on directly.
  getNode: (
    nodeType: string | NodeType,
  ) => (NodeWithPosition & { isRoot: boolean }) | undefined | void;

export type ContextMenuEventHandlerState = MouseEventHandlerState;

declare global {
  namespace Remirror {
    interface ExcludeOptions {
       * Whether to exclude the extension's `clickHandler`.
       * @defaultValue undefined
      clickHandler?: boolean;

    interface BaseExtension {
       * Create a click handler for this extension. Returns a function which is
       * used as the click handler. The callback provided is handled via the
       * `Events` extension and comes with a helpers object
       * `ClickHandlerHelper`.
       * The returned function should return `true` if you want to prevent any
       * further click handlers from being handled.
      createEventHandlers?(): CreateEventHandlers;
    interface AllExtensions {
      events: EventsExtension;