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Install [Restocat CLI]( using following command:

npm install -g restocat-cli

Use Restocat CLI to create an empty project like this:

restocat init

# Collections

Each collection is declared as a directory with the collection.json file by default. When Restocat initializes the application it recursively searches for such directories starting with your project root, and then via first-level dependencies in the ./node_modules directory.

The collection.json file consists of following:

* name – the name of the collection (optional). By default, this is the name of the directory. Please keep in mind that a parameter's name in a route definition must satisfy the regular expression /^[\w-]+$/i
* logic – a relative path to the file that exports a class or a constructor function for the collection's logic object (optional). By default, index.js will be used.
* endpointDefault – a relative path to the file that exports a class or a constructor function for the collection's logic object (optional). By default - `true`
* endpoints – map of the relationship between the route and handler (optional). By default:

    "get /": "list",
    "post /": "create",
    "get /:id": "one",
    "put /:id": "update",
    "delete /:id": "delete"

An example collection.json could look like this:

    "name": "Entities",
    "description": "Some awesome and cool collection",
    "logic": "./Entities.js",
    "endpoints": {
      "delete /:id": false, // don't use this endpoint
      "put /:id": false,
      "post /": false,
      "get /sub-entities/": "subEntities", // custome endpoint
      "get /sub-entities/:id": "subEntity"

Also, you can set your list of the endpoints by default:


locator.registerInstance('defaultEndpoints', {
    'get /': 'list',
    'post /': 'create',
    'get /:id': 'one'


# Context

Restocat sets as the property `$context` for every instance of each `collection`.

`$context` has at least the following properties and methods:

* `this.$context.request` - the current request (IncomingMessage)
* `this.$context.response` - the current response (ResponseServer)

* `this.$context.location` – the current [URI]( object that constains the current location.
* `this.$context.referrer` – the current [URI]( object that contains the current referrer.

* `this.$context.locator` – the [Service Locator]( of the application.
* `this.$context.forward(collection_name:String, handle_name:String)` – forwarding the current request to a other collection. This method is useful for creating a sub-collection flow 
* `this.$context.notFound()` - correct 404 response from the server
* `this.$context.redirect(uri:String, statusCode:Number)` - correct http redirect
* `this.$context.notSend()` - a message to restocat what to call the send method is not necessary, we'll do it. **Attention! It can not be caused by formatters and errorHandler**

* `this.$` - name of current collection
* `this.$` - properties from `collection.json` for current collection
* `this.$context.handleName` - handler name for current endpoint
* `this.$context.state` - the keys found in the path

# Events

There are two ways of listening to a Restocat event:

* Subscribe on it using the Restocat application instance directly like this:

const Restocat = require('restocat');
const restocat = new Restocat();'error', error => {
    // some action

* Subscribe on it using the `this.$context` object of a collection using the same `on` or `once` methods.

this.$context.on('error', error => {
    // some action

## Event names and arguments
Here is a list of Restocat events:

| Event | When happens | Arguments |
| trace | Trace message was sent | `String` |
| debug | Debug message was sent | `String` |
| info | Information message was sent | `String` |
| warn | Warning message was sent | `String` |
| error | Error message was sent | `String \ Error` |
| fatal | Fatal error message was sent | `String \ Error` |
| collectionLoaded | each collection is loaded | `{name: String, properties: Object, constructor: function}` |
| allCollectionsLoaded | all collections are loaded | Loaded collections by their names |
| incomingMessage | Request message | `IncomingMessage` |
| responseServer | Response server | `ResponseServer`, `IncomingMessage` |

# Content Negotiation

If you're not using $context.notSend() Restocat will automatically select the content-type to respond with, 
by finding the first registered formatter defined.
Also, note that if a content-type can't be negotiated, the default is `application/octet-stream`. Of course, you can always explicitly set the content-type:


$context.response.setHeader('content-type', 'application/vnd.application+json');
$context.response.send({hello: 'world'});


Note that there are typically at least three content-types supported by Restocat (json, text and binary). 
When you override or append to this, the "priority" might change; to ensure that the priority is set to what you want, 
you should set a `q`-value on your formatter definitions, which will ensure sorting happens the way you want

So, if you are using the $context.notSend() and send the data manually, you should independently obtain and to use a formatter:


const formatterProvider = this._serviceLocator.resolve('formatterProvider');
const formatter = formatterProvider.getFormatter(this.$context);

Promise.resolve(() => formatter(this.$context, myContent))
    .then(content => this.$context.resposne.send(content));


## Formatters

You can add additional formatters to Restocat:


const Restocat = require('restocat');
const cat = new Restocat();
const server = cat.createServer();

server.register('formatter', {
  // context - current context with request and response; data - data for response
  'text/plain; q=0.3': (context, data) => {
    const string = String(data);

    context.response.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(string));
    context.response.setHeader('X-FORMATTER', 'CUSTOM');

    return string;


# Not implemented handler (Not found)

You can add your handler of the situation when the specified url was never found handler:


const Restocat = require('restocat');
const cat = new Restocat();
const server = cat.createServer();

server.register('notImplementedHandler', $context => {
  const NotFound = $context.locator.resolve('httpErrors').NotFoundError;
  return Promise.reject(new NotFound('Not found handler for current url'));


# Request API (IncomingMessage)
Wraps all of the node [http.IncomingMessage]( APIs, events and properties, plus the following.

* accepts(type:String|Array) - checks if the accept header is present and has the value requested
* acceptsEncoding(type:String|Array) - checks if the request accepts the encoding types
* getContentLength() - gets the content-length header off the request
* getContentType() - gets the content-type header
* getDate() - gets the _date property off the request when created the request
* getLocation() - the current [URI]( object that constains the current location.
* getRemoteAddr() - Remote address (the search sequence: x-forwarded-for -> ip -> remoteAddress -> socket.remoteAddress -> socket.socket.removeAddress)
* getTime() - returns ms since epoch when request was setup
* getTrailer(trailer:String) - returns any trailer header off the request. also, 'correct' any correctly spelled 'referrer' header to the actual spelling used.
* getHeader(header:String) - returns any trailer header off the request. also, 'correct' any correctly spelled 'referrer' header to the actual spelling used.
* getUserAgent() - the user-agent header
* isChunked() - Check if the incoming request is chunked
* isContentType(type:String) - Check if the incoming request contains the Content-Type header field, and if it contains the given mime type
* isKeepAlive() - Check if the incoming request is kept aliv
* isSecure() - Check if the incoming request is encrypted
* isUpgradeRequest() - Check if the incoming request has been upgraded
* isUpload() - Check if the incoming request is an upload verb

# Response API (ServerResponse)
Wraps all of the node [http.ServerResponse]( APIs, events and properties, plus the following.

* cache(type:String, options:Object) - sets the cache-control header. `type` defaults to _public_, and options currently only takes maxAge.
* noCache() - turns off all cache related headers.
* getTime() - returns ms since epoch when request was setup
* charSet(type:String) - Appends the provided character set to the response's Content-Type
* getCharSet() - get char set
* getHeaders() - retrieves all headers off the response
* setHeader(name:String, value:String) - sets headers on the response
* json(code:Number, content:Object, headers:Object) - short hand method for: `res.contentType = 'json'; res.send({hello: 'world'});`
* setLinkHeader(linkKey:String, rel:String) - sets the link header
* send(code:Number, content:Object|Error|Buffer) - sends the response object. convenience method that handles: writeHead(), write(), end() 
* setStatus(code:Number) - sets the http status code on the response

Plugins and useful links
* [Restocat Passport](
* [Restocat Logger](
* [Restocat Watcher](

* [Example](