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Test Coverage
import DocLayout from '../../../../components/DocLayout.js'

export default DocLayout

# JavaScript: CSS

yarn add --dev @elodin/generator-javascript-css

This generator is used with JavaScript. It renders to plain CSS and JavaScript files.<br />
The JavaScript files contain functions that return the correct className depending on passed variants.

## Usage

To use the Javascript generator, simply add it to your Elodin configuration and you're ready to go.

```javascript name=elodin.config.js
var { createGenerator } = require('@elodin/generator-javascript')

module.exports = {
  generator: createGenerator(),

## Configuration

| Option               | Type     | Default                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                       |
| -------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| devMode              | Boolean  | _false_                        | In devMode, class names contain human-readable prefixes that help to indentify the referenced style.                                                                              |
| dynamicImport        | Boolean  | _false_                        | By default, CSS files are required as soon as the corresponding JavaScript file is imported.<br />With dynamic imports, it is only imported once the function is actually called. |
| generateStyleName    | Function | _name => name_                 | A function that returns name of the JavaScript function that returns the class name. It takes the style name and returns a string.                                                |
| generateJSFileName   | Function | _module => module + ".elo"_    | A function that represents the JavaScript filename convention. It takes the style and module name. The `.js` extension is applied automatically.                                  |
| generateCSSFileName  | Function | _module => module + ".elo"_    | A function that represents the CSS filename convention. It takes the style and module name. The `.css` extension is applied automatically.                                        |
| generateVariantName  | Function | _name => uncapitalize(name)_   | A function that generates variant names in our JavaScript files. It represents the property key which we need to pass in order to apply variants.                                 |
| generateVariantValue | Function | _value => uncapitalize(value)_ | A function that generates variant values in our JavaScript files. It represents the variant value which we need to pass in order to apply variants.                               |

### Example

```javascript name=elodin.config.js
var { createGenerator } = require('@elodin/generator-javascript-css')

module.exports = {
  generator: createGenerator({
    devMode: true,
    dynamicImport: false,
    // makes all style functions being rendered with a Style postfix e.g. ButtonStyle
    generateStyleName: name => name + 'Style',
    // makes variant values uppercase e.g. variant: "PRIMARY"
    generateVariantValue: value => value.toUpperCase(),

## Feature Coverage

- Styles
- Primitives
- Variables
- Functions
- Variants
- Conditionals
  - Variants
  - Environment
    - Pseudo Classes
    - Media Queries


## Usage Examples

```elo name=button.elo
variant Variant {

style Button {
  paddingLeft: 10
  paddingRight: 10
  minWidth: $theme_widths_button
  [Variant=Primary] {
    backgroundColor: blue
  [Variant=Secondary] {
    backgroundColor: red

```css name=root.css
:root {
  --theme_widths_button: 120px;

### React

```javascript name=Button.js
import React from 'react'

import { Button as ButtonStyle } from './button.elo.js'

function Button({ children, variant = 'primary' }) {
  return <button className={ButtonStyle({ variant })}>{children}</button>