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# Changelog

With version 10, we introduced synced package versions, which means the Changelog no longer needs to sorted by dates but rather versions again.<br>
If you're searching for older logs, please check the [old changelog](

## 11.0

### 11.4.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-theme-value | ([#812]( Introducing a new plugin to access theme values directly |
| fela-plugin-pseudo-prefixer<br>fela-plugin-fullscreen-prefixer | ([#814]( Introducing 2 new plugins: a general pseudo prefixer and a specific `::fullscreen` prefixer built on top of that |
| fela<br>fela-dom | ([#813]( Added a new renderer config option called `specificityPrefix` that allows to prefix generated selectors with a global prefix |
| fela-dom | ([#811]( Renamed UMD output to `FelaDOM` to match previous versions |

### 11.3.2

| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-monolithic | Added the ability to pass a _className that's added to the monolithic className output |
| fela-dom | ([#805]( Added an UMD bundle |

### 11.3.1

| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela | ([#795]( Removes the warning when fonts are rendered with a query string attached |
| react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>jest-react-fela | ([#792]( Added typings for `fe` and `createSnapshot`<br>([#796]( Added typings for `rehydrate` and `targetDocument` props on `<Provider>` |

### 11.3.0

| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela<br>fela-dom | ([#780]( Added keyframes rehydration and improved the initial keyframe rendering performance |
| fela-utils | ([#782]( We now support `null` and `undefined` strings within `url()` values due to Base64 |
| fela | ([#779]( Fixed an issue when using `combineRules` with empty rules |
| react-fela | ([#776]( Added `ThemeContext` to the TypeScript definitions |

### 11.2.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela | ([#756]( Added a `generateClassName` function to renderer which can now be overwritten |
| fela<br>fela-dom<br>react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>infero-fela<br>reason-fela<br>fela-bindings | ([#768]( Added a new renderer option `styleNodeAttributes` for adding custom attributes to generated style nodes |
| fela-utils | ([#766]( Fixed IE 11 compatibility issues |
| fela-sort-media-query-mobile-first<br>fela-preset-web | ([#769]( Updated TypeScript definitions |
| fela<br>fela-plugin-prefixer<br>react-fela | ([#763]( Added UMD builds for these specific packages - more to come |

### 11.1.1 / 11.1.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>infero-fela<br>reason-fela<br>fela-bindings | ([#765]( Fixed some regressions with missing exports concerning `renderToNodeList` |

### 11.1.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| preact-fela | ([#759]( Upgraded Preact version to Preact X<br>([#760]( Added Preact Typings |
| react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>infero-fela<br>reason-fela<br>fela-bindings | ([#753]( Removed some old 10.x.x deprecated bindings<br>([#752]( Added a `renderToNodeList`-method that returns an array of `style` elements<br>([#764]( Fixed a bug where `className` was passed instead of `style` when using `FelaComponent` with `fela-native` |

### 11.0.1 / 11.0.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| reason-fela | More improvements to the ReasonML typings. |

### 11.0.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela<br>fela-dom | ([#750]( Added the `sortMediaQuery` config option for more flexible and dynamic media query sorting. It is backwards compatible and respects `mediaQueryOrder`, but we decided to do a major release nevertheless. |
| fela-plugin-responsive-value | ([#748]( Introducing a plugin to resolve responsive media query values. |
| fela-plugin-named-keys | ([#749]( The plugin now merges resolve key values with existing key values. |
| fela-dom | ([#741]( Fixed a bug where in devMode `@supports` rules weren't rendered correctly.<br />Fixed a big where static styles, keyframes and fonts were rendered twice. |

## 10.0
### 10.8.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| reason-fela | More improvements to the ReasonML typings. |

### 10.8.1
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| reason-fela | Several improvements to the ReasonML typings. |

### 10.8.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| reason-fela | Introducing official bindings for ReasonML. |

### 10.7.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-sort-media-query-order | ([#737]( Introducing a new enhancer that sorts a provided `mediaQueryOrder` using a mobile-first approach. |
| fela | ([#734]( Improved the way `_className` special keys are resolved in `combineRules`. |
| fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>inferno-fela<br>preact-fela | ([#736]( Improved the `hasDOM` helper to ensure non-browser environments render correctly. |

### 10.6.1
| fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>inferno-fela<br>preact-fela | ([#728]( Hotfix that broke SSR with the new `targetDocument` option. |

### 10.6.0
| fela-dom<br>fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>inferno-fela<br>preact-fela | ([#722]( Added the ability to pass a `targetDocument` for DOM rendering. Defaults to `window.document`. |

### 10.5.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-expand-shorthand | ([#711]( Introducing a new plugin to expand (and optionally merge) shorthand properties. |
| fela | ([#710]( Fixed a bug where font rendering returned invalid font faces. |

### 10.4.1
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-embedded | Rule props are now always passed to the keyframe in order to read values from theme. |
| fela | Keyframes are now cached after being processed by plugins. |
| fela-dom<br>fela | Reverted the `rendererId` option that was introduced in ([#667]( as it caused a couple of issues and is no longer neccessary with above changes. |

### 10.4.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-beautifier | Make sure beautify is only used in devMode since it otherwise breaks DOM rendering in specific cases. |
| fela-sort-classnames | Introducing a new enhancer that sorts class names alphabetically. This is helpful for SSR consistency due to browser differences in object key iteration. |

### 10.3.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela<br>fela-utils<br>fela-dom | ([#707]( Fixed a bug that caused rehydration mismatches when using dash-cased CSS property names. |
| fela-plugin-typescript | ([#701]( Introducing the new TypeScript plugin that adds type-safety for CSS properties and provides auto-completion.  |

### 10.2.3
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| react-fela | ([#697]( Improved TypeScript typins for the `useFela` hook API.<br>([#692]( Improved TypeScript typings for the `FelaRenderer` component. |
| react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>inferno-fela<br>fela-bindings | ([#695]( Improved TypeScript typins for the `connect` API. |
| fela-codemods | ([#691]( Fix `render` -> `as` conversion edge cases. Don't convert args of callbacks _inside_ an inline `style` function, only the args to the `style` callback itself. |

### 10.2.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-extend | ([#685]( Added style extension for edge cases that weren't respected before. |
| fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>inferno-fela | ([#686]( Refactored the `ThemeProvider` component to match the old behaviour with auto-merging themes. |
| react-fela | ([#683]( Added TypeScript typings for the new `useFela` hook API.<br>([#677]( Added TypeScript typings for the `FelaRenderer` component.<br>([#678]( Added a warning when `FelaComponent` is used without passing the `style` prop. |
| all | ([#680]( Added sideEffects property to all packages in order to support Tree-Shaking in Webpack. |

### 10.2.1
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-rtl | ([#673]( Added the ability to pass a default direction in order to support full theme-based rtl transformation. |
| react-fela | ([#674]( Performance optimisations for `useFela`. |
| fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>inferno-fela | ([#675]( Allowing `undefined` and `null` as valid values for style on `FelaRenderer` that used to throw. |

### 10.2.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela | ([#671]( Updated Typings to use union types instead of enums. |
| fela<br>fela-dom | ([#667]( Added the `rendererId` option to the renderer configuration which allows using multiple renderers with each maintaining their own set of style nodes. |
| fela-plugin-rtl<br>fela-plugin-bidi | ([#670]( Added the ability to switch the transformation direction dynamically using a special theme property.  |
| react-fela | ([#669]( Now correctly pass the theme to `useFela`'s props as well.<br>Now correctly pass `key` and `ref` to the `FelaComponent` directly instead of piping them to its rendered children. |
| fela-plugin-named-keys | Added the ability to dynamically set named keys using the given `props` of each rule. |

### 10.1.3
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| react-fela | ([#662]( Updates TypeScript typings for FelaTheme. |

### 10.1.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-extend<br>fela-dom | ([#658]( Fix handling of `undefined` items in `extend` arrays.
| fela-dom | ([#600]( Fixes `scoreIndex` mismatches with vendor-specific pseudo elements and selectors.|

### 10.1.1
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela<br>fela-dom | ([#656]( Improve DOM Rendering performance by caching the default sorting score.
| react-fela | ([#652]( Adds TypeScript typings for FelaComponent.<br>([#655]( Adds TypeScript typings for RendererContext. |

### 10.1.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| react-fela | ([#648]( Adds the new useFela hook API. |

### 10.0.2
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-bindings<br>react-fela<br>preact-fela<br>inferno-fela | ([#645]( Removed unnecessary shouldComponentUpdate in ThemeProvider due to the new Context API.<br>([#646]( Fixed false-positive Provider deprecation warnings.<br>([#647]( Now exposing both RendererContext and ThemeContext to be used with useContext. |

### 10.0.1
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| fela-plugin-custom-property<br>fela-plugin-embedded<br>fela-plugin-extend<br>fela-plugin-native-media-query<br>fela-plugin-simulate<br>fela-tools | ([#644]( Fixed some old peerDependecies. |
| fela | ([#644]( Improved TypeScript typings. |

### 10.0.0
| Package | Changes |
| --- | --- |
| react-fela<br>inferno-fela<br>preact-fela | ([#637]( Migrated to the new Context API.<br>([#636]( FelaComponent and FelaTheme introduced some major changes. Please check the migration guide for information. |
| fela-dom | ([#633]( Style nodes are now correctly selected. |