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namespace Rostenkowski\Resize;

use Nette\Application\Responses\FileResponse;
use Nette\Http\FileUpload;
use Nette\Utils\Image;
use Nette\Utils\Strings;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Directory\Directory;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Entity\EmptyImage;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Entity\ImageEnvelope;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Exceptions\ImageTypeException;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Exceptions\InvalidCacheDirectoryException;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Exceptions\UploaderException;
use Rostenkowski\Resize\Files\ImageFile;

 * Image file storage
 * - The images are stored in a regular files in the given `$directory`.
 * - The files are organized in a 2-level directory structure with maximum of 256² directories.
 * - The directory tree is well balanced thanks to the image hashes used for the directory path creation.
 * - The storage stores only one file even if the same image is stored multiple times, thus images should be
 *   deleted only after it is sure it is not referenced from other entities.
 * - The image thumbnails are created on demand and cached in the `$cacheDirectory`.
class ImageStorage implements Storage

     * The directory to store the images in
     * @var Directory
    private $directory;

     * The image type -> file extension map
     * @var array
    private $extensions = array(Image::JPEG => 'jpg', Image::PNG => 'png', Image::GIF => 'gif');

     * The image type -> MIME type map
     * @var array
    private $mimeTypes = array(Image::JPEG => 'image/jpeg', Image::PNG => 'image/png', Image::GIF => 'image/gif');

     * The public accessible URL of the cache directory
     * @var string
    private $baseUrl;

     * The cache directory
     * @var Directory
    private $cacheDirectory;

     * Constructs the image file storage from the given arguments.
     * @param string  $directory The directory to store the images in
     * @param string  $cacheDirectory
     * @param string  $baseUrl
     * @param boolean $tryCreateDirectories
    public function __construct($directory, $cacheDirectory, $baseUrl = '/cache/', $tryCreateDirectories = true)
        $this->directory = new Directory($directory, $tryCreateDirectories);
        $this->cacheDirectory = new Directory($cacheDirectory, $tryCreateDirectories);

        if ($this->directory->is($this->cacheDirectory)) {
            throw new InvalidCacheDirectoryException($cacheDirectory);


     * Fetches the cached copy of an image by given request.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return Image
    public function fetch(Request $request)
        $filename = $this->createCacheFilename($request);

        return Image::fromFile($filename);

     * Fetches the original image by the given image meta information.
     * @param  Meta $meta The stored image meta information
     * @return Image The stored image
    public function original(Meta $meta)
        return Image::fromFile($this->createFilename($meta));

     * Removes the image from the storage by the given image meta information.
     * @param  Meta $meta The image information
     * @return ImageStorage Fluent interface
    public function remove(Meta $meta)

        return $this;

     * Checks if an image of the given meta information is stored in the storage.
     * @param  Meta $meta The image meta information
     * @return boolean TRUE if image is present in the storage or FALSE otherwise
    public function contains(Meta $meta)
        return file_exists($this->createFilename($meta));

     * Stores the given uploaded file.
     * @param  FileUpload $upload
     * @param  meta       $meta
     * @return ImageStorage Fluent interface
     * @throws UploaderException
    public function upload(FileUpload $upload, Meta $meta)
        if ($upload->getError()) {
            throw new UploaderException($upload->getError());

        $source = $upload->getTemporaryFile();
        $this->readMeta($source, $meta);
        $target = $this->createFilename($meta);

        if (!$this->contains($meta)) {
            $image = Image::fromFile($source);
            $image->resize(1920, 1080);
        if (file_exists($source)) {


        return $this;

     * Returns the URL of the cached version of the image.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return string  The URL of the image
    public function link(Request $request)
        $filePath = $this->createFilePath($request);

        return "$this->baseUrl$filePath";

     * Creates the file download HTTP response which can be easily sent using the `send()` method.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return FileResponse
    public function download(Request $request)
        $filename = $this->createCacheFilename($request);

        return new FileResponse($filename, basename($filename), $request->getMeta()->getType());

     * Renders the image directly to the standard output.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return ImageStorage Fluent interface
    public function send(Request $request)
        $filename = $this->createCacheFilename($request);
        $fp = fopen($filename, 'r');
        header("Content-type: " . $this->getMimeType($request->getMeta()->getType()));

        return $this;

     * Checks that the cached version of the image exists and creates it if not.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return string  The file name of the existing cached version of an image
    private function checkImage(Request $request)
        $filename = $this->createCacheFilename($request);

        if (!file_exists($filename)) {

            $meta = $request->getMeta();

            if (!$this->contains($meta)) {

                // Use another meta
                $meta = new EmptyImage();
                $filename = $this->createCacheFilename($request);


            $original = $this->original($meta);

            if ($request->getCrop()) {
                $image = $this->crop($original, $request);
            } else {
                $image = $this->resize($original, $request);
            new Directory(dirname($filename));
            $image->save($filename, 75, $meta->getType());

     * Returns the file name of the cached version of the image.
     * @param Request $request
     * @return string The file name of the cached version of the image
    private function createCacheFilename(Request $request)
        $filePath = $this->createFilePath($request);

        return "$this->cacheDirectory/$filePath";

     * Crops the given image using the given image request options.
     * @param  Image   $image   The image to resize
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return Image   The image thumbnail
    private function crop(Image $image, Request $request)
        if ($request->getDimensions() === Request::ORIGINAL) {

            return $image;

        list($width, $height) = $this->processDimensions($request->getDimensions());

        $resizeWidth = $width;
        $resizeHeight = $height;

        $originalWidth = $request->getMeta()->getWidth();
        $originalHeight = $request->getMeta()->getHeight();
        $originalLandscape = $originalWidth > $originalHeight;

        $cropLandscape = $width > $height;
        $equals = $width === $height;

        if ($originalLandscape) {

            if ($cropLandscape) {

                $coefficient = $originalHeight / $height;
                $scaledWidth = round($originalWidth / $coefficient);

                $left = round(($scaledWidth - $width) / 2);
                $top = 0;

                if ($scaledWidth < $width) {
                    $coefficient = $originalWidth / $width;
                    $scaledHeight = round($originalHeight / $coefficient);

                    $left = 0;
                    $top = round(($scaledHeight - $height) / 2);

            } else {

                $coefficient = $originalHeight / $height;
                $scaledWidth = round($originalWidth / $coefficient);

                $left = round(($scaledWidth - $width) / 2);
                $top = 0;

        } else {

            if ($cropLandscape || $equals) {

                $coefficient = $originalWidth / $width;
                $scaledHeight = round($originalHeight / $coefficient);

                $left = 0;
                $top = round(($scaledHeight - $height) / 2);

            } else {

                $coefficient = $originalHeight / $height;
                $scaledWidth = round($originalWidth / $coefficient);

                $left = round(($scaledWidth - $width) / 2);
                $top = 0;


        $image->resize($resizeWidth, $resizeHeight, Image::FILL);
        $image->crop($left, $top, $width, $height);

        return $image;

     * Resizes the given image to the given dimensions using given flags.
     * @param  Image   $image   The image to resize
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return Image   The image thumbnail
    private function resize(Image $image, Request $request)
        if ($request->getDimensions() === Request::ORIGINAL) {

            return $image;

        list($width, $height) = $this->processDimensions($request->getDimensions());

        return $image->resize($width, $height, $request->getFlags());

     * Returns the part of the image filename relative to the cache directory.
     * @param  Request $request The image request
     * @return string
    private function createFilePath(Request $request)
        $dimensions = $request->getDimensions();
        $flags = $request->getFlags();
        $crop = (int) $request->getCrop();

        $meta = $request->getMeta();
        $ext = $this->getExtension($meta->getType());
        $baseFilePath = $this->createCacheDirectoryPath($meta->getHash());

        return "$baseFilePath.$dimensions.$flags.$crop.$ext";

     * Parses the given dimensions string for the image width and height.
     * @param  string $dimensions The dimensions string
     * @return array  The width and height of the image in pixels
    private function processDimensions($dimensions)
        if (strpos($dimensions, 'x') !== false) {
            list($width, $height) = explode('x', $dimensions); // different dimensions, eg. "210x150"
            $width = intval($width);
            $height = intval($height);
        } else {
            $width = intval($dimensions); // same dimensions, eg. "210" => 210x210
            $height = $width;

        return array($width, $height);

     * Returns the file extension for the given image type.
     * @param  integer $type The image type
     * @return string             The file extension
     * @throws ImageTypeException
    private function getExtension($type)
        if (!$type || !key_exists($type, $this->extensions)) {

            // SUDDEN DEATH
            throw new \Exception('images: get extension for type ' . var_export($type, true) . ' not found');

        return $this->extensions[$type];

     * Creates the internal directory path from the given hash.
     * Some special images like the "Image Not Available" image are stored
     * in directories prefixed with an underscore. Those directories are not
     * fragmented to hash based structure.
     * @param  string $hash Tha SHA1 hash
     * @return string
    private function createCacheDirectoryPath($hash)
        if ($hash{0} === '_') {
            return "$hash/$hash";

        return "$hash[0]$hash[1]/$hash[2]$hash[3]" . '/' . $hash;

     * Creates the absolute file name from the given meta information.
     * @param  Meta $meta The image meta information
     * @return string The absolute file name
    private function createFilename(Meta $meta)
        $path = $this->createDirectoryPath($meta->getHash());
        $ext = $this->getExtension($meta->getType());
        $hash = $meta->getHash();

        $filename = "$this->directory/$path/$hash.$ext";

        new Directory(dirname($filename));

        return $filename;

     * Creates the internal directory path from the given hash.
     * Some special images like the "Image Not Available" image are stored
     * in directories prefixed with an underscore. Those directories are not
     * fragmented to hash based structure.
     * @param  string $hash Tha SHA1 hash
     * @return string
    private function createDirectoryPath($hash)
        if ($hash{0} === '_') {
            return $hash;

        return "$hash[0]$hash[1]/$hash[2]$hash[3]";

     * Reads the image type from the given `$filename`, computes the image hash
     * and store these information in the given `$meta`.
     * @param string $filename The file to read the meta-data from
     * @param Meta   $meta     The object to store meta-data in
    private function readMeta($filename, Meta $meta)
        $info = getimagesize($filename);

     * Computes the SHA1 hash for the given file.
     * @param string $filename The file to compute the hash from
     * @return string The SHA1 hash of a file
    private function hash($filename)
        return sha1_file($filename);

     * Returns the image MIME type according to the given image type.
     * @param integer $imageType Image type
     * @return string
    protected function getMimeType($imageType)
        return $this->mimeTypes[$imageType];

     * Returns the original stored image filename.
     * @param Meta $meta Image meta information
     * @return string
    public function file(Meta $meta)
        return $this->createFilename($meta);

     * Returns the public accessible cache directory URL.
     * @return string
    public function getBaseUrl()
        return $this->baseUrl;

     * Sets the public accessible cache directory URL.
     * @param string $baseUrl
     * @return $this
    protected function setBaseUrl($baseUrl)
        if (!Strings::endsWith($baseUrl, '/')) {
            $baseUrl .= '/';
        $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;

        return $this;

    public function rotate(Meta $meta, $deg = 90)
        $original = $this->createFilename($meta);
        $backupName = $this->cacheDirectory . '/__rotate-backup';

        // Create rotated image
        copy($original, $backupName);

        exec(sprintf("convert -rotate $deg -strip %s %s", $original, $backupName));

        // Add new rotated image to storage
        $this->add(new ImageFile($backupName), $meta);


        return $this;

     * Adds an image from the given file to the storage.
     * @param ImageFile $file The image file to add
     * @param Meta      $meta
     * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
    public function add(ImageFile $file, Meta $meta)
        $this->readMeta($file->getName(), $meta);

        return copy($file->getName(), $this->createFilename($meta));
