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namespace RunTracy\Helpers\Profiler;

use RunTracy\Helpers\Profiler\Exception\EmptyStackException;
use RunTracy\Helpers\Profiler\Exception\ProfilerException;

 * Simple PHP class for profiling
 * @author   Petr Knap <>
 * @since    2015-12-13
 * @license MIT
class SimpleProfiler
    #region Meta keys
    const START_LABEL = 'start_label'; // string
    const START_TIME = 'start_time'; // float start time in seconds
    const START_MEMORY_USAGE = 'start_memory_usage'; // int amount of used memory at start in bytes
    const FINISH_LABEL = 'finish_label'; // string
    const FINISH_TIME = 'finish_time'; // float finish time in seconds
    const FINISH_MEMORY_USAGE = 'finish_memory_usage'; // int amount of used memory at finish in bytes
    const TIME_OFFSET = 'time_offset'; // float time offset in seconds
    const MEMORY_USAGE_OFFSET = 'memory_usage_offset'; // int amount of memory usage offset in bytes

     * @var bool
    protected static $enabled = false;

     * @var Profile[]
    protected static $stack = [];

     * memory_get_usage
     * @var boolean
    protected static $realUsage = false;

     * Enable profiler
    public static function enable($realUsage = false)
        static::$enabled = true;
        static::$realUsage = $realUsage ? true : false;

     * Disable profiler
    public static function disable()
        static::$enabled = false;

     * @return bool true if profiler is enabled, otherwise false
    public static function isEnabled()
        return static::$enabled;

     * @return boolean true if use realUsage memory, , otherwise false
    public static function isMemRealUsage()
        return static::$realUsage;

     * Start profiling
     * @param string $labelOrFormat
     * @param mixed $args [optional]
     * @return bool true on success or false on failure
    public static function start($labelOrFormat = null, $args = null)
        if (static::$enabled) {
            if ($args === null) {
                $label = $labelOrFormat;
            } else {
                /** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
                $label = call_user_func_array('sprintf', func_get_args());

            $now = microtime(true);

            $memoryUsage = static::$realUsage ? memory_get_usage(true) : memory_get_usage();

            $profile = new Profile();
            $profile->meta = [
                self::START_LABEL => $label,
                self::TIME_OFFSET => 0,
                self::MEMORY_USAGE_OFFSET => 0,
                self::START_TIME => $now,
                self::START_MEMORY_USAGE => $memoryUsage

            array_push(static::$stack, $profile);

            return true;

        return false;

     * Finish profiling and get result
     * @param string $labelOrFormat
     * @param mixed $args [optional]
     * @return bool|Profile profile on success or false on failure
     * @throws ProfilerException
    public static function finish($labelOrFormat = null, $args = null)
        if (static::$enabled) {
            $now = microtime(true);

            $memoryUsage = static::$realUsage ? memory_get_usage(true) : memory_get_usage();

            if (empty(static::$stack)) {
                throw new EmptyStackException('The stack is empty. Call ' . get_called_class() . '::start() first.');

            if ($args === null) {
                $label = $labelOrFormat;
            } else {
                /** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
                $label = call_user_func_array('sprintf', func_get_args());

            /** @var Profile $profile */
            $profile = array_pop(static::$stack);
            $profile->meta[self::FINISH_LABEL] = $label;
            $profile->meta[self::FINISH_TIME] = $now;
            $profile->meta[self::FINISH_MEMORY_USAGE] = $memoryUsage;
            $profile->absoluteDuration = $profile->meta[self::FINISH_TIME] - $profile->meta[self::START_TIME];
            $profile->duration = $profile->absoluteDuration - $profile->meta[self::TIME_OFFSET];
            $profile->absoluteMemoryUsageChange = $profile->meta[self::FINISH_MEMORY_USAGE] -
            $profile->memoryUsageChange = $profile->absoluteMemoryUsageChange -

            if (!empty(static::$stack)) {
                $timeOffset = &static::$stack[count(static::$stack) - 1]->meta[self::TIME_OFFSET];
                $timeOffset = $timeOffset + $profile->absoluteDuration;

                $memoryUsageOffset = &static::$stack[count(static::$stack) - 1]->meta[self::MEMORY_USAGE_OFFSET];
                $memoryUsageOffset = $memoryUsageOffset + $profile->absoluteMemoryUsageChange;

            return $profile;

        return false;