# frozen_string_literal: true
# A Pipeline is a series of steps that may be performed to complete a request.
# Steps are represented as a series of parent-child relationships reflecting
# transfer from one labware type to another.
# While Limber allows users to deviate from a pipeline, the series of steps
# specified defines the suggested 'green' route.
class Pipeline
include ActiveModel::Model
# The group the pipeline belongs to
attr_writer :pipeline_group
# The name of the pipeline. Currently used internally, but may get exposed to users
# in future.
# @return [String] Name of the pipeline
attr_accessor :name
def pipeline_group
# When no group is provided, default pipeline group to the pipeline name
@pipeline_group ||= name
# The filters that will be used to identify whether a plate belongs to a particular pipeline
# Keys should be attributes on request (eg. library_type) whereas values are either an array
# of acceptable values, or a single acceptable value
# @example
# pipeline.filters = { 'request_type_key' => 'library_request', 'library_type' => ['Stndard', 'Other'] }
# @return [Hash] Filter options
def filters
@filters || {}
# The plate types(s) for which to suggest library passing for this particular pipeline
# @return [Array, String]
attr_accessor :library_pass
# Hash of parent => child relationships. Indicates the steps which form part of this pipeline.
# Be aware, that this will restrict you to one child type per parent, per pipeline.
# Currently branching pipelines can be represented as two separate pipelines.
# @return [Hash<String>] Hash of parent (key) and child (value) relationships
attr_accessor :relationships
# Plate purpose that could be use as an alternative workline identifier in the barcode top right field
# when there are more than one ancestors that are Stock plates
attr_accessor :alternative_workline_identifier
# Checks if a piece of labware meets the filter criteria for a pipeline
# If there are no filter criteria, the pipeline could be active for any labware
# @param labware On load of plate / tube pages, is a Sequencescape::Api::V2::Plate / Sequencescape::Api::V2::Tube
# @return [Boolean] returns true if labware meets the filter criteria or there are no filters
def active_for?(labware)
return true if filters.blank?
labware.active_requests.any? do |request|
# For each attribute (eg. library_type) check that the matching property
# on request is included in the list of permitted values.
filters.all? do |request_attribute, permitted_values|
permitted_values.include? request.public_send(request_attribute)
def filters=(filters)
# Convert any singlular values to an array to provide a consistent interface
@filters = filters.transform_values { |value| Array(value) }
# Returns the suggested child purpose for the provided parent
# @return [String] The purpose name
def child_for(purpose)
# Returns true if the pipeline suggest library passing for the given purpose
# @param purpose [String] The name of the purpose being queried
# @return [Boolean] True if it should suggest passing
def library_pass?(purpose)