# frozen_string_literal: true
# Presenters handle the display of labware in the view.
module Presenters
# Returns the presenter class for a labware from purpose config. It can be
# specified as a string or hash with a name key. If found, the presenter
# class name is transformed into the actual class.
# As a string:
# <purpose_name>:
# presenter_class: <presenter_class_name>
# As a hash:
# <purpose_name>:
# presenter_class:
# name: <presenter_class_name>
# The reason for the hash is to allow for additional options other than just
# the class name.
# If the presenter class name is not found, it returns UnknownPlatePresenter
# or UnknownTubePresenter for plates and tubes. Otherwise It will raise
# UnknownLabwareType exception.
# @param labware [Labware] The labware to find the presenter for
# @return [Class] The presenter class for the labware
# @raise [UnknownLabwareType] If the presenter class is not found and labware type is not known
# :reek:TooManyStatements
def self.lookup_for(labware)
cls = Settings.purposes.fetch(labware.purpose&.uuid, {})[:presenter_class]
name = cls.is_a?(Hash) ? cls[:name] : cls
return name.constantize if name.present?
return Presenters::UnknownPlatePresenter if labware.plate?
return Presenters::UnknownTubePresenter if
raise UnknownLabwareType