# frozen_string_literal: true
module HamlLint
class Reporter
# A collection of hook methods for incremental processing.
module Hooks
# A hook that is called for each lint as it is detected.
# @param _lint [HamlLint::Lint] the lint added to the report
# @param _report [HamlLint::Report] the report that contains the lint
# @return [void]
def added_lint(_lint, _report); end
# A hook that is called for each file as it is finished processing.
# @param _file [String] the name of the file that just finished
# @param _lints [Array<HamlLint::Lint>] the lints added to the report
# @return [void]
def finished_file(_file, _lints); end
# A hook that is called when the processing starts.
# @param _files [Array<String>] the names of the files to be processed
# @return [void]
def start(_files); end