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Test Coverage
{{- /*
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
*/ -}}

{{- define "extra.docsSection" -}}
title: "Unsafe HTTPS"
category: "target"
type: "Website"
state: "released"
appVersion: "{{ template "chart.appVersion" . }}"
usecase: "Modern insecure web application"
{{- end }}

{{- define "extra.dockerDeploymentSection" -}}
## Supported Tags
- `latest`  (represents the latest stable release build)
- tagged releases, e.g. `3.0.0`, `2.9.0`, `2.8.0`, `2.7.0`
{{- end }}

{{- define "extra.chartAboutSection" -}}
## What is "Unsafe HTTPS"?

Unsafe https Server for SSL Checking.
Can be used for scanners that check for unsafe ssl certificates, as the server uses a self-signed certificate
which contains both private and public key and is not authorized by a third party.

### Source Code

* <>

{{- end }}

{{- define "extra.scannerConfigurationSection" -}}{{- end }}

{{- define "extra.chartConfigurationSection" -}}{{- end }}

{{- define "extra.scannerLinksSection" -}}
{{- end }}