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Test Coverage
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: zap-advanced-scan-config
  2-zap-advanced-scan.yaml: |-

      # Sets the ZAP Session name
      sessionName: integration-test
      # Configures existings ZAP Scripts or add new ZAP Scripts.
        - name: "Alert_on_HTTP_Response_Code_Errors.js"
          enabled: true
          filePath: "/home/zap/.ZAP_D/scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_HTTP_Response_Code_Errors.js"
          engine: "Oracle Nashorn"
          type: "httpsender"
          description: "A HTTP Sender Script which will raise alerts based on HTTP Response codes."
        - name: "Alert_on_Unexpected_Content_Types.js"
          enabled: true
          filePath: "/home/zap/.ZAP_D/scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_Unexpected_Content_Types.js"
          engine: "Oracle Nashorn"
          type: "httpsender"
          description: "A HTTP Sender Script which will raise alerts based on unexpected Content-Types."

    # ZAP Contexts Configuration 
      # Name to be used to refer to this context in other jobs, mandatory
      - name: scb-petstore-context
        # The top level url, mandatory, everything under this will be included. IMPORTANT: must be the hostname without any subpath!
        url: http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/
        # An optional list of regexes to include
          - "http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/v2.*"
        # An optional list of regexes to exclude
          - ".*\\.css"
          - ".*\\.png"
          - ".*\\.jpeg"

      - name: scb-petstore-api
        # -- The Name of the context (zapConfiguration.contexts[x].name) to spider, default: first context available.
        context: scb-petstore-context
        # -- format of the API ('openapi', 'grapql', 'soap')
        format: openapi
        # -- Url to start spidering from, default: first context URL
        url: http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/v2/swagger.json
        # -- Override host setting in swagger.json
        hostOverride: http://petstore.demo-targets.svc

    # ZAP Spiders Configuration 
      - name: scb-petstore-spider
        # String: Name of the context to spider, default: first context
        context: scb-petstore-context
        # String: Url to start spidering from, default: first context URL
        url: http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/v2/
        # Int: Fail if spider finds less than the specified number of URLs, default: 0
        failIfFoundUrlsLessThan: 0
        # Int: Warn if spider finds less than the specified number of URLs, default: 0
        warnIfFoundUrlsLessThan: 0
        # Int: The max time in minutes the spider will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
        maxDuration: 1
        # Int: The maximum tree depth to explore, default 5
        maxDepth: 5
        # Int: The maximum number of children to add to each node in the tree                     
        maxChildren: 10
        # Bool: Whether the spider will accept cookies, default: true
        acceptCookies: true
        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse HTML comments in order to find URLs, default: true
        parseComments: true
        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse Git metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
        parseGit: false
        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'robots.txt' files in order to find URLs, default: true
        parseRobotsTxt: false
        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'sitemap.xml' files in order to find URLs, default: true
        parseSitemapXml: false
        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse SVN metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
        parseSVNEntries: false
        # Bool: Whether the spider will submit POST forms, default: true
        postForm: true
        # Bool: Whether the spider will process forms, default: true
        processForm: true
        # Int: The time between the requests sent to a server in milliseconds, default: 200
        requestWaitTime: 200
        # Bool: Whether the spider will send the referer header, default: true
        sendRefererHeader: true
        # Int: The number of spider threads, default: 2             
        threadCount: 2
        # String: The user agent to use in requests, default: '' - use the default ZAP one               
        userAgent: "secureCodeBox / ZAP Spider"

    # ZAP ActiveScans Configuration 
      - name: scb-petstore-scan
        # String: Name of the context to attack, default: first context
        context: scb-petstore-context
        # String: Url to start scaning from, default: first context URL
        url: http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/v2/
        # String: Name of the scan policy to be used, default: Default Policy
        policy: "API-Minimal"
        # Int: The max time in minutes any individual rule will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
        maxRuleDurationInMins: 1
        # Int: The max time in minutes the active scanner will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited          
        maxScanDurationInMins: 5
        # Int: The max number of threads per host, default: 2
        threadPerHost: 5
        # Int: The delay in milliseconds between each request, use to reduce the strain on the target, default 0
        delayInMs: 0
        # Bool: If set will add an extra query parameter to requests that do not have one, default: false
        addQueryParam: false
        # Bool: If set then automatically handle anti CSRF tokens, default: false
        handleAntiCSRFTokens: false
        # Bool: If set then the relevant rule Id will be injected into the X-ZAP-Scan-ID header of each request, default: false           
        injectPluginIdInHeader: false
        # Bool: If set then the headers of requests that do not include any parameters will be scanned, default: false
        scanHeadersAllRequests: false

apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
  name: "zap-advanced-api-scan-petstore"
  scanType: "zap-advanced-scan"
    # target URL including the protocol
    - "-t"
    - "http://petstore.demo-targets.svc/"
    - name: zap-advanced-scan-config
      mountPath: /home/securecodebox/configs/2-zap-advanced-scan.yaml
      subPath: 2-zap-advanced-scan.yaml
      readOnly: true
    - name: zap-advanced-scan-config
        name: zap-advanced-scan-config