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Test Coverage
name: Other
about: Open an issue that does not fall directly into the other categories
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''


If you don't follow the issue template, your issue may be closed.
Please note this is an issue tracker, not a support forum.
For general questions, please use StackOverflow or Slack.

## Issue Description

A clear and concise description of what is this issue about.

If applicable, you can add some code. In this case, an SSCCE/MCVE/reprex is much better than just an isolated code snippet.

Check or to learn more about SSCCE/MCVE/reprex.

### StackOverflow / Slack attempts

If you have tried asking on StackOverflow / Slack about this, add a link to that here.

### Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the issue here.

## Issue Template Checklist

<!-- Please answer the questions below. If you don't, your issue may be closed. -->

### Is this issue dialect-specific?

- [ ] No. This issue is relevant to Sequelize as a whole.
- [ ] Yes. This issue only applies to the following dialect(s): XXX, YYY, ZZZ
- [ ] I don't know.

### Would you be willing to resolve this issue by submitting a Pull Request?

<!-- Remember that first contributors are welcome! -->

- [ ] Yes, I have the time and I know how to start.
- [ ] Yes, I have the time but I don't know how to start, I would need guidance.
- [ ] No, I don't have the time, although I believe I could do it if I had the time...
- [ ] No, I don't have the time and I wouldn't even know how to start.