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# Documentation

The sequelize documentation is divided in two parts:

- Tutorials, guides, and example based documentation are written in Markdown
- The API reference is generated automatically from source code comments with [ESDoc]( (which uses [JSDoc]( syntax).

The whole documentation is rendered using ESDoc and continuously deployed to Github Pages at The output is produced in the `esdoc` folder.

The tutorials, written in markdown, are located in the `docs` folder. ESDoc is configured to find them in the `"manual"` field of `.esdoc.json`.

To generate the docs locally, run `npm run docs` and open the generated `esdoc/index.html` in your favorite browser.

## Articles and example based docs

Write markdown, and have fun :)

## API docs

Change the source code documentation comments, using JSDoc syntax, and rerun `npm run docs` to see your changes.