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# napa [![Build Status](]( [![AppVeyor](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![David](]( [![js-standard-style](](

A helper for installing repos without a `package.json` with npm.


## usage

Install with `npm install napa --save-dev` then setup your local `package.json` scripts as such:

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa username/repo"

Now when you run `npm install` it will `git clone git:// node_modules/repo`.

### Want to name the package something else?

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa username/repo:adifferentname"

Now it will install to `node_modules/adifferentname`.

### Want to install a package not on github?

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa git://"

### Multiple packages?

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa user/repo1:dude user/repo2:rad user/repo3:cool"

### Prefer a more structured approach?

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa"
  "napa": {
    "foo": "username/repo",
    "bar": ""

### Looking to just download a tagged release/a branch/a specific commit on github or just a zip or tar.gz url?

  "scripts": {
    "install": "napa"
  "napa": {
    "foo": "username/repo#v1.2.3",
    "bar": "username/bar#some-branch",
    "baz": "username/baz#347259472813400c7a982690acaa516292a8be40",
    "qoo": "",
    "fuz": "git+",
    "goo": "git+ssh://"

### Additional configuration

The application currently supports the following configuration options under a `napa-config` property in `package.json`.

Option name | Default value | Desctiption
`cache` | `true` | Set to `false` to completely disable package caching
`cache-path` | [`'<OS temp>/cache'`]( | Override default path to a specific location<br>(relative to the current working directory)
`log-level` | `'info'`  | Set the log level: `'silent'`/`'error'`/`'warn'`/`'verbose'`/`'silly'`

  "napa-config": {
    "cache": false,
    "cache-path": "../.napa-cache",
    "log-level": "error"

### Using Node.js < 4?
Please use `npm install napa@2.3.0` and upgrade your Node.js.

## Release History

Please view for history.

* `2.0.1` - Fix path must be a string error ([@caseyWebb](//
* `2.0.0` - Better detection for GitHub repos, fixes when creating a `package.json`, cached git `#tag` urls now get updated properly ([@tomekwi](// Add config options for disabling cache or setting cache path ([@bbsbb](// Fix for npm 3 erroring when `.git` folder present ([@caseyWebb](// Updating dependencies.
* `1.2.0` - Callback optional with CLI and do not ignore `.gitignore` files when unpacking ([@dai-shi](//
* `1.1.0` - Upgrade download for better downloads behind proxies ([@msieurtoph](//
* `1.0.2` - Fix references to git specifiers. Thanks [@jsdevel](//!
* `1.0.1` - Fix path to CLI.
* `1.0.0` - Avoids duplicate installs and will install from cache.
* `0.4.1` - Fix git reporting non-errors on stderr by running in quiet mode.
* `0.4.0` - Add `strip: 1` when downloading to avoid untarring within a sub-directory. Thanks [@seei](//!
* `0.3.0` - Ability to download packages using any URL
* `0.2.0` - Ability to set packages using napa key in `package.json`
* `0.1.1` - `--depth 1` for faster cloning
* `0.1.0` - initial release

## License
Copyright (c) 2017 Kyle Robinson Young
Licensed under the MIT license.