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2 days
Test Coverage
 * color-blind
 * This source was copied from
 * It contains modifications for use in node.js.
 * The original copyright is included below.
 * Here is a license note copied/edited from (
 *  20221013 UPDATE
 *      HCIRN appears to no longer exist. This makes it impractical
 *      for users to obtain permission from HCIRN in order to use
 *      this file for commercial works. Instead:
 *      This work is licensed under a
 *      Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    The Color Blindness Simulation function is
    copyright (c) 2000-2001 by Matthew Wickline and the
    Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network ( ).
    It is used with the permission of Matthew Wickline and HCIRN,
    and is freely available for non-commercial use. For commercial use, please
    contact the Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network ( ).

    blind.protan =
        cpu = 0.735; // confusion point, u coord
        cpv = 0.265; // confusion point, v coord
        abu = 0.115807; // color axis begining point (473nm), u coord
        abv = 0.073581; // color axis begining point (473nm), v coord
        aeu = 0.471899; // color axis ending point (574nm), u coord
        aev = 0.527051; // color axis ending point (574nm), v coord
    blind.deutan =
        cpu =  1.14; // confusion point, u coord
        cpv = -0.14; // confusion point, v coord
        abu = 0.102776; // color axis begining point (477nm), u coord
        abv = 0.102864; // color axis begining point (477nm), v coord
        aeu = 0.505845; // color axis ending point (579nm), u coord
        aev = 0.493211; // color axis ending point (579nm), v coord
    blind.tritan =
        cpu =  0.171; // confusion point, u coord
        cpv = -0.003; // confusion point, v coord
        abu = 0.045391; // color axis begining point (490nm), u coord
        abv = 0.294976; // color axis begining point (490nm), v coord
        aeu = 0.665764; // color axis ending point (610nm), u coord
        aev = 0.334011; // color axis ending point (610nm), v coord
    m = (aev - abv) / (aeu - abu); // slope of color axis
    yi = blind[t].abv - blind[t].abu * blind[t].m; // "y-intercept" of axis (on the "v" axis at u=0)

'use strict';

var colorProfile = 'sRGB';
var gammaCorrection = 2.2;
var matrixXyzRgb = [
    3.240712470389558, -0.969259258688888, 0.05563600315398933,
    -1.5372626602963142, 1.875996969313966, -0.2039948802843549,
    -0.49857440415943116, 0.041556132211625726, 1.0570636917433989
var matrixRgbXyz = [
    0.41242371206635076, 0.21265606784927693, 0.019331987577444885,
    0.3575793401363035, 0.715157818248362, 0.11919267420354762,
    0.1804662232369621, 0.0721864539171564, 0.9504491124870351
// xy: coordinates, m: slope, yi: y-intercept
var blinder = {
    protan: {
        x: 0.7465,
        y: 0.2535,
        m: 1.273463,
        yi: -0.073894
    deutan: {
        x: 1.4,
        y: -0.4,
        m: 0.968437,
        yi: 0.003331
    tritan: {
        x: 0.1748,
        y: 0,
        m: 0.062921,
        yi: 0.292119
    custom: {
        x: 0.735,
        y: 0.265,
        m: -1.059259,
        yi: 1.026914

var convertRgbToXyz = function (o) {
    var M = matrixRgbXyz;
    var z = {};
    var R = o.R / 255;
    var G = o.G / 255;
    var B = o.B / 255;
    if (colorProfile === 'sRGB') {
        R = (R > 0.04045) ? Math.pow(((R + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : R / 12.92;
        G = (G > 0.04045) ? Math.pow(((G + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : G / 12.92;
        B = (B > 0.04045) ? Math.pow(((B + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : B / 12.92;
    } else {
        R = Math.pow(R, gammaCorrection);
        G = Math.pow(G, gammaCorrection);
        B = Math.pow(B, gammaCorrection);
    z.X = R * M[0] + G * M[3] + B * M[6];
    z.Y = R * M[1] + G * M[4] + B * M[7];
    z.Z = R * M[2] + G * M[5] + B * M[8];
    return z;

var convertXyzToXyy = function (o) {
    var n = o.X + o.Y + o.Z;
    if (n === 0) {
        return {x: 0, y: 0, Y: o.Y};
    return {x: o.X / n, y: o.Y / n, Y: o.Y};

exports.Blind = function (rgb, type, anomalize) {
    var z, v, n,
        line, c, slope,
        yi, dx, dy,
        dX, dY, dZ,
        dR, dG, dB,
        _r, _g, _b,
        ngx, ngz, M,
    if (type === "achroma") { // D65 in sRGB
        z = rgb.R * 0.212656 + rgb.G * 0.715158 + rgb.B * 0.072186;
        z = {R: z, G: z, B: z};
        if (anomalize) {
            v = 1.75;
            n = v + 1;
            z.R = (v * z.R + rgb.R) / n;
            z.G = (v * z.G + rgb.G) / n;
            z.B = (v * z.B + rgb.B) / n;
        return z;
    line = blinder[type];
    c = convertXyzToXyy(convertRgbToXyz(rgb));
    // The confusion line is between the source color and the confusion point
    slope = (c.y - line.y) / (c.x - line.x);
    yi = c.y - c.x * slope; // slope, and y-intercept (at x=0)
    // Find the change in the x and y dimensions (no Y change)
    dx = (line.yi - yi) / (slope - line.m);
    dy = (slope * dx) + yi;
    dY = 0;
    // Find the simulated colors XYZ coords
    z = {};
    z.X = dx * c.Y / dy;
    z.Y = c.Y;
    z.Z = (1 - (dx + dy)) * c.Y / dy;
    // Calculate difference between sim color and neutral color
    ngx = 0.312713 * c.Y / 0.329016; // find neutral grey using D65 white-point
    ngz = 0.358271 * c.Y / 0.329016;
    dX = ngx - z.X;
    dZ = ngz - z.Z;
    // find out how much to shift sim color toward neutral to fit in RGB space
    M = matrixXyzRgb;
    dR = dX * M[0] + dY * M[3] + dZ * M[6]; // convert d to linear RGB
    dG = dX * M[1] + dY * M[4] + dZ * M[7];
    dB = dX * M[2] + dY * M[5] + dZ * M[8];
    z.R = z.X * M[0] + z.Y * M[3] + z.Z * M[6]; // convert z to linear RGB
    z.G = z.X * M[1] + z.Y * M[4] + z.Z * M[7];
    z.B = z.X * M[2] + z.Y * M[5] + z.Z * M[8];
    _r = ((z.R < 0 ? 0 : 1) - z.R) / dR;
    _g = ((z.G < 0 ? 0 : 1) - z.G) / dG;
    _b = ((z.B < 0 ? 0 : 1) - z.B) / dB;
    _r = (_r > 1 || _r < 0) ? 0 : _r;
    _g = (_g > 1 || _g < 0) ? 0 : _g;
    _b = (_b > 1 || _b < 0) ? 0 : _b;
    adjust = _r > _g ? _r : _g;
    if (_b > adjust) {
        adjust = _b;
    // shift proportionally...
    z.R += adjust * dR;
    z.G += adjust * dG;
    z.B += adjust * dB;
    // apply gamma and clamp simulated color...
    z.R = 255 * (z.R <= 0 ? 0 : z.R >= 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(z.R, 1 / gammaCorrection));
    z.G = 255 * (z.G <= 0 ? 0 : z.G >= 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(z.G, 1 / gammaCorrection));
    z.B = 255 * (z.B <= 0 ? 0 : z.B >= 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(z.B, 1 / gammaCorrection));
    if (anomalize) {
        v = 1.75;
        n = v + 1;
        z.R = (v * z.R + rgb.R) / n;
        z.G = (v * z.G + rgb.G) / n;
        z.B = (v * z.B + rgb.B) / n;
    return z;