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Trailing spaces

You can provide as many wheel files as you want. 
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD009 - Trailing spaces

Tags: whitespace

Aliases: no-trailing-spaces

Parameters: br_spaces (number; default: 0)

This rule is triggered on any lines that end with whitespace. To fix this, find the line that is triggered and remove any trailing spaces from the end.

The brspaces parameter allows an exception to this rule for a specific amount of trailing spaces used to insert an explicit line break/br element. For example, set brspaces to 2 to allow exactly 2 spaces at the end of a line.

Note: you have to set brspaces to 2 or higher for this exception to take effect - you can't insert a br element with just a single trailing space, so if you set brspaces to 1, the exception will be disabled, just as if it was set to the default of 0.

Trailing punctuation in header

## v1.2:
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD026 - Trailing punctuation in header

Tags: headers

Aliases: no-trailing-punctuation

Parameters: punctuation (string; default ".,;:!?")

This rule is triggered on any header that has a punctuation character as the last character in the line:

# This is a header.

To fix this, remove any trailing punctuation:

# This is a header

Note: The punctuation parameter can be used to specify what characters class as punctuation at the end of the header. For example, you can set it to '.,;:!' to allow headers with question marks in them, such as might be used in an FAQ.

Multiple top level headers in the same document

# Installation
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD025 - Multiple top level headers in the same document

Tags: headers

Aliases: single-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when a top level header is in use (the first line of the file is a h1 header), and more than one h1 header is in use in the document:

# Top level header

# Another top level header

To fix, structure your document so that there is a single h1 header that is the title for the document, and all later headers are h2 or lower level headers:

# Title

## Header

## Another header

Rationale: A top level header is a h1 on the first line of the file, and serves as the title for the document. If this convention is in use, then there can not be more than one title for the document, and the entire document should be contained within this header.

Note: The level parameter can be used to change the top level (ex: to h2) in cases where an h1 is added externally.

Header style

## v1.2:
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Multiple top level headers in the same document

# Change log
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD025 - Multiple top level headers in the same document

Tags: headers

Aliases: single-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when a top level header is in use (the first line of the file is a h1 header), and more than one h1 header is in use in the document:

# Top level header

# Another top level header

To fix, structure your document so that there is a single h1 header that is the title for the document, and all later headers are h2 or lower level headers:

# Title

## Header

## Another header

Rationale: A top level header is a h1 on the first line of the file, and serves as the title for the document. If this convention is in use, then there can not be more than one title for the document, and the entire document should be contained within this header.

Note: The level parameter can be used to change the top level (ex: to h2) in cases where an h1 is added externally.

Header style

# Change log
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Header style

# Usage
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Header style

# Installation
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD003 - Header style

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-style

Parameters: style ("consistent", "atx", "atxclosed", "setext", "setextwith_atx"; default "consistent")

This rule is triggered when different header styles (atx, setext, and 'closed' atx) are used in the same document:

# ATX style H1

## Closed ATX style H2 ##

Setext style H1

Be consistent with the style of header used in a document:

# ATX style H1

## ATX style H2

The setextwithatx doc style allows atx-style headers of level 3 or more in documents with setext style headers:

Setext style H1

Setext style H2

### ATX style H3

Note: the configured header style can be a specific style to use (atx, atxclosed, setext, setextwith_atx), or simply require that the usage be consistent within the document.

Multiple top level headers in the same document

# Usage
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD025 - Multiple top level headers in the same document

Tags: headers

Aliases: single-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when a top level header is in use (the first line of the file is a h1 header), and more than one h1 header is in use in the document:

# Top level header

# Another top level header

To fix, structure your document so that there is a single h1 header that is the title for the document, and all later headers are h2 or lower level headers:

# Title

## Header

## Another header

Rationale: A top level header is a h1 on the first line of the file, and serves as the title for the document. If this convention is in use, then there can not be more than one title for the document, and the entire document should be contained within this header.

Note: The level parameter can be used to change the top level (ex: to h2) in cases where an h1 is added externally.

Trailing spaces

It requires `strip` to be available in PATH, and will refuse to run 
Severity: Info
Found in by markdownlint

MD009 - Trailing spaces

Tags: whitespace

Aliases: no-trailing-spaces

Parameters: br_spaces (number; default: 0)

This rule is triggered on any lines that end with whitespace. To fix this, find the line that is triggered and remove any trailing spaces from the end.

The brspaces parameter allows an exception to this rule for a specific amount of trailing spaces used to insert an explicit line break/br element. For example, set brspaces to 2 to allow exactly 2 spaces at the end of a line.

Note: you have to set brspaces to 2 or higher for this exception to take effect - you can't insert a br element with just a single trailing space, so if you set brspaces to 1, the exception will be disabled, just as if it was set to the default of 0.
