

0 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi\Tasks;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Context;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\StrictObject;

class TaskQueue {

    use StrictObject;

    private Context $context;

    /** Run queued tasks after this time interval passes (in seconds). */
    public static float $interval = 0.25;

    /** For measuring time. */
    private float $timer;

     * FIFO queue for scheduling tasks.
     * @var array<array{TaskInterface, float}>
    private array $queue = [];

     * Random ID for this queue instance (safer than spl_object_id() or similar
     * for checking uniqueness).
    private string $id;

    public function __construct(Context $ctx) {
        $this->id = Func::unique_id();
        $this->context = $ctx;
        $this->timer = Func::monotime();

    public function getId(): string {
        return $this->id;

    public function addTask(TaskInterface $task, float $delay = 0): void {

        $eta = Func::monotime() + $delay;
        $this->queue[] = [$task, $eta];


    public function tick(): void {

        if (!$this->queue) {

        if ((Func::monotime() - $this->timer) < self::$interval) {

        $this->timer = Func::monotime();


     * Run all remaining tasks.
     * Tasks with ETA in the future are skipped and kept in the queue..
    public function deplete(): void {

     * Execute queued tasks. Tasks with ETA in the future will be skipped
     * and placed into the queue again, unless `$force` parameter is `true`, in
     * which case all tasks, regardless on their ETA, will be executed.
    private function executeQueued(bool $force = \false): void {

        // Because asynchronous events (e.g. signals) could modify (add tasks to)
        // the $queue property while we're iterating through it, and
        // the same (adding more tasks) could be done by any tasks we're now
        // actually going to execute, we need to handle these edge-case
        // situations.

        // Create a copy of the queue and empty the main queue, so that any
        // new entries are added to the empty queue.
        [$queue, $this->queue] = [$this->queue, []];

        $skipped = [];
        foreach ($queue as [$task, $eta]) {

            if ($eta > Func::monotime() && !$force) {
                $skipped[] = [$task, $eta];



        // If there were any tasks skipped, add it to the end of the "cleared"
        // queue (but which may now already have new tasks in it. See above.)
        if ($skipped) {
            $this->queue = \array_merge($this->queue, $skipped);


    private function executeTask(TaskInterface $task): void {
